/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2018 IBM Corporation and others. * * This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/ * * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation * Anton Leherbauer (Wind River Systems) - Bug 439419 * Angelo Zerr - Customize different line spacing of StyledText - Bug 522020 *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.swt.custom; import java.util.*; import java.util.List; import org.eclipse.swt.*; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.*; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.*; /** * A StyledTextRenderer renders the content of a StyledText widget. * This class can be used to render to the display or to a printer. */ class StyledTextRenderer { Device device; StyledText styledText; StyledTextContent content; /* Custom line spacing */ StyledTextLineSpacingProvider lineSpacingProvider; boolean lineSpacingComputing; /* Font info */ Font regularFont, boldFont, italicFont, boldItalicFont; int tabWidth; int ascent, descent; int averageCharWidth; int tabLength; //tab length in spaces /* Line data */ int topIndex = -1; TextLayout[] layouts; int lineCount; LineSizeInfo[] lineSizes; LineInfo[] lines; int maxWidth; int maxWidthLineIndex; boolean idleRunning; /* Bullet */ Bullet[] bullets; int[] bulletsIndices; int[] redrawLines; /* Style data */ int[] ranges; int styleCount; StyleRange[] styles; StyleRange[] stylesSet; int stylesSetCount = 0; boolean hasLinks, fixedPitch; final static int BULLET_MARGIN = 8; final static boolean COMPACT_STYLES = true; final static boolean MERGE_STYLES = true; final static int GROW = 32; final static int IDLE_TIME = 50; final static int CACHE_SIZE = 300; final static int BACKGROUND = 1 << 0; final static int ALIGNMENT = 1 << 1; final static int INDENT = 1 << 2; final static int JUSTIFY = 1 << 3; final static int SEGMENTS = 1 << 5; final static int TABSTOPS = 1 << 6; final static int WRAP_INDENT = 1 << 7; final static int SEGMENT_CHARS = 1 << 8; final static int VERTICAL_INDENT = 1 << 9; static class LineSizeInfo { private static final int RESETED_SIZE = -1; /* Line size */ int height; int width; public LineSizeInfo() { resetSize(); } /** * Reset the line size. */ void resetSize() { height = RESETED_SIZE; width = RESETED_SIZE; } /** * Returns true if the TextLayout get from the layout pool can be directly used * or must be refreshed with styles. * * @return true if the TextLayout get from the layout pool can be directly used * or must be refreshed with styles. */ boolean canLayout() { return !needsRecalculateWidth(); } /** * Returns true if it needs to recalculate the line size and false * otherwise. * * @return true if it needs to recalculate the line size and false * otherwise. */ boolean needsRecalculateSize() { return needsRecalculateWidth() || needsRecalculateHeight(); } /** * Returns true if it needs to recalculate the line width and false * otherwise. * * @return true if it needs to recalculate the line width and false * otherwise. */ boolean needsRecalculateWidth() { return width == RESETED_SIZE; } /** * Returns true if it needs to recalculate the line height and false * otherwise. * * @return true if it needs to recalculate the line height and false * otherwise. */ boolean needsRecalculateHeight() { return height == RESETED_SIZE; } } static class LineInfo { int flags; Color background; int alignment; int indent; int wrapIndent; boolean justify; int[] segments; char[] segmentsChars; int[] tabStops; int verticalIndent; public LineInfo() { } public LineInfo(LineInfo info) { if (info != null) { flags = info.flags; background = info.background; alignment = info.alignment; indent = info.indent; wrapIndent = info.wrapIndent; justify = info.justify; segments = info.segments; segmentsChars = info.segmentsChars; tabStops = info.tabStops; verticalIndent = info.verticalIndent; } } } static int cap (TextLayout layout, int offset) { if (layout == null) return offset; return Math.min (layout.getText().length() -1, Math.max (0, offset)); } StyledTextRenderer(Device device, StyledText styledText) { this.device = device; this.styledText = styledText; } int addMerge(int[] mergeRanges, StyleRange[] mergeStyles, int mergeCount, int modifyStart, int modifyEnd) { int rangeCount = styleCount << 1; StyleRange endStyle = null; int endStart = 0, endLength = 0; if (modifyEnd < rangeCount) { endStyle = styles[modifyEnd >> 1]; endStart = ranges[modifyEnd]; endLength = ranges[modifyEnd + 1]; } int grow = mergeCount - (modifyEnd - modifyStart); if (rangeCount + grow >= ranges.length) { int[] tmpRanges = new int[ranges.length + grow + (GROW << 1)]; System.arraycopy(ranges, 0, tmpRanges, 0, modifyStart); StyleRange[] tmpStyles = new StyleRange[styles.length + (grow >> 1) + GROW]; System.arraycopy(styles, 0, tmpStyles, 0, modifyStart >> 1); if (rangeCount > modifyEnd) { System.arraycopy(ranges, modifyEnd, tmpRanges, modifyStart + mergeCount, rangeCount - modifyEnd); System.arraycopy(styles, modifyEnd >> 1, tmpStyles, (modifyStart + mergeCount) >> 1, styleCount - (modifyEnd >> 1)); } ranges = tmpRanges; styles = tmpStyles; } else { if (rangeCount > modifyEnd) { System.arraycopy(ranges, modifyEnd, ranges, modifyStart + mergeCount, rangeCount - modifyEnd); System.arraycopy(styles, modifyEnd >> 1, styles, (modifyStart + mergeCount) >> 1, styleCount - (modifyEnd >> 1)); } } if (MERGE_STYLES) { int j = modifyStart; for (int i = 0; i < mergeCount; i += 2) { if (j > 0 && ranges[j - 2] + ranges[j - 1] == mergeRanges[i] && mergeStyles[i >> 1].similarTo(styles[(j - 2) >> 1])) { ranges[j - 1] += mergeRanges[i + 1]; } else { styles[j >> 1] = mergeStyles[i >> 1]; ranges[j++] = mergeRanges[i]; ranges[j++] = mergeRanges[i + 1]; } } if (endStyle != null && ranges[j - 2] + ranges[j - 1] == endStart && endStyle.similarTo(styles[(j - 2) >> 1])) { ranges[j - 1] += endLength; modifyEnd += 2; mergeCount += 2; } if (rangeCount > modifyEnd) { System.arraycopy(ranges, modifyStart + mergeCount, ranges, j, rangeCount - modifyEnd); System.arraycopy(styles, (modifyStart + mergeCount) >> 1, styles, j >> 1, styleCount - (modifyEnd >> 1)); } grow = (j - modifyStart) - (modifyEnd - modifyStart); } else { System.arraycopy(mergeRanges, 0, ranges, modifyStart, mergeCount); System.arraycopy(mergeStyles, 0, styles, modifyStart >> 1, mergeCount >> 1); } styleCount += grow >> 1; return grow; } int addMerge(StyleRange[] mergeStyles, int mergeCount, int modifyStart, int modifyEnd) { int grow = mergeCount - (modifyEnd - modifyStart); StyleRange endStyle = null; if (modifyEnd < styleCount) endStyle = styles[modifyEnd]; if (styleCount + grow >= styles.length) { StyleRange[] tmpStyles = new StyleRange[styles.length + grow + GROW]; System.arraycopy(styles, 0, tmpStyles, 0, modifyStart); if (styleCount > modifyEnd) { System.arraycopy(styles, modifyEnd, tmpStyles, modifyStart + mergeCount, styleCount - modifyEnd); } styles = tmpStyles; } else { if (styleCount > modifyEnd) { System.arraycopy(styles, modifyEnd, styles, modifyStart + mergeCount, styleCount - modifyEnd); } } if (MERGE_STYLES) { int j = modifyStart; for (int i = 0; i < mergeCount; i++) { StyleRange newStyle = mergeStyles[i], style; if (j > 0 && (style = styles[j - 1]).start + style.length == newStyle.start && newStyle.similarTo(style)) { style.length += newStyle.length; } else { styles[j++] = newStyle; } } StyleRange style = styles[j - 1]; if (endStyle != null && style.start + style.length == endStyle.start && endStyle.similarTo(style)) { style.length += endStyle.length; modifyEnd++; mergeCount++; } if (styleCount > modifyEnd) { System.arraycopy(styles, modifyStart + mergeCount, styles, j, styleCount - modifyEnd); } grow = (j - modifyStart) - (modifyEnd - modifyStart); } else { System.arraycopy(mergeStyles, 0, styles, modifyStart, mergeCount); } styleCount += grow; return grow; } void calculate(int startLine, int lineCount) { int endLine = startLine + lineCount; if (startLine < 0 || endLine > lineSizes.length) { return; } int hTrim = styledText.leftMargin + styledText.rightMargin + styledText.getCaretWidth(); for (int i = startLine; i < endLine; i++) { LineSizeInfo line = getLineSize(i); if (line.needsRecalculateSize()) { TextLayout layout = getTextLayout(i); Rectangle rect = layout.getBounds(); line.width = rect.width + hTrim; line.height = rect.height; disposeTextLayout(layout); } if (line.width > maxWidth) { maxWidth = line.width; maxWidthLineIndex = i; } } } LineSizeInfo getLineSize(int i) { if (lineSizes[i] == null) { lineSizes[i] = new LineSizeInfo(); } return lineSizes[i]; } void calculateClientArea () { int index = Math.max (0, styledText.getTopIndex()); int lineCount = content.getLineCount(); int height = styledText.getClientArea().height; int y = 0; /* * There exists a possibility of ArrayIndexOutOfBounds Exception in * below code, exact scenario not known. To avoid this exception added * check for 'index' value, refer Bug 471192. */ while (height > y && lineCount > index && lineSizes.length > index) { calculate(index, 1); y += lineSizes[index++].height; } } void calculateIdle () { if (idleRunning) return; Runnable runnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (styledText == null) return; int i; long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (i = 0; i < lineCount; i++) { LineSizeInfo line = getLineSize(i); if (line.needsRecalculateSize()) { calculate(i, 1); if (System.currentTimeMillis() - start > IDLE_TIME) break; } } if (i < lineCount) { Display display = styledText.getDisplay(); display.asyncExec(this); } else { idleRunning = false; styledText.setScrollBars(true); ScrollBar bar = styledText.getVerticalBar(); if (bar != null) { bar.setSelection(styledText.getVerticalScrollOffset()); } } } }; Display display = styledText.getDisplay(); display.asyncExec(runnable); idleRunning = true; } void clearLineBackground(int startLine, int count) { if (lines == null) return; for (int i = startLine; i < startLine + count; i++) { LineInfo info = lines[i]; if (info != null) { info.flags &= ~BACKGROUND; info.background = null; if (info.flags == 0) lines[i] = null; } } } void clearLineStyle(int startLine, int count) { if (lines == null) return; for (int i = startLine; i < startLine + count; i++) { LineInfo info = lines[i]; if (info != null) { info.flags &= ~(ALIGNMENT | INDENT | VERTICAL_INDENT | WRAP_INDENT | JUSTIFY | TABSTOPS); if (info.flags == 0) lines[i] = null; } } } void copyInto(StyledTextRenderer renderer) { if (ranges != null) { int[] newRanges = renderer.ranges = new int[styleCount << 1]; System.arraycopy(ranges, 0, newRanges, 0, newRanges.length); } if (styles != null) { StyleRange[] newStyles = renderer.styles = new StyleRange[styleCount]; for (int i = 0; i < newStyles.length; i++) { newStyles[i] = (StyleRange)styles[i].clone(); } renderer.styleCount = styleCount; } if (lines != null) { LineInfo[] newLines = renderer.lines = new LineInfo[lineCount]; for (int i = 0; i < newLines.length; i++) { newLines[i] = new LineInfo(lines[i]); } renderer.lineCount = lineCount; } } void dispose() { if (boldFont != null) boldFont.dispose(); if (italicFont != null) italicFont.dispose(); if (boldItalicFont != null) boldItalicFont.dispose(); boldFont = italicFont = boldItalicFont = null; reset(); content = null; device = null; styledText = null; } void disposeTextLayout (TextLayout layout) { if (layouts != null) { for (int i = 0; i < layouts.length; i++) { if (layouts[i] == layout) return; } } layout.dispose(); } void drawBullet(Bullet bullet, GC gc, int paintX, int paintY, int index, int lineAscent, int lineDescent) { StyleRange style = bullet.style; GlyphMetrics metrics = style.metrics; Color color = style.foreground; if (color != null) gc.setForeground(color); Font font = style.font; if (font != null) gc.setFont(font); String string = ""; int type = bullet.type & (ST.BULLET_DOT|ST.BULLET_NUMBER|ST.BULLET_LETTER_LOWER|ST.BULLET_LETTER_UPPER); switch (type) { case ST.BULLET_DOT: string = "\u2022"; break; case ST.BULLET_NUMBER: string = String.valueOf(index + 1); break; case ST.BULLET_LETTER_LOWER: string = String.valueOf((char) (index % 26 + 97)); break; case ST.BULLET_LETTER_UPPER: string = String.valueOf((char) (index % 26 + 65)); break; } if ((bullet.type & ST.BULLET_TEXT) != 0) string += bullet.text; Display display = styledText.getDisplay(); TextLayout layout = new TextLayout(display); layout.setText(string); layout.setAscent(lineAscent); layout.setDescent(lineDescent); style = (StyleRange)style.clone(); style.metrics = null; if (style.font == null) style.font = getFont(style.fontStyle); layout.setStyle(style, 0, string.length()); int x = paintX + Math.max(0, metrics.width - layout.getBounds().width - BULLET_MARGIN); layout.draw(gc, x, paintY); layout.dispose(); } int drawLine(int lineIndex, int paintX, int paintY, GC gc, Color widgetBackground, Color widgetForeground) { TextLayout layout = getTextLayout(lineIndex); String line = content.getLine(lineIndex); int lineOffset = content.getOffsetAtLine(lineIndex); int lineLength = line.length(); Point selection = styledText.getSelection(); int selectionStart = selection.x - lineOffset; int selectionEnd = selection.y - lineOffset; if (styledText.getBlockSelection()) { selectionStart = selectionEnd = 0; } Rectangle client = styledText.getClientArea(); Color lineBackground = getLineBackground(lineIndex, null); StyledTextEvent event = styledText.getLineBackgroundData(lineOffset, line); if (event != null && event.lineBackground != null) lineBackground = event.lineBackground; int height = layout.getBounds().height; int verticalIndent = layout.getVerticalIndent(); if (lineBackground != null) { if (verticalIndent > 0) { gc.setBackground(widgetBackground); gc.fillRectangle(client.x, paintY, client.width, verticalIndent); } gc.setBackground(lineBackground); gc.fillRectangle(client.x, paintY + verticalIndent, client.width, height - verticalIndent); } else { gc.setBackground(widgetBackground); styledText.drawBackground(gc, client.x, paintY, client.width, height); } gc.setForeground(widgetForeground); if (selectionStart == selectionEnd || (selectionEnd <= 0 && selectionStart > lineLength - 1)) { layout.draw(gc, paintX, paintY); } else { int start = Math.max(0, selectionStart); int end = Math.min(lineLength, selectionEnd); Color selectionFg = styledText.getSelectionForeground(); Color selectionBg = styledText.getSelectionBackground(); int flags; if ((styledText.getStyle() & SWT.FULL_SELECTION) != 0) { flags = SWT.FULL_SELECTION; } else { flags = SWT.DELIMITER_SELECTION; } if (selectionStart <= lineLength && lineLength < selectionEnd ) { flags |= SWT.LAST_LINE_SELECTION; } layout.draw(gc, paintX, paintY, start, end - 1, selectionFg, selectionBg, flags); } // draw objects Bullet bullet = null; int bulletIndex = -1; if (bullets != null) { if (bulletsIndices != null) { int index = lineIndex - topIndex; if (0 <= index && index < CACHE_SIZE) { bullet = bullets[index]; bulletIndex = bulletsIndices[index]; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < bullets.length; i++) { bullet = bullets[i]; bulletIndex = bullet.indexOf(lineIndex); if (bulletIndex != -1) break; } } } if (bulletIndex != -1 && bullet != null) { FontMetrics metrics = layout.getLineMetrics(0); int lineAscent = metrics.getAscent() + metrics.getLeading(); if (bullet.type == ST.BULLET_CUSTOM) { bullet.style.start = lineOffset; styledText.paintObject(gc, paintX, paintY, lineAscent, metrics.getDescent(), bullet.style, bullet, bulletIndex); } else { drawBullet(bullet, gc, paintX, paintY, bulletIndex, lineAscent, metrics.getDescent()); } } TextStyle[] styles = layout.getStyles(); int[] ranges = null; for (int i = 0; i < styles.length; i++) { if (styles[i].metrics != null) { if (ranges == null) ranges = layout.getRanges(); int start = ranges[i << 1]; int length = ranges[(i << 1) + 1] - start + 1; Point point = layout.getLocation(start, false); FontMetrics metrics = layout.getLineMetrics(layout.getLineIndex(start)); StyleRange style = (StyleRange)((StyleRange)styles[i]).clone(); style.start = start + lineOffset; style.length = length; int lineAscent = metrics.getAscent() + metrics.getLeading(); styledText.paintObject(gc, point.x + paintX, point.y + paintY, lineAscent, metrics.getDescent(), style, null, 0); } } disposeTextLayout(layout); return height; } int getBaseline() { return ascent; } Font getFont(int style) { switch (style) { case SWT.BOLD: if (boldFont != null) return boldFont; return boldFont = new Font(device, getFontData(style)); case SWT.ITALIC: if (italicFont != null) return italicFont; return italicFont = new Font(device, getFontData(style)); case SWT.BOLD | SWT.ITALIC: if (boldItalicFont != null) return boldItalicFont; return boldItalicFont = new Font(device, getFontData(style)); default: return regularFont; } } FontData[] getFontData(int style) { FontData[] fontDatas = regularFont.getFontData(); for (int i = 0; i < fontDatas.length; i++) { fontDatas[i].setStyle(style); } return fontDatas; } int getHeight () { int defaultLineHeight = getLineHeight(); if (styledText.isFixedLineHeight()) { return lineCount * defaultLineHeight + styledText.topMargin + styledText.bottomMargin; } int totalHeight = 0; int width = styledText.getWrapWidth(); for (int i = 0; i < lineCount; i++) { LineSizeInfo line = getLineSize(i); int height = line.height; if (line.needsRecalculateHeight()) { if (width > 0) { int length = content.getLine(i).length(); height = ((length * averageCharWidth / width) + 1) * defaultLineHeight; } else { height = defaultLineHeight; } } totalHeight += height; } return totalHeight + styledText.topMargin + styledText.bottomMargin; } boolean hasLink(int offset) { if (offset == -1) return false; int lineIndex = content.getLineAtOffset(offset); int lineOffset = content.getOffsetAtLine(lineIndex); String line = content.getLine(lineIndex); StyledTextEvent event = styledText.getLineStyleData(lineOffset, line); if (event != null) { StyleRange[] styles = event.styles; if (styles != null) { int[] ranges = event.ranges; if (ranges != null) { for (int i = 0; i < ranges.length; i+=2) { if (ranges[i] <= offset && offset < ranges[i] + ranges[i+1] && styles[i >> 1].underline && styles[i >> 1].underlineStyle == SWT.UNDERLINE_LINK) { return true; } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < styles.length; i++) { StyleRange style = styles[i]; if (style.start <= offset && offset < style.start + style.length && style.underline && style.underlineStyle == SWT.UNDERLINE_LINK) { return true; } } } } } else { if (ranges != null) { int rangeCount = styleCount << 1; int index = getRangeIndex(offset, -1, rangeCount); if (index >= rangeCount) return false; int rangeStart = ranges[index]; int rangeLength = ranges[index + 1]; StyleRange rangeStyle = styles[index >> 1]; if (rangeStart <= offset && offset < rangeStart + rangeLength && rangeStyle.underline && rangeStyle.underlineStyle == SWT.UNDERLINE_LINK) { return true; } } } return false; } int getLineAlignment(int index, int defaultAlignment) { if (lines == null) return defaultAlignment; LineInfo info = lines[index]; if (info != null && (info.flags & ALIGNMENT) != 0) { return info.alignment; } return defaultAlignment; } Color getLineBackground(int index, Color defaultBackground) { if (lines == null) return defaultBackground; LineInfo info = lines[index]; if (info != null && (info.flags & BACKGROUND) != 0) { return info.background; } return defaultBackground; } Bullet getLineBullet (int index, Bullet defaultBullet) { if (bullets == null) return defaultBullet; if (bulletsIndices != null) return defaultBullet; for (int i = 0; i < bullets.length; i++) { Bullet bullet = bullets[i]; if (bullet.indexOf(index) != -1) return bullet; } return defaultBullet; } int getLineHeight() { return ascent + descent; } int getLineHeight(int lineIndex) { LineSizeInfo line = getLineSize(lineIndex); if (line.needsRecalculateHeight()) { // here we are in "variable line height", the call of calculate which uses TextLayout can be very slow // check if line can use the default line height. if (isVariableHeight(lineIndex)) { calculate(lineIndex, 1); } else { line.height = getLineHeight() + getLineSpacing(lineIndex); } } return line.height; } /** * Returns true if the given line can use the default line height and false * otherwise. * * @param lineIndex * line index * @return true if the given line can use the default line height and false * otherwise. */ private boolean isVariableHeight(int lineIndex) { if (styledText.isWordWrap()) { // In word wrap mode, the line height must be recomputed with TextLayout return true; } StyleRange[] styles = getStylesForLine(lineIndex); if (styles != null) { for (StyleRange style : styles) { if (style.isVariableHeight()) { // style is variable height return true; } } } return false; } /** * returns true if the given line index defines custom line spacing and false * otherwise. * * @param lineIndex * the line index. * @return true if the given line index defines custom line spacing and false * otherwise. */ private int getLineSpacing(int lineIndex) { if (styledText.lineSpacing > 0) { return styledText.lineSpacing; } else if (lineSpacingProvider != null) { Integer lineSpacing = lineSpacingProvider.getLineSpacing(lineIndex); if (lineSpacing != null) { return lineSpacing; } } return 0; } /** * Returns styles range for the given line index and null otherwise. * * @param lineIndex * the line index. * @return styles range for the given line index and null otherwise. */ private StyleRange[] getStylesForLine(int lineIndex) { int start = styledText.getOffsetAtLine(lineIndex); int length = styledText.getLine(lineIndex).length(); return getStyleRanges(start, length, false); } int getLineIndent(int index, int defaultIndent) { if (lines == null) return defaultIndent; LineInfo info = lines[index]; if (info != null && (info.flags & INDENT) != 0) { return info.indent; } return defaultIndent; } int getLineVerticalIndent(int index) { if (lines == null) return 0; LineInfo info = lines[index]; if (info != null && (info.flags & VERTICAL_INDENT) != 0) { return info.verticalIndent; } return 0; } int getLineWrapIndent(int index, int defaultWrapIndent) { if (lines == null) return defaultWrapIndent; LineInfo info = lines[index]; if (info != null && (info.flags & WRAP_INDENT) != 0) { return info.wrapIndent; } return defaultWrapIndent; } boolean getLineJustify(int index, boolean defaultJustify) { if (lines == null) return defaultJustify; LineInfo info = lines[index]; if (info != null && (info.flags & JUSTIFY) != 0) { return info.justify; } return defaultJustify; } int[] getLineTabStops(int index, int[] defaultTabStops) { if (lines == null) return defaultTabStops; LineInfo info = lines[index]; if (info != null && (info.flags & TABSTOPS) != 0) { return info.tabStops; } return defaultTabStops; } StyledTextLineSpacingProvider getLineSpacingProvider() { return lineSpacingProvider; } int getRangeIndex(int