]> gerrit.simantics Code Review - simantics/r.git/blob - bundles/org.simantics.r.scl/src/org/rosuda/REngine/Rserve/protocol/REXPFactory.java
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[simantics/r.git] / bundles / org.simantics.r.scl / src / org / rosuda / REngine / Rserve / protocol / REXPFactory.java
1 package org.rosuda.REngine.Rserve.protocol;
3 // JRclient library - client interface to Rserve, see http://www.rosuda.org/Rserve/
4 // Copyright (C) 2004-8 Simon Urbanek
5 // --- for licensing information see LICENSE file in the original JRclient distribution ---
7 import java.util.*;
9 import org.rosuda.REngine.*;
10 import org.rosuda.REngine.Rserve.*;
12 /** representation of R-eXpressions in Java
14     @version $Id$
15 */
16 public class REXPFactory {
17     /** xpression type: NULL */
18     public static final int XT_NULL=0;
19     /** xpression type: integer */
20     public static final int XT_INT=1;
21     /** xpression type: double */
22     public static final int XT_DOUBLE=2;
23     /** xpression type: String */
24     public static final int XT_STR=3;
25     /** xpression type: language construct (currently content is same as list) */
26     public static final int XT_LANG=4;
27     /** xpression type: symbol (content is symbol name: String) */
28     public static final int XT_SYM=5;
29     /** xpression type: RBool */    
30     public static final int XT_BOOL=6;
31     /** xpression type: S4 object
32         @since Rserve 0.5 */
33     public static final int XT_S4=7;
34     /** xpression type: generic vector (RList) */
35     public static final int XT_VECTOR=16;
36     /** xpression type: dotted-pair list (RList) */
37     public static final int XT_LIST=17;
38     /** xpression type: closure (there is no java class for that type (yet?). currently the body of the closure is stored in the content part of the REXP. Please note that this may change in the future!) */
39     public static final int XT_CLOS=18;
40     /** xpression type: symbol name
41         @since Rserve 0.5 */
42     public static final int XT_SYMNAME=19;
43     /** xpression type: dotted-pair list (w/o tags)
44         @since Rserve 0.5 */
45     public static final int XT_LIST_NOTAG=20;
46     /** xpression type: dotted-pair list (w tags)
47         @since Rserve 0.5 */
48     public static final int XT_LIST_TAG=21;
49     /** xpression type: language list (w/o tags)
50         @since Rserve 0.5 */
51     public static final int XT_LANG_NOTAG=22;
52     /** xpression type: language list (w tags)
53         @since Rserve 0.5 */
54     public static final int XT_LANG_TAG=23;
55     /** xpression type: expression vector */
56     public static final int XT_VECTOR_EXP=26;
57     /** xpression type: string vector */
58     public static final int XT_VECTOR_STR=27;
59     /** xpression type: int[] */
60     public static final int XT_ARRAY_INT=32;
61     /** xpression type: double[] */
62     public static final int XT_ARRAY_DOUBLE=33;
63     /** xpression type: String[] (currently not used, Vector is used instead) */
64     public static final int XT_ARRAY_STR=34;
65     /** internal use only! this constant should never appear in a REXP */
66     public static final int XT_ARRAY_BOOL_UA=35;
67     /** xpression type: RBool[] */
68     public static final int XT_ARRAY_BOOL=36;
69     /** xpression type: raw (byte[])
70         @since Rserve 0.4-? */
71     public static final int XT_RAW=37;
72     /** xpression type: Complex[]
73         @since Rserve 0.5 */
74     public static final int XT_ARRAY_CPLX=38;
75     /** xpression type: unknown; no assumptions can be made about the content */
76     public static final int XT_UNKNOWN=48;
78     /** xpression type: RFactor; this XT is internally generated (ergo is does not come from Rsrv.h) to support RFactor class which is built from XT_ARRAY_INT */
79     public static final int XT_FACTOR=127; 
81         /** used for transport only - has attribute */
82         private static final int XT_HAS_ATTR=128;
84         int type;
85         REXPFactory attr;
86         REXP cont;
87         RList rootList;
89     public REXP getREXP() { return cont; }
90     public REXPList getAttr() { return (attr==null)?null:(REXPList)attr.cont; }
92         public REXPFactory() {
93         }
95         public REXPFactory(REXP r) throws REXPMismatchException {
96                 if (r == null) r=new REXPNull();
97                 REXPList a = r._attr();
98                 cont = r;
99                 if (a != null) attr = new REXPFactory(a);
100                 if (r instanceof REXPNull) {
101                         type=XT_NULL;
102                 } else if (r instanceof REXPList) {
103                         RList l = r.asList();
104                         type = l.isNamed()?XT_LIST_TAG:XT_LIST_NOTAG;
105                         if (r instanceof REXPLanguage)
106                                 type = (type==XT_LIST_TAG)?XT_LANG_TAG:XT_LANG_NOTAG;
107                 } else if (r instanceof REXPGenericVector) {
108                         type = XT_VECTOR; // FIXME: may have to adjust names attr
109                 } else if (r instanceof REXPS4) {
110                         type = XT_S4;
111                 } else if (r instanceof REXPInteger) { // this includes factor - FIXME: do we need speacial handling?
