]> gerrit.simantics Code Review - simantics/platform.git/blob - bundles/org.simantics.db.server/src/org/simantics/db/server/internal/ProCoreServer.java
Remove usage of deprecated SimanticsUI-methods
[simantics/platform.git] / bundles / org.simantics.db.server / src / org / simantics / db / server / internal / ProCoreServer.java
1 /*******************************************************************************
3  * Copyright (c) 2007, 2010 Association for Decentralized Information Management
4  * in Industry THTH ry.
5  * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
6  * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
7  * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
8  * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
9  *
10  * Contributors:
11  *     VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland - initial API and implementation
12  *******************************************************************************/
13 package org.simantics.db.server.internal;
15 import java.io.BufferedReader;
16 import java.io.BufferedWriter;
17 import java.io.File;
18 import java.io.FileInputStream;
19 import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
20 import java.io.FileOutputStream;
21 import java.io.IOException;
22 import java.io.InputStreamReader;
23 import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
24 import java.io.PrintStream;
25 import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
26 import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
27 import java.nio.ByteOrder;
28 import java.nio.IntBuffer;
29 import java.nio.file.Files;
30 import java.nio.file.Path;
31 import java.util.ArrayList;
32 import java.util.HashMap;
33 import java.util.HashSet;
34 import java.util.Map;
35 import java.util.Set;
36 import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
37 import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
39 import org.simantics.db.common.utils.Logger;
40 import org.simantics.db.server.DatabaseLastExitException;
41 import org.simantics.db.server.GuardFileVersionException;
42 import org.simantics.db.server.ProCoreException;
43 import org.simantics.db.server.ServerNotFoundException;
44 import org.simantics.db.server.protocol.CloseClientSessionFunction;
45 import org.simantics.db.server.protocol.ExecuteFunction;
46 import org.simantics.db.server.protocol.MessageNumber;
48 public class ProCoreServer {
49     private static Map<String, ProCoreServer> workingDirs = new HashMap<String, ProCoreServer>();
50     private static Map<String, ProCoreServer> databaseIds = new HashMap<String, ProCoreServer>();
51     private static final String LOCALHOST = ProCoreClient.LOCALHOST;
52     public static final int VERSION_MAJOR = 1;
53     public static final int VERSION_MINOR = 4; // 2015-05-05
54     public static final String BRANCH_DIR = "procore.headClusters.procore";
55     public static final String TAIL_DIR = "procore.tailClusters.procore";
56     public static final String TAIL_FILE = "procore.tail.procore";
57     public static final String CONFIG_FILE = "procore.config.procore";
58     public static final String GUARD_FILE = "procore.guard.procore";
59     public static final String JOURNAL_FILE = "procore.journal.procore";
60     public static final String LOG_FILE = "procore.log.procore";
61     public static final String DCS_FILE = "procore.dumpChangeSets.procore";
62     public static final String RECOVERY_NEEDED_FILE = "recovery.needed";
63     public static final String RECOVERY_IGNORED_FILE = "recovery.ignored";
64     public static final String PROTOCOL_IGNORED_FILE = "protocol.ignored";
65     public static final String PAGE_FILE_PATTERN = "procore.page*.procore";
66     public static final String DATA_PREFIX = "ClusterData.";
67     public static final String DATA_PATTERN = DATA_PREFIX + "*";
68     public static final String INDEX_PREFIX = "ClusterIndex.";
69     public static final String INDEX_PATTERN = INDEX_PREFIX + "*";
70     public static final String VALUE_PREFIX = "ExternalValue.";
71     public static final String VALUE_PATTERN = VALUE_PREFIX + "*";
72     public static final String VALUE_SUFFIX = ".procore";
73     public static final String DELETED_PREFIX = "ClusterDeleted.";
74     public static final String DELETED_PATTERN = DELETED_PREFIX + "*";
75     private static final boolean DEBUG = DebugPolicy.REPORT_SERVER_EVENTS;
76     public static final String QUIT_CMD = "quit";
77 //    private static final int SHORT_SLEEP_COUNT = 1;
78 //    private static final int LONG_SLEEP_COUNT = 10;
79 //    static public void stopProCoreServer(File workingDir) throws ProCoreException {
80 //        GuardFile guardFile = new GuardFile(workingDir);
81 //        guardFile.stopProCoreServer();
82 //    }
83     private static boolean isRunning(String aPid) throws ProCoreException {
84         boolean isRunning = false;
85         try {
86             switch (OSType.calculate()) {
87             case WINDOWS: {
88                 Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("tasklist.exe /fo csv /nh /fi \"pid eq " + aPid + "\"");
89                 BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream()));
90                 String line = input.readLine();
91                 if (line.matches(".*ProCoreServer.exe.*"))
92                     isRunning = true;
93                 input.close();
94                 break;
95             }
96             case UNIX: {
97                 Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("ps -p " + aPid + " -o comm=");
98                 BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream()));
99                 String line = input.readLine();
100                 if (line.matches(".*ProCoreServer.*"))
101                     isRunning = true;
102                 input.close();
103                 break;
104             }
105             default:
106             }
107         } catch (Exception e) {
108             throw new ProCoreException("Could not get list of running processes.", e);
109         }
110         return isRunning;
111     }
112     static class ProCoreProcess {
113         private enum State { Created, Initialized, ThreadStarted, ProcessStarted, Prompted, GotPort, ThreadStopped };
114         class Manager implements Runnable {
115             private State state = State.Created;
116             private CountDownLatch serverPrompted;
117             private LinkedBlockingQueue<String> reply;
118             private volatile String command;
119             private volatile Integer exitValue;
120             private volatile boolean carryOn;
121             private volatile int port;
122             private final File dbFolder; // Just for exception i.e. error reporting.
123             Manager(File dbFolder) {
124                 this.dbFolder = dbFolder;
125                 init();
126             }
127             private void init() {
128                 serverPrompted = new CountDownLatch(1);
129                 reply = new LinkedBlockingQueue<String>();
130                 exitValue = null;
131                 carryOn = true;
132                 port = 0;
133                 state = State.Initialized;
134             }
135             int getPort() {
136                 return port;
137             }
138             void tryToStart() throws ProCoreException, InterruptedException {
139                 if (thread.isAlive())
140                     return;
141                 thread = new Thread(manager, manager.initAndGetName());
142                 thread.start();
143                 serverPrompted.await();
144                 if (!state.equals(State.Prompted))
145                     throw new DatabaseLastExitException(dbFolder, "Server did not prompt.");
146                 String reply = giveCommand("print port");
147                 try {
148                     port = Integer.parseInt(reply);
149                 } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
150                     if (null != exitValue && 0 != exitValue)
151                         throw new DatabaseLastExitException(dbFolder, "Server did not prompt.");
152                     if (reply.equals("End of server thread."))
