1 import "Simantics/Variables"
3 include "Simantics/Testing/BuiltinKeys" as BuiltinKeys
5 importJava "org.simantics.browsing.ui.model.browsecontexts.BrowseContext" where
7 BrowseContext holds all contributions related to given set of browse contexts.
13 Returns the possible children of the given NodeContext parameter.
15 browseContextChildren :: BrowseContext -> NodeContext -> <ReadGraph> Collection NodeContext
19 Returns the possible parents of the given NodeContext parameter.
21 browseContextParents:: BrowseContext -> NodeContext -> <ReadGraph> Collection NodeContext
25 Finds labels for the given NodeContext parameter.
27 browseContextLabel :: BrowseContext -> NodeContext -> <ReadGraph> Map.T String String
31 Finds @link ImageDescriptors for the given NodeContext parameter.
33 browseContextImage :: BrowseContext -> NodeContext -> <ReadGraph> Map.T String ImageDescriptor
35 @JavaName getCheckedState
37 Finds if the given NodeContext is checked or not.
39 browseContextCheckedState :: BrowseContext -> NodeContext -> <ReadGraph> CheckedState
41 @JavaName getLabelDecorator
43 Finds LabelDecorator for the given NodeContext parameter.
45 browseContextLabelDecorator :: BrowseContext -> NodeContext -> <ReadGraph> LabelDecorator
47 @JavaName getImageDecorator
49 Finds ImageDecorator for the given NodeContext parameter.
51 browseContextImageDecorator :: BrowseContext -> NodeContext -> <ReadGraph> ImageDecorator
55 Finds Modifier for the given NodeContext parameter.
57 browseContextModifier :: BrowseContext -> NodeContext -> String -> <ReadGraph> Maybe Modifier
60 create :: [Resource] -> <ReadGraph> BrowseContext
62 importJava "org.simantics.browsing.ui.NodeContext" where
64 A context used to represent a single visible UI item.
69 Finds value with the specified key or <code>null</code> if there was no value for the key
71 getConstant :: NodeContext -> BuiltinKeys.ConstantKey -> <Proc> a
73 importJava "org.eclipse.jface.resource.ImageDescriptor" where
76 importJava "org.simantics.browsing.ui.content.ImageDecorator" where
79 importJava "org.eclipse.jface.resource.DeviceResourceDescriptor" where
83 importJava "org.eclipse.jface.resource.FontDescriptor" where
86 createFontDescriptorFrom :: String -> Integer -> Integer -> FontDescriptor
88 defaultFontDescriptor = createFontDescriptorFrom "Arial" 12 0
90 importJava "org.simantics.browsing.ui.content.LabelDecorator" where
92 An interface for decorating aesthetic properties of an UI item, including the label text, font, background color and foreground color.
97 Decorates the given label with the name of the UI column which the label is for and the index of this label within its parenting INodeContext.
98 Returns the decorated Label
100 decorateLabel :: LabelDecorator -> String -> String -> Integer -> <Proc> String
101 decorateForeground :: LabelDecorator -> a -> String -> Integer -> <Proc> a
102 decorateBackground :: LabelDecorator -> a -> String -> Integer -> <Proc> a
103 decorateFont :: LabelDecorator -> Maybe a -> String -> Integer -> <Proc> Maybe a
105 importJava "org.simantics.browsing.ui.CheckedState" where
108 importJava "org.simantics.browsing.ui.content.Labeler$Modifier" where
111 getValue :: Modifier -> <Proc> String
112 isValid :: Modifier -> String -> <Proc> Maybe String
113 modify :: Modifier -> String -> <Proc> ()
115 importJava "org.simantics.browsing.ui.model.browsecontexts.BrowseContexts" where
116 toBrowseContextG :: Vector String -> <ReadGraph> BrowseContext
117 getNodeContextForResource :: Resource -> <Proc> NodeContext
120 Creates a new BrowseContext for the given Collection of Resources.
122 createBrowseContext :: [Resource] -> <ReadGraph> BrowseContext
123 createBrowseContext resource = do
126 importJava "org.simantics.browsing.ui.common.NodeContextBuilder" where
127 buildWithInput :: a -> <Proc> NodeContext
129 instanceOfTest :: Variable -> <ReadGraph> (Resource -> <ReadGraph> Boolean)
130 instanceOfTest self = do
131 typeResource = singleObject (represents $ parent self) MOD.InstanceOfTest.HasType
132 (\r -> isInstanceOf r typeResource)