]> gerrit.simantics Code Review - simantics/platform.git/blob - bundles/org.simantics.db.layer0/src/org/simantics/db/layer0/util/ModelTransferableGraphSource.java
Added property SEL.hidden that is tested in VariablePropertyRule
[simantics/platform.git] / bundles / org.simantics.db.layer0 / src / org / simantics / db / layer0 / util / ModelTransferableGraphSource.java
1 package org.simantics.db.layer0.util;\r
2 \r
3 import java.io.Closeable;\r
4 import java.io.DataInput;\r
5 import java.io.File;\r
6 import java.io.IOException;\r
7 import java.nio.file.Files;\r
8 import java.util.ArrayList;\r
9 import java.util.Collection;\r
10 import java.util.Collections;\r
11 import java.util.HashSet;\r
12 import java.util.List;\r
13 import java.util.TreeMap;\r
14 \r
15 import org.simantics.databoard.Bindings;\r
16 import org.simantics.databoard.Databoard;\r
17 import org.simantics.databoard.binding.Binding;\r
18 import org.simantics.databoard.binding.mutable.Variant;\r
19 import org.simantics.databoard.container.DataContainer;\r
20 import org.simantics.databoard.serialization.Serializer;\r
21 import org.simantics.databoard.type.Datatype;\r
22 import org.simantics.databoard.util.binary.ByteBufferReadable;\r
23 import org.simantics.db.ReadGraph;\r
24 import org.simantics.db.Resource;\r
25 import org.simantics.db.common.utils.NameUtils;\r
26 import org.simantics.db.exception.DatabaseException;\r
27 import org.simantics.db.exception.RuntimeDatabaseException;\r
28 import org.simantics.db.exception.ValidationException;\r
29 import org.simantics.db.layer0.adapter.SubgraphExtent.ExtentStatus;\r
30 import org.simantics.db.layer0.util.TransferableGraphConfiguration2.RootSpec;\r
31 import org.simantics.db.service.SerialisationSupport;\r
32 import org.simantics.graph.db.TransferableGraphSource;\r
33 import org.simantics.graph.representation.External;\r
34 import org.simantics.graph.representation.Identity;\r
35 import org.simantics.graph.representation.Root;\r
36 import org.simantics.graph.representation.Value;\r
37 import org.simantics.layer0.Layer0;\r
38 \r
39 import gnu.trove.list.array.TIntArrayList;\r
40 import gnu.trove.procedure.TIntIntProcedure;\r
41 \r
42 public class ModelTransferableGraphSource implements TransferableGraphSource {\r
43 \r
44         final private TransferableGraphConfiguration2 configuration;\r
45         final private DomainProcessorState state;\r
46         final private int externalBase;\r
47         final private int resourceCount;\r
48         final private File[] files;\r
49         final private TGValueModifier valueModifier;\r
50 \r
51         private volatile boolean closed = false;\r
52 \r
53         TIntArrayList externalParents = new TIntArrayList();\r
54         ArrayList<String> externalNames = new ArrayList<String>();\r
55 \r
56         public ModelTransferableGraphSource(final ReadGraph graph, TransferableGraphConfiguration2 configuration, final DomainProcessorState state, File ... fs) throws DatabaseException {\r
57 \r
58                 this.configuration = configuration;\r
59                 this.state = state;\r
60                 this.files = fs;\r
61                 this.valueModifier = state.valueModifier;\r
62 \r
63                 SerialisationSupport ss = graph.getService(SerialisationSupport.class);\r
64 \r
65                 // At this point ids contains all internal resources. Now add roots and externals.\r
66                 \r
67                 // Root Library\r
68                 state.ids.put(ss.getTransientId(graph.getRootLibrary()), state.id++);\r
69                 \r
70                 // External roots - internal roots were already processed as internal resources by domain processor\r
71                 for(RootSpec rs : configuration.roots) {\r
72                         if(!rs.internal) {\r
73                                 int resourceId = ss.getTransientId(rs.resource);\r
74                                 state.ids.put(resourceId, state.id++);\r
75                                 // The fixed roots have been seen as externals by domain processor. Now remove them from external set.\r
76                                 state.externals.remove(resourceId);\r
77                         }\r
78                 }\r
79                 \r
80                 this.externalBase = state.id;\r
81 \r
82                 final Collection<String> errors = new HashSet<String>();\r
83 \r
84                 // All resource considered as not internal by domain processor. Can also contain roots.\r
85                 int[] externals = state.externals.toArray();\r
86                 \r
87                 // Build up the state.externals, externalNames and externalParents\r
88                 for(int i=0;i<externals.length;i++) {\r
89                         getId(graph, externals[i], errors);\r
90                 }\r
91                 \r
92                 state.inverses.forEachEntry(new TIntIntProcedure() {\r
93                         \r
94                         @Override\r
95                         public boolean execute(int predicate, int inverse) {\r
96                                 try {\r
97                                         getId(graph, predicate, errors);\r
98                                         if(inverse != 0) getId(graph, inverse, errors);\r
99                                 } catch (DatabaseException e) {\r
100                                         throw new RuntimeDatabaseException(e);\r
101                                 }\r
102                                 return true;\r
103                         }\r
104                         \r
105                 });\r
106                 \r
107                 if(!errors.isEmpty()) {\r
108                         ArrayList<String> sorted = new ArrayList<String>(errors);\r
