]> gerrit.simantics Code Review - simantics/district.git/blob - org.simantics.maps.server/server/dist/share/gdal/s57attributes_iw.csv
Add conductance to edge properties
[simantics/district.git] / org.simantics.maps.server / server / dist / share / gdal / s57attributes_iw.csv
1 "Code","Attribute","Acronym","Attributetype","Class"
2 1,Agency responsible for production,AGENCY,A,F
3 2,Beacon shape,BCNSHP,E,F
4 3,Building shape,BUISHP,E,F
5 4,Buoy shape,BOYSHP,E,F
6 5,Buried depth,BURDEP,F,F
7 6,Call sign,CALSGN,S,F
8 7,Category of airport/airfield,CATAIR,L,F
9 8,Category of anchorage,CATACH,L,F
10 9,Category of bridge,CATBRG,L,F
11 10,Category of built-up area,CATBUA,E,F
12 11,Category of cable,CATCBL,E,F
13 12,Category of canal,CATCAN,E,F
14 13,Category of cardinal mark,CATCAM,E,F
15 14,Category of checkpoint,CATCHP,E,F
16 15,Category of coastline,CATCOA,E,F
17 16,Category of control point,CATCTR,E,F
18 17,Category of conveyor,CATCON,E,F
19 18,Category of coverage,CATCOV,E,F
20 19,Category of crane,CATCRN,E,F
21 20,Category of dam,CATDAM,E,F
22 21,Category of distance mark,CATDIS,E,F
23 22,Category of dock,CATDOC,E,F
24 23,Category of dumping ground,CATDPG,L,F
25 24,Category of fence/wall,CATFNC,E,F
26 25,Category of ferry,CATFRY,E,F
27 26,Category of fishing  facility,CATFIF,E,F
28 27,Category of fog signal,CATFOG,E,F
29 28,Category of fortified structure,CATFOR,E,F
30 29,Category of gate,CATGAT,E,F
31 30,Category of harbour facility,CATHAF,L,F
32 31,Category of hulk,CATHLK,L,F
33 32,Category of ice,CATICE,E,F
34 33,Category of installation buoy,CATINB,E,F
35 34,Category of land region,CATLND,L,F
36 35,Category of landmark,CATLMK,L,F
37 36,Category of lateral mark,CATLAM,E,F
38 37,Category of light,CATLIT,L,F
39 38,Category of marine farm/culture,CATMFA,E,F
40 39,Category of military practice area,CATMPA,L,F
41 40,Category of mooring/warping facility,CATMOR,E,F
42 41,Category of navigation line,CATNAV,E,F
43 42,Category of obstruction,CATOBS,E,F
44 43,Category of offshore platform,CATOFP,L,F
45 44,Category of oil barrier,CATOLB,E,F
46 45,Category of pile,CATPLE,E,F
47 46,Category of pilot boarding place,CATPIL,E,F
48 47,Category of pipeline / pipe,CATPIP,L,F
49 48,Category of production area,CATPRA,E,F
50 49,Category of pylon,CATPYL,E,F
51 50,Category of quality of data,CATQUA,E,F
52 51,Category of radar station,CATRAS,E,F
53 52,Category of radar transponder beacon,CATRTB,E,F
54 53,Category of radio station,CATROS,L,F
55 54,Category of recommended track,CATTRK,E,F
56 55,Category of rescue station,CATRSC,L,F
57 56,Category of restricted area,CATREA,L,F
58 57,Category of road,CATROD,E,F
59 58,Category of runway,CATRUN,E,F
60 59,Category of sea area,CATSEA,E,F
61 60,Category of shoreline construction,CATSLC,E,F
62 61,"Category of signal station, traffic",CATSIT,L,F
63 62,"Category of signal station, warning",CATSIW,L,F
64 63,Category of silo/tank,CATSIL,E,F
65 64,Category of slope,CATSLO,E,F
66 65,Category of small craft facility,CATSCF,L,F
67 66,Category of special purpose mark,CATSPM,L,F
68 67,Category of Traffic Separation Scheme,CATTSS,E,F
69 68,Category of vegetation,CATVEG,L,F
70 69,Category of water turbulence,CATWAT,E,F
71 70,Category of weed/kelp,CATWED,E,F
72 71,Category of wreck,CATWRK,E,F
73 72,Category of zone of confidence data,CATZOC,E,F
