import "JavaBuiltin" as Java include "" as L0 import "Map" as Map infixl 5 (#) effect ReadGraph "graph" "org.simantics.db.ReadGraph" effect WriteGraph "graph" "org.simantics.db.WriteGraph" importJava "org.simantics.db.Resource" where "A resource is a node in a semantic graph." data Resource "Returns the 64-bit unique identifier of the resource." @JavaName getResourceId resourceId :: Resource -> Long importJava "org.simantics.db.ReadGraph" where data ReadGraphX instance Ord Resource where compare a b = compare (resourceId a) (resourceId b) instance Show Resource where show r = "#" + show (resourceId r) instance Show Statement where show s = "#" + show (resourceId ( subjectOf s)) + "#" + show (resourceId ( predicateOf s)) + "#" + show (resourceId ( objectOf s)) importJava "org.simantics.db.Statement" where "A statement is an edge in a semantic graph." data Statement @JavaName getSubject subjectOf :: Statement -> Resource @JavaName getPredicate predicateOf :: Statement -> Resource @JavaName getObject objectOf :: Statement -> Resource isAsserted :: Statement -> Resource -> Boolean importJava "org.simantics.db.ReadGraph" where "Converts an absolute URI to a resource or returns `Nothing` if there is no such resource." @JavaName getPossibleResource possibleResource :: String -> (Maybe Resource) getDataType :: Resource -> Datatype @JavaName getSupertypes superTypesOf :: Resource -> Set.T Resource @private @JavaName getURI uriOfResource :: Resource -> String @JavaName getObjects objects_ :: Resource -> Resource -> Collection Resource @JavaName getStatements statements_ :: Resource -> Resource -> Collection Statement @JavaName hasStatement existsStatement :: Resource -> Resource -> Boolean @JavaName hasStatement existsStatement3 :: Resource -> Resource -> Resource -> Boolean "Assumes that there is exactly one object with the given subject and predicate and returns it." @JavaName getSingleObject singleObject :: Resource -> Resource -> Resource """ If there is exactly one object with the given `subject` and `predicate`, `possibleObject subject predicate` returns it. Otherwise, it returns `Nothing`. """ @JavaName getPossibleObject possibleObject :: Resource -> Resource -> Maybe Resource "Assumes that there is exactly one statement with the given subject and predicate and returns it." @JavaName getSingleStatement singleStatement :: Resource -> Resource -> Statement @JavaName getPossibleStatement possibleStatement :: Resource -> Resource -> Maybe Statement @JavaName getRelatedVariantValue relatedVariantValue :: Resource -> Resource -> Variant @JavaName getRelatedValue relatedValue_ :: Resource -> Resource -> Binding a -> a @JavaName getRelatedValue untypedRelatedValue :: Resource -> Resource -> a @JavaName getRelatedValue2 relatedValue2 :: Resource -> Resource -> a @JavaName getRelatedVariantValue2 relatedVariantValue2 :: Resource -> Resource -> Variant @JavaName getPossibleRelatedValue possibleRelatedValue_ :: Resource -> Resource -> Binding a -> Maybe a @JavaName getPossibleRelatedValue untypedPossibleRelatedValue :: Resource -> Resource -> Maybe a @private @JavaName getValue valueOf_ :: Resource -> Binding a -> a @private @JavaName getVariantValue variantValueOf_ :: Resource -> Variant @JavaName getValue untypedValueOf :: Resource -> Dynamic @JavaName getPossibleValue untypedPossibleValueOf :: Resource -> Maybe Dynamic @JavaName getInverse inverseOf :: Resource -> Resource @JavaName getSingleType singleTypeOf :: Resource -> Resource -> Resource @JavaName getPossibleType possibleTypeOf :: Resource -> Resource -> Maybe Resource "`isInstanceOf r t` returns true, if `r` is an instance of `t`" isInstanceOf :: Resource -> Resource -> Boolean isSubrelationOf :: Resource -> Resource -> Boolean isInheritedFrom :: Resource -> Resource -> Boolean getRootLibrary :: () -> Resource importJava "org.simantics.db.layer0.util.ExtendedUris" where "Converts an absolute URI to a resource" @JavaName resolveAbsoluteUri resource :: String -> Resource "Converts a relative URI to a resource starting from the given resource" @JavaName resolveRelativeUri relativeResource :: Resource -> String -> Resource "Reads the value of a literal that is an object with the given subject and predicate" @inline relatedValue :: Serializable a => Resource -> Resource -> a relatedValue s p = relatedValue_ s p binding @inline possibleRelatedValue :: Serializable a => Resource -> Resource -> Maybe a possibleRelatedValue s p = possibleRelatedValue_ s p binding class Browsable a where fromUri :: String -> a "Returns the URI of the given value." uriOf :: a -> String "Reads the name of the value." nameOf :: a -> String possibleNameOf :: a -> Maybe String valueOf :: Serializable v => a -> v variantValueOf :: a -> Variant