153                         throw new ProCoreException("Server did not start (did not prompt). state=" + state);
154                     else
155                         throw new ProCoreException("Server did not start. Could not parse port. reply=" + reply);
156                 }
157                 state = State.GotPort;
158             }
159             String giveCommand(String command) throws ProCoreException, InterruptedException {
160                 if (!thread.isAlive())
161                     throw new ProCoreException("Server thread not alive.");
162                 if (null != this.command)
163                     throw new ProCoreException("Old command pending.");
164                 this.command = command;
165                 return reply.take();
166             }
167             private String initAndGetName() {
168                 init();
169                 return "ProCoreProcess " + ++instanceCount + " " + builder.directory();
170             }
171             boolean isActive() throws ProCoreException {
172                 if (null == exitValue && thread.isAlive())
173                     return true;
174                 else
175                     return false;
176             }
177             boolean tryToStop() throws ProCoreException {
178                 if (!thread.isAlive())
179                     return true;
180                 carryOn = false;
181                 thread.interrupt();
182                 try {
183                     thread.join(10000); // milliseconds
184                 } catch (InterruptedException e) {
185                 }
186                 return !thread.isAlive();
187             }
188             @Override
189             public void run() {
190                 state = State.ThreadStarted;
191                 Util.log("ProCoreServer thread started.");
192                 try {
193                     Util.trace("ProCoreProcessManager start.");
194                     Process process = builder.start();
195                     exitValue = exitValue(process);
196                     if (null != exitValue)
197                         Util.logError("Server process did not start.");
198                     else {
199                         state = State.ProcessStarted;
200                         runProcessStarted(process); // Process start
201                     }
202                 } catch (IOException e) {
203                     Util.logError("Failed during process watch.");
204                 } finally {
205                     reply.add("End of server thread.");
206                     Util.trace("ProCoreServerThread stop.");
207                     state = State.ThreadStopped;
208                     serverPrompted.countDown();
209                 }
210             }
211             private void runProcessStarted(Process process) throws IOException {
212                 try (final BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));
213                      final BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(process.getOutputStream()));)
214                 {
215                     do {
216                         try {
217                             if (reader.ready())
218                                 handleLine(reader.readLine(), reader, writer);
219                             else if (null != command) {
220                                 writer.write(command);
221                                 command = null;
222                                 writer.newLine();
223                                 writer.flush();
224                                 String line = getReply(reader);
225                                 reply.add(line);
226                             } else
227                                 Thread.sleep(100); // milliseconds
228                         } catch (InterruptedException e) {
229                             Util.trace("ProCoreServerThread interrupted.");
230                         }
231                         exitValue = exitValue(process);
232                         if (null == exitValue && !carryOn)
233                             try {
234                                 try {
235                                     writer.write(QUIT_CMD);
236                                     writer.newLine();
237                                     writer.flush();
238                                 } catch (Throwable t) {
239                                     Util.logError("Wait for process death was interrupted.", t);
240                                 } finally {
241                                 }
242                                 exitValue = process.waitFor();
243                             } catch (InterruptedException e) {
244                                 Util.logError("Wait for process death was interrupted.", e);
245                                 carryOn = true;
246                                 continue;
247                             }
248                     } while (null == exitValue);
249                 } // End of resource try.
250             }
251             private String getReply(BufferedReader reader) throws IOException {
252                 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
253                 while (true) {
254                     String line = reader.readLine();
255                     if (null == line || line.startsWith("Waiting for input?"))
256                         break;
257                     sb.append(line);
258                 }
259                 return sb.toString();
260             }
261             private void handleLine(String line, BufferedReader reader, BufferedWriter writer) throws IOException {
262                 if (DEBUG)
263                     Util.showDebug(line);
264                 if (line.startsWith("Main end.")) {
265                     carryOn = false; // Last line from server.
266                 } else if (serverPrompted.getCount() > 0 && line.startsWith("Waiting for input?")) {
267                     state = State.Prompted;
268                     serverPrompted.countDown(); // Server has been started and is waiting for console input.
269                 } else
270                     Util.trace("From server. line=" + line);
271             }
272             private Integer exitValue(Process process) {
273                 try {
274                     return process.exitValue();
275                 } catch (IllegalThreadStateException e) {
276                     return null; // Still alive.
277                 }
278             }
279         }
280         private static int instanceCount; // Keeps count of thread instances.
281         private final ProcessBuilder builder;
282         private final Manager manager;
283         private Thread thread;
284         ProCoreProcess(File exeFile, File workingDir) {
285             String[] args = new String[0];
286             String[] cmd = new String[1 + args.length];
287             cmd[0] = exeFile.getAbsolutePath().toString();
288             System.arraycopy(args, 0, cmd, 1, args.length);
289             builder = new ProcessBuilder(cmd);
290             builder.redirectErrorStream(true);
291             builder.directory(workingDir);
292             manager = new Manager(workingDir);
293             thread = new Thread(manager, manager.initAndGetName());
294         }
295         public void tryToStart() throws ProCoreException, InterruptedException {
296             manager.tryToStart();
297         }
298 //        public int exitValue() throws IllegalStateException {
299 //            Integer i = proCoreServerThread.getExitValue();
300 //            if (null == i)
301 //                throw new IllegalStateException("ProCoreServerThread is still running.");
302 //            return i;
303 //        }
304 //        public boolean ignoreProtocolVersion() {
305 //            File wd = builder.directory();
306 //            if (null == wd)
307 //                return false;
308 //            Path ignore = wd.toPath().resolve(ProCoreServer.PROTOCOL_IGNORED_FILE);
309 //            if (Files.exists(ignore))
310 //                return true;
311 //            return false;
312 //        }
313         public boolean isActive() throws ProCoreException {
314             return manager.isActive();
315         }
316         public boolean tryToStop() throws ProCoreException {
317             return manager.tryToStop();
318         }
319         int getPort() throws ProCoreException {
320             return manager.getPort();
321         }
322     }
323     private static enum OSType {
326         public static OSType calculate() {
327             String osName = System.getProperty("os.name");
328             assert osName != null;
329             osName = osName.toLowerCase();
330             if (osName.startsWith("windows"))
331                 return WINDOWS;
332             if (osName.startsWith("mac os x") || osName.startsWith("linux") || osName.startsWith("sun"))
333                 return UNIX;
334             return UNKNOWN;
335         }
336     }
337     static public boolean ignoreProtocolVersion(File dbFolder) {
338         if (null == dbFolder)
339             return false;
340         if (Files.exists(dbFolder.toPath().resolve(ProCoreServer.PROTOCOL_IGNORED_FILE)))
341             return true;
342         return false;
343     }
344     static public ProCoreServer getProCoreServer(File serverDir, final File workingDir)
345     throws ProCoreException, ServerNotFoundException {
346         try {
347             ProCoreServer proCoreServer;
348             synchronized (workingDirs) {
349                 proCoreServer = workingDirs.get(workingDir.getCanonicalPath());
350                 if (null != proCoreServer)
351                     return proCoreServer;
352                 if (!serverDir.isDirectory())
353                     throw new ProCoreException("Expected server directory as argument");
354                 if (!workingDir.isDirectory())
355                     throw new ProCoreException("Expected working directory as argument. wd=" + workingDir.getAbsolutePath());
356                 String exeSuffix = Activator.getExeSuffix();
357                 File executable = new File(serverDir, "ProCoreServer" + exeSuffix);
358                 proCoreServer = new ProCoreServer(executable, workingDir);
359                 workingDirs.put(workingDir.getCanonicalPath(), proCoreServer);
360                 return proCoreServer;
361             }
362         } catch (IOException e) {
363             throw new ProCoreException("IOException", e);
