/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2007, 2010 Association for Decentralized Information Management * in Industry THTH ry. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.simantics.diagram.elements; import java.awt.BasicStroke; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.FontMetrics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.Shape; import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import java.awt.geom.Path2D; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.twod.Vector2D; import org.simantics.db.layer0.variable.RVI; import org.simantics.g2d.diagram.IDiagram; import org.simantics.g2d.element.ElementClass; import org.simantics.g2d.element.ElementHints; import org.simantics.g2d.element.ElementUtils; import org.simantics.g2d.element.IElement; import org.simantics.g2d.element.SceneGraphNodeKey; import org.simantics.g2d.element.handler.ElementHandler; import org.simantics.g2d.element.handler.FillColor; import org.simantics.g2d.element.handler.InternalSize; import org.simantics.g2d.element.handler.LifeCycle; import org.simantics.g2d.element.handler.Move; import org.simantics.g2d.element.handler.Outline; import org.simantics.g2d.element.handler.Rotate; import org.simantics.g2d.element.handler.Scale; import org.simantics.g2d.element.handler.SceneGraph; import org.simantics.g2d.element.handler.StaticSymbol; import org.simantics.g2d.element.handler.Text; import org.simantics.g2d.element.handler.TextEditor; import org.simantics.g2d.element.handler.TextEditor.Modifier; import org.simantics.g2d.element.handler.Transform; import org.simantics.g2d.element.handler.impl.BorderColorImpl; import org.simantics.g2d.element.handler.impl.FillColorImpl; import org.simantics.g2d.element.handler.impl.ParentImpl; import org.simantics.g2d.element.handler.impl.SimpleElementLayers; import org.simantics.g2d.element.handler.impl.StaticSymbolImpl; import org.simantics.g2d.element.handler.impl.TextColorImpl; import org.simantics.g2d.element.handler.impl.TextEditorImpl; import org.simantics.g2d.element.handler.impl.TextFontImpl; import org.simantics.g2d.element.handler.impl.TextImpl; import org.simantics.g2d.elementclass.MonitorHandler; import org.simantics.g2d.image.Image; import org.simantics.g2d.image.ProviderUtils; import org.simantics.g2d.image.impl.AbstractImage; import org.simantics.g2d.utils.Alignment; import org.simantics.scenegraph.Node; import org.simantics.scenegraph.g2d.G2DParentNode; import org.simantics.scenegraph.g2d.nodes.ShapeNode; import org.simantics.scl.runtime.function.Function1; import org.simantics.utils.datastructures.cache.IFactory; import org.simantics.utils.datastructures.cache.IProvider; import org.simantics.utils.datastructures.cache.ProvisionException; import org.simantics.utils.datastructures.hints.IHintContext.Key; import org.simantics.utils.datastructures.hints.IHintContext.KeyOf; import org.simantics.utils.strings.format.MetricsFormat; import org.simantics.utils.strings.format.MetricsFormatList; /** * @author Tuukka Lehtonen */ public class MonitorClass { static final Font FONT = Font.decode("Helvetica 12"); /** * Back-end specific object describing the monitored component. */ public static final Key KEY_MONITOR_COMPONENT = new KeyOf(Object.class, "MONITOR_COMPONENT"); /** * Existence of this hint indicates that the monitor is showing a value that * does not originate from the owner diagram. */ public static final Key KEY_MONITOR_IS_EXTERNAL = new KeyOf(Boolean.class, "MONITOR_IS_EXTERNAL"); /** * The