112                         type = XT_ARRAY_INT;
113                 } else if (r instanceof REXPDouble) {
114                         type = XT_ARRAY_DOUBLE;
115                 } else if (r instanceof REXPString) {
116                         type = XT_ARRAY_STR;
117                 } else if (r instanceof REXPSymbol) {
118                         type = XT_SYMNAME;
119                 } else if (r instanceof REXPRaw) {
120                         type = XT_RAW;
121                 } else if (r instanceof REXPLogical) {
122                         type = XT_ARRAY_BOOL;
123                 } else {
124                         // throw new REXPMismatchException(r, "decode");
125                         System.err.println("*** REXPFactory unable to interpret "+r);
126                 }
127         }
129     /** parses byte buffer for binary representation of xpressions - read one xpression slot (descends recursively for aggregated xpressions such as lists, vectors etc.)
130                 @param buf buffer containing the binary representation
131                 @param o offset in the buffer to start at
132         @return position just behind the parsed xpression. Can be use for successive calls to {@link #parseREXP} if more than one expression is stored in the binary array. */
133     public int parseREXP(byte[] buf, int o) throws REXPMismatchException {
134                 int xl = RTalk.getLen(buf,o);
135                 boolean hasAtt = ((buf[o]&128)!=0);
136         boolean isLong = ((buf[o]&64)!=0);
137                 int xt = (int)(buf[o]&63);
138         //System.out.println("parseREXP: type="+xt+", len="+xl+", hasAtt="+hasAtt+", isLong="+isLong);
139         if (isLong) o+=4;
140         o+=4;
141                 int eox=o+xl;
143                 type=xt; attr=new REXPFactory(); cont=null;
144                 if (hasAtt) o = attr.parseREXP(buf, o);
145                 if (xt==XT_NULL) {
146                         cont = new REXPNull(getAttr());
147                         return o;
148                 }
149                 if (xt==XT_DOUBLE) {
150                         long lr = RTalk.getLong(buf,o);
151                         double[] d = new double[] { Double.longBitsToDouble(lr) };
152                         o+=8;
153                         if (o!=eox) {
154                                 System.err.println("Warning: double SEXP size mismatch\n");
155                                 o=eox;
156                         }
157                         cont = new REXPDouble(d, getAttr());
158                         return o;
159                 }
160                 if (xt==XT_ARRAY_DOUBLE) {
161                         int as=(eox-o)/8,i=0;
162                         double[] d=new double[as];
163                         while (o<eox) {
164                                 d[i]=Double.longBitsToDouble(RTalk.getLong(buf,o));
165                                 o+=8;
166                                 i++;
167                         }
168                         if (o!=eox) {
169                                 System.err.println("Warning: double array SEXP size mismatch\n");
170                                 o=eox;
171                         }
172                         cont = new REXPDouble(d, getAttr());
173                         return o;
174                 }
175                 if (xt==XT_BOOL) {
176                         byte b[] = new byte[] { buf[o] };
177                         if (b[0] != 0 && b[0] != 1) b[0] = REXPLogical.NA;
178                         cont = new REXPLogical(b, getAttr());
179                         o++;
180                         if (o!=eox) {
181                 if (eox!=o+3) // o+3 could happen if the result was aligned (1 byte data + 3 bytes padding)
182                     System.err.println("Warning: bool SEXP size mismatch\n");
183                                 o=eox;
184                         }
185                         return o;
186                 }
187                 if (xt==XT_ARRAY_BOOL_UA) {
188                         int as=(eox-o), i=0;
189                         byte[] d=new byte[as];
190                         System.arraycopy(buf,o,d,0,eox-o);