offset, int low, int high) { if (styleCount == 0) return 0; if (ranges != null) { while (high - low > 2) { int index = ((high + low) / 2) / 2 * 2; int end = ranges[index] + ranges[index + 1]; if (end > offset) { high = index; } else { low = index; } } } else { while (high - low > 1) { int index = ((high + low) / 2); int end = styles[index].start + styles[index].length; if (end > offset) { high = index; } else { low = index; } } } return high; } int[] getRanges(int start, int length) { if (length == 0) return null; int[] newRanges; int end = start + length - 1; if (ranges != null) { int rangeCount = styleCount << 1; int rangeStart = getRangeIndex(start, -1, rangeCount); if (rangeStart >= rangeCount) return null; if (ranges[rangeStart] > end) return null; int rangeEnd = Math.min(rangeCount - 2, getRangeIndex(end, rangeStart - 1, rangeCount)); if (ranges[rangeEnd] > end) rangeEnd = Math.max(rangeStart, rangeEnd - 2); newRanges = new int[rangeEnd - rangeStart + 2]; System.arraycopy(ranges, rangeStart, newRanges, 0, newRanges.length); } else { int rangeStart = getRangeIndex(start, -1, styleCount); if (rangeStart >= styleCount) return null; if (styles[rangeStart].start > end) return null; int rangeEnd = Math.min(styleCount - 1, getRangeIndex(end, rangeStart - 1, styleCount)); if (styles[rangeEnd].start > end) rangeEnd = Math.max(rangeStart, rangeEnd - 1); newRanges = new int[(rangeEnd - rangeStart + 1) << 1]; for (int i = rangeStart, j = 0; i <= rangeEnd; i++, j += 2) { StyleRange style = styles[i]; newRanges[j] = style.start; newRanges[j + 1] = style.length; } } if (start > newRanges[0]) { newRanges[1] = newRanges[0] + newRanges[1] - start; newRanges[0] = start; } if (end < newRanges[newRanges.length - 2] + newRanges[newRanges.length - 1] - 1) { newRanges[newRanges.length - 1] = end - newRanges[newRanges.length - 2] + 1; } return newRanges; } StyleRange[] getStyleRanges(int start, int length, boolean includeRanges) { if (length == 0) return null; StyleRange[] newStyles; int end = start + length - 1; if (ranges != null) { int rangeCount = styleCount << 1; int rangeStart = getRangeIndex(start, -1, rangeCount); if (rangeStart >= rangeCount) return null; if (ranges[rangeStart] > end) return null; int rangeEnd = Math.min(rangeCount - 2, getRangeIndex(end, rangeStart - 1, rangeCount)); if (ranges[rangeEnd] > end) rangeEnd = Math.max(rangeStart, rangeEnd - 2); newStyles = new StyleRange[((rangeEnd - rangeStart) >> 1) + 1]; if (includeRanges) { for (int i = rangeStart, j = 0; i <= rangeEnd; i += 2, j++) { newStyles[j] = (StyleRange)styles[i >> 1].clone(); newStyles[j].start = ranges[i]; newStyles[j].length = ranges[i + 1]; } } else { System.arraycopy(styles, rangeStart >> 1, newStyles, 0, newStyles.length); } } else { int rangeStart = getRangeIndex(start, -1, styleCount); if (rangeStart >= styleCount) return null; if (styles[rangeStart].start > end) return null; int rangeEnd = Math.min(styleCount - 1, getRangeIndex(end, rangeStart - 1, styleCount)); if (styles[rangeEnd].start > end) rangeEnd = Math.max(rangeStart, rangeEnd - 1); newStyles = new StyleRange[rangeEnd - rangeStart + 1]; System.arraycopy(styles, rangeStart, newStyles, 0, newStyles.length); } if (includeRanges || ranges == null) { StyleRange style = newStyles[0]; if (start > style.start) { newStyles[0] = style = (StyleRange)style.clone(); style.length = style.start + style.length - start; style.start = start; } style = newStyles[newStyles.length - 1]; if (end < style.start + style.length - 1) { newStyles[newStyles.length - 1] = style = (StyleRange)style.clone(); style.length = end - style.start + 1; } } return newStyles; } StyleRange getStyleRange(StyleRange style) { if (style.underline && style.underlineStyle == SWT.UNDERLINE_LINK) hasLinks = true; if (style.start == 0 && style.length == 0 && style.fontStyle == SWT.NORMAL) return style; StyleRange clone = (StyleRange)style.clone(); clone.start = clone.length = 0; clone.fontStyle = SWT.NORMAL; if (clone.font == null) clone.font = getFont(style.fontStyle); return clone; } TextLayout getTextLayout(int lineIndex) { if (lineSpacingProvider == null) { return getTextLayout(lineIndex, styledText.getOrientation(), styledText.getWrapWidth(), styledText.lineSpacing); } // Compute line spacing for the given line index. int newLineSpacing = styledText.lineSpacing; Integer spacing = lineSpacingProvider.getLineSpacing(lineIndex); if (spacing != null && spacing.intValue() >= 0) { newLineSpacing = spacing; } // Check if line spacing has not changed if (isSameLineSpacing(lineIndex, newLineSpacing)) { return getTextLayout(lineIndex, styledText.getOrientation(), styledText.getWrapWidth(), newLineSpacing); } // Get text layout with original StyledText line spacing. TextLayout layout = getTextLayout(lineIndex, styledText.getOrientation(), styledText.getWrapWidth(), styledText.lineSpacing); if (layout.getSpacing() != newLineSpacing) { layout.setSpacing(newLineSpacing); if (lineSpacingComputing) { return layout; } try { /* Call of resetCache, setCaretLocation, redraw call getTextLayout method * To avoid having stack overflow, lineSpacingComputing flag is used to call * resetCache, setCaretLocation, redraw methods only at the end of the compute of all lines spacing. */ lineSpacingComputing = true; styledText.resetCache(lineIndex, 1); styledText.setCaretLocation(); styledText.redraw(); } finally { lineSpacingComputing = false; } } return layout; } boolean isSameLineSpacing(int lineIndex, int newLineSpacing) { if (layouts == null) { return false; } int layoutIndex = lineIndex - topIndex; if (0 <= layoutIndex && layoutIndex < layouts.length) { TextLayout layout = layouts[layoutIndex]; return layout != null && !layout.isDisposed() && layout.getSpacing() == newLineSpacing; } return false; } private static final class StyleEntry { public final int start; public final int end; public final TextStyle style; public StyleEntry(TextStyle style, int start, int end) { this.style = style; this.start = start; this.end = end; } } TextLayout getTextLayout(int lineIndex, int orientation, int width, int lineSpacing) { TextLayout layout = null; if (styledText != null) { int topIndex = styledText.topIndex > 0 ? styledText.topIndex - 1 : 0; if (layouts == null || topIndex != this.topIndex) { TextLayout[] newLayouts = new TextLayout[CACHE_SIZE]; if (layouts != null) { for (int i = 0; i < layouts.length; i++) { if (layouts[i] != null) { int layoutIndex = (i + this.topIndex) - topIndex; if (0 <= layoutIndex && layoutIndex < newLayouts.length) { newLayouts[layoutIndex] = layouts[i]; } else { layouts[i].dispose(); } } } } if (bullets != null && bulletsIndices != null && topIndex != this.topIndex) { int delta = topIndex - this.topIndex; if (delta > 0) { if (delta < bullets.length) { System.arraycopy(bullets, delta, bullets, 0, bullets.length - delta); System.arraycopy(bulletsIndices, delta, bulletsIndices, 0, bulletsIndices.length - delta); } int startIndex = Math.max(0, bullets.length - delta); for (int i = startIndex; i < bullets.length; i++) bullets[i] = null; } else { if (-delta < bullets.length) { System.arraycopy(bullets, 0, bullets, -delta, bullets.length + delta); System.arraycopy(bulletsIndices, 0, bulletsIndices, -delta, bulletsIndices.length + delta); } int endIndex = Math.min(bullets.length, -delta); for (int i = 0; i < endIndex; i++) bullets[i] = null; } } this.topIndex = topIndex; layouts = newLayouts; } if (layouts != null) { int layoutIndex = lineIndex - topIndex; if (0 <= layoutIndex && layoutIndex < layouts.length) { layout = layouts[layoutIndex]; if (layout != null) { // Bug 520374: lineIndex can be >= linesSize.length