364         }
365     }
367     public static void logVersionInformation() {
368         StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(200);
369         String nl = " \n"; // Default log error removes newlines so I add space to make the text easier to read.
370         msg.append("ProCore version information:");
371         msg.append(nl);
372         msg.append("ProCoreServer version=" + ProCoreServer.VERSION_MAJOR + "." + ProCoreServer.VERSION_MINOR + " protocol=" + MessageNumber.ProtocolVersionMajor + "." + MessageNumber.ProtocolVersionMinor);
373         try {
374             msg.append(" folder=" + org.simantics.db.server.internal.Activator.getServerFolder());
375         } catch (IOException e) {
376             msg.append(" folder information not available");
377         }
378         msg.append(nl);
379         msg.append("svn id=$Id: ProCoreServer.java r31684 2015-09-10 13:45:00Z $");
380         String str = msg.toString();
381         Logger.defaultLog(str);
382     }
383     private static String[] getFileLines(final File aFile, int maxLines) {
384         final String[] STRING_EMPTY_ARRAY = new String[0];
385         try {
386             if (!aFile.canRead()) {
387                 return STRING_EMPTY_ARRAY;
388             }
389             try (FileInputStream  fis = new FileInputStream(aFile);
390                 InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(fis, "US-ASCII");
391                 BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);){
392                 String line = null;
393                 int count = 0;
394                 ArrayList<String> lines = new ArrayList<String>();
395                 while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
396                     if (++count > maxLines)
397                         break; // Caller not interested in more lines.
398                     lines.add(line);
399                 }
400                 return lines.toArray(STRING_EMPTY_ARRAY);
401             } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
402                 return STRING_EMPTY_ARRAY;
403             }
404         } catch (Throwable t) {
405             if (DEBUG)
406                 t.printStackTrace();
407             Logger.defaultLogError(t);
408         }
409         return new String[0];
410     }
411     private static int parseInt(String s)
412     throws ProCoreException {
413         try  {
414             return Integer.parseInt(s);
415         } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
416             String msg = "Could not convert string to number. string=" + s;
417             Logger.defaultLogError(msg);
418             throw new ProCoreException(msg, e);
419         }
420     }
421     private String databaseId = null;
422     private final GuardFile guardFile;
423     private final ProCoreClient proCoreClient;
424     ProCoreClient getProCoreClient() {
425         return proCoreClient;
426     }
427     private final ProCoreProcess proCoreProcess;
428     private ProCoreServer(File exeFile, File workingDir)
429     throws ProCoreException {
430         if (null == exeFile)
431             throw new ProCoreException("Illegal argument: exeFile is null.");
432         if (null == workingDir)
433             throw new ProCoreException("Illegal argument: workingDir is null.");
434         guardFile = new GuardFile(workingDir);
435         proCoreClient = new ProCoreClient(this);
436         proCoreProcess = new ProCoreProcess(exeFile, workingDir);
437         Util.log("ProCoreServer exe: " + exeFile);
438         Util.log("ProCoreServer folder: " + workingDir);
439         logVersionInformation();
440     }
441 //    //@Override
442     public synchronized String execute(String command) throws ProCoreException, InterruptedException {
443         return proCoreClient.execute(command);
444     }
445     private void startInternal()
446     throws ProCoreException {
447         if (proCoreClient.isConnected())
448             return;
449         Exception exception;
450         try {
451             proCoreProcess.tryToStart();
452             int port = proCoreProcess.getPort();
453             SessionAddress sa = new SessionAddress(new InetSocketAddress(LOCALHOST, port), true);
454             proCoreClient.connect(sa);
455             return;
456         } catch (InterruptedException e) {
457             Util.logError("ProCoreProcess start was interrupted.", e);
458             exception = e;
459         } catch (DatabaseLastExitException e) {
460             throw e; // This situation can be analyzed and handled by start handler.
461         } catch (ProCoreException e) {
462             Util.logError("Failed to start ProCoreServer process.", e);
463             exception = e;
464         }
465         boolean isActive = guardFile.isActive(proCoreClient);
466         if (!isActive)
467             throw new ProCoreException("Failed to connect to ProCoreServer.", exception);
468     }
469 //    private int getWaitCount() throws ProCoreException {
470 //        if (!proCoreProcess.isActive())
471 //            return SHORT_SLEEP_COUNT; // Short wait because server process is not running.
472 //        else
473 //            return LONG_SLEEP_COUNT;
474 //    }
475 //    private void startInternalReinit(int exitStatus)
476 //    throws ProCoreException {
477 //        switch (exitStatus) {
478 //            default: // What has happened here?
479 //                throw new DatabaseStartException(workingDir, getExitMessage(exitStatus));
480 //            case -1: // Exit status not available, not sure what has happened here.
481 //            case 29: // Server died because it could not read exit status from guard file.
482 //            case 30: // Server died because old exit status was not zero.
483 //            case 40: // Server died because it received terminating signal.
484 //            case 42: // Server died because it could not read end status from guard file.
485 //            case 43: // Server died because end value was not zero.
486 //            case 44: // Server died because server could not read version from guard file.
487 //            case 45: // Server died because server did not support guard file version.
488 //            case 47: // Server died because server could not listen to any port.
489 //                break;
490 //            case 32: // Server died becuase database version did not match.
491 //                throw new DatabaseVersionException(workingDir, getExitMessage(exitStatus));
492 //            case 33: // Server died because database has been corrupted.
493 //                throw new DatabaseCorruptedException(workingDir, getExitMessage(exitStatus));
494 //            case 39: // Server died because last exit was not clean.