191                         o = eox;
192                         for (int j = 0; j < d.length; j++) if (d[j] != 0 && d[j] != 1) d[j] = REXPLogical.NA;
193                         cont = new REXPLogical(d, getAttr());
194                         return o;
195                 }
196         if (xt==XT_ARRAY_BOOL) {
197             int as=RTalk.getInt(buf,o);
198             o+=4;
199             byte[] d=new byte[as];
200                         System.arraycopy(buf,o,d,0,as);
201                         for (int j = 0; j < d.length; j++) if (d[j] != 0 && d[j] != 1) d[j] = REXPLogical.NA;
202                         o = eox;
203                         cont = new REXPLogical(d, getAttr());
204             return o;
205         }
206         if (xt==XT_INT) {
207                         int i[] = new int[] { RTalk.getInt(buf,o) };
208                         cont = new REXPInteger(i, getAttr());
209                         o+=4;
210                         if (o!=eox) {
211                                 System.err.println("Warning: int SEXP size mismatch\n");
212                                 o=eox;
213                         }
214                         return o;
215                 }
216                 if (xt==XT_ARRAY_INT) {
217                         int as=(eox-o)/4,i=0;
218                         int[] d=new int[as];
219                         while (o<eox) {
220                                 d[i]=RTalk.getInt(buf,o);
221                                 o+=4;
222                                 i++;
223                         }
224                         if (o!=eox) {
225                                 System.err.println("Warning: int array SEXP size mismatch\n");
226                                 o=eox;
227                         }
228                         cont = null;
229                         // hack for lists - special lists attached to int are factors
230                         try {
231                             if (getAttr()!=null) {
232                                         REXP ca = getAttr().asList().at("class");
233                                         REXP ls = getAttr().asList().at("levels");
234                                         if (ca != null && ls != null && ca.asString().equals("factor")) {
235                                                 // R uses 1-based index, Java uses 0-based one
236                                                 cont = new REXPFactor(d, ls.asStrings(), getAttr());
237                                                 xt = XT_FACTOR;
238                                         }
239                             }
240                         } catch (Exception e) {
241                         }
242                         if (cont == null) cont = new REXPInteger(d, getAttr());
243                         return o;
244                 }
245         if (xt==XT_RAW) {
246             int as=RTalk.getInt(buf,o);
247             o+=4;
248             byte[] d=new byte[as];
249                         System.arraycopy(buf,o,d,0,as);
250                         o = eox;
251                         cont = new REXPRaw(d, getAttr());
252             return o;
253         }
254                 if (xt==XT_LIST_NOTAG || xt==XT_LIST_TAG ||
255                         xt==XT_LANG_NOTAG || xt==XT_LANG_TAG) {
256                         REXPFactory lc = new REXPFactory();
257                         REXPFactory nf = new REXPFactory();
258                         RList l = new RList();
259                         while (o<eox) {
260                                 String name = null;
261                                 o = lc.parseREXP(buf, o);
262                                 if (xt==XT_LIST_TAG || xt==XT_LANG_TAG) {
263                                         o = nf.parseREXP(buf, o);
264                                         if (nf.cont.isSymbol() || nf.cont.isString()) name = nf.cont.asString();
265                                 }
266                                 if (name==null) l.add(lc.cont);
267                                 else l.put(name, lc.cont);
268                         }
269                         cont = (xt==XT_LANG_NOTAG || xt==XT_LANG_TAG)?