if(lineIndex < lineSizes.length && getLineSize(lineIndex).canLayout()) { return layout; } } else { layout = layouts[layoutIndex] = new TextLayout(device); } } } } if (layout == null) layout = new TextLayout(device); String line = content.getLine(lineIndex); int lineOffset = content.getOffsetAtLine(lineIndex); int[] segments = null; char[] segmentChars = null; int indent = 0; int wrapIndent = 0; int verticalIndent = 0; int alignment = SWT.LEFT; int textDirection = orientation; boolean justify = false; int[] tabs = {tabWidth}; Bullet bullet = null; int[] ranges = null; StyleRange[] styles = null; int rangeStart = 0, styleCount = 0; StyledTextEvent event = null; if (styledText != null) { event = styledText.getBidiSegments(lineOffset, line); if (event != null) { segments = event.segments; segmentChars = event.segmentsChars; } event = styledText.getLineStyleData(lineOffset, line); indent = styledText.indent; wrapIndent = styledText.wrapIndent; alignment = styledText.alignment; if (styledText.isAutoDirection()) { textDirection = SWT.AUTO_TEXT_DIRECTION; } else if ((styledText.getStyle() & SWT.FLIP_TEXT_DIRECTION) != 0) { textDirection = orientation == SWT.RIGHT_TO_LEFT ? SWT.LEFT_TO_RIGHT : SWT.RIGHT_TO_LEFT; } justify = styledText.justify; if (styledText.tabs != null) tabs = styledText.tabs; } if (event != null) { indent = event.indent; verticalIndent = event.verticalIndent; wrapIndent = event.wrapIndent; alignment = event.alignment; justify = event.justify; bullet = event.bullet; ranges = event.ranges; styles = event.styles; if (event.tabStops != null) tabs = event.tabStops; if (styles != null) { styleCount = styles.length; if (styledText.isFixedLineHeight()) { for (int i = 0; i < styleCount; i++) { if (styles[i].isVariableHeight()) { styledText.hasStyleWithVariableHeight = true; styledText.verticalScrollOffset = -1; styledText.redraw(); break; } } } } if (bullets == null || bulletsIndices == null) { bullets = new Bullet[CACHE_SIZE]; bulletsIndices = new int[CACHE_SIZE]; } int index = lineIndex - topIndex; if (0 <= index && index < CACHE_SIZE) { bullets[index] = bullet; bulletsIndices[index] = event.bulletIndex; } } else { if (lines != null) { LineInfo info = lines[lineIndex]; if (info != null) { if ((info.flags & INDENT) != 0) indent = info.indent; if ((info.flags & VERTICAL_INDENT) != 0) verticalIndent = info.verticalIndent; if ((info.flags & WRAP_INDENT) != 0) wrapIndent = info.wrapIndent; if ((info.flags & ALIGNMENT) != 0) alignment = info.alignment; if ((info.flags & JUSTIFY) != 0) justify = info.justify; if ((info.flags & SEGMENTS) != 0) segments = info.segments; if ((info.flags & SEGMENT_CHARS) != 0) segmentChars = info.segmentsChars; if ((info.flags & TABSTOPS) != 0) tabs = info.tabStops; } } if (bulletsIndices != null) { bullets = null; bulletsIndices = null; } if (bullets != null) { for (int i = 0; i < bullets.length; i++) { if (bullets[i].indexOf(lineIndex) != -1) { bullet = bullets[i]; break; } } } ranges = this.ranges; styles = this.styles; styleCount = this.styleCount; if (ranges != null) { rangeStart = getRangeIndex(lineOffset, -1, styleCount << 1); } else { rangeStart = getRangeIndex(lineOffset, -1, styleCount); } } if (bullet != null) { StyleRange style = bullet.style; GlyphMetrics metrics = style.metrics; indent += metrics.width; } // prepare styles, as it may change the line content, do it before calling layout.setText() // This needs to happen early to handle the case of GlyphMetrics on \t. // The root cause is that TextLayout doesn't return the right value for the bounds when // GlyphMetrics are applied on \t. A better fix could be implemented directly in (all 3) // TextLayout classes. List styleEntries = new ArrayList<>(); int lastOffset = 0; int length = line.length(); if (styles != null) { if (ranges != null) { int rangeCount = styleCount << 1; for (int i = rangeStart; i < rangeCount; i += 2) { int start, end; if (lineOffset > ranges[i]) { start = 0; end = Math.min (length, ranges[i + 1] - lineOffset + ranges[i]); } else { start = ranges[i] - lineOffset; end = Math.min(length, start + ranges[i + 1]); } if (start >= length) break; if (lastOffset < start) { styleEntries.add(new StyleEntry(null, lastOffset, start - 1)); } TextStyle style = getStyleRange(styles[i >> 1]); int endIndex = Math.max(start, Math.min(length, end + 1)); if (style.metrics != null && line.substring(start, endIndex).contains("\t")) { line = line.substring(0, start) + line.substring(start, endIndex).replace('\t', ' ') + (end < line.length() ? line.substring(end + 1, line.length()) : ""); } styleEntries.add(new StyleEntry(style, start, end)); lastOffset = Math.max(lastOffset, end); } } else { for (int i = rangeStart; i < styleCount; i++) { int start, end; if (lineOffset > styles[i].start) { start = 0; end = Math.min (length, styles[i].length - lineOffset + styles[i].start); } else { start = styles[i].start - lineOffset; end = Math.min(length, start + styles[i].length); } if (start >= length) break; if (lastOffset < start) { styleEntries.add(new StyleEntry(null, lastOffset, start - 1)); } TextStyle style = getStyleRange(styles[i]); int endIndex = Math.max(start, Math.min(length, end + 1)); if (style.metrics != null && line.substring(start, endIndex).contains("\t")) { line = line.substring(0, start) + line.substring(start, endIndex).replace('\t', ' ') + (end < line.length() ? line.substring(end + 1, line.length()) : ""); } styleEntries.add(new StyleEntry(style, start, end)); lastOffset = Math.max(lastOffset, end); } } } if (lastOffset < length) styleEntries.add(new StyleEntry(null, lastOffset, length)); layout.setFont(regularFont); layout.setAscent(ascent); layout.setDescent(descent); layout.setText(line); layout.setOrientation(orientation); layout.setSegments(segments); layout.setSegmentsChars(segmentChars); layout.setWidth(width); layout.setSpacing(lineSpacing); layout.setTabs(tabs); layout.setDefaultTabWidth(tabLength); layout.setIndent(indent); layout.setVerticalIndent(verticalIndent); layout.setWrapIndent(wrapIndent); layout.setAlignment(alignment); layout.setJustify(justify); layout.setTextDirection(textDirection); // apply styles, must be done after layout.setText() for (StyleEntry styleEntry : styleEntries) { layout.setStyle(styleEntry.style, styleEntry.start, styleEntry.end); } if (styledText != null && styledText.ime != null) { IME ime = styledText.ime; int compositionOffset = ime.getCompositionOffset(); if (compositionOffset != -1) { int commitCount = ime.getCommitCount(); int compositionLength = ime.getText().length(); if (compositionLength != commitCount) { int compositionLine = content.getLineAtOffset(compositionOffset); if (compositionLine == lineIndex) { int[] imeRanges = ime.getRanges(); TextStyle[] imeStyles = ime.getStyles(); if (imeRanges.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < imeStyles.length; i++) { int start = imeRanges[i*2] - lineOffset; int end = imeRanges[i*2+1] - lineOffset; TextStyle imeStyle = imeStyles[i], userStyle; for (int j = start; j <= end; j++) { if (!