109                         Collections.sort(sorted);\r
110                         StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();\r
111                         message.append("Errors in exported model:\n");\r
112                         for(String error : sorted) {\r
113                                 message.append(error);\r
114                                 message.append("\n");\r
115                         }\r
116                         throw new DatabaseException(message.toString());\r
117                 }\r
118                 \r
119                 this.resourceCount = state.id;\r
120                 \r
121         }\r
122 \r
123         int indent = 0;\r
124         \r
125         public boolean validateExternal(Resource ext) {\r
126                 if(configuration.validate) {\r
127                         ExtentStatus status = configuration.preStatus.get(ext);\r
128                         if(status != null) {\r
129                                 if(ExtentStatus.INTERNAL.equals(status)) return false;\r
130                                 else if(ExtentStatus.EXCLUDED.equals(status)) return false;\r
131                         }\r
132                 }\r
133                 return true;\r
134         }\r
135         \r
136         private Resource getResource(ReadGraph graph, int r) throws DatabaseException {\r
137                 SerialisationSupport ss = graph.getService(SerialisationSupport.class);\r
138                 return ss.getResource(r);\r
139         }\r
140         \r
141         final public int getExistingId(ReadGraph graph, int r) throws DatabaseException {\r
142                 \r
143                 int ret = state.ids.get(r);\r
144                 if(ret != -1) {\r
145                         return ret;\r
146                 } else {\r
147                         SerialisationSupport ss = graph.getService(SerialisationSupport.class);\r
148                         throw new DatabaseException("Id has not been created for " + NameUtils.getSafeName(graph, ss.getResource(r)));\r
149                 }\r
150 \r
151         }\r
152         \r
153         /*\r
154          * \r
155          * @return -2 if r is not really external and the statement should be excluded\r
156          * \r
157          */\r
158         public int getId(ReadGraph graph, int r, Collection<String> errors) throws DatabaseException {\r
159 \r
160 //              // First external is root library\r
161 //              if(r == rootId) return internalCount;\r
162                 \r
163                 SerialisationSupport ss = graph.getService(SerialisationSupport.class);\r
164                 Layer0 L0 = Layer0.getInstance(graph);\r
165                 \r
166                 if(state.ids.containsKey(r)) {\r
167                     int ret = state.ids.get(r);\r
168                     if(ret == -1) {\r
169                         for(int i=0;i<=indent;++i)\r
170                             System.out.print("  ");\r
171                         System.out.println("Cycle!!!"); // with " + GraphUtils.getReadableName(g, r));\r
172                     }\r
173                         return ret;\r
174                 }\r
175                 else {\r
176                         Resource res = getResource(graph, r);\r
177             if(!validateExternal(res)) {\r
178                 errors.add("Illegal reference to " + graph.getPossibleURI(getResource(graph, r)));\r
179                 return -2;\r
180             }\r
181                         Collection<Resource> parents = graph.getObjects(res, L0.PartOf);                        \r
182                         if(parents.size() != 1) {\r
183                                 throw new ValidationException("Reference to external resource " \r
184                                                 + NameUtils.getSafeName(graph, getResource(graph, r), true) + " without unique uri (" + parents.size() + " parents).");\r
185                         }\r
186                         int pid = 0;\r
187                         for(Resource p : parents) {\r
188                             ++indent;\r
189                             pid = getId(graph, ss.getTransientId(p), errors);\r
190                             if(pid == -2) {\r
191                         errors.add("Illegal reference to " + graph.getPossibleURI(getResource(graph, r)));\r
192                                 return -2;\r
193                             }\r
194                         }\r
195                         --indent;\r
196                         String name = graph.getRelatedValue(res, L0.HasName);\r
197                         // Record the external entry\r
198                         externalParents.add(pid);\r
199             externalNames.add(name);\r
200                         state.ids.put(r, state.id);\r
201                         // Ensure that this resource is included into the set of externals to maintain the total number of externals \r
202                         state.externals.add(r);\r
203                         return state.id++;\r
204                 }\r
205         }\r
206         \r
207         @Override\r
208         public DataContainer getHeader() throws Exception {\r
209             return null;\r
210         }\r
211         \r
212         @Override\r
213         public int getResourceCount() {\r
214                 return resourceCount;\r
215         }\r
216         \r
217         @Override\r
218         public int getIdentityCount() {\r
219                 return configuration.roots.size() + state.externals.size() + 1;\r
220         }\r
221         \r
222         @Override\r
223         public int getStatementCount() {\r
224                 return state.statementCount;\r
225         }\r