270                                 new REXPLanguage(l, getAttr()):
271                                 new REXPList(l, getAttr());
272                         if (o!=eox) {
273                                 System.err.println("Warning: int list SEXP size mismatch\n");
274                                 o=eox;
275                         }
276                         return o;
277                 }
278                 if (xt==XT_LIST || xt==XT_LANG) { //old-style lists, for comaptibility with older Rserve versions - rather inefficient since we have to convert the recusively stored structures into a flat structure
279                         boolean isRoot = false;
280                         if (rootList == null) {
281                                 rootList = new RList();
282                                 isRoot = true;
283                         }
284                         REXPFactory headf = new REXPFactory();
285                         REXPFactory tagf = new REXPFactory();
286                         o = headf.parseREXP(buf, o);
287                         int elIndex = rootList.size();
288                         rootList.add(headf.cont);
289                         //System.out.println("HEAD="+headf.cont);
290                         o = parseREXP(buf, o); // we use ourselves recursively for the body
291                         if (o < eox) {
292                                 o = tagf.parseREXP(buf, o);
293                                 //System.out.println("TAG="+tagf.cont);
294                                 if (tagf.cont != null && (tagf.cont.isString() || tagf.cont.isSymbol()))
295                                         rootList.setKeyAt(elIndex, tagf.cont.asString());
296                         }
297                         if (isRoot) {
298                                 cont = (xt==XT_LIST)?
299                                 new REXPList(rootList, getAttr()):
300                                 new REXPLanguage(rootList, getAttr());
301                                 rootList = null;
302                                 //System.out.println("result="+cont);
303                         }
304                         return o;
305                 }
306                 if (xt==XT_VECTOR || xt==XT_VECTOR_EXP) {
307                         Vector v=new Vector(); //FIXME: could we use RList?
308                         while(o<eox) {
309                                 REXPFactory xx=new REXPFactory();
310                                 o = xx.parseREXP(buf,o);
311                                 v.addElement(xx.cont);
312                         }
313                         if (o!=eox) {
314                                 System.err.println("Warning: int vector SEXP size mismatch\n");
315                                 o=eox;
316                         }
317                         // fixup for lists since they're stored as attributes of vectors
318                         if (getAttr()!=null && getAttr().asList().at("names") != null) {
319                                 REXP nam = getAttr().asList().at("names");
320                                 String names[] = null;
321                                 if (nam.isString()) names = nam.asStrings();
322                                 else if (nam.isVector()) { // names could be a vector if supplied by old Rserve
323                                         RList l = nam.asList();
324                                         Object oa[] = l.toArray();
325                                         names = new String[oa.length];
326                                         for(int i = 0; i < oa.length; i++) names[i] = ((REXP)oa[i]).asString();
327                                 }
328                                 RList l = new RList(v, names);
329                                 cont = (xt==XT_VECTOR_EXP)?
330                                         new REXPExpressionVector(l, getAttr()):
331                                         new REXPGenericVector(l, getAttr());
332                         } else
333                                 cont = (xt==XT_VECTOR_EXP)?
