]> gerrit.simantics Code Review - simantics/platform.git/blob - bundles/org.simantics.g2d/src/org/simantics/g2d/routing/algorithm1/Router.java
Testing SonarQube with Simantics Platform SDK - still
[simantics/platform.git] / bundles / org.simantics.g2d / src / org / simantics / g2d / routing / algorithm1 / Router.java
1 /*******************************************************************************\r
2  * Copyright (c) 2007, 2010 Association for Decentralized Information Management\r
3  * in Industry THTH ry.\r
4  * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials\r
5  * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0\r
6  * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at\r
7  * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html\r
8  *\r
9  * Contributors:\r
10  *     VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland - initial API and implementation\r
11  *******************************************************************************/\r
12 package org.simantics.g2d.routing.algorithm1;\r
13 \r
14 import gnu.trove.map.hash.TCustomHashMap;\r
15 import gnu.trove.strategy.IdentityHashingStrategy;\r
16 \r
17 import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;\r
18 import java.awt.geom.Path2D;\r
19 import java.awt.geom.PathIterator;\r
20 import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;\r
21 import java.util.Arrays;\r
22 import java.util.Collection;\r
23 import java.util.HashSet;\r
24 \r
25 import org.simantics.g2d.routing.IGraphModel;\r
26 import org.simantics.g2d.routing.IRouter;\r
27 import org.simantics.g2d.routing.Terminal;\r
28 import org.simantics.g2d.routing.spatial.IRectangleProcedure;\r
29 import org.simantics.g2d.routing.spatial.RTree;\r
30 \r
31 public class Router implements IRouter {\r
32         \r
33         TCustomHashMap<Object, PenaltyRectangle> oldObstacles;\r
34         TCustomHashMap<Object, ConnectionInfo> oldConnections = new TCustomHashMap<Object, ConnectionInfo>(IdentityHashingStrategy.INSTANCE);\r
35         \r
36         static class ConnectionInfo extends Rectangle {\r
37 \r
38                 Rectangle bounds;\r
39                 int hash;\r
40                 \r
41                 public ConnectionInfo(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1, Rectangle bounds, int hash) {\r
42                         super(x0, y0, x1, y1);\r
43                         this.bounds = bounds;\r
44                         this.hash = hash;\r
45                 }\r
46                 \r
47         }\r
48         \r
49         @Override\r
50         public void update(IGraphModel model) {\r
51                 double[] coords = new double[6];\r
52                 \r
53                 RTree rtree = new RTree();\r
54                 RTree modifications = null;\r
55                 if(oldObstacles == null) {\r
56                         oldObstacles = new TCustomHashMap<Object, PenaltyRectangle>(IdentityHashingStrategy.INSTANCE);\r
57                         for(Object obstacle : model.getObstacles()) {\r
58                                 Rectangle2D rect2d = model.getObstacleShape(obstacle);\r
59                                 PenaltyRectangle pRect = new PenaltyRectangle(\r
60                                         rect2d.getMinX(), rect2d.getMinY(), rect2d.getMaxX(), rect2d.getMaxY(),\r
61                                         Penalty.OBSTACLE_PENALTY, Penalty.OBSTACLE_PENALTY\r
62                                         ); \r
63                                 rtree.add(pRect, pRect);\r
64                                 oldObstacles.put(obstacle, pRect);\r
65                         }               \r
66                 }\r
67                 else {\r
68                         modifications = new RTree();\r
69                         TCustomHashMap<Object, PenaltyRectangle> newObstacles = new TCustomHashMap<Object, PenaltyRectangle>(IdentityHashingStrategy.INSTANCE); \r
70                         for(Object obstacle : model.getObstacles()) {\r
71                                 Rectangle2D rect2d = model.getObstacleShape(obstacle);\r
72                                 PenaltyRectangle oldRect = oldObstacles.remove(obstacle);\r
73                                 if(oldRect != null && rect2d.getMinX() == oldRect.x0 && rect2d.getMaxX() == oldRect.x1 &&\r
74                                    rect2d.getMinY() == oldRect.y0 && rect2d.getMaxY() == oldRect.y1) {\r
75                                         newObstacles.put(obstacle, oldRect);\r
76                                         rtree.add(oldRect, oldRect);\r
77                                 }\r
78                                 else {\r
79                                         PenaltyRectangle pRect = new PenaltyRectangle(\r
80                                                 rect2d.getMinX(), rect2d.getMinY(), rect2d.getMaxX(), rect2d.getMaxY(),\r
81                                                 Penalty.OBSTACLE_PENALTY, Penalty.OBSTACLE_PENALTY\r
82                                                 ); \r
83                                         rtree.add(pRect, pRect);\r
84                                         newObstacles.put(obstacle, pRect);\r
85                                         modifications.add(pRect, pRect);\r
86                                         if(oldRect != null)\r
87                                                 modifications.add(oldRect, oldRect);\r
88                                 }\r
89                         }\r
90                         oldObstacles = newObstacles;\r