226         \r
227         @Override\r
228         public int getValueCount() {\r
229                 return state.valueCount;\r
230         }\r
231 \r
232         @Override\r
233         public void forStatements(ReadGraph graph, TransferableGraphSourceProcedure<int[]> procedure) throws Exception {\r
234                 \r
235                 int[] value = new int[4];\r
236                 long length = state.otherStatementsInput.length();\r
237                 state.otherStatementsInput.position(0);\r
238                 \r
239                 while(state.otherStatementsInput.position() < length && !state.monitor.isCanceled()) {\r
240                         \r
241                         int s = state.otherStatementsInput.readInt();\r
242                         int subjectId = state.ids.get(s);\r
243                         \r
244                         boolean exclude = subjectId == -1;\r
245                         \r
246                         int size = state.otherStatementsInput.readInt();\r
247                         for(int i=0;i<size;i++) {\r
248                                 int p = state.otherStatementsInput.readInt();\r
249                                 int o = state.otherStatementsInput.readInt();\r
250                                 if(!exclude) {\r
251                                         if(state.pending.contains(o)) {\r
252                                                 System.err.println("excluding garbage statement " + s + " " + p + " " + o + ", object resource is garbage");\r
253                                         } else if(state.excludedShared.contains(o)) {\r
254                                                 System.err.println("excluding shared " + s + " " + p + " " + o);\r
255                                         } else {\r
256                                                 \r
257                                                 int objectId = getExistingId(graph, o);\r
258                                                 // The statement can be denied still\r
259                                                 if(objectId != -2) {\r
260                                                         value[0] = subjectId;\r
261                                                         value[1] = getExistingId(graph, p);\r
262                                                         int inverse = state.inverses.get(p);\r
263                                                         if(inverse != 0) {\r
264                                                                 value[2] = getExistingId(graph, inverse);\r
265                                                         } else {\r
266                                                                 value[2] = -1;\r
267                                                         }\r
268                                                         value[3] = objectId;\r
269 \r
270                                                         procedure.execute(value);\r
271                                                         \r
272                                                 } else {\r
273                                                         System.err.println("Denied (" + NameUtils.getSafeName(graph, getResource(graph, s)) + ", " + NameUtils.getSafeName(graph, getResource(graph, p)) + "," + NameUtils.getSafeName(graph, getResource(graph, o)) + ")");\r
274                                                 }                                               \r
275                                                 \r
276                                         }\r
277                                 } else {\r
278                                         System.err.println("excluding shared " + s);\r
279                                 }\r
280                         }\r
281                 }\r
282         }\r
283 \r
284         @Override\r
285         public void forValues(ReadGraph graph, TransferableGraphSourceProcedure<Value> procedure) throws Exception {\r
286 \r
287                 Serializer variantSerializer = graph.getService(Databoard.class).getSerializerUnchecked(Bindings.VARIANT);\r
288                 List<Object> idContext = new ArrayList<>();\r
289                 long length = state.valueInput.length();\r
290                 state.valueInput.position(0);\r
291 \r
292                 while(state.valueInput.position() < length && !state.monitor.isCanceled()) {\r
293 \r
294                         // Ignore value type tag\r
295                         int s = state.valueInput.readInt();\r
296                         byte valueType = state.valueInput.readByte();\r
297                         switch (valueType) {\r
298                         case TAG_RAW_COPY_VARIANT_VALUE:\r
299                                 state.valueInput.readInt();\r
300                                 // Intentional fallthrough.\r
301 \r
302                         case TAG_POTENTIALLY_MODIFIED_VARIANT_VALUE: {\r
303                                 idContext.clear();\r
304                                 Variant variant = (Variant) variantSerializer.deserialize((DataInput)state.valueInput, idContext);\r
305                                 if (valueModifier.mayNeedModification(variant.type())) {\r
306                                         Object currentObject = variant.getValue();\r
307                                         Object newObject = valueModifier.modify(state, variant.getBinding(), currentObject);\r
308                                         if (newObject != currentObject)\r
309                                                 variant = new Variant(variant.getBinding(), newObject);\r
310                                 }\r
311                                 procedure.execute(new Value(state.ids.get(s), variant));\r
