/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2007, 2010 Association for Decentralized Information Management * in Industry THTH ry. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.simantics.db.impl.query; import gnu.trove.procedure.TIntProcedure; import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import org.simantics.db.impl.graph.ReadGraphImpl; import org.simantics.db.impl.procedure.InternalProcedure; import org.simantics.db.procedure.ListenerBase; final public class Types extends UnaryQuery> { // public ArrayList> procs; private Types(final int resource) { super(resource); } final static Types entry(final QueryProcessor provider, final int r) { return (Types)provider.cache.typesMap.get(r); } final static void runner(ReadGraphImpl graph, final int r, final QueryProcessor provider, Types cached, final CacheEntry parent, final ListenerBase listener, final InternalProcedure procedure) { Types entry = cached != null ? cached : (Types)provider.cache.typesMap.get(r); if(entry == null) { entry = new Types(r); entry.setPending(); entry.clearResult(provider.querySupport); entry.putEntry(provider); provider.performForEach(graph, entry, parent, listener, procedure); } else { if(!entry.isReady()) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } provider.performForEach(graph, entry, parent, listener, procedure); } } final static IntSet runner2(ReadGraphImpl graph, final int r, final QueryProcessor provider, final CacheEntry parent) throws Throwable { Types entry = (Types)provider.cache.typesMap.get(r); if(entry == null) { entry = new Types(r); entry.setPending(); entry.clearResult(provider.querySupport); entry.putEntry(provider); return (IntSet)provider.performForEach2(graph, entry, parent, null, null); } else { if(!entry.isReady()) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } return (IntSet)provider.performForEach2(graph, entry, parent, null, null); } } final public static void queryEach(ReadGraphImpl graph, final int r, final QueryProcessor provider, final CacheEntry parent, final ListenerBase listener, final InternalProcedure procedure) { final Types entry = (Types)provider.cache.typesMap.get(r); if(parent == null && listener == null) { if(entry != null && entry.isReady()) { entry.performFromCache(graph, provider, procedure); return; } } runner(graph, r, provider, entry, parent, listener, procedure); } final public static IntSet queryEach2(ReadGraphImpl graph, final int r, final QueryProcessor provider, final CacheEntry parent) throws Throwable { if(parent == null) { Types entry = (Types)provider.cache.typesMap.get(r); if(entry != null && entry.isReady()) { return (IntSet)entry.get(graph, provider, null); } } return runner2(graph, r, provider, parent); } @Override public UnaryQuery> getEntry(QueryProcessor provider) { return provider.cache.typesMap.get(id); } @Override public void putEntry(QueryProcessor provider) { provider.cache.typesMap.put(id, this); } @Override final public void removeEntry(QueryProcessor provider) { provider.cache.typesMap.remove(id); } @Override public Object computeForEach(final ReadGraphImpl graph, final QueryProcessor queryProvider, final InternalProcedure procedure, final boolean store) { queryProvider.querySupport.ensureLoaded(graph, id); int ret = queryProvider.querySupport.getSingleInstance(id); if(ret > 0) { TypeHierarchy.queryEach(graph, ret, queryProvider, store ? Types.this : null, null, new InternalProcedure() { @Override public void execute(ReadGraphImpl graph, IntSet types) { addOrSet(graph, types, queryProvider); procedure.execute(graph, types); } @Override public void exception(ReadGraphImpl graph, Throwable t) { procedure.exception(graph, t); } }); return getResult(); } final int instanceOf = queryProvider.getInstanceOf(); final int inherits = queryProvider.getInherits(); final int subrelationOf = queryProvider.getSubrelationOf(); final IntSet result = new IntSet(queryProvider.querySupport); final TIntProcedure addToResult = new TIntProcedure() { @Override public boolean execute(int r) { synchronized(result) { result.add(r); } return true; } }; final AtomicInteger finishes = new AtomicInteger(0); SyncIntProcedure instanceOfProcedure = new SyncIntProcedure() { @Override public void run(ReadGraphImpl graph) { if(finishes.addAndGet(1) == 3) { if(store) addOrSet(graph, result, queryProvider); procedure.execute(graph, result); } } @Override public void execute(ReadGraphImpl graph, int i) { synchronized(result) { result.add(i); } inc(); SuperTypes.queryEach(graph, i, queryProvider, store ? Types.this : null, null, new InternalProcedure() { @Override public void execute(ReadGraphImpl graph, IntSet types) { types.forEach(addToResult); dec(graph); } @Override public void exception(ReadGraphImpl graph, Throwable t) { procedure.exception(graph, t); dec(graph); } }); } @Override public void finished(ReadGraphImpl graph) { dec(graph); } }; SyncIntProcedure inheritsProcedure = new SyncIntProcedure() { @Override public void run(ReadGraphImpl graph) { int current = finishes.addAndGet(1); if(current == 3) { if(store) addOrSet(graph, result, queryProvider); procedure.execute(graph, result); } } @Override public void execute(ReadGraphImpl graph, int i) { inc(); Types.queryEach(graph, i, queryProvider, store ? Types.this : null, null, new InternalProcedure() { @Override public void execute(ReadGraphImpl graph, IntSet types) { types.forEach(addToResult); dec(graph); } @Override public void exception(ReadGraphImpl graph, Throwable t) { procedure.exception(graph, t); dec(graph); } }); } @Override public void finished(ReadGraphImpl graph) { dec(graph); } }; SyncIntProcedure subrelationOfProcedure = new SyncIntProcedure() { @Override public void run(ReadGraphImpl graph) { int current = finishes.addAndGet(1); if(current == 3) { if(store) addOrSet(graph, result, queryProvider); procedure.execute(graph, result); } } @Override public void execute(ReadGraphImpl graph, int i) { inc(); Types.queryEach(graph, i, queryProvider, store ? Types.this : null, null, new InternalProcedure() { @Override public void execute(ReadGraphImpl graph, IntSet types) { types.forEach(addToResult); dec(graph); } @Override public void exception(ReadGraphImpl graph, Throwable t) { procedure.exception(graph, t); dec(graph); } }); } @Override public void finished(ReadGraphImpl graph) { dec(graph); } }; queryProvider.querySupport.getObjects(graph, id, instanceOf, instanceOfProcedure); instanceOfProcedure.finished(graph); queryProvider.querySupport.getObjects(graph, id, inherits, inheritsProcedure); inheritsProcedure.finished(graph); queryProvider.querySupport.getObjects(graph, id, subrelationOf, subrelationOfProcedure); subrelationOfProcedure.finished(graph); return result; } @Override public String toString() { return "Types[" + id + "]"; } private void addOrSet(ReadGraphImpl graph, final IntSet value, QueryProcessor provider) { assert(!isReady()); synchronized(this) { value.trim(); setResult(value); setReady(); } } @Override final public Object performFromCache(ReadGraphImpl graph, QueryProcessor provider, InternalProcedure procedure) { assert(isReady()); if(handleException(graph, procedure)) return EXCEPTED; IntSet result = getResult(); procedure.execute(graph, result); return result; } @Override public void recompute(ReadGraphImpl graph, QueryProcessor provider) { final Semaphore s = new Semaphore(0); computeForEach(graph, provider, new InternalProcedure() { @Override public void execute(ReadGraphImpl graph, IntSet result) { s.release(); } @Override public void exception(ReadGraphImpl graph, Throwable t) { s.release(); new Error("Error in recompute.", t).printStackTrace(); } }, true); while(!s.tryAcquire()) { provider.resume(graph); } } @Override boolean isImmutable(ReadGraphImpl graph) { return graph.processor.isImmutable(id); } }