(0 <= j && j < length)) break; userStyle = layout.getStyle(cap(layout, j)); if (userStyle == null && j > 0) userStyle = layout.getStyle(cap(layout, j - 1)); if (userStyle == null && j + 1 < length) userStyle = layout.getStyle(cap(layout, j + 1)); if (userStyle == null) { layout.setStyle(imeStyle, j, j); } else { TextStyle newStyle = new TextStyle(imeStyle); if (newStyle.font == null) newStyle.font = userStyle.font; if (newStyle.foreground == null) newStyle.foreground = userStyle.foreground; if (newStyle.background == null) newStyle.background = userStyle.background; layout.setStyle(newStyle, j, j); } } } } else { int start = compositionOffset - lineOffset; int end = start + compositionLength - 1; TextStyle userStyle = layout.getStyle(cap(layout, start)); if (userStyle == null) { if (start > 0) userStyle = layout.getStyle(cap(layout, start - 1)); if (userStyle == null && end + 1 < length) userStyle = layout.getStyle(cap(layout, end + 1)); if (userStyle != null) { TextStyle newStyle = new TextStyle(); newStyle.font = userStyle.font; newStyle.foreground = userStyle.foreground; newStyle.background = userStyle.background; layout.setStyle(newStyle, start, end); } } } } } } } if (styledText != null && styledText.isFixedLineHeight()) { int index = -1; int lineCount = layout.getLineCount(); int height = getLineHeight(); for (int i = 0; i < lineCount; i++) { int lineHeight = layout.getLineBounds(i).height; if (lineHeight > height) { height = lineHeight; index = i; } } if (index != -1) { FontMetrics metrics = layout.getLineMetrics(index); ascent = metrics.getAscent() + metrics.getLeading(); descent = metrics.getDescent(); if (layouts != null) { for (int i = 0; i < layouts.length; i++) { if (layouts[i] != null && layouts[i] != layout) { layouts[i].setAscent(ascent); layouts[i].setDescent(descent); } } } styledText.calculateScrollBars(); if (styledText.verticalScrollOffset != 0) { int topIndex = styledText.topIndex; int topIndexY = styledText.topIndexY; int lineHeight = getLineHeight(); int newVerticalScrollOffset; if (topIndexY >= 0) { newVerticalScrollOffset = (topIndex - 1) * lineHeight + lineHeight - topIndexY; } else { newVerticalScrollOffset = topIndex * lineHeight - topIndexY; } styledText.scrollVertical(newVerticalScrollOffset - styledText.verticalScrollOffset, true); } if (styledText.isBidiCaret()) styledText.createCaretBitmaps(); styledText.caretDirection = SWT.NULL; styledText.setCaretLocation(); styledText.redraw(); } } return layout; } int getWidth() { return maxWidth; } void reset() { if (layouts != null) { for (int i = 0; i < layouts.length; i++) { TextLayout layout = layouts[i]; if (layout != null) layout.dispose(); } layouts = null; } topIndex = -1; stylesSetCount = styleCount = lineCount = 0; ranges = null; styles = null; stylesSet = null; lines = null; lineSizes = null; bullets = null; bulletsIndices = null; redrawLines = null; hasLinks = false; } void reset(int startLine, int lineCount) { int endLine = startLine + lineCount; if (startLine < 0 || endLine > lineSizes.length) return; SortedSet lines = new TreeSet<>(); for (int i = startLine; i < endLine; i++) { lines.add(Integer.valueOf(i)); } reset(lines); } void reset(Set lines) { if (lines == null || lines.isEmpty()) return; int resetLineCount = 0; for (Integer line : lines) { if (line >= 0 || line < lineCount) { resetLineCount++; getLineSize(line.intValue()).resetSize(); } } if (lines.contains(Integer.valueOf(maxWidthLineIndex))) { maxWidth = 0; maxWidthLineIndex = -1; if (resetLineCount != this.lineCount) { for (int i = 0; i < this.lineCount; i++) { LineSizeInfo lineSize = getLineSize(i); if (lineSize.width > maxWidth) { maxWidth = lineSize.width; maxWidthLineIndex = i; } } } } } void setContent(StyledTextContent content) { reset(); this.content = content; lineCount = content.getLineCount(); lineSizes = new LineSizeInfo[lineCount]; maxWidth = 0; maxWidthLineIndex = -1; reset(0, lineCount); } void setFont(Font font, int tabs) { TextLayout layout = new TextLayout(device); layout.setFont(regularFont); tabLength = tabs; if (font != null) { if (boldFont != null) boldFont.dispose(); if (italicFont != null) italicFont.dispose(); if (boldItalicFont != null) boldItalicFont.dispose(); boldFont = italicFont = boldItalicFont = null; regularFont = font; layout.setText(" "); layout.setFont(font); layout.setStyle(new TextStyle(getFont(SWT.NORMAL), null, null), 0, 0); layout.setStyle(new TextStyle(getFont(SWT.BOLD), null, null), 1, 1); layout.setStyle(new TextStyle(getFont(SWT.ITALIC), null, null), 2, 2); layout.setStyle(new TextStyle(getFont(SWT.BOLD | SWT.ITALIC), null, null), 3, 3); FontMetrics metrics = layout.getLineMetrics(0); ascent = metrics.getAscent() + metrics.getLeading(); descent = metrics.getDescent(); boldFont.dispose(); italicFont.dispose(); boldItalicFont.dispose(); boldFont = italicFont = boldItalicFont = null; } layout.dispose(); layout = new TextLayout(device); layout.setFont(regularFont); StringBuilder tabBuffer = new StringBuilder(tabs); for (int i = 0; i < tabs; i++) { tabBuffer.append(' '); } layout.setText(tabBuffer.toString()); tabWidth = layout.getBounds().width; layout.dispose(); if (styledText != null) { GC gc = new GC(styledText); averageCharWidth = (int) gc.getFontMetrics().getAverageCharacterWidth(); fixedPitch = gc.stringExtent("l").x == gc.stringExtent("W").x; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ gc.dispose(); } } void setLineAlignment(int startLine, int count, int alignment) { if (lines == null) lines = new LineInfo[lineCount]; for (int i = startLine; i < startLine + count; i++) { if (lines[i] == null) { lines[i] = new LineInfo(); } lines[i].flags |= ALIGNMENT; lines[i].alignment = alignment; } } void setLineBackground(int startLine, int count, Color background) { if (lines == null) lines = new LineInfo[lineCount]; for (int i = startLine; i < startLine + count; i++) { if (lines[i] == null) { lines[i] = new LineInfo(); } lines[i].flags |= BACKGROUND; lines[i].background = background; } } void setLineBullet(int startLine, int count, Bullet bullet) { if (bulletsIndices != null) { bulletsIndices = null; bullets = null; } if (bullets == null) { if (bullet == null) return; bullets = new Bullet[1]; bullets[0] = bullet; } int index = 0; while (index < bullets.length) { if (bullet == bullets[index]) break; index++; } if (bullet != null) { if (index == bullets.length) { Bullet[] newBulletsList = new Bullet[bullets.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(bullets, 0, newBulletsList, 0, bullets.length); newBulletsList[index] = bullet; bullets = newBulletsList; } bullet.addIndices(startLine, count); } else { updateBullets(startLine, count, 0, false); styledText.redrawLinesBullet(redrawLines); redrawLines = null; } } void setLineIndent(int startLine, int count, int indent) { if (lines == null) lines = new LineInfo[lineCount]; for (int i = startLine; i < startLine + count; i++) { if (lines[i] == null) { lines[i] = new LineInfo(); } lines[i].flags |= INDENT; lines[i].indent = indent; } } void setLineVerticalIndent(int lineIndex, int verticalLineIndent) { if (lines == null) lines = new LineInfo[lineCount]; if (lines[lineIndex] == null) { lines[lineIndex] = new LineInfo(); } lines[lineIndex].flags |= VERTICAL_INDENT; lines[lineIndex].verticalIndent = verticalLineIndent; } void setLineWrapIndent(int startLine, int count, int wrapIndent) { if (lines == null) lines = new LineInfo[lineCount]; for (int i = startLine; i < startLine + count; i++) { if (lines[i] == null) { lines[i] = new LineInfo(); } lines[i].flags |= WRAP_INDENT; lines[i].wrapIndent = wrapIndent; } } void setLineJustify(int startLine, int count, boolean justify) { if (lines == null) lines = new LineInfo[lineCount]; for (int i = startLine; i < startLine + count; i++) { if (lines[i] == null) { lines[i] = new LineInfo(); } lines[i].flags |= JUSTIFY; lines[i].justify = justify; } } void setLineSegments(int startLine, int count, int[] segments) { if (lines == null) lines = new LineInfo[lineCount]; for (int i = startLine; i < startLine + count; i++) { if (lines[i] == null) { lines[i] = new LineInfo(); } lines[i].flags |= SEGMENTS; lines[i].segments = segments; } } void setLineSegmentChars(int startLine, int