children :: a -> [a] parent :: a -> a possibleParent :: a -> Maybe a child :: a -> String -> a possibleChild :: a -> String -> Maybe a instance Browsable Resource where fromUri = resource uriOf = uriOfResource nameOf r = relatedValue r L0.HasName possibleNameOf r = possibleRelatedValue r L0.HasName @inline valueOf r = valueOf_ r binding variantValueOf = variantValueOf_ children r = r # L0.ConsistsOf parent r = singleObject r L0.PartOf possibleParent r = possibleObject r L0.PartOf possibleChild = possibleResourceChild child r n = fromJust (possibleResourceChild r n) importJava "org.simantics.db.WriteOnlyGraph" where markUndoPoint :: () -> () importJava "org.simantics.db.WriteGraph" where "Creates a new resource." newResource :: () -> Resource "Adds a statement to the semantic graph." claim :: Resource -> Resource -> Resource -> () @JavaName claimLiteral claimRelatedValue_ :: Resource -> Resource -> a -> Binding a -> () @JavaName claimLiteral untypedClaimRelatedValue :: Resource -> Resource -> a -> () @JavaName claimValue untypedClaimValue :: Resource -> a -> () @JavaName claimLiteral claimRelatedValueWithType_ :: Resource -> Resource -> Resource -> a -> Binding a -> () "Removes a statement with the given subject, predicate and object" deny :: Resource -> Resource -> Resource -> () @JavaName deny denyByPredicate :: Resource -> Resource -> () @JavaName deny denyAllStatements :: Resource -> () newClusterSet :: Resource -> () @JavaName denyValue denyValue :: Resource -> () claimAssertion :: Resource -> Resource -> Resource -> () claimAssertion type_ predicate object = do ass = newResource () claim ass L0.HasPredicate predicate claim ass L0.HasObject object claim type_ L0.Asserts ass "Sets the value of the literal that is an object with the given subject and predicate." @inline claimRelatedValue :: Serializable a => Resource -> Resource -> a -> () claimRelatedValue s p v = claimRelatedValue_ s p v binding @inline claimRelatedValueWithType :: Serializable a => Resource -> Resource -> Resource -> a -> () claimRelatedValueWithType s p t v = claimRelatedValueWithType_ s p t v binding importJava "" where @JavaName getPossibleChild possibleResourceChild :: Resource -> String -> (Maybe Resource) @deprecated "Use function children instead." resourceChildrenOf :: Resource -> [Resource] resourceChildrenOf r = r # L0.ConsistsOf importJava "org.simantics.db.common.utils.OrderedSetUtils" where @JavaName add addToOrderedSet :: Resource -> Resource -> Boolean @JavaName set setOrderedSet :: Resource -> [Resource] -> Boolean @JavaName getSingleOwnerList parentOrderedSet :: Resource -> Resource @JavaName toList elementsOfOrderedSet :: Resource -> [Resource] importJava "org.simantics.db.common.utils.ListUtils" where @JavaName toList elementsOfList :: Resource -> [Resource] @JavaName create createList :: [Resource] -> Resource @JavaName create createListWithType :: Resource -> [Resource] -> Resource @javaName insertBack insertBack :: Resource -> [Resource] -> () @javaName removeElement removeElement :: Resource -> Resource -> Boolean @javaName swapWithPrevious swapWithPrevious :: Resource -> Resource -> Boolean @javaName swapWithNext swapWithNext :: Resource -> Resource -> Boolean importJava "org.simantics.db.common.utils.CommonDBUtils" where isParent :: Resource -> Resource -> Boolean possibleRelatedString :: Resource -> Resource -> Maybe String possibleRelatedInteger :: Resource -> Resource -> Maybe Integer objectsWithType :: Resource -> Resource -> Resource -> [Resource] possibleObjectWithType :: Resource -> Resource -> Resource -> Maybe Resource importJava "org.simantics.db.common.utils.NameUtils" where findFreshName :: String -> Resource -> String findFreshEscapedName :: String -> Resource -> String "`subject # predicate` returns all objects with the given `subject` and `predicate`." (#) :: Resource -> Resource -> [Resource] subject # predicate = collectionToList $ objects_ subject predicate "statements subject predicate` returns all statements with the given subject and predicate." statements :: Resource -> Resource -> [Statement] statements subject predicate = collectionToList $ statements_ subject predicate importJava "org.simantics.scl.db.SCLFunctions" where "Executes a read transaction and waits that it completes." syncRead :: (() -> a) -> a "Executes a write transaction and waits that it completes." syncWrite :: (() -> a) -> a "Executes a delayed write transaction and waits that it completes." delayedSyncWrite :: (() -> a) -> a "Begins a read transaction and immediately returns." asyncRead :: (() -> a) -> () "Begins a write transaction and immediately returns." asyncWrite :: (() -> a) -> () virtualSyncWriteMem :: String -> (() -> a) -> a virtualSyncWriteWS :: String -> (() -> a) -> a safeExec :: (() -> a) -> a activateOnce :: Resource -> () syncActivateOnce :: Resource -> () resourceFromId :: Long -> Resource enableDependencies :: () -> () disableDependencies :: () -> () unaryQuery :: (a -> b) -> a -> b unaryQueryCached :: (a -> b) -> a -> b "Makes a new read request with given procedure for calculating the result. The request is cached only if the current request is listened." subquery :: ( a) -> a "Makes a new read request with given procedure for calculating the result. The request is always cached." subqueryC :: ( a) -> a "Tries to convert the given Dynamic value to a value with the inferred type" possibleFromDynamic :: Typeable a => String -> Dynamic -> Maybe a importJava "org.simantics.db.layer0.util.Layer0Utils" where undo :: () -> String undoOperations :: Integer -> String redo :: () -> String queryDebugSupport :: String -> String queryListSupport :: String -> String addCommentMetadata :: String -> () sortByCluster :: [a] -> (a->Resource) -> [a] makeSynchronous :: Boolean -> () listOntologies :: () -> [Resource] emptyTrashBin :: () -> () purgeDatabase :: () -> () prettyPrintResource :: Resource -> Boolean -> String @private @JavaName copyTo copyTo_ :: Resource -> Resource -> Collection Resource @JavaName getPossiblePredicateByName possiblePredicateByName :: Resource -> String -> Maybe Resource copyTo :: Resource -> Resource -> Resource copyTo targetContainer source = do (collectionToList $ copyTo_ targetContainer source)!0 importJava "org.simantics.db.common.utils.CommonDBUtils" where selectClusterSet :: Resource -> () importJava "org.simantics.Simantics" where @JavaName getProjectResource currentProject :: () -> /**/ Resource // Move to somewhere more generic module importJava "java.util.Collection" where data Collection a importJava "java.util.ArrayList" where @JavaName "" collectionToList :: Collection a -> [a] /*@macro collectionToList :: Collection a -> [a] collectionToList x = Java.unsafeCoerce x */ resourceToCollection :: a -> Collection a resourceToCollection x = Java.unsafeCoerce x newEntity :: [Resource -> ()] -> Resource newEntity entitySpecs = do entity = newResource () for entitySpecs (\spec -> spec entity) entity updateEntity :: Resource -> [Resource -> ()] -> Resource updateEntity entity entitySpecs = do for entitySpecs (\spec -> spec entity) entity hasStatement predicate object entity = claim entity predicate object hasProperty relation value entity = claimRelatedValue entity relation value hasPossibleProperty relation value entity = match value with Just v -> claimRelatedValue entity relation v Nothing -> () hasTypedProperty relation value t entity = claimRelatedValueWithType entity relation t value hasName (n :: String) = hasProperty L0.HasName n hasLabel (l :: String) = hasProperty L0.HasLabel l hasType t = hasStatement L0.InstanceOf t hasParent p = hasStatement L0.PartOf p importJava "org.simantics.databoard.util.URIStringUtils" where @JavaName splitURISCL splitURI :: String -> [String] @JavaName escape escapeURI :: String -> String @JavaName unescape unescapeURI :: String -> String @private importJava "org.simantics.db.layer0.request.ActiveModels" where @JavaName getPossibleActiveModel activeModel :: Resource -> Maybe Resource "Gives the current active model." currentModel :: Resource currentModel = match activeModel (currentProject ()) with Just model -> model Nothing -> fail "No active model." startUndoPoint :: String -> () startUndoPoint string = do markUndoPoint () addCommentMetadata (string) () @inline lift1Read :: (a -> b) -> (a -> b) lift1Read f x = syncRead (\_ -> f x) @inline lift2Read :: (a -> b -> c) -> (a -> b -> c) lift2Read f x y = syncRead (\_ -> f x y) @inline lift3Read :: (a -> b -> c -> d) -> (a -> b -> c -> d) lift3Read f x y z = syncRead (\_ -> f x y z) @inline lift1Write :: (a -> b) -> (a -> b) lift1Write f x = syncWrite (\_ -> f x) @inline lift2Write :: (a -> b -> c) -> (a -> b -> c) lift2Write f x y = syncWrite (\_ -> f x y) @inline lift3Write :: (a -> b -> c -> d) -> (a -> b -> c -> d) lift3Write f x y z = syncWrite (\_ -> f x y z) """ Returns a child Browsable of the specified parent that has that is the child of the specified parent with the specified name path. """ childWithPath :: Browsable a => a -> [String] -> a childWithPath parent path = foldl (\r name -> match possibleChild r name with Just c -> c Nothing -> fail ("Didn't find " + name + ".") ) parent path """ Like `childWithPath` but returns Maybe a which will be `Nothing` if no child was found. """ possibleChildWithPath :: Browsable a => a -> [String] -> Maybe a possibleChildWithPath parent path = foldl (\r name -> match r with Just c -> possibleChild c name Nothing -> Nothing ) (Just parent) path