valuation suffix string describing the monitored variable of the * component described by {@link #KEY_MONITOR_COMPONENT}. */ public static final Key KEY_MONITOR_SUFFIX = new KeyOf(String.class, "MONITOR_SUFFIX"); public static final Key KEY_MONITOR_SUBSTITUTIONS = new KeyOf(Map.class, "MONITOR_SUBSTITUTIONS"); public static final Key KEY_MONITOR_GC = new KeyOf(Graphics2D.class, "MONITOR_GC"); public static final Key KEY_MONITOR_HEIGHT = new KeyOf(Double.class, "MONITOR_HEIGHT"); public static final Key KEY_NUMBER_FORMAT = new KeyOf(MetricsFormat.class, "NUMBER_FORMAT"); public static final Key KEY_TOOLTIP_TEXT = new KeyOf(String.class, "TOOLTIP_TEXT"); public static final Key KEY_EXPRESSION = new KeyOf(String.class, "EXPRESSION"); public static final Key KEY_INPUT_VALIDATOR = new KeyOf(Object.class, "INPUT_VALIDATOR"); public static final Key KEY_RVI = new KeyOf(RVI.class, "RVI"); public static final Key KEY_PREFIX_TEXT = new KeyOf(String.class, "PREFIX_TEXT"); public static final Key KEY_SUFFIX_TEXT = new KeyOf(String.class, "SUFFIX_TEXT"); /** * If this hint is defined, the monitor will force its x-axis to match this * angle. If this hint doesn't exist, the monitor will not force x-axis * orientation. */ public static final Key KEY_DIRECTION = new KeyOf(Double.class, "MONITOR_DIRECTION"); public static final Key KEY_BORDER_WIDTH = new KeyOf(Double.class, "MONITOR_BORDER"); public static final Key KEY_SG_NODE = new SceneGraphNodeKey(TextNode.class, "MONITOR_SG_NODE"); public static final Key KEY_SG_NODE2 = new SceneGraphNodeKey(ShapeNode.class, "MONITOR_SG_NODE2"); public static final Key KEY_SG_PREFIX_NODE = new SceneGraphNodeKey(ShapeNode.class, "MONITOR_PREFIX_NODE"); public static final Key KEY_SG_SUFFIX_NODE = new SceneGraphNodeKey(ShapeNode.class, "MONITOR_SUFFIX_NODE"); final static BasicStroke STROKE = new BasicStroke(1.0f); public final static Alignment DEFAULT_HORIZONTAL_ALIGN = Alignment.CENTER; public final static Alignment DEFAULT_VERTICAL_ALIGN = Alignment.CENTER; public final static MetricsFormat DEFAULT_NUMBER_FORMAT = MetricsFormatList.METRICS_DECIMAL; public final static Color DEFAULT_FILL_COLOR = new Color(224, 224, 224); public final static Color DEFAULT_BORDER_COLOR = Color.BLACK; public final static double DEFAULT_HORIZONTAL_MARGIN = 5.0; public final static double DEFAULT_VERTICAL_MARGIN = 2.5; static Alignment getHorizontalAlignment(IElement e) { return ElementUtils.getHintOrDefault(e, ElementHints.KEY_HORIZONTAL_ALIGN, DEFAULT_HORIZONTAL_ALIGN); } static Alignment getVerticalAlignment(IElement e) { return ElementUtils.getHintOrDefault(e, ElementHints.KEY_VERTICAL_ALIGN, DEFAULT_VERTICAL_ALIGN); } static MetricsFormat getNumberFormat(IElement e) { return ElementUtils.getHintOrDefault(e, KEY_NUMBER_FORMAT, DEFAULT_NUMBER_FORMAT); } static void setNumberFormat(IElement e, MetricsFormat f) { ElementUtils.setOrRemoveHint(e, KEY_NUMBER_FORMAT, f); } static double getHorizontalMargin(IElement e) { return DEFAULT_HORIZONTAL_MARGIN; } static double getVerticalMargin(IElement e) { return DEFAULT_VERTICAL_MARGIN; } static Font getFont(IElement e) { return ElementUtils.getHintOrDefault(e, ElementHints.KEY_FONT, FONT); } public static class MonitorHandlerImpl implements MonitorHandler { private static final long serialVersionUID = -4258875745321808416L; public static final MonitorHandler INSTANCE = new MonitorHandlerImpl(); } static class Initializer implements LifeCycle { private static final long serialVersionUID = 4404942036933073584L; IElement