count, char[] segmentChars) { if (lines == null) lines = new LineInfo[lineCount]; for (int i = startLine; i < startLine + count; i++) { if (lines[i] == null) { lines[i] = new LineInfo(); } lines[i].flags |= SEGMENT_CHARS; lines[i].segmentsChars = segmentChars; } } void setLineTabStops(int startLine, int count, int[] tabStops) { if (lines == null) lines = new LineInfo[lineCount]; for (int i = startLine; i < startLine + count; i++) { if (lines[i] == null) { lines[i] = new LineInfo(); } lines[i].flags |= TABSTOPS; lines[i].tabStops = tabStops; } } void setLineSpacingProvider(StyledTextLineSpacingProvider lineSpacingProvider) { this.lineSpacingProvider = lineSpacingProvider; } void setStyleRanges (int[] newRanges, StyleRange[] newStyles) { if (newStyles == null) { stylesSetCount = styleCount = 0; ranges = null; styles = null; stylesSet = null; hasLinks = false; return; } if (newRanges == null && COMPACT_STYLES) { newRanges = new int[newStyles.length << 1]; StyleRange[] tmpStyles = new StyleRange[newStyles.length]; if (stylesSet == null) stylesSet = new StyleRange[4]; for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < newStyles.length; i++) { StyleRange newStyle = newStyles[i]; newRanges[j++] = newStyle.start; newRanges[j++] = newStyle.length; int index = 0; while (index < stylesSetCount) { if (stylesSet[index].similarTo(newStyle)) break; index++; } if (index == stylesSetCount) { if (stylesSetCount == stylesSet.length) { StyleRange[] tmpStylesSet = new StyleRange[stylesSetCount + 4]; System.arraycopy(stylesSet, 0, tmpStylesSet, 0, stylesSetCount); stylesSet = tmpStylesSet; } stylesSet[stylesSetCount++] = newStyle; } tmpStyles[i] = stylesSet[index]; } newStyles = tmpStyles; } if (styleCount == 0) { if (newRanges != null) { ranges = new int[newRanges.length]; System.arraycopy(newRanges, 0, ranges, 0, ranges.length); } styles = new StyleRange[newStyles.length]; System.arraycopy(newStyles, 0, styles, 0, styles.length); styleCount = newStyles.length; return; } if (newRanges != null && ranges == null) { ranges = new int[styles.length << 1]; for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < styleCount; i++) { ranges[j++] = styles[i].start; ranges[j++] = styles[i].length; } } if (newRanges == null && ranges != null) { newRanges = new int[newStyles.length << 1]; for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < newStyles.length; i++) { newRanges[j++] = newStyles[i].start; newRanges[j++] = newStyles[i].length; } } if (ranges != null) { int rangeCount = styleCount << 1; int start = newRanges[0]; int modifyStart = getRangeIndex(start, -1, rangeCount), modifyEnd; boolean insert = modifyStart == rangeCount; if (!insert) { int end = newRanges[newRanges.length - 2] + newRanges[newRanges.length - 1]; modifyEnd = getRangeIndex(end, modifyStart - 1, rangeCount); insert = modifyStart == modifyEnd && ranges[modifyStart] >= end; } if (insert) { addMerge(newRanges, newStyles, newRanges.length, modifyStart, modifyStart); return; } modifyEnd = modifyStart; int[] mergeRanges = new int[6]; StyleRange[] mergeStyles = new StyleRange[3]; for (int i = 0; i < newRanges.length; i += 2) { int newStart = newRanges[i]; int newEnd = newStart + newRanges[i + 1]; if (newStart == newEnd) continue; int modifyLast = 0, mergeCount = 0; while (modifyEnd < rangeCount) { if (newStart >= ranges[modifyStart] + ranges[modifyStart + 1]) modifyStart += 2; if (ranges[modifyEnd] + ranges[modifyEnd + 1] > newEnd) break; modifyEnd += 2; } if (ranges[modifyStart] < newStart && newStart < ranges[modifyStart] + ranges[modifyStart + 1]) { mergeStyles[mergeCount >> 1] = styles[modifyStart >> 1]; mergeRanges[mergeCount] = ranges[modifyStart]; mergeRanges[mergeCount + 1] = newStart - ranges[modifyStart]; mergeCount += 2; } mergeStyles[mergeCount >> 1] = newStyles[i >> 1]; mergeRanges[mergeCount] = newStart; mergeRanges[mergeCount + 1] = newRanges[i + 1]; mergeCount += 2; if (modifyEnd < rangeCount && ranges[modifyEnd] < newEnd && newEnd < ranges[modifyEnd] + ranges[modifyEnd + 1]) { mergeStyles[mergeCount >> 1] = styles[modifyEnd >> 1]; mergeRanges[mergeCount] = newEnd; mergeRanges[mergeCount + 1] = ranges[modifyEnd] + ranges[modifyEnd + 1] - newEnd; mergeCount += 2; modifyLast = 2; } int grow = addMerge(mergeRanges, mergeStyles, mergeCount, modifyStart, modifyEnd + modifyLast); rangeCount += grow; modifyStart = modifyEnd += grow; } } else { int start = newStyles[0].start; int modifyStart = getRangeIndex(start, -1, styleCount), modifyEnd; boolean insert = modifyStart == styleCount; if (!insert) { int end = newStyles[newStyles.length - 1].start + newStyles[newStyles.length - 1].length; modifyEnd = getRangeIndex(end, modifyStart - 1, styleCount); insert = modifyStart == modifyEnd && styles[modifyStart].start >= end; } if (insert) { addMerge(newStyles, newStyles.length, modifyStart, modifyStart); return; } modifyEnd = modifyStart; StyleRange[] mergeStyles = new StyleRange[3]; for (int i = 0; i < newStyles.length; i++) { StyleRange newStyle = newStyles[i], style; int newStart = newStyle.start; int newEnd = newStart + newStyle.length; if (newStart == newEnd) continue; int modifyLast = 0, mergeCount = 0; while (modifyEnd < styleCount) { if (newStart >= styles[modifyStart].start + styles[modifyStart].length) modifyStart++; if (styles[modifyEnd].start + styles[modifyEnd].length > newEnd) break; modifyEnd++; } style = styles[modifyStart]; if (style.start < newStart && newStart < style.start + style.length) { style = mergeStyles[mergeCount++] = (StyleRange)style.clone(); style.length = newStart - style.start; } mergeStyles[mergeCount++] = newStyle; if (modifyEnd < styleCount) { style = styles[modifyEnd]; if (style.start < newEnd && newEnd < style.start + style.length) { style = mergeStyles[mergeCount++] = (StyleRange)style.clone(); style.length += style.start - newEnd; style.start = newEnd; modifyLast = 1; } } int grow = addMerge(mergeStyles, mergeCount, modifyStart, modifyEnd + modifyLast); modifyStart = modifyEnd += grow; } } } void textChanging(TextChangingEvent event) { int start = event.start; int newCharCount = event.newCharCount, replaceCharCount = event.replaceCharCount; int newLineCount = event.newLineCount, replaceLineCount = event.replaceLineCount; updateRanges(start, replaceCharCount, newCharCount); int startLine = content.getLineAtOffset(start); if (replaceCharCount == content.getCharCount()) lines = null; if (replaceLineCount == lineCount) { lineCount = newLineCount; lineSizes = new LineSizeInfo[lineCount]; reset(0, lineCount); } else { int startIndex = startLine + replaceLineCount + 1; int endIndex = startLine + newLineCount + 1; if(lineCount < startLine) { SWT.error(SWT.ERROR_INVALID_RANGE, null, "bug 478020: lineCount < startLine: " + lineCount + ":" + startLine); } if(lineCount < startIndex) { SWT.error(SWT.ERROR_INVALID_RANGE, null, "bug 478020: lineCount < startIndex: " + lineCount + ":" + startIndex); } int delta = newLineCount - replaceLineCount; if (lineCount + delta > lineSizes.length) { LineSizeInfo[] newLineSizes = new LineSizeInfo[lineCount + delta + GROW]; System.arraycopy(lineSizes, 0, newLineSizes, 0, lineCount); lineSizes = newLineSizes; } if (lines != null) { if (lineCount + delta > lines.length) { LineInfo[] newLines = new LineInfo[lineCount + delta + GROW]; System.arraycopy(lines, 0, newLines, 0, lineCount); lines = newLines; } } System.arraycopy(lineSizes, startIndex, lineSizes, endIndex, lineCount - startIndex); for (int i = startLine; i < endIndex; i++) { lineSizes[i] = null; } for (int i = lineCount + delta; i < lineCount; i++) { lineSizes[i] = null; } if (layouts != null) { int layoutStartLine = startLine - topIndex; int layoutEndLine = layoutStartLine + replaceLineCount + 1; for (int i = layoutStartLine; i < layoutEndLine; i++) { if (0 <= i && i < layouts.length) { if (layouts[i] != null) layouts[i].dispose(); layouts[i] = null; if (bullets != null && bulletsIndices != null) bullets[i] = null; } } if (delta > 0) { for (int i = layouts.length - 1; i >= layoutEndLine; i--) { if (0 <= i && i < layouts.length) { endIndex = i + delta; if (0 <= endIndex && endIndex < layouts.length) { layouts[endIndex] = layouts[i]; layouts[i] = null; if (bullets != null && bulletsIndices != null) { bullets[endIndex] = bullets[i]; bulletsIndices[endIndex] = bulletsIndices[i]; bullets[i] = null; } } else { if (layouts[i] != null) layouts[i].dispose(); layouts[i] = null; if (bullets != null && bulletsIndices != null) bullets[i] = null; } } } } else if (delta < 0) { for (int i = layoutEndLine; i < layouts.length; i++) { if (0 <= i && i < layouts.length) { endIndex = i + delta; if (0 <= endIndex && endIndex < layouts.length) { layouts[endIndex] = layouts[i]; layouts[i] = null; if (bullets != null && bulletsIndices != null) { bullets[endIndex] = bullets[i]; bulletsIndices[endIndex] = bulletsIndices[i]; bullets[i] = null; } } else { if (layouts[i] != null) layouts[i].dispose(); layouts[i] = null; if (bullets != null && bulletsIndices != null) bullets[i] = null; } } } } } if (replaceLineCount != 0 || newLineCount != 0) { int startLineOffset = content.getOffsetAtLine(startLine); if (startLineOffset != start) startLine++; updateBullets(startLine, replaceLineCount, newLineCount, true); if (lines != null) { startIndex = startLine + replaceLineCount; endIndex = startLine + newLineCount; System.arraycopy(lines, startIndex, lines, endIndex, lineCount - startIndex); for (int i = startLine; i < endIndex; i++) { lines[i] = null; } for (int i = lineCount + delta; i < lineCount; i++) { lines[i] = null; } } } lineCount += delta; if (maxWidthLineIndex != -1 && startLine <= maxWidthLineIndex && maxWidthLineIndex <= startLine + replaceLineCount) { maxWidth = 0; maxWidthLineIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < lineCount; i++) { LineSizeInfo lineSize = getLineSize(i); if (lineSize.width > maxWidth) { maxWidth = lineSize.width; maxWidthLineIndex = i; } } } } } void updateBullets(int startLine, int replaceLineCount, int newLineCount, boolean update) { if (bullets == null) return; if (bulletsIndices != null) return; for (int i = 0; i < bullets.length; i++) { Bullet bullet = bullets[i]; int[] lines = bullet.removeIndices(startLine, replaceLineCount, newLineCount, update); if (lines != null) { if (redrawLines == null) { redrawLines = lines; } else { int[] newRedrawBullets = new int[redrawLines.length + lines.length]; System.arraycopy(redrawLines, 0, newRedrawBullets, 0, redrawLines.length); System.arraycopy(lines, 0, newRedrawBullets, redrawLines.length, lines.length); redrawLines = newRedrawBullets; } } } int removed = 0; for (int i = 0; i < bullets.length; i++) { if (bullets[i].size() == 0) removed++; } if (removed > 0) { if (removed == bullets.length) { bullets = null; } else { Bullet[] newBulletsList = new Bullet[bullets.length - removed]; for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < bullets.length; i++) { Bullet bullet = bullets[i]; if (bullet.size() > 0) newBulletsList[j++] = bullet; } bullets = newBulletsList; } } } void updateRanges(int start, int replaceCharCount, int newCharCount) { if (styleCount == 0 || (replaceCharCount == 0 && newCharCount == 0)) return; if (ranges != null) { int rangeCount = styleCount << 1; int modifyStart = getRangeIndex(start, -1, rangeCount); if (modifyStart == rangeCount) return; int end = start + replaceCharCount; int modifyEnd = getRangeIndex(end, modifyStart - 1, rangeCount); int offset = newCharCount - replaceCharCount; if (modifyStart == modifyEnd && ranges[modifyStart] < start && end < ranges[modifyEnd] + ranges[modifyEnd + 1]) { if (newCharCount == 0) { ranges[modifyStart + 1] -= replaceCharCount; modifyEnd += 2; } else { if (rangeCount + 2 > ranges.length) { int[] newRanges = new int[ranges.length + (GROW << 1)]; System.arraycopy(ranges, 0, newRanges, 0, rangeCount); ranges = newRanges; StyleRange[] newStyles = new StyleRange[styles.length + GROW]; System.arraycopy(styles, 0, newStyles, 0, styleCount); styles = newStyles; } System.arraycopy(ranges, modifyStart + 2, ranges, modifyStart + 4, rangeCount - (modifyStart + 2)); System.arraycopy(styles, (modifyStart + 2) >> 1, styles, (modifyStart + 4) >> 1, styleCount - ((modifyStart + 2) >> 1)); ranges[modifyStart + 3] = ranges[modifyStart] + ranges[modifyStart + 1] - end; ranges[modifyStart + 2] = start + newCharCount; ranges[modifyStart + 1] = start - ranges[modifyStart]; styles[(modifyStart >> 1) + 1] = styles[modifyStart >> 1]; rangeCount += 2; styleCount++; modifyEnd += 4; } if (offset != 0) { for (int i = modifyEnd; i < rangeCount; i += 2) { ranges[i] += offset; } } } else { if (ranges[modifyStart] < start && start < ranges[modifyStart] + ranges[modifyStart + 1]) { ranges[modifyStart + 1] = start - ranges[modifyStart]; modifyStart += 2; } if (modifyEnd < rangeCount && ranges[modifyEnd] < end && end < ranges[modifyEnd] + ranges[modifyEnd + 1]) { ranges[modifyEnd + 1] = ranges[modifyEnd] + ranges[modifyEnd + 1] - end; ranges[modifyEnd] = end; } if (offset != 0) { for (int i = modifyEnd; i < rangeCount; i += 2) { ranges[i] += offset; } } System.arraycopy(ranges, modifyEnd, ranges, modifyStart, rangeCount - modifyEnd); System.arraycopy(styles, modifyEnd >> 1, styles, modifyStart >> 1, styleCount - (modifyEnd >> 1)); styleCount -= (modifyEnd - modifyStart) >> 1; } } else { int modifyStart = getRangeIndex(start, -1, styleCount); if (modifyStart == styleCount) return; int end = start + replaceCharCount; int modifyEnd = getRangeIndex(end, modifyStart - 1, styleCount); int offset = newCharCount - replaceCharCount; if (modifyStart == modifyEnd && styles[modifyStart].start < start && end < styles[modifyEnd].start + styles[modifyEnd].length) { if (newCharCount == 0) { styles[modifyStart].length -= replaceCharCount; modifyEnd++; } else { if (styleCount + 1 > styles.length) { StyleRange[] newStyles = new StyleRange[styles.length + GROW]; System.arraycopy(styles, 0, newStyles, 0, styleCount); styles = newStyles; } System.arraycopy(styles, modifyStart + 1, styles, modifyStart + 2, styleCount - (modifyStart + 1)); styles[modifyStart + 1] = (StyleRange)styles[modifyStart].clone(); styles[modifyStart + 1].length = styles[modifyStart].start + styles[modifyStart].length - end; styles[modifyStart + 1].start = start + newCharCount; styles[modifyStart].length = start - styles[modifyStart].start; styleCount++; modifyEnd += 2; } if (offset != 0) { for (int i = modifyEnd; i < styleCount; i++) { styles[i].start += offset; } } } else { if (styles[modifyStart].start < start && start < styles[modifyStart].start + styles[modifyStart].length) { styles[modifyStart].length = start - styles[modifyStart].start; modifyStart++; } if (modifyEnd < styleCount && styles[modifyEnd].start < end && end < styles[modifyEnd].start + styles[modifyEnd].length) { styles[modifyEnd].length = styles[modifyEnd].start + styles[modifyEnd].length - end; styles[modifyEnd].start = end; } if (offset != 0) { for (int i = modifyEnd; i < styleCount; i++) { styles[i].start += offset; } } System.arraycopy(styles, modifyEnd, styles, modifyStart, styleCount - modifyEnd); styleCount -= modifyEnd - modifyStart; } } } public boolean hasVerticalIndent() { return Arrays.stream(lines).filter(Objects::nonNull) // .mapToInt(line -> line.verticalIndent) // .anyMatch(n -> n != 0); } }