74 73,Character spacing,$SPACE,E,$
75 74,Character specification,$CHARS,A,$
76 75,Colour,COLOUR,L,F
77 76,Colour pattern,COLPAT,L,F
78 77,Communication channel,COMCHA,A,F
79 78,Compass size,$CSIZE,F,$
80 79,Compilation date,CPDATE,A,F
81 80,Compilation scale,CSCALE,I,F
82 81,Condition,CONDTN,E,F
83 82,"Conspicuous, Radar",CONRAD,E,F
84 83,"Conspicuous, visual",CONVIS,E,F
85 84,Current velocity,CURVEL,F,F
86 85,Date end,DATEND,A,F
87 86,Date start,DATSTA,A,F
88 87,Depth range value 1,DRVAL1,F,F
89 88,Depth range value 2,DRVAL2,F,F
90 89,Depth units,DUNITS,E,F
91 90,Elevation,ELEVAT,F,F
92 91,Estimated range of transmission,ESTRNG,F,F
93 92,Exhibition condition of light,EXCLIT,E,F
94 93,Exposition of sounding,EXPSOU,E,F
95 94,Function,FUNCTN,L,F
96 95,Height,HEIGHT,F,F
97 96,Height/length units,HUNITS,E,F
98 97,Horizontal accuracy,HORACC,F,F
99 98,Horizontal clearance,HORCLR,F,F
100 99,Horizontal length,HORLEN,F,F
101 100,Horizontal width,HORWID,F,F
102 101,Ice factor,ICEFAC,F,F
103 102,Information,INFORM,S,F
104 103,Jurisdiction,JRSDTN,E,F
105 104,Justification - horizontal,$JUSTH,E,$
106 105,Justification - vertical,$JUSTV,E,$
107 106,Lifting capacity,LIFCAP,F,F
108 107,Light characteristic,LITCHR,E,F
109 108,Light visibility,LITVIS,L,F
110 109,Marks navigational - System of,MARSYS,E,F
111 110,Multiplicity of lights,MLTYLT,I,F
112 111,Nationality,NATION,A,F
113 112,Nature of construction,NATCON,L,F
114 113,Nature of surface,NATSUR,L,F
115 114,Nature of surface - qualifying terms,NATQUA,L,F
116 115,Notice to Mariners date,NMDATE,A,F
117 116,Object name,OBJNAM,S,F
118 117,Orientation,ORIENT,F,F
119 118,Periodic date end,PEREND,A,F
120 119,Periodic date start,PERSTA,A,F
121 120,Pictorial representation,PICREP,S,F
122 121,Pilot district,PILDST,S,F
123 122,Producing country,PRCTRY,A,F
124 123,Product,PRODCT,L,F
125 124,Publication reference,PUBREF,S,F
126 125,Quality of sounding measurement,QUASOU,L,F
127 126,Radar wave length,RADWAL,A,F
128 127,Radius,RADIUS,F,F
129 128,Recording date,RECDAT,A,F
130 129,Recording indication,RECIND,A,F
131 130,Reference year for magnetic variation,RYRMGV,A,F
132 131,Restriction,RESTRN,L,F
133 132,Scale maximum,SCAMAX,I,F
134 133,Scale minimum,SCAMIN,I,F
135 134,Scale value one,SCVAL1,I,F
136 135,Scale value two,SCVAL2,I,F
137 136,Sector limit one,SECTR1,F,F
138 137,Sector limit two,SECTR2,F,F
139 138,Shift parameters,SHIPAM,A,F
140 139,Signal frequency,SIGFRQ,I,F
141 140,Signal generation,SIGGEN,E,F
142 141,Signal group,SIGGRP,A,F
143 142,Signal period,SIGPER,F,F
144 143,Signal sequence,SIGSEQ,A,F
145 144,Sounding accuracy,SOUACC,F,F
146 145,Sounding distance - maximum,SDISMX,I,F
147 146,Sounding distance - minimum,SDISMN,I,F
148 147,Source date,SORDAT,A,F
149 148,Source indication,SORIND,A,F
150 149,Status,STATUS,L,F
151 150,Survey authority,SURATH,S,F
152 151,Survey date - end,SUREND,A,F
153 152,Survey date - start,SURSTA,A,F
154 153,Survey type,SURTYP,L,F
155 154,Symbol scaling factor,$SCALE,F,$
156 155,Symbolization code,$SCODE,A,$
157 156,Technique of sounding measurement,TECSOU,L,F
158 157,Text string,$TXSTR,S,$
159 158,Textual description,TXTDSC,S,F
160 159,Tidal stream - panel values,TS_TSP,A,F
161 160,"Tidal stream, current - time series values",TS_TSV,A,F