91                 }\r
92                 \r
93                 TCustomHashMap<Object, ConnectionInfo> newConnections = new TCustomHashMap<Object, ConnectionInfo>(IdentityHashingStrategy.INSTANCE);\r
94                 Collection<Object> connections = model.getConnections();\r
95                 if(modifications != null) {                     \r
96                         for(Object c : connections) {\r
97                                 ConnectionInfo oldInfo = oldConnections.remove(c);\r
98                                 if(oldInfo != null)\r
99                                         newConnections.put(c, oldInfo);\r
100                         }\r
101                         for(ConnectionInfo info : oldConnections.values())\r
102                                 modifications.add(info.bounds, info);\r
103                 }\r
104                 int count = 0;\r
105                 for(Object c : connections) {\r
106                         Terminal begin = model.getBeginTerminal(c);\r
107                         double[] routePoints = model.getRoutePoints(c);\r
108                         Terminal end = model.getEndTerminal(c);         \r
109                         \r
110                         int hash = (begin == null ? 0 : begin.hashCode()) + 31 * ((end == null ? 0 : end.hashCode()) + 31 * Arrays.hashCode(routePoints));\r
111                         \r
112                         if(modifications != null) {\r
113                                 ConnectionInfo info = newConnections.get(c);\r
114                                 if(info != null) {                              \r
115                                         if(hash==info.hash && !modifications.intersects(info)) {\r
116                                                 newConnections.put(c, info);\r
117                                                 continue;\r
118                                         }\r
119                                         modifications.add(info.bounds, info);\r
120                                 }\r
121                         }\r
122                         \r
123                         ++ count;\r
124                         \r
125                         double x0 = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;\r
126                         double y0 = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;\r
127                         double x1 = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;\r
128                         double y1 = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;\r
129                         \r
130                         if(begin != null) {\r
131                                 if(begin.x < x0) x0 = begin.x;\r
132                                 else if(begin.x > x1) x1 = begin.x;\r
133                                 if(begin.y < y0) y0 = begin.x;\r
134                                 else if(begin.y > y1) y1 = begin.x;\r
135                         }\r
136                         \r
137                         if(end != null) {\r
138                                 if(end.x < x0) x0 = end.x;\r
139                                 else if(end.x > x1) x1 = end.x;\r
140                                 if(end.y < y0) y0 = end.x;\r
141                                 else if(end.y > y1) y1 = end.x;\r
142                         }\r
143                         \r
144                         for(int i=0;i<routePoints.length;i+=2) {\r
145                                 double x = routePoints[i];\r
146                                 if(x < x0) x0 = x;\r
147                                 else if(x > x1) x1 = x;\r
148                                 double y = routePoints[i+1];\r
149                                 if(y < y0) y0 = x;\r
150                                 else if(y > y1) y1 = x;\r
151                         }\r
152                         \r
153                         final HashSet<PenaltyRectangle> rectangles = new HashSet<PenaltyRectangle>();\r
154                         rtree.search(new Rectangle(x0, y0, x1, y1), new IRectangleProcedure() {\r
155 \r
156                                 @Override\r
157                                 public void call(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1, Object value) {\r
158                                         rectangles.add((PenaltyRectangle)value);\r
159                                 }\r
160                                 \r
161                         });\r
162                         \r
163                         while(true) {                           \r
164                                 \r
165                                 Path2D path = new StaticRouter(rectangles).route(begin, routePoints, end);\r
166                                 if(path == null)\r
167                                         break;\r
168                                 \r
169                                 Rectangle2D rect = path.getBounds2D();\r
170                                 boolean contained = true;\r
171                                 if(rect.getMinX() < x0) {\r
172                                         x0 = rect.getMinX();\r
173                                         contained = false;\r
174                                 }\r
175                                 if(rect.getMaxX() > x1) {\r
176                                         x1 = rect.getMaxX();\r
177                                         contained = false;\r
178                                 }\r