parentElement; Map substitutions; Object component; String suffix; boolean hack; Initializer(IElement parentElement, Map substitutions, Object component, String suffix, boolean hack) { this.parentElement = parentElement; this.substitutions = substitutions; this.component = component; this.suffix = suffix; this.hack = hack; } @Override public void onElementActivated(IDiagram d, IElement e) { if(!hack) { hack = true; Point2D parentPos = ElementUtils.getPos(parentElement); Point2D thisPos = ElementUtils.getPos(e); Move move = e.getElementClass().getSingleItem(Move.class); move.moveTo(e, thisPos.getX() - parentPos.getX(), thisPos.getY() - parentPos.getY()); } } @Override public void onElementCreated(IElement e) { if(parentElement != null) e.setHint(ElementHints.KEY_PARENT_ELEMENT, parentElement); if(substitutions != null) e.setHint(KEY_MONITOR_SUBSTITUTIONS, substitutions); if(component != null) e.setHint(KEY_MONITOR_COMPONENT, component); if(suffix != null) e.setHint(KEY_MONITOR_SUFFIX, suffix); e.setHint(KEY_DIRECTION, 0.0); e.setHint(KEY_NUMBER_FORMAT, DEFAULT_NUMBER_FORMAT); //e.setHint(KEY_HORIZONTAL_ALIGN, Alignment.LEADING); //e.setHint(KEY_VERTICAL_ALIGN, Alignment.LEADING); } @Override public void onElementDestroyed(IElement e) { } @Override public void onElementDeactivated(IDiagram d, IElement e) { } }; static String finalText(IElement e) { String text = e.getElementClass().getSingleItem(Text.class).getText(e); if (text == null) return null; return substitute(text, e); } public static String editText(IElement e) { return substitute("#v1", e); } private static String formValue(IElement e) { // TODO: consider using substitute Map substitutions = e.getHint(KEY_MONITOR_SUBSTITUTIONS); if (substitutions != null) { String value = substitutions.get("#v1"); if (substitutions.containsKey("#u1") && substitutions.get("#u1").length() > 0) { value += " " + substitutions.get("#u1"); } return value; } else { return ElementUtils.getText(e); } } static String substitute(String text, IElement e) { Map substitutions = e.getHint(KEY_MONITOR_SUBSTITUTIONS); return substitute(text, substitutions); } static String substitute(String text, Map substitutions) { if (substitutions != null) { // TODO: slow as hell for(Map.Entry entry : substitutions.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue() != null) { text = text.replace(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } else { text = text.replace(entry.getKey(), ""); } } } return text; } public static void update(IElement e) { MonitorSGNode node = e.getElementClass().getSingleItem(MonitorSGNode.class); node.update(e); } public static void cleanup(IElement e) { MonitorSGNode node = e.getElementClass().getSingleItem(MonitorSGNode.class); node.cleanup(e); } public static boolean hasModifier(IElement e) { TextEditor editor = e.getElementClass().getAtMostOneItemOfClass(TextEditor.class); Modifier modifier = editor != null ? editor.getModifier(e) : null; return modifier != null; } static final Rectangle2D DEFAULT_BOX = new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, 0, 0); static Shape createMonitor(IElement e) { Alignment hAlign = getHorizontalAlignment(e); Alignment vAlign = getVerticalAlignment(e); double hMargin = getHorizontalMargin(e); double vMargin = getVerticalMargin(e); String text = finalText(e); if(text == null) { return align(hMargin, vMargin, hAlign, vAlign, DEFAULT_BOX); } Graphics2D g = e.getHint(KEY_MONITOR_GC); if(g == null) { return align(hMargin, vMargin, hAlign, vAlign, DEFAULT_BOX); } Font