495 //                throw new DatabaseLastExitException(workingDir, getExitMessage(exitStatus));
496 //        }
497 //        boolean dead = guardFile.wait4ServerToDie(proCoreClient, getWaitCount());
498 //        if (!dead) {
499 //            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(256);
500 //            sb.append("ProCoreServer is running according to guard file. Giving up trying to start a new instance. Server exit message:\n");
501 //            sb.append(getExitMessage(exitStatus));
502 //            throw new DatabaseStartException(workingDir, sb.toString());
503 //        }
504 //        boolean deleted = guardFile.delete();
505 //        if (!deleted)
506 //            Logger.defaultLogError("ProCoreServer is dead but can not delete guard file. " + getExitMessage(exitStatus));
507 //    }
508     //@Override
509     public synchronized boolean isActive()
510     throws ProCoreException {
511         if (!proCoreClient.isConnected())
512             return guardFile.isActive(proCoreClient);
513         proCoreClient.execute("");
514         return true;
515     }
516     public synchronized boolean isAlive()
517     throws ProCoreException {
518         if (proCoreClient.isConnected())
519             return true;
520         if (proCoreProcess.isActive())
521             return true;
522         return guardFile.isAlive();
523     }
524     Client newClient() throws ProCoreException {
525         if (proCoreClient.isConnected())
526             return proCoreClient.newClient();
527         int port = getPort();
528         InetSocketAddress isa = new InetSocketAddress(LOCALHOST, port);
529         return proCoreClient.newClient(this, isa);
530     }
531     public synchronized boolean tryToStop()
532     throws ProCoreException {
533         synchronized (proCoreClient) {
534             ProCoreException ex = null;
535             if (!proCoreClient.isConnected() && !proCoreProcess.isActive()) {
536                 try {
537                     proCoreClient.connect(getPort());
538                 } catch (InterruptedException e) {
539                 }
540             }
541             if (proCoreClient.isConnected()) {
542                 String s = "";
543                 try {
544                     s = proCoreClient.execute(QUIT_CMD);
545                     String t = s.replaceAll("\n", "");
546                     int n = Integer.parseInt(t);
547                     if (n != 1)
548                         Util.log("Number of connections after quit command is " + n + ".");
549                     proCoreClient.closeClient(0);
550                     if (!isLocal() && n > 1)
551                         throw new ProCoreException("More than one connection for remote. n=" + n);
552                 } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
553                     Util.logError("Failed to parse number of connections. s=" + s, e);
554                 } catch (ProCoreException e) {
555                     ex = e;
556                 } finally {
557                     proCoreClient.disconnect();
558                 }
559             }
560             try {
561                 proCoreProcess.tryToStop();
562             } finally {
563                 if (proCoreProcess.isActive() && null == ex)
564                     ex = new ProCoreException("Failed to stop ProCoreProcess.");
565             }
566             if (null != ex)
567                 throw ex;
568             return !proCoreClient.isConnected() && !proCoreProcess.isActive();
569         }
570     }
571     public synchronized boolean isConnected()
572     throws ProCoreException {
573         return proCoreClient.isConnected();
574     }
575     public synchronized boolean isLocal()
576     throws ProCoreException {
577         return proCoreClient.isConnected() && proCoreProcess.isActive();
578     }
579     public synchronized void disconnect()
580     throws ProCoreException {
581         proCoreClient.disconnect();
582     }
583     public synchronized void connect()
584     throws ProCoreException, InterruptedException {
585         int port = getPort();
586         if (0 == port)
587             throw new ProCoreException("Port 0 not supported as connection address.");
588         proCoreClient.connect(port);
589     }
590     private String getExitMessage(int exitValue) {
591         switch (exitValue) {
592         default:
593             return "Unexpected exit value = " + exitValue + ".";
594         case 1:
595             return "Exception was thrown. This indicates problems with program logic.";
596         case 2:
597             return "CallException was thrown. This indicates problems with calls to/from parent server.";
598         case 3:
599             return "ProtocolException was thrown. This indicates problems with executable versions between local and parent servers.";
600         case 4:
601             return "NoSuchElementException was thrown. This indicates problems with program logic.";
602         case 5:
603             return "IllegalArgumentException was thrown. This indicates problems with program logic.";
604         case 6:
605             return "IllegalResourceException was thrown. This indicates problems with server data.";
606         case 7:
607             return "IllegalClusterException was thrown. This indicates problems with server data.";
608         case 8:
609             return "ParseException was thrown. This indicates problems with/during parsing of the configuration file.";
610         case 9:
611             return "PortSemaphoreException was thrown. This indicates that some other server is using the same port number.";
612         case 10:
613             return "DatabaseSemaphoreException was thrown. This indicates that some other server is using the same database id.";
614         case 11:
615             return "SystemException was thrown. This indicates problems with program logic.";
616         case 12:
617             return "CppException was thrown. This indicates problems with program logic.";
618         case 13:
619             return "UnknownException was thrown. This indicates problems with program logic.";
620         case 14:
621             return "ThrowException was thrown. This indicates problems with program logic.";
622         case 15:
623             return "AssertException was thrown. This indicates problems with program logic.";
624         case 16:
625             return "ParentCheckException was thrown. This indicates problems with the database version of parent.";
626         case 17:
627             return "ParentConnectionException was thrown. This indicates problems with parent child relationship.";
628         case 18:
629             return "ConnectionException was thrown. This indicates problems with TCP/IP connections.";
630         case 19:
631             return "ProxyException was thrown. This indicates problems with TCP/IP connections to proxy.";
632         case 20:
633             return "NoSuchFileException was thrown. This indicates problems with a missing file.";
634         case 21:
635             return "JournalException was thrown. This indicates problems with journal mechanisim.";
636         case 22:
637             return "OutOfSpaceException was thrown. This indicates problems with memory.";
638         case 23:
639             return "ExternalValueException was thrown. This indicates problems with large value handling.";
640         case 24:
641             return "IllegalTransactionException was thrown. This indicates problems with transaction logic.";
642         case 25:
643             return "WriteTransactionException was thrown. This indicates that server failed during write transaction.";
644         case 26:
645             return "ConsoleException was thrown. This indicates that server console was closed without quit command.";
646         case 27:
647             return "ExitException was thrown. This indicates that server did not exit cleanly.";
648         case 28:
649             return "ExitReadPIdException was thrown. This indicates that server did not exit cleanly.";
650         case 29:
651             return "ExitReadStatusException was thrown. This indicates that server could not read exit status from guard file.";
652         case 30:
653             return "ExitStatusValueException was thrown. This indicates that server did not exit cleanly.";
654         case 31:
655             return "UpdateException was thrown. This indicates that server failed during update.";
656         case 32:
657             return "DatabaseVersionException was thrown. This indicates that server can not use given database.";
658         case 33:
659             return "DatabaseCorruptionException was thrown. This indicates that server has detected database corruption.";
660         case 34:
661             return "ExitReadPortException was thrown. This indicates that server did not start or exit cleanly.";
662         case 35:
663             return "ExitGuardOpenException was thrown. This indicates that server could not open guard file.";
664         case 36:
665             return "ExitGuardOpenWriteException was thrown. This indicates that server could not open guard file for writing.";
666         case 37:
667             return "ExitGuardWritePidException was thrown. This indicates that server could not write pid to guard file.";
668         case 38:
669             return "ExitGuardWritePortException was thrown. This indicates that server could not write port to guard file.";
670         case 39:
671             return "LastCommitNotCleanException was thrown. This indicates that client died during transaction. Recovery action needed.";
672         case 40:
673             return "TerminatedException was thrown. This indicates that server died because it received terminating signal.";
674         case 41:
675             return "ExitGuardWriteStatusException was thrown. This indicates that server could not write exit status to guard file.";
676         case 42:
677             return "EndReadStatusException was thrown. This indicates that server died because it could not read end status from guard file.";
678         case 43:
679             return "EndStatusValueException was thrown. This indicates that server died because end value was not zero.";
680         case 44:
681             return "ExitGuardReadVersionException was thrown. This indicates that server died because server could not read version from guard file.";
682         case 45:
683             return "ExitGuardValueVersionException was thrown. This indicates that server died because server did not support guard file version.";
684         case 46:
685             return "ExitGuardWriteVersionException was thrown. This indicates that server died because server could not write version to guard file.";
686         case 47:
687             return "ListenPortException was thrown. This indicates that server died because server could not listen to given port or any other port.";
688         case 48:
689             return "JournalVersionException was thrown. This indicates that database was written by older version.";
690         case 49:
691             return "TailFileException was thrown. This indicates problems with handling of data involved with purge operation.";
692         }
693     }
694     synchronized void start()
695     throws ProCoreException {
696         try {
697             startInternal();
698         } catch (DatabaseLastExitException e) {
699             throw e; // This can be analyzed and handled by start handler.
700         } catch (Throwable t) {
701             ProCoreException pe = null;
702             if (t instanceof ProCoreException)
703                 pe = (ProCoreException)t;
704             else {
705                 String msg = "ProCoreServer startup failed."
706                         + " Automatic rcovery handling not implemented."