334                                         new REXPExpressionVector(new RList(v), getAttr()):
335                                         new REXPGenericVector(new RList(v), getAttr());
336                         return o;
337                 }
338                 if (xt==XT_ARRAY_STR) {
339                         int c = 0, i = o;
340                         /* count the entries */
341                         while (i < eox) if (buf[i++] == 0) c++;
342                         String s[] = new String[c];
343                         if (c > 0) {
344                                 c = 0; i = o;
345                                 while (o < eox) {
346                                         if (buf[o] == 0) {
347                                                 try {
348                                                         if (buf[i] == -1) { /* if the first byte is 0xff (-1 in signed char) then it either needs to be skipped (doubling) or there is an NA value */
349                                                                 if (buf[i + 1] == 0)
350                                                                         s[c] = null; /* NA */
351                                                                 else
352                                                                         s[c] = new String(buf, i + 1, o - i - 1, RConnection.transferCharset);
353                                                         } else
354                                                                 s[c] = new String(buf, i, o - i, RConnection.transferCharset);
355                                                 } catch (java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException ex) {
356                                                         s[c]="";
357                                                 }
358                                                 c++;
359                                                 i = o + 1;
360                                         }
361                                         o++;
362                                 }
363                         }
364                         cont = new REXPString(s, getAttr());
365                         return o;
366                 }
367                 if (xt==XT_VECTOR_STR) {
368                         Vector v=new Vector();
369                         while(o<eox) {
370                                 REXPFactory xx=new REXPFactory();
371                                 o = xx.parseREXP(buf,o);
372                                 v.addElement(xx.cont.asString());
373                         }
374                         if (o!=eox) {
375                                 System.err.println("Warning: int vector SEXP size mismatch\n");
376                                 o=eox;
377                         }
378                         String sa[] = new String[v.size()];
379                         int i = 0; while (i < sa.length) { sa[i]=(String)v.get(i); i++; }
380                         cont = new REXPString(sa, getAttr());
381                         return o;
382                 }
383                 if (xt==XT_STR||xt==XT_SYMNAME) {
384                         int i = o;
385                         while (buf[i]!=0 && i<eox) i++;
386                         try {
387                                 if (xt==XT_STR)
388                                         cont = new REXPString(new String[] { new String(buf, o, i-o, RConnection.transferCharset) }, getAttr());
389                                 else
390                                         cont = new REXPSymbol(new String(buf, o, i-o, RConnection.transferCharset));                                    
391                         } catch(Exception e) {
392                                 System.err.println("unable to convert string\n");
393                                 cont = null;
394                         }
395                         o = eox;
396                         return o;
397                 }
398                 if (xt==XT_SYM) {
399                         REXPFactory sym = new REXPFactory();
400                         o = sym.parseREXP(buf, o); // PRINTNAME that's all we will use
401                         cont = new REXPSymbol(sym.getREXP().asString()); // content of a symbol is its printname string (so far)
402                         o=eox;
403                         return o;
404                 }
406                 if (xt==XT_CLOS) {
407                         /*
408                         REXP form=new REXP();
409                         REXP body=new REXP();
410                         o=parseREXP(form,buf,o);
411                         o=parseREXP(body,buf,o);
412                         if (o!=eox) {
413                                 System.err.println("Warning: closure SEXP size mismatch\n");
414                                 o=eox;
415                         }
416                         x.cont=body;
417                          */
418                         o=eox;
419                         return o;
420                 }
422                 if (xt==XT_UNKNOWN) {
423                         cont = new REXPUnknown(RTalk.getInt(buf,o), getAttr());
424                         o=eox;
425                         return o;
426                 }
428                 if (xt==XT_S4) {
429                         cont = new REXPS4(getAttr());
430                         o=eox;
431                         return o;
432                 }
434                 cont = null;
435                 o = eox;
436                 System.err.println("unhandled type: "+xt);
437                 return o;
438     }
440     /** Calculates the length of the binary representation of the REXP including all headers. This is the amount of memory necessary to store the REXP via {@link #getBinaryRepresentation}.
441         <p>Please note that currently only XT_[ARRAY_]INT, XT_[ARRAY_]DOUBLE and XT_[ARRAY_]STR are supported! All other types will return 4 which is the size of the header.
