1 import "Simantics/Model"
2 import "http://www.simantics.org/DistrictNetwork-1.0" as DN
9 importJava "org.simantics.utils.strings.AlphanumComparator" where
11 alphanumericComparator :: Comparator String
13 type Subgraph = ([Resource], [Resource])
14 type Subgraphs = (Resource, [Subgraph])
15 type ElementFilter = (Resource -> <ReadGraph> Boolean)
18 floodFill :: ElementFilter -> Resource -> <ReadGraph, Proc> Subgraph
19 floodFill edgeFilter fromVertex = do
20 processVertex fromVertex
21 (MSet.toList vertices, MSet.toList edges)
23 edgesOf vertex = (vertex # DN.HasStartVertex_Inverse, vertex # DN.HasEndVertex_Inverse)
24 vertices = MSet.create ()
25 edges = MSet.create ()
26 processVertex vertex = if MSet.add vertices vertex then do
27 (starts, ends) = edgesOf vertex
28 for starts processEdgeStart
29 for ends processEdgeEnd
31 processEdgeStart edge = if MSet.add edges edge && edgeFilter edge then
32 for (edge # DN.HasEndVertex) processVertex
34 processEdgeEnd edge = if MSet.add edges edge && edgeFilter edge then
35 for (edge # DN.HasStartVertex) processVertex
39 findDisconnectedSubnetworksFromDiagram :: ElementFilter -> Resource -> <ReadGraph, Proc> Subgraphs
40 findDisconnectedSubnetworksFromDiagram edgeFilter networkDiagram = let
41 all = networkDiagram # L0.ConsistsOf
42 vertices = filter (flip isInstanceOf DN.Vertex) all
43 edges = filter (flip isInstanceOf DN.Edge) all
44 vertexSet = MSet.fromList vertices
45 edgeSet = MSet.fromList edges
46 result = MList.create ()
47 take1 set = MSet.mapFirst Just vertexSet
50 loop (Just vertex) = do
51 subgraph = floodFill edgeFilter vertex
52 MList.add result subgraph
54 MSet.removeAll vertexSet vs
55 MSet.removeAll edgeSet es
56 if not (MSet.isEmpty vertexSet) then
57 loop (take1 vertexSet)
60 //print "Total number of vertices: \(length vertices)"
61 //print "Total number of edges: \(length edges)"
62 loop (take1 vertexSet)
63 if MSet.size edgeSet > 0 then
64 MList.add result ([], MSet.toList edgeSet)
66 //print "Found \(MList.size result) disconnected sub-networks"
67 (networkDiagram, (MList.freeze result))
70 Finds disconnected district subnetworks from the provided district network diagram.
71 The input can be either the network diagram resource or the configuration composite
72 resource of the network diagram.
74 See [reportDisconnectedSubnetworks](#reportDisconnectedSubnetworks) for reporting the
77 findDisconnectedSubnetworks :: ElementFilter -> Resource -> <ReadGraph, Proc> Subgraphs
78 findDisconnectedSubnetworks edgeFilter networkDiagramOrComposite = findDisconnectedSubnetworksFromDiagram edgeFilter (toDiagram networkDiagramOrComposite)
80 toDiagram d = if isInstanceOf d DN.Diagram then d
81 else match (possibleObject d MOD.CompositeToDiagram) with
82 Just dia -> toDiagram dia
83 Nothing -> fail "Provided diagram is not a district network diagram or configuration composite: \(possibleUriOf d)"
85 reportDisconnectedSubnetworks :: Integer -> Subgraphs -> <ReadGraph, Proc> ()
86 reportDisconnectedSubnetworks vertexThreshold (diagram, subgraphs) = do
87 print "## Disconnected sub-network analysis of district network \(relativeUri diagram)"
88 print "* Detailed reporting vertex count threshold is <= \(vertexThreshold)"
89 for subgraphs reportGraph
91 rootUri = match possibleIndexRoot diagram with
93 Just root -> uriOf (parent root)
94 relativeUri r = drop (length rootUri) (uriOf r)
96 showVertex v = nameOf v
98 edgeEnds e = (possibleObject e DN.HasStartVertex, possibleObject e DN.HasEndVertex)
99 showEdgeEnds (Nothing, Nothing) = "(null, null)"
100 showEdgeEnds (Just s, Nothing) = "(\(nameOf s), null)"
101 showEdgeEnds (Nothing, Just e) = "(null, \(nameOf e))"
102 showEdgeEnds (Just s, Just e) = "(\(nameOf s), \(nameOf e))"
103 showEdge e = (nameOf e) + " - " + (showEdgeEnds (edgeEnds e))
104 sortStrings l = sortWithComparator alphanumericComparator l
106 reportGraph (vs, es) | length vs > vertexThreshold = reportShort vs es
107 | otherwise = reportFull vs es
108 reportSubgraphTitle vs es = print "\n### Disconnected sub-network of \(length vs) vertices and \(length es) edges"
109 reportShort vs es = do
110 reportSubgraphTitle vs es
111 print "* Details not reported because vertex count exceeds threshold"
112 mapFirst (\s -> do print "* v0: \(s)"; Just s)
113 (sortStrings (map showVertex vs))
115 reportFull vs es = do
116 reportSubgraphTitle vs es
117 forI (sortStrings (map showVertex vs)) (\i s -> print "* v\(i): \(s)")
119 forI (sortStrings (map showEdge es)) (\i s -> print "* e\(i): \(s)")
