package org.rosuda.REngine; // REngine library - Java client interface to R // Copyright (C) 2004,2007,2008 Simon Urbanek import java.util.*; /** implementation of R-lists
All lists (dotted-pair lists, language lists, expressions and vectors) are regarded as named generic vectors. Note: This implementation has changed radically in Rserve 0.5! This class inofficially implements the Map interface. Unfortunately a conflict in the Java iterface classes Map and List doesn't allow us to implement both officially. Most prominently the Map 'remove' method had to be renamed to removeByKey. @version $Id$ */ public class RList extends Vector implements List { public Vector names; /** constructs an empty list */ public RList() { super(); names=null; } /** constructs an initialized, unnamed list * @param contents - an array of {@link REXP}s to use as contents of this list */ public RList(REXP[] contents) { super(contents.length); int i=0; while (i0) { this.names=new Vector(names.length); int i = 0; while (i < names.length) this.names.add(names[i++]); while (this.names.size()0) { this.names=new Vector(names.length); int i = 0; while (i < names.length) this.names.add(names[i++]); while (this.names.size()0) { this.names=new Vector(names); while (this.names.size()true if this list is named, false otherwise */ public boolean isNamed() { return names!=null; } /** get xpression given a key @param v key @return value which corresponds to the given key or null if the list is unnamed or key not found */ public REXP at(String v) { if (names==null) return null; int i = names.indexOf(v); if (i < 0) return null; return (REXP)elementAt(i); } /** get element at the specified position @param i index @return value at the index or null if the index is out of bounds */ public REXP at(int i) { return (i>=0 && inull is the list is unnamed or the index is out of range */ public String keyAt(int i) { return (names==null || i<0 || i>=names.size())?null:(String)names.get(i); } /** set key at the given index. Using this method automatically makes the list a named one even if the key is null. Out of range operations are undefined (currently no-ops) @param i index @param value key name */ public void setKeyAt(int i, String value) { if (i < 0) return; if (names==null) names = new Vector(); if (names.size() < size()) names.setSize(size()); if (i < size()) names.set(i, value); } /** returns all keys of the list * @return array containing all keys or null if list unnamed */ public String[] keys() { if (names==null) return null; int i = 0; String k[] = new String[names.size()]; while (i < k.length) { k[i] = keyAt(i); i++; }; return k; } // --- overrides that sync names public void add(int index, Object element) { super.add(index, element); if (names==null) return; names.add(index, null); } public boolean add(Object element) { super.add(element); if (names != null) names.add(null); return true; } public boolean addAll(Collection c) { boolean ch = super.addAll(c); if (names==null) return ch; int l = size(); while (names.size() 0) names.add(index, null); return ch; } public void clear() { super.clear(); names=null; } public Object clone() { return new RList(this, names); } public Object remove(int index) { Object o = super.remove(index); if (names != null) { names.remove(index); if (size()==0) names=null; } return o; } public boolean remove(Object elem) { int i = indexOf(elem); if (i<0) return false; remove(i); if (size()==0) names=null; return true; } public boolean removeAll(Collection c) { if (names==null) return super.removeAll(c); boolean changed=false; Iterator it = c.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) changed|=remove(; return changed; } public boolean retainAll(Collection c) { if (names==null) return super.retainAll(c); boolean rm[] = new boolean[size()]; boolean changed=false; int i = 0; while (i0) { i--; if (rm[i]) remove(i); } return changed; } // --- old API mapping public void removeAllElements() { clear(); } public void insertElementAt(Object obj, int index) { add(index, obj); } public void addElement(Object obj) { add(obj); } public void removeElementAt(int index) { remove(index); } public boolean removeElement(Object obj) { return remove(obj); } // --- Map interface public boolean containsKey(Object key) { return (names==null)?false:names.contains(key); } public boolean containsValue(Object value) { return contains(value); } /** NOTE: THIS IS UNIMPLEMENTED and always returns null! Due to the fact that R lists are not proper maps we canot maintain a set-view of the list */ public Set entrySet() { return null; } public Object get(Object key) { return at((String)key); } /** Note: sinde RList is not really a Map, the returned set is only an approximation as it cannot reference duplicate or null names that may exist in the list */ public Set keySet() { if (names==null) return null; return new HashSet(names); } public Object put(Object key, Object value) { if (key==null) { add(value); return null; } if (names != null) { int p = names.indexOf(key); if (p >= 0) return super.set(p, value); } int i = size(); super.add(value); if (names==null) names = new Vector(i+1); while (names.size() < i) names.add(null); names.add(key); return null; } public void putAll(Map t) { if (t==null) return; // NOTE: this if branch is dead since RList cannot inherit from Map if (t instanceof RList) { // we need some more sophistication for RLists as they may have null-names which we append RList l = (RList) t; if (names==null) { addAll(l); return; } int n = l.size(); int i = 0; while (i < n) { String key = l.keyAt(i); if (key==null) add(; else put(key,; i++; } } else { Set ks = t.keySet(); Iterator i = ks.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { Object key =; put(key, t.get(key)); } } } public void putAll(RList t) { if (t == null) return; RList l = (RList) t; if (names==null) { addAll(l); return; } int n = l.size(); int i = 0; while (i < n) { String key = l.keyAt(i); if (key == null) add(; else put(key,; i++; } } public Object removeByKey(Object key) { if (names==null) return null; int i = names.indexOf(key); if (i<0) return null; Object o = elementAt(i); removeElementAt(i); names.removeElementAt(i); return o; } public Collection values() { return this; } // other public String toString() { return "RList"+super.toString()+"{"+(isNamed()?"named,":"")+size()+"}"; } }