HasNext HasPrevious %import "layer0.graph" %import "animation.graph" %import "g3d.graph" %define symmetric() $subject $layer0.InverseOf $subject %define tag($tagname) $subject $tagname $subject %deflib Type _ @ "Types" : TypeLibrary PartOf Plant3DOntology %deflib Relation _ @ "Relations" : RelationLibrary PartOf Plant3DOntology %deflib Library Plant3DOntology Plant3DOntology @ "Plant3D Ontology" : Ontology PartOf TypeSystemProject HasNamespace "http://www.vtt.fi/Simantics/Plant3D/1.0" : URI HasVersion "1.0" : Version HasResourceClass "org.simantics.processeditor.stubs.Plant3DResource" : String HasStubsPackage "org.simantics.processeditor.stubs" : String Plant3DNamespace : Namespace PartOf TypeSystemNamespaces HasNamespace "http://www.vtt.fi/Simantics/Plant3D/1.0" : URI HasNamespaceRoot Plant3DOntology # Project Plant3DProjectType @ "Plant3DProjectType" Plant > Area > Unit" : String [HasParentStructure card "0..1"] [HasChildStructure card "0..*"] HasChildStructure 3), defines position and direction of control point relative to main control point NPortControlPoint