f = getFont(e); FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(f); Rectangle2D rect = fm.getStringBounds(text, g); return align(hMargin, vMargin, hAlign, vAlign, rect); } static Shape align(double hMargin, double vMargin, Alignment hAlign, Alignment vAlign, Rectangle2D rect) { //System.out.println("align: " + hMargin + ", " + vMargin + ", " + hAlign + ", " + vAlign + ": " + rect); double tx = align(hMargin, hAlign, rect.getMinX(), rect.getMaxX()); double ty = align(vMargin, vAlign, rect.getMinY(), rect.getMaxY()); //System.out.println(" translate: " + tx + " " + ty); double nw = rect.getWidth() + 2*hMargin; double nh = rect.getHeight() + 2*vMargin; return makePath(tx + rect.getMinX(), ty + rect.getMinY(), nw, nh); } static double align(double margin, Alignment align, double min, double max) { double s = max - min; switch (align) { case LEADING: return -min; case TRAILING: return -s - 2 * margin - min; case CENTER: return -0.5 * s - margin - min; default: return 0; } } static Path2D makePath(double x, double y, double w, double h) { Path2D path = new Path2D.Double(); path.moveTo(x, y); path.lineTo(x+w, y); path.lineTo(x+w, y+h); path.lineTo(x, y+h); path.closePath(); return path; } public static final Shape BOX_SHAPE = new Rectangle(-1, -1, 2, 2); public static class MonitorSGNode implements SceneGraph, InternalSize, Outline { private static final long serialVersionUID = -106278359626957687L; static final MonitorSGNode INSTANCE = new MonitorSGNode(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void init(final IElement e, final G2DParentNode parent) { // Create node if it doesn't exist yet TextNode node = e.getHint(KEY_SG_NODE); String nodeId = null; if(node == null || node.getBounds() == null || node.getParent() != parent) { nodeId = ElementUtils.generateNodeId(e); node = parent.addNode(nodeId, TextNode.class); e.setHint(KEY_SG_NODE, node); node.setTextListener(new ITextListener() { @Override public void textChanged() { updatePrefixAndSuffixPositions(e); } @Override public void textEditingStarted() { updatePrefixAndSuffixPositions(e); } @Override public void textEditingCancelled() { updatePrefixAndSuffixPositions(e); } boolean isEndingEdit = false; @Override public void textEditingEnded() { updatePrefixAndSuffixPositions(e); TextNode node = e.getHint(KEY_SG_NODE); if (node == null) return; // Prevent recursive execution which will happen // due to the endEdit(node) invocation at the end. if (isEndingEdit) return; isEndingEdit = true; try { TextEditor editor = e.getElementClass().getAtMostOneItemOfClass(TextEditor.class); if (editor != null) { Modifier modifier = editor.getModifier(e); if (modifier != null) { String newValue = node.getText(); String error = modifier.isValid(e, newValue); if (error == null) { // Only modify if the modification was not // cancelled and the value is valid. modifier.modify(e, newValue); } else { // TODO: show error somehow, possibly through status bar // Make sure that the monitor content gets // reset to its previous value. node.setText(formValue(e)); } } } } finally { isEndingEdit = false; } } }); Object validator = e.getHint(KEY_INPUT_VALIDATOR); if(validator != null) { node.setValidator((Function1)validator); } RVI rvi = e.getHint(KEY_RVI); if(rvi != null) { node.setRVI(rvi); } Double border_width = (Double)e.getHint(KEY_BORDER_WIDTH); if(border_width == null) border_width = 0.1; node.setBorderWidth(border_width); // Rectangle2D bounds = (Rectangle2D)e.getHint(ElementHints.KEY_BOUNDS); // if(bounds != null) node.setBounds(bounds); Font font = ElementUtils.getTextFont(e); Color color = ElementUtils.getTextColor(e); String text = ElementUtils.getText(e); node.init(text, font, color, 0, 0, 1.0); } Boolean isExternal = e.getHint(KEY_MONITOR_IS_EXTERNAL); if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(isExternal)) { ShapeNode shape = e.getHint(KEY_SG_NODE2); if (shape == null || shape.getParent() != parent) { if (nodeId == null) nodeId = ElementUtils.generateNodeId(e); nodeId += "-ext"; shape = parent.addNode(nodeId, ShapeNode.class); shape.setZIndex(-1); shape.setColor(Color.BLACK); shape.setFill(true); shape.setStroke(null); shape.setShape( arrow(4, 2, 0) ); e.setHint(KEY_SG_NODE2, shape); } } else { ShapeNode shape = e.getHint(KEY_SG_NODE2); if (shape != null) shape.remove(); } String prefixText = e.getHint(KEY_PREFIX_TEXT); if (prefixText != null) { TextNode prefixNode = e.getHint(KEY_SG_PREFIX_NODE); if (prefixNode == null || prefixNode.getParent() != parent) { nodeId = ElementUtils.generateNodeId(e) + "-prefix"; node = parent.addNode(nodeId, TextNode.class); e.setHint(KEY_SG_PREFIX_NODE, node); Font font = ElementUtils.getTextFont(e); Color color = ElementUtils.getTextColor(e); node.setEditable(false); node.setShowSelection(false); node.setHorizontalAlignment((byte) 1); node.init(prefixText, font, color, 0, 0, 1.0); } } else { TextNode prefixNode = e.getHint(KEY_SG_PREFIX_NODE); if (prefixNode != null) prefixNode.remove(); } String suffixText = e.getHint(KEY_SUFFIX_TEXT); if (suffixText != null) { TextNode suffixNode = e.getHint(KEY_SG_SUFFIX_NODE); if (suffixNode == null || suffixNode.getParent() != parent) { nodeId = ElementUtils.generateNodeId(e) + "-suffix"; node = parent.addNode(nodeId, TextNode.class); e.setHint(KEY_SG_SUFFIX_NODE, node); Font font = ElementUtils.getTextFont(e); Color color = ElementUtils.getTextColor(e); node.setEditable(false); node.setShowSelection(false); node.setHorizontalAlignment((byte) 0); node.init(suffixText, font, color, 0, 0, 1.0); } } else { TextNode suffixNode = e.getHint(KEY_SG_SUFFIX_NODE); if (suffixNode != null) suffixNode.remove(); } update(e); } public void update(IElement e) { String value = null; final Text t = e.getElementClass().getAtMostOneItemOfClass(Text.class); assert(t != null); value = formValue(e); TextNode node = (TextNode) e.getHint(KEY_SG_NODE); if (node != null && value != null) { node.setText(value); Object component = e.getHint(KEY_MONITOR_COMPONENT); if (component != null && hasModifier(e)) { node.setEditable(true); } else { node.setEditable(false); } // FIXME: set only if changed .. (but quickfix is not to clone) Font font = ElementUtils.getTextFont(e); if (node.getFont() != font) { // Don't update if we have a same object node.setFont(font); } Color color = ElementUtils.getTextColor(e); node.setColor(new Color(color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue(), color.getAlpha())); AffineTransform at = ElementUtils.getTransform(e); if(at != null) node.setTransform(at); Alignment halign = e.getHint(ElementHints.KEY_HORIZONTAL_ALIGN); if (halign != null) node.setHorizontalAlignment((byte) halign.ordinal()); Alignment valign = e.getHint(ElementHints.KEY_VERTICAL_ALIGN); if (valign != null) node.setVerticalAlignment((byte) valign.ordinal()); // String tt = (String) e.getHint(KEY_TOOLTIP_TEXT); // if (tt != null) // node.setToolTipText(new String(tt)); ShapeNode shape = e.getHint(KEY_SG_NODE2); if (shape != null) { AffineTransform at2 = new