707                         + " Database must be fixed manually.";
708                 pe = new ProCoreException(msg, t);
709             }
710             if (null == pe.getDbFolder())
711                 pe.setDbFolder(proCoreProcess.builder.directory());
712         }
713     }
714     synchronized void stop()
715     throws ProCoreException, InterruptedException{
716         if (null != databaseId)
717             databaseIds.remove(databaseId);
718         boolean dead = tryToStop();
719         if (!dead)
720             throw new ProCoreException("Failed to stop ProCoreServer.");
721     }
722     public synchronized String getExitMessage()
723     throws ProCoreException {
724         Integer returnValue = guardFile.getExitValue();
725         if (null == returnValue)
726             throw new ProCoreException("Exit message not available.");
727         return getExitMessage(returnValue);
728     }
729     //@Override
730     public synchronized ServerAddress getAddress()
731     throws ProCoreException {
732         return new ServerAddress(LOCALHOST, getPort());
733     }
734     //@Override
735     public synchronized int getPort()
736     throws ProCoreException {
737         int port = 0;
738         if (proCoreClient.isConnected()) {
739             port = proCoreClient.getPort();
740             if (0 != port)
741                 return port;
742         }
743         if (proCoreProcess.isActive()) {
744             port = proCoreProcess.getPort();
745             if (0 != port)
746                 return port;
747         }
748         return guardFile.getPort();
749     }
750     public synchronized TailFile.Data getTailData()
751     throws ProCoreException {
752         Path tailFolder = proCoreProcess.builder.directory().toPath().resolve(ProCoreServer.TAIL_DIR);
753         return TailFile.readTailFile(tailFolder.resolve(ProCoreServer.TAIL_FILE).toFile());
754     }
755 //    public synchronized TailFile.Data getTailDataFromHead()
756 //    throws ProCoreException {
757 //        Path tailFolder = proCoreProcess.builder.directory().toPath().resolve(ProCoreServer.BRANCH_DIR);
758 //        return TailFile.readTailFile(tailFolder.resolve(ProCoreServer.TAIL_FILE).toFile());
759 //    }
760     public static class GuardFile {
761         public static final String GUARD_FILE = ProCoreServer.GUARD_FILE;
762         private static final int VERSION_LINE = 1;
763         private static final int PID_LINE = 2;
764         private static final int PORT_LINE = 3;
765         private static final int EXIT_LINE = 4;
766         private static final int END_LINE = 5;
767         private final File guardFile;
768         GuardFile(File workingDir) {
769             guardFile = new File(workingDir, GUARD_FILE);
770         }
771         int getPort() throws ProCoreException {
772             String[] lines = getFileLines(guardFile, END_LINE);
773             if (lines.length < PORT_LINE)
774                 throw new ProCoreException("Server port is not available. " + guardFile.getAbsolutePath());
775             return parseInt(lines[PORT_LINE-1]);
776         }
777         private void checkVersion(String[] lines) throws ProCoreException {
778             if (lines.length < VERSION_LINE)
779                 throw new ProCoreException("Guard file version is not available. " + guardFile.getAbsolutePath());
780             int version = parseInt(lines[VERSION_LINE-1]);
781             if (1 != version)
782                 throw new GuardFileVersionException(guardFile, "Unsupported guard file version. version=" + version);
783         }
784         boolean delete() {
785             if (guardFile.exists())
786                 return guardFile.delete();
787             else
788                 return true; // Guard file is deleted i.e. does not exit.
789         }
790         void deleteLog() {
791             if (!guardFile.exists())
792                 return;
793             try {
794                 Files.delete(guardFile.toPath());
795             } catch (Throwable t) {
796                 t.printStackTrace();
797             }
798         }
799         Integer getExitValue() {
800             String lines[] = getFileLines(guardFile, END_LINE);
801             try {
802                 checkVersion(lines);
803                 if (lines.length >= EXIT_LINE)
804                     return parseInt(lines[EXIT_LINE-1]);
805                 else if (lines.length >= PID_LINE && !isRunning(lines[PID_LINE-1]))
806                     return -1; // Server has died without writing exit status.
807                 return null; // Server might be running.
808             } catch (Exception e) {
809                 Logger.defaultLogError("Could not get ProCoreServer exit value.", e);
810                 return null; // Server might be running.
811             }
812         }
813 //        void stopProCoreServer() throws ProCoreException {
814 //            if (!guardFile.exists())
815 //                throw new ServerGuardNotFoundException(guardFile.getParentFile(), "Guard file does not exist.");
816 //            String lines[] = new String[0];
817 //            for (int i=0; i<LONG_SLEEP_COUNT; ++i, sleep(i, LONG_SLEEP_COUNT)) {
818 //                 lines = getFileLines(guardFile, END_LINE);
819 //                if (lines.length < 1)
820 //                    throw new ProCoreException("Guard file does not contain lines.");
821 //                checkVersion(lines);
822 //                if (lines.length >= END_LINE)
823 //                    return; // Server is dead according to guard file.
824 //                if (!isRunning(lines[PID_LINE-1]))
825 //                    return; // ProCoreServer is not running.
826 //                if (lines.length >= PORT_LINE) //  ProCoreServer is running according to pid. Either it's slow or pid is for some other file.
827 //                    break;
828 //            }
829 //            if (lines.length < PORT_LINE)
830 //                throw new ProCoreException("Guard file does not contain port.");
831 //            try {
832 //                int port = parseInt(lines[PORT_LINE-1]);
833 //                if (port > 0) {
834 //                    ProCoreClient lProCoreClient = new ProCoreClient();
835 //                    SessionAddress sa = new SessionAddressImpl(new InetSocketAddress(LOCALHOST, port), true);
836 //                    lProCoreClient.connect(sa);
837 //                    try {
838 //                        String reply = lProCoreClient.execute(QUIT_CMD);
839 //                        int nConnect = Integer.parseInt(reply);
840 //                        if (nConnect > 1)
841 //                            throw new ProCoreException("More than one active connection in server while giving quit command. folder=" + guardFile.getParent());
842 //                    } finally {
843 //                        lProCoreClient.disconnect();
844 //                    }
845 //                }
846 //            } catch (Throwable t) {
847 //                throw new ProCoreException("Failed to stop procore server cleanly.", t);
848 //            }
849 //            // Managed to send quit command to server, let's wait and see if it has any effect.
850 //            boolean dead = wait4ServerToDie(null, LONG_SLEEP_COUNT);
851 //            if (!dead)
852 //                throw new ProCoreException("Unable to stop server.");
853 //        }
854         boolean isActive(ProCoreClient proCoreClient) throws ProCoreException {
855             if (proCoreClient.isConnected())
856                 throw new ProCoreException("Illegal argument. ProCoreClient must not be connected.");
857             String lines[] = getFileLines(guardFile, END_LINE);
858             if (lines.length != PORT_LINE)
859                 return false;
860             checkVersion(lines);
861             try {
862                 int port = parseInt(lines[PORT_LINE-1]);
863                 if (port > 0) {
864                     try {
865                         // Checking if core is responsive.
866                         // This should be supported regardless of version.
867                         SessionAddress sa = new SessionAddress(new InetSocketAddress(LOCALHOST, port), true);
868                         proCoreClient.connect(sa);
869                         proCoreClient.execute(""); // Dubious, not necessarily supported by all protocol versions.
870                         return true;
871                     } catch (ProCoreException e) {
872                     } finally { // We must disconnect or check protocol version.
873                         proCoreClient.disconnect();
874                     }
875                 }
876             } catch (Throwable t) {
877                 // Intentionally empty.