442         @return length of the REXP including headers (4 or 8 bytes)*/
443     public int getBinaryLength() throws REXPMismatchException {
444                 int l=0;
445                 int rxt = type;
446                 if (type==XT_LIST || type==XT_LIST_TAG || type==XT_LIST_NOTAG)
447                         rxt=(cont.asList()!=null && cont.asList().isNamed())?XT_LIST_TAG:XT_LIST_NOTAG;
448                 //System.out.print("len["+xtName(type)+"/"+xtName(rxt)+"] ");
449                 if (type==XT_VECTOR_STR) rxt=XT_ARRAY_STR; // VECTOR_STR is broken right now
451                 /*
452                 if (type==XT_VECTOR && cont.asList()!=null && cont.asList().isNamed())
453                         setAttribute("names",new REXPString(cont.asList().keys()));
454                  */
456                 boolean hasAttr = false;
457                 REXPList a = getAttr();
458                 RList al = null;
459                 if (a!=null) al = a.asList();
460                 if (al != null && al.size()>0) hasAttr=true;
461                 if (hasAttr)
462                         l+=attr.getBinaryLength();
463                 switch (rxt) {
464                         case XT_NULL:
465                         case XT_S4:
466                                 break;
467                         case XT_INT: l+=4; break;
468                         case XT_DOUBLE: l+=8; break;
469                         case XT_RAW: l+=4 + cont.asBytes().length; if ((l&3)>0) l=l-(l&3)+4; break;
470                         case XT_STR:
471                         case XT_SYMNAME:
472                                 l+=(cont==null)?1:(cont.asString().length()+1);
473                                 if ((l&3)>0) l=l-(l&3)+4;
474                                         break;
475                         case XT_ARRAY_INT: l+=cont.asIntegers().length*4; break;
476                         case XT_ARRAY_DOUBLE: l+=cont.asDoubles().length*8; break;
477                         case XT_ARRAY_CPLX: l+=cont.asDoubles().length*8; break;
478                         case XT_ARRAY_BOOL: l += cont.asBytes().length + 4; if ((l & 3) > 0) l = l - (l & 3) + 4; break;
479                         case XT_LIST_TAG:
480                         case XT_LIST_NOTAG:
481                         case XT_LANG_TAG:
482                         case XT_LANG_NOTAG:
483                         case XT_LIST:
484                         case XT_VECTOR:
485                         {
486                                 final RList lst = cont.asList();
487                                 int i=0;
488                                 while (i<lst.size()) {
489                                         REXP x = lst.at(i);
490                                         l += (x==null)?4:(new REXPFactory(x).getBinaryLength());
491                                         if (rxt==XT_LIST_TAG) {
492                                                 int pl=l;
493                                                 String s = lst.keyAt(i);
494                                                 l+=4; // header for a symbol
495                                                 l+=(s==null)?1:(s.length()+1);
496                                                 if ((l&3)>0) l=l-(l&3)+4;
497                                                 // System.out.println("TAG length: "+(l-pl));
498                                         }
499                                         i++;
500                                 }
501                                 if ((l&3)>0) l=l-(l&3)+4;
502                                 break;
503                         }
504                         case XT_ARRAY_STR:
505                         {
506                                 String sa[] = cont.asStrings();
507                                 int i=0;
508                                 while (i < sa.length) {
509                                         if (sa[i] != null) {
510                                                 try {
511                                                         byte b[] = sa[i].getBytes(RConnection.transferCharset);
512                                                         if (b.length > 0) {
513                                                                 if (b[0] == -1) l++;
514                                                                 l += b.length;
515                                                         }
516                                                         b = null;
517                                                 } catch (java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException uex) {
518                                                         // FIXME: we should so something ... so far we hope noone's gonna mess with the encoding
519                                                 }
520                                         } else l++; // NA = -1
521                                         l++;
522                                         i++;
523                                 }
524                                 if ((l&3)>0) l=l-(l&3)+4;
525                                 break;
526                         }
527                 } // switch
528         if (l>0xfffff0) l+=4; // large data need 4 more bytes
529                                                           // System.out.println("len:"+(l+4)+" "+xtName(rxt)+"/"+xtName(type)+" "+cont);
530                 return l+4; // add the header
531     }
533     /** Stores the REXP in its binary (ready-to-send) representation including header into a buffer and returns the index of the byte behind the REXP.
534         <p>Please note that currently only XT_[ARRAY_]INT, XT_[ARRAY_]DOUBLE and XT_[ARRAY_]STR are supported! All other types will be stored as SEXP of the length 0 without any contents.
