package org.rosuda.REngine; /** Represents a pairlist in R. Unlike the actual internal R implementation this one does not use CAR/CDR/TAG linked representation but a @link{RList} object. */ public class REXPList extends REXPVector { public RList payload; /* create a new pairlist with the contents of a named R list and no attributes. @param list named list with the contents */ public REXPList(RList list) { super(); payload=(list==null)?new RList():list; } /* create a new pairlist with the contents of a named R list and attributes. @param list named list with the contents @param attr attributes */ public REXPList(RList list, REXPList attr) { super(attr); payload=(list==null)?new RList():list; } /* create a pairlist containing just one pair comprising of one value and one name. This is a convenience constructor most commonly used to create attribute pairlists. @param value of the element in the pairlist (must not be null) @param name of the element in the pairlist (must not be null) */ public REXPList(REXP value, String name) { super(); payload = new RList(new REXP[] { value }, new String[] { name }); } public Object asNativeJavaObject() throws REXPMismatchException { // since REXPGenericVector does the hard work, we just cheat and use it in turn REXPGenericVector v = new REXPGenericVector(payload); return v.asNativeJavaObject(); } public int length() { return payload.size(); } public boolean isList() { return true; } public boolean isPairList() { return true; } public boolean isRecursive() { return true; } public RList asList() { return payload; } public String toString() { return super.toString()+(asList().isNamed()?"named":""); } public String toDebugString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(super.toDebugString()+"{"); int i = 0; while (i < payload.size() && i < maxDebugItems) { if (i>0) sb.append(",\n"); String name = payload.keyAt(i); if (name!=null) sb.append(name+"="); sb.append(; i++; } if (i < payload.size()) sb.append(",.."); return sb.toString()+"}"; } }