878             }
879             return false;
880         }
881         boolean isAlive() throws ProCoreException {
882             String lines[] = getFileLines(guardFile, END_LINE);
883             if (lines.length < 1)
884                 return false; // No lines, assuming server is dead.
885             checkVersion(lines);
886             if (lines.length < PID_LINE)
887                 return false; // No process id, assuming server is dead.
888             else if (lines.length >= END_LINE)
889                 return false; // End status available, assuming server is dead.
890             else if (lines.length >= EXIT_LINE)
891                 return false; // Exit status available, assuming server is dying.
892             else if (isRunning(lines[PID_LINE-1]))
893                 return true; // Process with given id running. Server might be alive.
894             else
895                 return false;// Process with given id not running.
896         }
897     }
898     public static class TailFile {
899         public static class Data {
900             Data(long version, long nextChangeSetId, long nextFreeId) {
901                 this.version = version;
902                 this.nextChangeSetId = nextChangeSetId;
903                 this.nextFreeId = nextFreeId;
904             }
905             long version;
906             public long nextChangeSetId;
907             long nextFreeId;
908         }
909         public static void createTailFile(File file, long nextChangeSetId, long nextFreeId, String dbId) throws ProCoreException {
910             if (file.exists())
911                 throw new TailException("Tail file exists and thus cannot be created. file=" + file);
912             FileOutputStream fos;
913             try {
914                 fos = new FileOutputStream(file);
915             } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
916                 throw new TailException("Tail file cannot be created. file=" + file);
917             }
918             PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(fos);
919             try {
920                 ps.println(1); // file version
921                 ps.println(nextChangeSetId); // next revision
922                 ps.println(nextFreeId); // next free cluster
923                 ps.println(dbId); // database id
924             } finally {
925                 ps.close();
926             }
927         }
928         public static Data readTailFile(File file) throws ProCoreException {
929             String lines[] = getFileLines(file, 3);
930             if (lines.length < 3)
931                 throw new TailReadException("Could not read data from " + file);
932             long ver = Long.parseLong(lines[0]);
933             long cs = Long.parseLong(lines[1]);
934             long id = Long.parseLong(lines[2]);
935             return new Data(ver, cs, id);
936         }
937     }
938 }
939 class SessionAddress {
940     private final InetSocketAddress socketAddress;
941     private final boolean ignoreProtocolVersion;
942     public SessionAddress(InetSocketAddress socketAddress, boolean ignoreProtocolVersion) {
943         assert(null != socketAddress);
944         this.socketAddress = socketAddress;
945         this.ignoreProtocolVersion = ignoreProtocolVersion;
946     }
947     public InetSocketAddress getSocketAddress() {
948         return socketAddress;
949     }
950     public boolean ignoreProtocolVersion() {
951         return ignoreProtocolVersion;
952     }
953     @Override
954     public String toString() {
955         return socketAddress.toString();
956     }
957 }
958 class PacketQueue {
959     private final LinkedBlockingQueue<Packet> packets = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Packet>();
960     PacketQueue() {
961     }
962     void addFirst(Packet packet) {
963         packets.add(packet);
964     }
965     Packet takeFirst() throws InterruptedException {
966         return packets.take();
967     }
968 }
969 class Header {
970     Header(int[] ints) {
971         lastTokenIn = ints[0];
972         token = ints[1];
973         messageNumber = ints[2];
974         inflateSize = ints[3];
975         deflateSize = ints[4];
976     }
977     int lastTokenIn;
978     int token;
979     int messageNumber;
980     int inflateSize;
981     int deflateSize;
982     @Override
983     public String toString() {
984         StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(80);
985         sb.append("lastTokenIn=");
986         sb.append(lastTokenIn);
987         sb.append(" token=");
988         sb.append(token);
989         sb.append(" messageNumber=");
990         sb.append(messageNumber);
991         sb.append(" inflateSize=");
992         sb.append(inflateSize);
993         sb.append(" deflateSize=");
994         sb.append(deflateSize);
995         return sb.toString();
996     }
997 }
998 class Packet {
999     Header header;
1000     ByteBuffer bytes;
1001     Packet(int[] header, ByteBuffer bytes) {
1002         this.header = new Header(header);
1003         this.bytes = bytes;
1004     }
1005 }
1006 class ConnectionThread {
1007     private static final boolean DEBUG = DebugPolicy.REPORT_SERVER_EVENTS;
1008     private static final int HEADER_N = 5;
1009     private static final int HEADER_SIZE = HEADER_N * 4;
1010     private static final int DEFLATE = 4;
1011     private static final int INCREMENT_SIZE = 8192;
1012     private static int instanceCount = 0;
1013     class Manager implements Runnable {
1014         private final int instance;
1015         private volatile boolean carryOn = true;
1016         private volatile int lastTokenIn = 0;
1017         private volatile MethodQueue methodQueue = new MethodQueue();
1018         private volatile CountDownLatch running = new CountDownLatch(1);
1019         private final EventHandler defaultEventHandler = new DefaultEventHandler();
1020 //        private EventHandler eventHandler = defaultEventHandler;
1021         Manager() {
1022             instance = ++instanceCount;
1023         }
1024         @Override
1025         public String toString() {
1026             return "Connection " + instance;
1027         }
1028         InetSocketAddress getAddress() {
1029             return connection.getAddress();
1030         }
1031         boolean isConnected() {
1032             return connection.isConnected();
1033         }
1034         void reconnect() throws ProCoreException, InterruptedException {
1035             InetSocketAddress a = connection.getAddress();
1036             if (connection.addressNotInitialized() || 0 == a.getPort())
1037                 throw new ProCoreException("Address not ok. address=" + connection.getAddress());
1038             connect(a);
1039         }
1040         void connect(int port) throws ProCoreException, InterruptedException {
1041             InetSocketAddress a = connection.getAddress();
1042             if (connection.addressNotInitialized() || 0 == a.getPort() || (port != 0 && port != a.getPort()))
1043                 a = new InetSocketAddress(ProCoreClient.LOCALHOST, port);
1044             connect(a);
1045         }
1046         void connect(InetSocketAddress address) throws ProCoreException, InterruptedException {
1047             if (connection.isConnected()) {
1048                 if (connection.equalsAddress(address))
1049                     return;
1050                 else
1051                     throw new ProCoreException("Already connected to different address. old=" + connection.getAddress() + " new=" + address);
1052             }
1053             connection.init4Connection(address);
1054             connectionManager.connect(connection);
1055 //            compression = new Compression();
1056             if (thread.isAlive())
1057                 return;
1058             thread.start();
1059             running.await();
1060         }
1061         void call(Method method) throws ProCoreException, InterruptedException, IOException {
1062 //            eventHandler = method.getEventHandler(eventHandler);
1063             connection.sendMethod(methodQueue, method, lastTokenIn);
1064         }
1065         void disconnect() {
1066             methodQueue.close();
1067             connection.disconnect();
1068         }
1069         @Override
1070         public void run() { // MARK: CT.Manger.run
1071             try {
1072                 running.countDown();
1073                 while (carryOn) {
1074                     Packet packet = null;
1075                     try {
1076                         packet = inputQueue.takeFirst();
1077                     } catch (InterruptedException e) {
1078                         Util.trace("Wait for input packet interrupted. this=" + this);
1079                         continue;
1080                     }
1081                     if (null == packet)
1082                         break;
1083                     handlePacket(packet);
1084                 }
1085                 if (carryOn)
1086                     Util.trace("Thread " + thread.getName() + " stopped with null packet.");
1087                 else
1088                     Util.trace("Thread " + thread.getName() + " stopped with false carryOn.");
1089             } catch (Throwable t) {
1090                 Util.logError("Thread " + thread.getName() + " stopped to exception:", t);
1091             } finally {
1092                 disconnect();
1093                 running.countDown();
1094             }
1095         }
1096         private void handlePacket(Packet packet) throws ProCoreException {
1097             if (packet.header.token > lastTokenIn) {
1098                 lastTokenIn =  packet.header.token;
1099                 if (DEBUG)
1100                     Util.showDebug("Setting lastTokeinIn=" + lastTokenIn);
1101             }
1102             Method method = methodQueue.remove(packet.header.token);
1103             if (null == method) {
1104                 try {
1105                     switch (packet.header.messageNumber) {
1106                         default: {
1107                             Util.logError("Missing method. token=" + packet.header.token);
1108                         } return;
1109                         case MessageNumber.ChangeSetUpdateRequest: {
1110                             defaultEventHandler.on(new ChangeSetUpdateEvent(packet));
1111                         } break;
1112                     }
1113                 } catch (Throwable t) {
1114                     Util.logError("Event handler failed:", t);
1115                 }
1116                 return;
1117             }
1118 //            else
1119 //                eventHandler = method.getEventHandler(defaultEventHandler);
1120             switch (packet.header.messageNumber) {
1121             default: {
1122                 String s = "Illegal message number " + packet.header.messageNumber;
1123                 method.gotException(s);
1124             } break;
1125             case MessageNumber.ChangeSetUpdateRequest:
1126                 method.getEventHandler(defaultEventHandler).on(new ChangeSetUpdateEvent(packet));
1127                 methodQueue.add(method); // Event caused by method. Actual method not yet handled.