535         @param buf buffer to store the REXP binary into
536         @param off offset of the first byte where to store the REXP
537         @return the offset of the first byte behind the stored REXP */
538     public int getBinaryRepresentation(byte[] buf, int off) throws REXPMismatchException {
539                 int myl=getBinaryLength();
540         boolean isLarge=(myl>0xfffff0);
541                 boolean hasAttr = false;
542                 final REXPList a = getAttr();
543                 RList al = null;
544                 if (a != null) al = a.asList();
545                 if (al != null && al.size()>0) hasAttr=true;
546                 int rxt=type, ooff=off;
547                 if (type==XT_VECTOR_STR) rxt=XT_ARRAY_STR; // VECTOR_STR is broken right now
548                 if (type==XT_LIST || type==XT_LIST_TAG || type==XT_LIST_NOTAG)
549                         rxt=(cont.asList()!=null && cont.asList().isNamed())?XT_LIST_TAG:XT_LIST_NOTAG;
550                 // System.out.println("@"+off+": "+xtName(rxt)+"/"+xtName(type)+" "+cont+" ("+myl+"/"+buf.length+") att="+hasAttr);
551         RTalk.setHdr(rxt|(hasAttr?XT_HAS_ATTR:0),myl-(isLarge?8:4),buf,off);
552         off+=(isLarge?8:4);
553                 if (hasAttr) off=attr.getBinaryRepresentation(buf, off);
554                 switch (rxt) {
555                         case XT_S4:
556                         case XT_NULL:
557                                 break;
558                         case XT_INT: RTalk.setInt(cont.asInteger(),buf,off); break;
559                         case XT_DOUBLE: RTalk.setLong(Double.doubleToRawLongBits(cont.asDouble()),buf,off); break;
560                         case XT_ARRAY_INT:
561                         {
562                                 int ia[]=cont.asIntegers();
563                                 int i=0, io=off;
564                                 while(i<ia.length) {
565                                         RTalk.setInt(ia[i++],buf,io); io+=4;
566                                 }
567                                 break;
568                         }
569                         case XT_ARRAY_BOOL:
570                         {
571                                 byte ba[] = cont.asBytes();
572                                 int io = off;
573                                 RTalk.setInt(ba.length, buf, io);
574                                 io += 4;
575                                 if (ba.length > 0) {
576                                         for(int i =0; i < ba.length; i++)
577                                                 buf[io++] = (byte) ( (ba[i] == REXPLogical.NA) ? 2 : ((ba[i] == REXPLogical.FALSE) ? 0 : 1) );
578                                         while ((io & 3) != 0) buf[io++] = 3;
579                                 }
580                                 break;
581                         }
582                         case XT_ARRAY_DOUBLE:
583                         {
584                                 double da[]=cont.asDoubles();
585                                 int i=0, io=off;
586                                 while(i<da.length) {
587                                         RTalk.setLong(Double.doubleToRawLongBits(da[i++]),buf,io); io+=8;
588                                 }
589                                 break;
590                         }
591                         case XT_RAW:
592                         {
593                                 byte by[] = cont.asBytes();
594                                 RTalk.setInt(by.length, buf, off); off+=4;
595                                 System.arraycopy(by, 0, buf, off, by.length);
596                                 break;
597                         }
598                         case XT_ARRAY_STR:
599                         {
600                                 String sa[] = cont.asStrings();
601                                 int i = 0, io = off;
602                                 while (i < sa.length) {
603                                         if (sa[i] != null) {
604                                                 try {
605                                                         byte b[] = sa[i].getBytes(RConnection.transferCharset);
606                                                         if (b.length > 0) {
607                                                                 if (b[0] == -1) /* if the first entry happens to be -1 then we need to double it so it doesn't get confused with NAs */
608                                                                         buf[io++] = -1;
609                                                                 System.arraycopy(b, 0, buf, io, b.length);
610                                                                 io += b.length;
611                                                         }
612                                                         b = null;
613                                                 } catch (java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException uex) {
614                                                         // FIXME: we should so something ... so far we hope noone's gonna mess with the encoding
615                                                 }
616                                         } else
617                                                 buf[io++] = -1; /* NAs are stored as 0xff (-1 in signed bytes) */
618                                         buf[io++] = 0;
619                                         i++;
620                                 }
621                                 i = io - off;
622                                 while ((i & 3) != 0) { buf[io++] = 1; i++; } // padding if necessary..
