package org.rosuda.REngine.Rserve; import org.rosuda.REngine.Rserve.protocol.RPacket; import org.rosuda.REngine.Rserve.protocol.RTalk; public class RSession implements { // serial version UID should only change if method signatures change // significantly enough that previous versions cannot be used with // current versions private static final long serialVersionUID = -7048099825974875604l; String host; int port; byte[] key; transient RPacket attachPacket=null; // response on session attach int rsrvVersion; protected RSession() { // default no-args constructor for serialization } RSession(RConnection c, RPacket p) throws RserveException {; this.rsrvVersion=c.rsrvVersion; byte[] ct = p.getCont(); if (ct==null || ct.length!=32+3*4) throw new RserveException(c, "Invalid response to session detach request."); this.port = RTalk.getInt(ct, 4); this.key=new byte[32]; System.arraycopy(ct, 12, this.key, 0, 32); } /** attach/resume this session */ public RConnection attach() throws RserveException { RConnection c = new RConnection(this); attachPacket = c.rt.request(-1); return c; } }