1128                 break;
1129             case MessageNumber.NullResponse:
1130                 //Util.log("Null(ack) message. method=" + method + " packet=" + packet);
1131             break;
1132             case MessageNumber.ExceptionResponse:
1133                 method.gotException(packet);
1134             break; // MARK: handlePacket
1135             case MessageNumber.AAAResponse:
1136             case MessageNumber.AskTransactionResponse:
1137             case MessageNumber.CancelCommitResponse:
1138             case MessageNumber.CloseClientSessionResponse:
1139             case MessageNumber.EchoResponse:
1140             case MessageNumber.EndTransactionResponse:
1141             case MessageNumber.ExecuteResponse:
1142             case MessageNumber.GetChangeSetContextResponse:
1143             case MessageNumber.GetChangeSetDataResponse:
1144             case MessageNumber.GetChangeSetsResponse:
1145             case MessageNumber.GetClusterNewResponse:
1146             case MessageNumber.GetRefreshResponse:
1147             case MessageNumber.GetResourceSegmentResponse:
1148             case MessageNumber.GetServerInfoResponse:
1149             case MessageNumber.OpenClientSessionResponse:
1150             case MessageNumber.RefreshResponse:
1151             case MessageNumber.ReserveIdsResponse:
1152             case MessageNumber.UndoResponse:
1153             case MessageNumber.ReconnectResponse:
1154             case MessageNumber.GetRefresh2Response:
1155             case MessageNumber.GetClusterChangesResponse:
1156             case MessageNumber.GetServerInfo2Response:
1157             case MessageNumber.ListClustersResponse: {
1158                 method.gotPacket(packet);
1159             } break;
1160             }
1161         }
1162     }
1163     private final ConnectionManager connectionManager;
1164     private final PacketQueue inputQueue = new PacketQueue();
1165     private final Connection connection = new Connection(this);
1166     private final Manager manager = new Manager();
1167     private Thread thread = new Thread(manager, manager.toString());
1168     private int[] header = null;
1169     private int[] INTS = new int[HEADER_N];
1170     private int remaining = HEADER_SIZE;
1171     private int deflateSize;
1172     ConnectionThread(ConnectionManager connectionManager) {
1173         this.connectionManager = connectionManager;
1174    }
1175     ByteBuffer getInputBuffer() {
1176         return getInputBuffer(INCREMENT_SIZE);
1177     }
1178     ByteBuffer getInputBuffer(int sizeAtLeast) {
1179         ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(Math.max(sizeAtLeast, INCREMENT_SIZE));
1180         bb.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
1181         return bb;
1182     }
1183     @Override
1184     public String toString() {
1185         return "header=" + header + " remaining=" + remaining;
1186     }
1187     private String toString(ByteBuffer buffer, int nRead) {
1188         return this + " nRead=" + nRead + " buffer=" + buffer;
1189     }
1190     ByteBuffer handleInput(ByteBuffer buffer, int nRead) // nRead > 0
1191     throws IOException { // MARK: handleInput
1192         int position = buffer.position();
1193         if (null == header) {
1194             if (position < HEADER_SIZE)
1195                 return buffer;
1196             else { // Got header.
1197                 buffer.position(0);
1198                 IntBuffer ib = buffer.asIntBuffer();
1199                 ib.get(INTS);
1200                 ib = null;
1201                 header = INTS;
1202                 deflateSize = header[DEFLATE];
1203                 if (deflateSize < 0)
1204                     throw new IOException("Illegal deflate size=" + deflateSize);
1205                 remaining += deflateSize;
1206                 if (remaining > buffer.limit()) { // We need more space. This is not optimal but a simple way to handle this case.
1207                     ByteBuffer bb = getInputBuffer(remaining);
1208                     buffer.position(0);
1209                     buffer.limit(position);
1210                     bb.put(buffer);
1211                     return bb;
1212                 }
1213                 buffer.position(position);
1214             }
1215         }
1216         if (position < remaining)
1217             return buffer; // Need more data.
1218         else if (position > remaining) { // Got whole packet and then some. This is not optimal but a simple way to handle this case.
1219             ByteBuffer bb = getInputBuffer(remaining);
1220             buffer.position(0);
1221             buffer.limit(remaining);
1222             bb.put(buffer);
1223             inputQueue.addFirst(new Packet(header, bb));
1224             ByteBuffer b2 = getInputBuffer(buffer.limit());
1225             buffer.position(remaining);
1226             buffer.limit(position);
1227             b2.put(buffer);
1228             header = null;
1229             remaining = HEADER_SIZE;
1230             return handleInput(b2, b2.position());
1231         } else if (position != remaining)
1232             throw new IOException("Assertion error. this=" + toString(buffer, nRead));
1233         // Got exactly one packet.