AffineTransform(at); Rectangle2D bounds = node.getBoundsInLocal(); at2.translate(bounds.getMinX(), bounds.getCenterY()); shape.setTransform(at2); } TextNode prefixNode = e.getHint(KEY_SG_PREFIX_NODE); if (prefixNode != null) { if (prefixNode.getFont() != font) { prefixNode.setFont(font); } prefixNode.setColor(color); } TextNode suffixNode = e.getHint(KEY_SG_SUFFIX_NODE); if (suffixNode != null) { if (suffixNode.getFont() != font) { suffixNode.setFont(font); } suffixNode.setColor(color); } updatePrefixAndSuffixPositions(e); } } public void updatePrefixAndSuffixPositions(IElement e) { TextNode node = e.getHint(KEY_SG_NODE); if (node != null) { TextNode prefix = e.getHint(KEY_SG_PREFIX_NODE); TextNode suffix = e.getHint(KEY_SG_SUFFIX_NODE); if (prefix != null || suffix != null) { AffineTransform at = ElementUtils.getTransform(e); Alignment vAlign = getVerticalAlignment(e); if (prefix != null) { AffineTransform at2 = new AffineTransform(at); Rectangle2D bounds = node.getBoundsInLocal(); at2.translate(bounds.getMinX(), 0); prefix.setTransform(at2); prefix.setVerticalAlignment((byte) vAlign.ordinal()); } if (suffix != null) { AffineTransform at2 = new AffineTransform(at); Rectangle2D bounds = node.getBoundsInLocal(); at2.translate(bounds.getMaxX(), 0); suffix.setTransform(at2); suffix.setVerticalAlignment((byte) vAlign.ordinal()); } } } } @Override public void cleanup(IElement e) { TextNode node = (TextNode)e.removeHint(KEY_SG_NODE); if (node != null) node.remove(); TextNode prefixNode = (TextNode) e.getHint(KEY_SG_PREFIX_NODE); if (prefixNode != null) prefixNode.remove(); TextNode suffixNode = (TextNode) e.getHint(KEY_SG_SUFFIX_NODE); if (suffixNode != null) suffixNode.remove(); } @Override public Rectangle2D getBounds(IElement e, Rectangle2D size) { TextNode node = (TextNode)e.getHint(KEY_SG_NODE); if (node != null) { Rectangle2D bounds = node.getBoundsInLocal(); if (bounds != null) { if (size == null) size = new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, 0, 0); size.setRect(bounds); } } TextNode prefixNode = (TextNode) e.getHint(KEY_SG_PREFIX_NODE); if (prefixNode != null) { Rectangle2D bounds = node.parentToLocal(prefixNode.localToParent(prefixNode.getBoundsInLocal())); if (size == null) size = new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, 0, 0); size.add(bounds); } TextNode suffixNode = (TextNode) e.getHint(KEY_SG_SUFFIX_NODE); if (suffixNode != null) { Rectangle2D bounds = node.parentToLocal(suffixNode.localToParent(suffixNode.getBoundsInLocal())); if (size == null) size = new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, 0, 0); size.add(bounds); } return size; } @Override public Shape getElementShape(IElement e) { Rectangle2D bounds = getBounds(e, null); if (bounds != null) { return bounds; } else { return new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, 0, 0); } } } public static class Transformer implements Transform, Move, Rotate, Scale, LifeCycle { private static final long serialVersionUID = -3704887325602085677L; public static final Transformer INSTANCE = new Transformer(null); Double aspectRatio; public Transformer() { this(null); } public Transformer(Double aspectRatio) { this.aspectRatio = aspectRatio; } @Override public Double getFixedAspectRatio(IElement e) { return aspectRatio; } @Override public Point2D getScale(IElement e) { AffineTransform at = e.getHint(ElementHints.KEY_TRANSFORM); return _getScale(at); } @Override public void setScale(IElement e, Point2D newScale) { // Doesn't work for monitors. Point2D