312                                 break;\r
313                         }\r
314 \r
315                         default:\r
316                                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognized variant value type encountered: " + valueType);\r
317                         }\r
318                 }\r
319         }\r
320 \r
321     @Override\r
322     public void forValues2(ReadGraph graph, TransferableGraphSourceValueProcedure procedure) throws Exception {\r
323 \r
324         Serializer datatypeSerializer = graph.getService(Databoard.class).getSerializerUnchecked(Bindings.getBindingUnchecked(Datatype.class));\r
325         List<Object> idContext = new ArrayList<>();\r
326         long length = state.valueInput.length();\r
327         state.valueInput.position(0);\r
328 \r
329         while(state.valueInput.position() < length && !state.monitor.isCanceled()) {\r
330 \r
331             int s = state.valueInput.readInt();\r
332             byte valueType = state.valueInput.readByte();\r
333 \r
334             switch (valueType) {\r
335             case TAG_RAW_COPY_VARIANT_VALUE: {\r
336                 // Variant data could be copied raw, no need for modifications\r
337                 // Note that the variant data is a concatenation of the\r
338                 // variant datatype serialization and the value serialization.\r
339                 // variantLength contains both datatype and value data.\r
340                 int variantLength = state.valueInput.readInt();\r
341                 procedure.rawCopy(state.ids.get(s), variantLength, state.valueInput);\r
342                 break;\r
343             }\r
344 \r
346                 // Variant data may need to be modified.\r
347                 // Cannot optimize this case with raw copying.\r
348                 idContext.clear();\r
349                 Datatype type = (Datatype)datatypeSerializer.deserialize((DataInput)state.valueInput, idContext);\r
350 \r
351                 if (valueModifier.mayNeedModification(type)) {\r
352                     Binding binding = Bindings.getBinding(type);\r
353                     Serializer serializer = Bindings.getSerializerUnchecked(binding);\r
354                     Object value = serializer.deserialize((DataInput)state.valueInput);\r
355                     value = valueModifier.modify(state, binding, value);\r
356                     byte[] bytes = serializer.serialize(value);\r
357                     procedure.execute(state.ids.get(s), type, new ByteBufferReadable(bytes));\r
358                 } else {\r
359                     procedure.execute(state.ids.get(s), type, state.valueInput);\r
360                 }\r
361                 break;\r
362             }\r
363 \r
364             default:\r
365                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognized variant value type encountered: " + valueType);\r
366             }\r
367         }\r
368     }\r
369 \r
370         protected Identity getRootIdentity(DomainProcessorState state, SerialisationSupport support, Resource rootLibrary) throws DatabaseException {\r
371                 return new Identity(state.ids.get(support.getTransientId(rootLibrary)), new External(-1, ""));\r
372         }\r
373 \r
374         @Override\r
375         public void forIdentities(ReadGraph graph, TransferableGraphSourceProcedure<Identity> procedure) throws Exception {\r
376                 \r
377                 SerialisationSupport support = graph.getService(SerialisationSupport.class);\r
378                 Layer0 L0 = Layer0.getInstance(graph);\r
379 \r
380                 // TODO: this should be Root with name ""\r
381                 procedure.execute(getRootIdentity(state, support, graph.getRootLibrary()));\r
382 \r
383                 // Declare internal and external roots\r
384                 for(RootSpec r : configuration.roots) {\r
385                         Resource type = graph.getPossibleType(r.resource, L0.Entity);\r
386                         if(type == null) type = L0.Entity;\r
387                         procedure.execute(new Identity(\r
388                                         state.ids.get(support.getTransientId(r.resource)),\r
389                                         new Root(r.name, graph.getURI(type))));\r
390                 }\r
391 \r
392                 for(int i = 0; i < state.externals.size() ; i++) {\r
393                         int parent = externalParents.get(i);\r
394                         String name = externalNames.get(i);\r
395                         procedure.execute(new Identity(externalBase + i, new External(parent,name)));\r
396         }\r
397         \r
398         }\r
399 \r
400         @Override\r
401         public TreeMap<String, Variant> getExtensions() {\r
402                 return state.extensions;\r
403         }\r
404 \r
405         public File[] getFiles() {\r
406             return files;\r
407         }\r
408 \r
409         private static <T> T tryClose(T c) throws IOException {\r
410                 if (c != null && c instanceof Closeable)\r
411                         ((Closeable) c).close();\r
412                 return null;\r
413         }\r
414 \r
415         public void closeStreams() throws IOException {\r
416                 state.valueInput = tryClose(state.valueInput);\r
417                 state.otherStatementsInput = tryClose(state.otherStatementsInput);\r
418                 state.statementsOutput = tryClose(state.statementsOutput);\r
419                 state.valueOutput = tryClose(state.valueOutput);\r
420         }\r
421 \r
422         @Override\r
423         public void reset() throws Exception {\r
424             throw new UnsupportedOperationException();\r
