package org.rosuda.REngine; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.HashMap; /** REXPGenericVector represents a generic vector in R. Its elements can be typically of any {@link REXP} type. */ public class REXPGenericVector extends REXPVector { /** payload */ public RList payload; /** creates a new generic vector from a list. If the list is named, the "names" attribute is created automatically from it. * @param list list to create the vector from */ public REXPGenericVector(RList list) { super(); payload=(list==null)?new RList():list; // automatically generate 'names' attribute if (payload.isNamed()) attr = new REXPList( new RList(new REXP[] { new REXPString(payload.keys()) }, new String[] { "names" })); } /** creates a new generic vector from a list. Note that the names in the list are ignored as they are expected to be defined by the attributes parameter. * @param list list to create the vector from (names are ignored - use {@link #REXPGenericVector(RList)} or the "names" attribute for named lists * @param attr attributes */ public REXPGenericVector(RList list, REXPList attr) { super(attr); payload=(list==null)?new RList():list; } /* generic vectors are converted either to a Map (if it is a named vector and there are no duplicate names) or a Vector. The contained elements are converted using asNativeJavaObject recursively. */ public Object asNativeJavaObject() throws REXPMismatchException { // we need to convert the inside as well int n = payload.size(); // named list -> map but only if // a) all names are present // b) there are no duplicates in the names if (payload.isNamed()) { String[] names = payload.keys(); if (names.length == n) { HashMap map = new HashMap(); boolean valid = true; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (map.containsKey(names[i])) { valid = false; break; } Object value = payload.elementAt(i); if (value != null) value = ((REXP) value).asNativeJavaObject(); map.put(value, names[i]); } if (valid) return map; } } // otherwise drop names and use just a vector Vector v = new Vector(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { Object value = payload.elementAt(i); if (value != null) value = ((REXP) value).asNativeJavaObject(); v.addElement(value); } return v; } public int length() { return payload.size(); } public boolean isList() { return true; } public boolean isRecursive() { return true; } public RList asList() { return payload; } public String toString() { return super.toString()+(asList().isNamed()?"named":""); } public String toDebugString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(super.toDebugString()+"{"); int i = 0; while (i < payload.size() && i < maxDebugItems) { if (i>0) sb.append(",\n"); sb.append(; i++; } if (i < payload.size()) sb.append(",.."); return sb.toString()+"}"; } }