package org.rosuda.REngine.Rserve; // JRclient library - client interface to Rserve, see // Copyright (C) 2004 Simon Urbanek // --- for licensing information see LICENSE file in the original JRclient distribution --- import*; import org.rosuda.REngine.*; import org.rosuda.REngine.Rserve.protocol.*; /** RFileInputStream is an {@link InputStream} to transfer files from Rserve server to the client. It is used very much like a {@link FileInputStream}. Currently mark and seek is not supported. The current implementation is also "one-shot" only, that means the file can be read only once. @version $Id$ */ public class RFileInputStream extends InputStream { /** RTalk class to use for communication with the Rserve */ RTalk rt; /** set to true when {@link #close} was called. Any subsequent read requests on closed stream result in an {@link IOException} or error result */ boolean closed; /** set to true once EOF is reached - or more specifically the first time remore fread returns OK and 0 bytes */ boolean eof; /** tries to open file on the R server, using specified {@link RTalk} object and filename. Be aware that the filename has to be specified in host format (which is usually unix). In general you should not use directories since Rserve provides an own directory for every connection. Future Rserve servers may even strip all directory navigation characters for security purposes. Therefore only filenames without path specification are considered valid, the behavior in respect to absolute paths in filenames is undefined. */ RFileInputStream(RTalk rti, String fn) throws IOException { rt=rti; RPacket rp=rt.request(RTalk.CMD_openFile,fn); if (rp==null || !rp.isOk()) throw new IOException((rp==null)?"Connection to Rserve failed":("Request return code: "+rp.getStat())); closed=false; eof=false; } /** reads one byte from the file. This function should be avoided, since {@link RFileInputStream} provides no buffering. This means that each call to this function leads to a complete packet exchange between the server and the client. Use {@link #read(byte[],int,int)} instead whenever possible. In fact this function calls #read(b,0,1). @return -1 on any failure, or the acquired byte (0..255) on success */ public int read() throws IOException { byte[] b=new byte[1]; if (read(b,0,1)<1) return -1; return b[0]; } /** Reads specified number of bytes (or less) from the remote file. @param b buffer to store the read bytes @param off offset where to strat filling the buffer @param len maximal number of bytes to read @return number of bytes read or -1 if EOF reached */ public int read(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { if (closed) throw new IOException("File is not open"); if (eof) return -1; RPacket rp=rt.request(RTalk.CMD_readFile,len); if (rp==null || !rp.isOk()) throw new IOException((rp==null)?"Connection to Rserve failed":("Request return code: "+rp.getStat())); byte[] rd=rp.getCont(); if (rd==null) { eof=true; return -1; }; int i=0; while(i