425         }\r
426         \r
427         public long[] getResourceArray(ReadGraph graph) throws DatabaseException {\r
428                 final SerialisationSupport ss = graph.getService(SerialisationSupport.class);\r
429                 final long[] result = new long[state.ids.size()];\r
430                 state.ids.forEachEntry(new TIntIntProcedure() {\r
431 \r
432                         @Override\r
433                         public boolean execute(int a, int b) {\r
434                                 \r
435                                 try {\r
436                                         Resource r = ss.getResource(a);\r
437                                         result[b] = r.getResourceId();\r
438                                 } catch (DatabaseException e) {\r
439                                         e.printStackTrace();\r
440                                 }\r
441                                 \r
442                                 return true;\r
443                                 \r
444                         }\r
445                 });\r
446                 return result;\r
447         }\r
448         \r
449         public DomainProcessorState getState() {\r
450                 return state;\r
451         }\r
452         \r
453         public void forResourceStatements(ReadGraph graph, TransferableGraphSourceProcedure<int[]> procedure) throws Exception {\r
454                 \r
455                 int[] value = new int[4];\r
456                 long length = state.otherStatementsInput.length();\r
457                 state.otherStatementsInput.position(0);\r
458                 \r
459                 while(state.otherStatementsInput.position() < length) {\r
460                         \r
461                         int s = state.otherStatementsInput.readInt();\r
462                         int subjectId = state.ids.get(s);\r
463                         \r
464                         boolean exclude = subjectId == -1;\r
465                         \r
466                         int size = state.otherStatementsInput.readInt();\r
467                         for(int i=0;i<size;i++) {\r
468                                 int p = state.otherStatementsInput.readInt();\r
469                                 int o = state.otherStatementsInput.readInt();\r
470                                 if(!exclude) {\r
471                                         if(state.excludedShared.contains(o)) {\r
472                                                 System.err.println("excluding shared " + s + " " + p + " " + o);\r
473                                         } else {\r
474                                                 \r
475                                                 int objectId = getExistingId(graph, o);\r
476                                                 // The statement can be denied still\r
477                                                 if(objectId != -2) {\r
478                                                         value[0] = s;\r
479                                                         value[1] = p;\r
480                                                         int inverse = state.inverses.get(p);\r
481                                                         if(inverse != 0) {\r
482                                                                 value[2] = inverse;\r
483                                                         } else {\r
484                                                                 value[2] = -1;\r
485                                                         }\r
486                                                         value[3] = o;\r
487 \r
488                                                         procedure.execute(value);\r
489                                                         \r
490                                                 } else {\r
491                                                         System.err.println("Denied (" + NameUtils.getSafeName(graph, getResource(graph, s)) + ", " + NameUtils.getSafeName(graph, getResource(graph, p)) + "," + NameUtils.getSafeName(graph, getResource(graph, o)) + ")");\r
492                                                 }\r
493                                                 \r
494                                         }\r
495                                 } else {\r
496                                         System.err.println("excluding shared " + s);\r
497                                 }\r
498                         }\r
499                 }\r
500         }\r
501 \r
502         public void forValueResources(ReadGraph graph, TransferableGraphSourceProcedure<int[]> procedure) throws Exception {\r
503                 int[] value = { 0 };\r
504                 long length = state.valueInput.length();\r
505                 while (state.valueInput.position() < length) {\r
506                         value[0] = state.valueInput.readInt();\r
507                         procedure.execute(value);\r
508                 }\r
509         }\r
510 \r
511         public TransferableGraphConfiguration2 getConfiguration() {\r
512                 return configuration;\r
513         }\r
514 \r
515         @Override\r
516         public void close() throws IOException {\r
517                 synchronized (this) {\r
518                         if (closed)\r
519                                 return;\r
520                         closed = true;\r
521                 }\r
522                 closeStreams();\r
523                 if (files != null) {\r
524                         for (File f : files) {\r
525                                 Files.deleteIfExists(f.toPath());\r
526                         }\r
527                 }\r
528         }\r
529 \r
530 }