oldScale = getScale(e); double sx = newScale.getX() / oldScale.getX(); double sy = newScale.getY() / oldScale.getY(); AffineTransform at = e.getHint(ElementHints.KEY_TRANSFORM); at = new AffineTransform(at); at.scale(sx, sy); e.setHint(ElementHints.KEY_TRANSFORM, at); } @Override public Point2D getMaximumScale(IElement e) { return null; } @Override public Point2D getMinimumScale(IElement e) { return null; } private static Point2D _getScale(AffineTransform at) { double m00 = at.getScaleX(); double m11 = at.getScaleY(); double m10 = at.getShearY(); double m01 = at.getShearX(); // Project unit vector to canvas double sx = Math.sqrt(m00 * m00 + m10 * m10); double sy = Math.sqrt(m01 * m01 + m11 * m11); return new Point2D.Double(sx, sy); } @Override public void rotate(IElement e, double theta, Point2D origin) { if (Double.isNaN(theta)) return; theta = Math.toDegrees(theta); Double angle = e.getHint(KEY_DIRECTION); double newAngle = angle != null ? angle+theta : theta; newAngle = Math.IEEEremainder(newAngle, 360.0); e.setHint(KEY_DIRECTION, newAngle); } @Override public double getAngle(IElement e) { Double angle = e.getHint(KEY_DIRECTION); return angle != null ? Math.toRadians(angle) : 0; } @Override public Point2D getPosition(IElement e) { AffineTransform at = e.getHint(ElementHints.KEY_TRANSFORM); Point2D p = new Point2D.Double(at.getTranslateX(), at.getTranslateY()); return p; } @Override public void moveTo(IElement e, double x, double y) { AffineTransform origAt = e.getHint(ElementHints.KEY_TRANSFORM); AffineTransform result = new AffineTransform(origAt); result.preConcatenate(AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(x - origAt.getTranslateX(), y - origAt.getTranslateY())); e.setHint(ElementHints.KEY_TRANSFORM, result); } @Override public AffineTransform getTransform(IElement e) { AffineTransform at = e.getHint(ElementHints.KEY_TRANSFORM); IElement parentElement = e.getHint(ElementHints.KEY_PARENT_ELEMENT); if (parentElement == null) return at; Transform parentTransform = parentElement.getElementClass().getSingleItem(Transform.class); assert(parentTransform!=null); AffineTransform result = (AffineTransform)at.clone(); AffineTransform parentAT = parentTransform.getTransform(parentElement); result.preConcatenate(AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(parentAT.getTranslateX(), parentAT.getTranslateY())); return result; } @Override public void setTransform(IElement e, AffineTransform at) { e.setHint(ElementHints.KEY_TRANSFORM, at.clone()); } @Override public void onElementActivated(IDiagram d, IElement e) { } @Override public void onElementCreated(IElement e) { e.setHint(ElementHints.KEY_TRANSFORM, new AffineTransform()); } @Override public void onElementDeactivated(IDiagram d, IElement e) { } @Override public void onElementDestroyed(IElement e) { // List nodeHandlers = e.getElementClass().getItemsByClass(SceneGraph.class); // for(SceneGraph n : nodeHandlers) { // System.out.println("element gone:"+e); // n.cleanup(e); // } } } static double getOrientationDelta(IElement e, AffineTransform tr) { Double angle = e.getHint(KEY_DIRECTION); if (angle == null || Double.isNaN(angle)) return Double.NaN; double angrad = Math.toRadians(angle); Vector2D forcedAxis = new Vector2D(Math.cos(angrad), Math.sin(angrad)); Vector2D x = new Vector2D(tr.getScaleX(), tr.getShearX()).normalize(); double cosa = forcedAxis.dotProduct(x); double delta = Math.acos(cosa); return delta; } static class MonitorImageFactory implements IFactory { private double