122 Get a set of vertices that acts as break points between network branches.
124 branchPoints :: Resource -> <ReadGraph> [Resource]
125 branchPoints networkDiagram = runProc let
127 filter isBranchPoint vertices
129 all = if isInstanceOf networkDiagram DIA.Diagram
130 then networkDiagram # L0.ConsistsOf
131 else singleObject networkDiagram MOD.CompositeToDiagram # L0.ConsistsOf
132 vertices = filter (flip isInstanceOf DN.Vertex) all
133 isBranchPoint v = length (v # DN.HasEndVertex_Inverse) != 1 || length (v # DN.HasStartVertex_Inverse) != 1
136 Get a set of the edges that are at the middle points of each span between branch points.
138 midBranchEdges :: Resource -> <ReadGraph> [Resource]
139 midBranchEdges networkDiagram = runProc let
140 for edges storeDistance
142 filter isMiddle edges
144 all = if isInstanceOf networkDiagram DIA.Diagram
145 then networkDiagram # L0.ConsistsOf
146 else singleObject networkDiagram MOD.CompositeToDiagram # L0.ConsistsOf
147 vertices = filter (flip isInstanceOf DN.Vertex) all
148 edges = filter (flip isInstanceOf DN.Edge) all
149 edgeLen = fromJust . (index $ flip map edges \e -> do
150 v1 = singleObject e DN.HasStartVertex
151 v2 = singleObject e DN.HasEndVertex
152 [x1, y1] = relatedValue v1 DIA.HasLocation :: [Double]
153 [x2, y2] = relatedValue v2 DIA.HasLocation :: [Double]
154 (e, sqrt ((x2 - x1)^2 + (y2 - y1)^2)))
155 distances = runProc $ MMap.create () :: MMap.T Resource Double
156 isBranchPoint v = length (v # DN.HasEndVertex_Inverse) != 1 || length (v # DN.HasStartVertex_Inverse) != 1
157 setDistance e d = MMap.put distances e d
158 getDistance e = fromJust $ MMap.get distances e
159 forward r1 r2 e cont = do
160 v = singleObject e r1
164 setDistance e (l / 2)
167 e2 = singleObject v r2
168 forward r1 r2 e2 (\d2 -> do
169 setDistance e (d2 + l/2)
171 backward r1 r2 e d = do
173 setDistance e $ min (d + l/2) (getDistance e)
174 v = singleObject e r1
175 if isBranchPoint v then () else backward r1 r2 (singleObject v r2) (d + l)
176 storeDistance e = if MMap.containsKey distances e
180 forwardTo e (const ())
182 forwardFrom e (const ())
184 setDistance e (min d1 d2)
185 backwardFrom e (d1 - l/2)
186 backwardTo e (d2 - l/2)
188 forwardTo = forward DN.HasEndVertex DN.HasStartVertex_Inverse
189 forwardFrom = forward DN.HasStartVertex DN.HasEndVertex_Inverse
190 backwardTo = backward DN.HasEndVertex DN.HasStartVertex_Inverse
191 backwardFrom = backward DN.HasStartVertex DN.HasEndVertex_Inverse
193 v1 = singleObject e DN.HasStartVertex
194 v2 = singleObject e DN.HasEndVertex
197 (isBranchPoint v1 || d > getDistance (singleObject v1 DN.HasEndVertex_Inverse)) &&
198 (isBranchPoint v2 || d > getDistance (singleObject v2 DN.HasStartVertex_Inverse))