179                                 if(rect.getMinY() < y0) {\r
180                                         y0 = rect.getMinY();\r
181                                         contained = false;\r
182                                 }\r
183                                 if(rect.getMaxY() > y1) {\r
184                                         y1 = rect.getMaxY();\r
185                                         contained = false;\r
186                                 }\r
187                                 \r
188                                 final boolean[] ff = new boolean[] { true };\r
189                                 if(!contained) {\r
190                                         rtree.search(new Rectangle(x0, y0, x1, y1), new IRectangleProcedure() {\r
191 \r
192                                                 @Override\r
193                                                 public void call(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1, Object value) {\r
194                                                         if(!rectangles.contains(value)) {\r
195                                                                 rectangles.add((PenaltyRectangle)value);\r
196                                                                 ff[0] = false;\r
197                                                         }\r
198                                                 }\r
199                                                 \r
200                                         });\r
201                                 }\r
202                                 \r
203                                 if(ff[0]) {\r
204                                         model.setPath(c, path);\r
205                                         PathIterator it = path.getPathIterator(new AffineTransform());\r
206                                         double curX = 0.0, curY = 0.0, newX = 0.0, newY = 0.0;\r
207                                         while(!it.isDone()) {                                           \r
208                                                 switch(it.currentSegment(coords)) {\r
209                                                 case PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO:\r
210                                                         curX = coords[0];\r
211                                                         curY = coords[1];\r
212                                                         break;\r
213                                                 case PathIterator.SEG_LINETO:\r
214                                                         newX = coords[0];\r
215                                                         newY = coords[1];\r
216                                                         \r
217                                                         PenaltyRectangle pRect;\r
218                                                         if(newX == curX) {\r
219                                                                 pRect = new PenaltyRectangle(\r
220                                                                         curX-Penalty.CONNECTION_MARGINAL, Math.min(curY, newY), curX+Penalty.CONNECTION_MARGINAL, Math.max(curY, newY),\r
221                                                                         Penalty.CONNECTION_CROSS_PENALTY, Penalty.CONNECTION_SIDE_PENALTY\r
222                                                                         );                                                              \r
223                                                         }\r
224                                                         else {\r
225                                                                 pRect = new PenaltyRectangle(\r
226                                                                         Math.min(curX, newX), curY-Penalty.CONNECTION_MARGINAL, Math.max(curX, newX), curY+Penalty.CONNECTION_MARGINAL, \r
227                                                                         Penalty.CONNECTION_SIDE_PENALTY, Penalty.CONNECTION_CROSS_PENALTY\r
228                                                                         );      \r
229                                                         }\r
230                                                         rtree.add(pRect, pRect);\r
231                                                         \r
232                                                         curX = newX;\r
233                                                         curY = newY;\r
234                                                 }\r
235                                                 it.next();\r
236                                         }\r
237                                         ConnectionInfo info = new ConnectionInfo(x0, y0, x1, y1, Rectangle.of(path.getBounds2D()), hash);\r
238                                         if(modifications != null)\r
239                                                 modifications.add(info.bounds, info);\r
240                                         newConnections.put(c, info);                                    \r
241                                         break;\r
242                                 }\r
243                         }\r
244                         \r
245                 \r
246                 }\r
247                 \r
248                 oldConnections = newConnections;\r
249 \r
250                 //System.out.println("updated " + count + "/" + connections.size() + " connections");\r
251         }       \r
252 \r
253 }\r