623                                 break;
624                         }
625                         case XT_LIST_TAG:
626                         case XT_LIST_NOTAG:
627                         case XT_LANG_TAG:
628                         case XT_LANG_NOTAG:
629                         case XT_LIST:
630                         case XT_VECTOR:
631                         case XT_VECTOR_EXP:
632                         {
633                                 int io = off;
634                                 final RList lst = cont.asList();
635                                 if (lst != null) {
636                                         int i=0;
637                                         while (i<lst.size()) {
638                                                 REXP x = lst.at(i);
639                                                 if (x == null) x=new REXPNull();
640                                                 io = new REXPFactory(x).getBinaryRepresentation(buf, io);
641                                                 if (rxt == XT_LIST_TAG || rxt == XT_LANG_TAG)
642                                                         io = new REXPFactory(new REXPSymbol(lst.keyAt(i))).getBinaryRepresentation(buf, io);
643                                                 i++;
644                                         }
645                                 }
646                                 // System.out.println("io="+io+", expected: "+(ooff+myl));
647                                 break;
648                         }
650                         case XT_SYMNAME:
651                         case XT_STR:
652                                 getStringBinaryRepresentation(buf, off, cont.asString());
653                                 break;
654                 }
655                 return ooff+myl;
656     }
658     public static int getStringBinaryRepresentation(byte[] buf, int off, String s) {
659                 if (s==null) s="";
660                 int io=off;
661                 try {
662                         byte b[]=s.getBytes(RConnection.transferCharset);
663                         // System.out.println("<str> @"+off+", len "+b.length+" (cont "+buf.length+") \""+s+"\"");
664                         System.arraycopy(b,0,buf,io,b.length);
665                         io+=b.length;
666                         b=null;
667                 } catch (java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException uex) {
668                         // FIXME: we should so something ... so far we hope noone's gonna mess with the encoding
669                 }
670                 buf[io++]=0;
671                 while ((io&3)!=0) buf[io++]=0; // padding if necessary..
672                 return io;
673     }
675     /** returns human-readable name of the xpression type as string. Arrays are denoted by a trailing asterisk (*).
676         @param xt xpression type
677         @return name of the xpression type */
678     public static String xtName(int xt) {
679                 if (xt==XT_NULL) return "NULL";
680                 if (xt==XT_INT) return "INT";
681                 if (xt==XT_STR) return "STRING";
682                 if (xt==XT_DOUBLE) return "REAL";
683                 if (xt==XT_BOOL) return "BOOL";
684                 if (xt==XT_ARRAY_INT) return "INT*";
685                 if (xt==XT_ARRAY_STR) return "STRING*";
686                 if (xt==XT_ARRAY_DOUBLE) return "REAL*";
687                 if (xt==XT_ARRAY_BOOL) return "BOOL*";
688                 if (xt==XT_ARRAY_CPLX) return "COMPLEX*";
689                 if (xt==XT_SYM) return "SYMBOL";
690                 if (xt==XT_SYMNAME) return "SYMNAME";
691                 if (xt==XT_LANG) return "LANG";
692                 if (xt==XT_LIST) return "LIST";
693                 if (xt==XT_LIST_TAG) return "LIST+T";
694                 if (xt==XT_LIST_NOTAG) return "LIST/T";
695                 if (xt==XT_LANG_TAG) return "LANG+T";
696                 if (xt==XT_LANG_NOTAG) return "LANG/T";
697                 if (xt==XT_CLOS) return "CLOS";
698                 if (xt==XT_RAW) return "RAW";
699                 if (xt==XT_S4) return "S4";
700                 if (xt==XT_VECTOR) return "VECTOR";
701                 if (xt==XT_VECTOR_STR) return "STRING[]";
702                 if (xt==XT_VECTOR_EXP) return "EXPR[]";
703                 if (xt==XT_FACTOR) return "FACTOR";
704                 if (xt==XT_UNKNOWN) return "UNKNOWN";
705                 return "<unknown "+xt+">";
706     }   
707 }