staticScaleX = 1, staticScaleY = 1; public MonitorImageFactory(double staticScaleX, double staticScaleY) { this.staticScaleX = staticScaleX; this.staticScaleY = staticScaleY; } @Override public Image get() throws ProvisionException { return new Img(); } public class Img extends AbstractImage { Shape path = align(DEFAULT_HORIZONTAL_MARGIN, DEFAULT_VERTICAL_MARGIN, DEFAULT_HORIZONTAL_ALIGN, DEFAULT_VERTICAL_ALIGN, new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, 50*staticScaleX, 22*staticScaleY)); @Override public int hashCode() { long temp = Double.doubleToLongBits(staticScaleX); int result = (int) (temp ^ (temp >>> 32)); temp = Double.doubleToLongBits(staticScaleY); result = 31 * result + (int) (temp ^ (temp >>> 32)); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; MonitorImageFactory other = (MonitorImageFactory) obj; return Double.doubleToLongBits(staticScaleX) == Double.doubleToLongBits(other.staticScaleX) && Double.doubleToLongBits(staticScaleY) != Double.doubleToLongBits(other.staticScaleY); } @Override public Rectangle2D getBounds() { return path.getBounds2D(); } @Override public EnumSet getFeatures() { return EnumSet.of(Feature.Vector); } @Override public Shape getOutline() { return path; } @Override public Node init(G2DParentNode parent) { TextNode node = parent.getOrCreateNode(""+hashCode(), TextNode.class); node.init("Drop Me", FONT, Color.BLACK, 0, 0, 0.2); //node.setSize(50, 22); node.setBorderWidth(1); node.setTransform(AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(staticScaleX, staticScaleY)); node.setEditable(false); return node; } }; } static final IProvider MONITOR_IMAGE = ProviderUtils.reference( ProviderUtils.cache( ProviderUtils.rasterize( new MonitorImageFactory(0.5, 0.5) ))); static final StaticSymbol MONITOR_SYMBOL = new StaticSymbolImpl( MONITOR_IMAGE.get() ); static final FillColor FILL_COLOR = new FillColorImpl(DEFAULT_FILL_COLOR); static final ElementClass MONITOR_CLASS_BASE = ElementClass.compile( MonitorHandlerImpl.INSTANCE, Transformer.INSTANCE, BorderColorImpl.BLACK, FILL_COLOR, MonitorSGNode.INSTANCE, // ClickableImpl.INSTANCE, TextImpl.INSTANCE, TextEditorImpl.INSTANCE, TextFontImpl.DEFAULT, TextColorImpl.BLACK, SimpleElementLayers.INSTANCE, ParentImpl.INSTANCE ); // staticScale{X,Y} define the scale of the static monitor image public static ElementClass create(double staticScaleX, double staticScaleY, ElementHandler... extraHandlers) { // Bit of a hack to be able to define the scale IProvider staticMonitorSymbolProvider = ProviderUtils.reference( ProviderUtils.cache( ProviderUtils .rasterize( new MonitorImageFactory(staticScaleX, staticScaleY)))); StaticSymbol staticMonitorSymbol = new StaticSymbolImpl( staticMonitorSymbolProvider.get() ); return MONITOR_CLASS_BASE.newClassWith(staticMonitorSymbol).newClassWith(extraHandlers); } // staticScale{X,Y} define the scale of the static monitor image public static ElementClass create(IElement parentElement, Map substitutions, Object component, String suffix, double staticScaleX, double staticScaleY, ElementHandler... extraHandlers) { return create(staticScaleX, staticScaleY, extraHandlers) .newClassWith( new Initializer(parentElement, substitutions, component, suffix, parentElement != null ? false : true)); } public static Shape arrow(double length, double width, double space) { Path2D.Double path = new Path2D.Double(); path.moveTo(-space, 0); path.lineTo(-length - space, -width); path.lineTo(-length - space, +width); path.closePath(); return path; } }