1234         inputQueue.addFirst(new Packet(header, buffer));
1235         header = null;
1236         remaining = HEADER_SIZE;
1237         return getInputBuffer(INCREMENT_SIZE);
1238     }
1239     InetSocketAddress getAddress() {
1240         return manager.getAddress();
1241     }
1242     boolean isConnected() {
1243         return manager.isConnected();
1244     }
1245     void reconnect() throws ProCoreException, InterruptedException {
1246         manager.reconnect();
1247     }
1248     void connect(int port) throws ProCoreException, InterruptedException {
1249         manager.connect(port);
1250     }
1251     void connect(InetSocketAddress address) throws ProCoreException, InterruptedException {
1252         manager.connect(address);
1253     }
1254     void disconnect() {
1255         manager.disconnect();
1256     }
1257     Connection call(Method m) throws ProCoreException, InterruptedException, IOException {
1258         manager.call(m);
1259         return connection;
1260     }
1261 }
1262 class Client {
1263     private final ProCoreServer proCoreServer;
1264     private final ProCoreClient proCoreClient;
1265     private final ConnectionThread connectionThread;
1266     private boolean closed = false;
1267     Client(ProCoreServer proCoreServer, ProCoreClient proCoreClient, ConnectionThread connectionThread) {
1268         this.proCoreServer = proCoreServer;
1269         this.proCoreClient = proCoreClient;
1270         this.connectionThread = connectionThread;
1271     }
1272     void open() throws ProCoreException, InterruptedException {
1273         synchronized (proCoreClient) {
1274             if (!connectionThread.isConnected())
1275                 connectionThread.connect(proCoreServer.getPort());
1276         }
1277         closed = false;
1278     }
1279     boolean isOpen() {
1280         synchronized (proCoreClient) {
1281             return connectionThread.isConnected();
1282         }
1283     }
1284     boolean isClosed() {
1285         synchronized (proCoreClient) {
1286             return closed || !connectionThread.isConnected();
1287         }
1288     }
1289     void close() {
1290         proCoreClient.deleteClient(this);
1291         closed = true;
1292     }
1293     String execute(String command) throws ProCoreException {
1294         return proCoreClient.execute(command);
1295     }
1296     void call(Method m) throws ProCoreException {
1297         proCoreClient.call(m);
1298     }
1299 }
1300 class ProCoreClient {
1301     public static final String LOCALHOST = "";
1302     class Remote {
1303         private final ConnectionManager connectionManager = ConnectionManager.getInstance();
1304         private final ConnectionThread connectionThread = new ConnectionThread(connectionManager);
1305         Remote() {
1306         }
1307     }
1308     private final Remote remote = new Remote();
1309     private final Set<Client> clients = new  HashSet<Client>();
1310     private final ProCoreServer proCoreServer;
1311     public ProCoreClient(ProCoreServer proCoreServer) throws ProCoreException {
1312         this.proCoreServer = proCoreServer;
1313     }
1314     synchronized public int getPort() {
1315         return remote.connectionThread.getAddress().getPort();
1316     }
1317     synchronized public boolean isConnected() {
1318         return remote.connectionThread.isConnected();
1319     }
1320     synchronized public Client newClient() throws ProCoreException {
1321         return newClient(proCoreServer, remote.connectionThread.getAddress());
1322     }
1323     synchronized public Client newClient(ProCoreServer proCoreServer, InetSocketAddress address) throws ProCoreException {
1324         if (!remote.connectionThread.isConnected())
1325             try {
1326                 remote.connectionThread.connect(address);
1327             } catch (InterruptedException e) {
1328                 if (!remote.connectionThread.isConnected()) {
1329                     remote.connectionThread.disconnect();
1330                     throw new ProCoreException("Failed to create new client.");
1331                 }
1332             }
1333         else if (!address.equals(remote.connectionThread.getAddress()))
1334             throw new ProCoreException("Illegal newClient call. Already connected to different address.");
1335         Client client = new Client(proCoreServer, this, remote.connectionThread);
1336         clients.add(client);
1337         return client;
1338     }
1339     synchronized int deleteClient(Client client) {
1340         clients.remove(client);
1341         return clients.size();
1342     }
1343     void closeClient(int aSessionId) throws ProCoreException {
1344         try {
1345             CloseClientSessionFunction f = new CloseClientSessionFunction(aSessionId);
1346             Method m = new Method(f, null, null);
1347             Connection c = remote.connectionThread.call(m);
1348             m.waitForReply(c);
1349         } catch (InterruptedException e) {
1350             throw new ProCoreException("Thread interrupted during method call.", e);
1351         } catch (IOException e) {
1352             throw new ProCoreException("IOException during method call.", e);
1353         } catch (Throwable e) {
1354             throw new ProCoreException("Throwable during method call.", e);
1355         }
1356  }
1357     synchronized public String execute(String command) throws ProCoreException {
1358         try {
1359             ExecuteFunction f = new ExecuteFunction(command);
1360             Method m = new Method(f, null, null);
1361             Connection c = remote.connectionThread.call(m);
1362             m.waitForReply(c);
1363             return f.out;
1364         } catch (InterruptedException e) {
1365             throw new ProCoreException("Thread interrupted during method call.", e);
1366         } catch (IOException e) {
1367             throw new ProCoreException("IOException during method call.", e);
1368         } catch (Throwable e) {
1369             throw new ProCoreException("Throwable during method call.", e);
1370         }
1371     }
1372     private void recall(Method method, IOException e) throws ProCoreException {// :)
1373         if (remote.connectionThread.isConnected())
1374             throw new ProCoreException("IOException during method call.", e);
1375         try {
1376             remote.connectionThread.reconnect();
1377             Connection c = remote.connectionThread.call(method);
1378             method.waitForReply(c);
1379         } catch (Throwable t) {
1380             throw new ProCoreException("IOException during method call. Recall failed.", e);
1381         }
1382     }
1383     synchronized public void call(Method method) throws ProCoreException {
1384         try {
1385             Connection c = remote.connectionThread.call(method);
1386             method.waitForReply(c);
1387         } catch (InterruptedException e) {
1388             throw new ProCoreException("Thread interrupted during method call.", e);
1389         } catch (IOException e) {
1390             recall(method, e);
1391         } catch (ProCoreException e) {
1392             throw e;
1393         } catch (Throwable e) {
1394             throw new ProCoreException("Throwable during method call.", e);
1395         }
1396     }
1397     synchronized public void connect(int port) throws ProCoreException, InterruptedException {
1398         remote.connectionThread.connect(port);
1399     }
1400     synchronized public void connect(SessionAddress sessionAddress)
1401     throws ProCoreException, InterruptedException {
1402         remote.connectionThread.connect(sessionAddress.getSocketAddress());
1403     }
1404     synchronized public void disconnect() throws ProCoreException {
1405         remote.connectionThread.disconnect();
1406     }
1407 }
1408 abstract class Event {
1409     final String name;
1410     final Packet packet;
1411     Event(String name, Packet packet) {
1412         this.name = name;
1413         this.packet = packet;
1414     }
1415     int getToken() {
1416         return packet.header.token;
1417     }
1418     void deserialize(org.simantics.db.server.protocol.AbstractEvent event) {
1419         event.deserialize(event.getRequestNumber(), getDataBuffer());
1420     }
1421     private org.simantics.db.server.protocol.DataBuffer getDataBuffer() {
1422         this.packet.bytes.position(20);
1423         return new org.simantics.db.server.protocol.DataBuffer(this.packet.bytes);
1424     }
1425     @Override public String toString() {
1426         return name + " token=" + packet.header.token;
1427     }
1428 }
1429 class ChangeSetUpdateEvent extends Event {
1430     ChangeSetUpdateEvent(Packet packet) {
1431         super("ChangeSetUpdateEvent", packet);
1432     }
1433 }
1434 abstract class EventHandler {
1435     abstract void on(Event event);
1436 }
1437 class DefaultEventHandler extends EventHandler {
1438     void on(Event event) {
1439         Util.log("Missing event handler. event=" + event);
1440     }
1441 }