// JRclient library - client interface to Rserve, see http://www.rosuda.org/Rserve/ // Copyright (C) 2004 Simon Urbanek // --- for licensing information see LICENSE file in the original JRclient distribution --- // // RserveException.java // // Created by Simon Urbanek on Mon Aug 18 2003. // // $Id$ // package org.rosuda.REngine.Rserve; import org.rosuda.REngine.Rserve.protocol.RPacket; import org.rosuda.REngine.Rserve.protocol.RTalk; import org.rosuda.REngine.REngineException; public class RserveException extends REngineException { protected String err; protected int reqReturnCode; public String getRequestErrorDescription() { return getRequestErrorDescription(reqReturnCode); } public String getRequestErrorDescription(int code) { switch(code) { case 0: return "no error"; case 2: return "R parser: input incomplete"; case 3: return "R parser: syntax error"; case RTalk.ERR_auth_failed: return "authorization failed"; case RTalk.ERR_conn_broken: return "connection broken"; case RTalk.ERR_inv_cmd: return "invalid command"; case RTalk.ERR_inv_par: return "invalid parameter"; case RTalk.ERR_IOerror: return "I/O error on the server"; case RTalk.ERR_not_open: return "connection is not open"; case RTalk.ERR_access_denied: return "access denied (local to the server)"; case RTalk.ERR_unsupported_cmd: return "unsupported command"; case RTalk.ERR_unknown_cmd: return "unknown command"; case RTalk.ERR_data_overflow: return "data overflow, incoming data too big"; case RTalk.ERR_object_too_big: return "evaluation successful, but returned object is too big to transport"; case RTalk.ERR_out_of_mem: return "FATAL: Rserve ran out of memory, closing connection"; case RTalk.ERR_session_busy: return "session is busy"; case RTalk.ERR_detach_failed: return "session detach failed"; case RTalk.ERR_ctrl_closed: return "control pipe to master process is closed/broken"; } return "error code: "+code; } public String getMessage() { return super.getMessage()+((reqReturnCode!=-1)?", request status: "+getRequestErrorDescription():""); } public RserveException(RConnection c, String msg) { this(c,msg,-1); } public RserveException(RConnection c, String msg, int requestReturnCode) { super(c, msg); reqReturnCode=requestReturnCode; if (c!=null) c.lastError=getMessage(); } public RserveException(RConnection c, String msg, RPacket p) { this(c, msg, (p==null)?-1:p.getStat()); } public int getRequestReturnCode() { return reqReturnCode; } }