162 161,Tide - accuracy of water level,T_ACWL,E,F
163 162,Tide - high and low water values,T_HWLW,A,F
164 163,Tide - method of tidal prediction,T_MTOD,E,F
165 164,Tide - time and height differences,T_THDF,A,F
166 165,"Tide, current - time interval of values",T_TINT,I,F
167 166,Tide - time series values,T_TSVL,A,F
168 167,Tide - value of harmonic constituents,T_VAHC,A,F
169 168,Time end,TIMEND,A,F
170 169,Time start,TIMSTA,A,F
171 170,Tint,$TINTS,E,$
172 171,Topmark/daymark shape,TOPSHP,E,F
173 172,Traffic flow,TRAFIC,E,F
174 173,Value of annual change in magnetic variation,VALACM,F,F
175 174,Value of depth contour,VALDCO,F,F
176 175,Value of local magnetic anomaly,VALLMA,F,F
177 176,Value of magnetic variation,VALMAG,F,F
178 177,Value of maximum range,VALMXR,F,F
179 178,Value of nominal range,VALNMR,F,F
180 179,Value of sounding,VALSOU,F,F
181 180,Vertical accuracy,VERACC,F,F
182 181,Vertical clearance,VERCLR,F,F
183 182,"Vertical clearance, closed",VERCCL,F,F
184 183,"Vertical clearance, open",VERCOP,F,F
185 184,"Vertical clearance, safe",VERCSA,F,F
186 185,Vertical datum,VERDAT,E,F
187 186,Vertical length,VERLEN,F,F
188 187,Water level effect,WATLEV,E,F
189 188,Category of Tidal stream,CAT_TS,E,F
190 189,Positional accuracy units,PUNITS,E,F
191 300,Information in national language,NINFOM,S,N
192 301,Object name in national language,NOBJNM,S,N
193 302,Pilot district in national language,NPLDST,S,N
194 303,Text string in national language,$NTXST,S,N
195 304,Textual description in national language,NTXTDS,S,N
196 400,Horizontal datum,HORDAT,E,S
197 401,Positional Accuracy,POSACC,F,S
198 402,Quality of position,QUAPOS,E,S
199 17000,Category of Anchorage area,catach,L,F
200 17001,Category of distance mark,catdis,E,F
201 17002,Category of signal station trafficcatsit,catsit,L,F
202 17003,Category of signal station warning,catsiw,L,F
203 17004,Restriction,restrn,L,F
204 17005,Vertical datum,verdat,E,F
205 17006,Category of bridge,catbrg,L,F
206 17007,Category of ferry,catfry,L,F
207 17008,Category of harbour facilities,cathaf,L,F
208 17009,"Marks navigational \96 System of",marsys,E,F
209 17050,Additional mark,addmrk,L,F
210 17051,Category of bank,catbnk,E,F
211 17052,Category of notice mark,catnmk,E,F
212 17055,Class of dangerous cargo,clsdng,E,F
213 17056,Direction of impact,dirimp,L,F
214 17057,Distance from bank,disbk1,F,F
215 17058,Distance from bank,disbk2,F,F
216 17059,"Distance of impact, upstream",disipu,F,F
217 17060,"Distance of impact, downstream",disipd,F,F
218 17061,Elevation 1,eleva1,F,F
219 17062,Elevation 2,eleva2,F,F
220 17063,Function of notice mark,fnctnm,E,F
221 17064,Waterway distance,wtwdis,F,F
222 17065,Bunker vessel,bunves,E,F
223 17066,Category of berth,catbrt,L,F
224 17067,Category of bunker,catbun,L,F
225 17068,Category of CEMT class,catccl,L,F
226 17069,Category of communication,catcom,L,F
227 17070,Category of harbour area,cathbr,L,F
228 17071,Category of refuse dump,catrfd,L,F
229 17072,Category of terminal,cattml,L,F
230 17073,Communication,comctn,S,F
231 17074,"Horizontal clearance, length",horcll,F,F
232 17075,"Horizontal clearance, width",horclw,F,F
233 17076,Transshipping goods,trshgd,L,F
234 17077,UN Location Code,unlocd,S,F
235 17112,Category of waterway mark,catwwm,E,F
236 40000,Update message,updmsg,S,F