/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * sim_support.c * Functions used by both FMU simulators fmusim_me and fmusim_cs * to parse command-line arguments, to unzip and load an fmu, * to write CSV file, and more. * Copyright 2011 QTronic GmbH. All rights reserved. * -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef FMI_COSIMULATION #include "fmi_cs.h" #else #include "fmi_me.h" #endif #include "sim_support.h" #include "fmuExtract.h" // fileName is an absolute path, e.g. C:\test\a.fmu // or relative to the current dir, e.g. ..\test\a.fmu // Does not check for existence of the file static char* getFmuPath(const char* fileName){ char pathName[MAX_PATH]; int n = GetFullPathName(fileName, MAX_PATH, pathName, NULL); return n ? strdup(pathName) : NULL; } int tmpPathRequests = 0; static char* getTmpPath() { char tmpPath[BUFSIZE]; if(! GetTempPath(BUFSIZE, tmpPath)) { printf ("error: Could not find temporary disk space\n"); return NULL; } if(tmpPathRequests % 2 == 0) { strcat(tmpPath, "fmu\\"); tmpPathRequests++; } else { strcat(tmpPath, "fmu2\\"); tmpPathRequests = 0; } makedir(tmpPath); return strdup(tmpPath); } static void* getAdr(int* s, FMU *fmu, const char* functionName){ char name[BUFSIZE]; void* fp; sprintf(name, "%s_%s", getModelIdentifier(fmu->modelDescription), functionName); fp = GetProcAddress(fmu->dllHandle, name); if (!fp) { printf ("warning: Function %s not found in dll\n", name); *s = 0; // mark dll load as 'failed' } return fp; } // Load the given dll and set function pointers in fmu // Return 0 to indicate failure static int loadDll(const char* dllPath, FMU *fmu) { int x = 1, s = 1; HANDLE h = LoadLibraryEx(dllPath, NULL, LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH); if (!h) { int error = GetLastError(); printf("error %d: Could not load %s\n", error, dllPath); return 0; // failure } fmu->dllHandle = h; #ifdef FMI_COSIMULATION fmu->getTypesPlatform = (fGetTypesPlatform) getAdr(&s, fmu, "fmiGetTypesPlatform"); if (s==0) { s = 1; // work around bug for FMUs exported using Dymola 2012 and SimulationX 3.x fmu->getTypesPlatform = (fGetTypesPlatform) getAdr(&s, fmu, "fmiGetModelTypesPlatform"); if (s==1) printf(" using fmiGetModelTypesPlatform instead\n", dllPath); } fmu->instantiateSlave = (fInstantiateSlave) getAdr(&s, fmu, "fmiInstantiateSlave"); fmu->initializeSlave = (fInitializeSlave) getAdr(&s, fmu, "fmiInitializeSlave"); fmu->terminateSlave = (fTerminateSlave) getAdr(&s, fmu, "fmiTerminateSlave"); fmu->resetSlave = (fResetSlave) getAdr(&s, fmu, "fmiResetSlave"); fmu->freeSlaveInstance = (fFreeSlaveInstance) getAdr(&s, fmu, "fmiFreeSlaveInstance"); fmu->setRealInputDerivatives = (fSetRealInputDerivatives) getAdr(&s, fmu, "fmiSetRealInputDerivatives"); fmu->getRealOutputDerivatives = (fGetRealOutputDerivatives) getAdr(&s, fmu, "fmiGetRealOutputDerivatives"); fmu->cancelStep = (fCancelStep) getAdr(&s, fmu, "fmiCancelStep"); fmu->doStep = (fDoStep) getAdr(&s, fmu, "fmiDoStep"); // SimulationX 3.4 and 3.5 do not yet export getStatus and getXStatus: do not count this as failure here fmu->getStatus = (fGetStatus) getAdr(&x, fmu, "fmiGetStatus"); fmu->getRealStatus = (fGetRealStatus) getAdr(&x, fmu, "fmiGetRealStatus"); fmu->getIntegerStatus = (fGetIntegerStatus) getAdr(&x, fmu, "fmiGetIntegerStatus"); fmu->getBooleanStatus = (fGetBooleanStatus) getAdr(&x, fmu, "fmiGetBooleanStatus"); fmu->getStringStatus = (fGetStringStatus) getAdr(&x, fmu, "fmiGetStringStatus"); #else // FMI for Model Exchange 1.0 fmu->getModelTypesPlatform = (fGetModelTypesPlatform) getAdr(&s, fmu, "fmiGetModelTypesPlatform"); fmu->instantiateModel = (fInstantiateModel) getAdr(&s, fmu, "fmiInstantiateModel"); fmu->freeModelInstance = (fFreeModelInstance) getAdr(&s, fmu, "fmiFreeModelInstance"); fmu->setTime = (fSetTime) getAdr(&s, fmu, "fmiSetTime"); fmu->setContinuousStates = (fSetContinuousStates)getAdr(&s, fmu, "fmiSetContinuousStates"); fmu->completedIntegratorStep = (fCompletedIntegratorStep)getAdr(&s, fmu, "fmiCompletedIntegratorStep"); fmu->initialize = (fInitialize) getAdr(&s, fmu, "fmiInitialize"); fmu->getDerivatives = (fGetDerivatives) getAdr(&s, fmu, "fmiGetDerivatives"); fmu->getEventIndicators = (fGetEventIndicators) getAdr(&s, fmu, "fmiGetEventIndicators"); fmu->eventUpdate = (fEventUpdate) getAdr(&s, fmu, "fmiEventUpdate"); fmu->getContinuousStates = (fGetContinuousStates)getAdr(&s, fmu, "fmiGetContinuousStates"); fmu->getNominalContinuousStates = (fGetNominalContinuousStates)getAdr(&s, fmu, "fmiGetNominalContinuousStates"); fmu->getStateValueReferences = (fGetStateValueReferences)getAdr(&s, fmu, "fmiGetStateValueReferences"); fmu->terminate = (fTerminate) getAdr(&s, fmu, "fmiTerminate"); #endif fmu->getVersion = (fGetVersion) getAdr(&s, fmu, "fmiGetVersion"); fmu->setDebugLogging = (fSetDebugLogging) getAdr(&s, fmu, "fmiSetDebugLogging"); fmu->setReal = (fSetReal) getAdr(&s, fmu, "fmiSetReal"); fmu->setInteger = (fSetInteger) getAdr(&s, fmu, "fmiSetInteger"); fmu->setBoolean = (fSetBoolean) getAdr(&s, fmu, "fmiSetBoolean"); fmu->setString = (fSetString) getAdr(&s, fmu, "fmiSetString"); fmu->getReal = (fGetReal) getAdr(&s, fmu, "fmiGetReal"); fmu->getInteger = (fGetInteger) getAdr(&s, fmu, "fmiGetInteger"); fmu->getBoolean = (fGetBoolean) getAdr(&s, fmu, "fmiGetBoolean"); fmu->getString = (fGetString) getAdr(&s, fmu, "fmiGetString"); return s; } static void printModelDescription(ModelDescription* md){ Element* e = (Element*)md; int i; printf("%s\n", elmNames[e->type]); for (i=0; in; i+=2) printf(" %s=%s\n", e->attributes[i], e->attributes[i+1]); #ifdef FMI_COSIMULATION if (!md->cosimulation) { printf("error: No Implementation element found in model description. This FMU is not for Co-Simulation.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } e = md->cosimulation->capabilities; printf("%s\n", elmNames[e->type]); for (i=0; in; i+=2) printf(" %s=%s\n", e->attributes[i], e->attributes[i+1]); #endif // FMI_COSIMULATION } /* * return: 1 for successful laod or number for error. * -1. FMU path not found * -2. Unzip failed * -3. Loading model description failed * -4. FMU dll load failed */ /* int loadFMU(FMU *fmu, const char* fmuFileName, const char* tmpPath) { char* fmuPath; char* xmlPath; char* dllPath; unsigned old_clock = clock(); unsigned current_clock = 0;//will be assigned later // get absolute path to FMU, NULL if not found fmuPath = getFmuPath(fmuFileName); if (!fmuPath) return -1; // path not found // unzip the FMU to the tmpPath directory if (unzip(fmuPath, tmpPath)) return -2; // unzip failed // parse tmpPath\modelDescription.xml xmlPath = calloc(sizeof(char), strlen(tmpPath) + strlen(XML_FILE) + 1); sprintf(xmlPath, "%s%s", tmpPath, XML_FILE); fmu->modelDescription = parse(xmlPath); free(xmlPath); if (!fmu->modelDescription) return -3; // loading model description failed // printModelDescription(fmu.modelDescription); // fflush(stdout); // load the FMU dll dllPath = calloc(sizeof(char), strlen(tmpPath) + strlen(DLL_DIR) + strlen( getModelIdentifier(fmu->modelDescription)) + strlen(".dll") + 1); sprintf(dllPath,"%s%s%s.dll", tmpPath, DLL_DIR, getModelIdentifier(fmu->modelDescription)); if (!loadDll(dllPath, fmu)) return -4; // loading dll failed free(dllPath); free(fmuPath); return 1; } */ static void doubleToCommaString(char* buffer, double r){ char* comma; sprintf(buffer, "%.16g", r); comma = strchr(buffer, '.'); if (comma) *comma = ','; } // output time and all non-alias variables in CSV format // if separator is ',', columns are separated by ',' and '.' is used for floating-point numbers. // otherwise, the given separator (e.g. ';' or '\t') is to separate columns, and ',' is used // as decimal dot in floating-point numbers. /* void outputRow(FMU *fmu, fmiComponent c, double time, FILE* file, char separator, boolean header) { int k; fmiReal r; fmiInteger i; fmiBoolean b; fmiString s; fmiValueReference vr; ScalarVariable** vars = fmu->modelDescription->modelVariables; char buffer[32]; // print first column if (header) fprintf(file, "time"); else { if (separator==',') fprintf(file, "%.16g", time); else { // separator is e.g. ';' or '\t' doubleToCommaString(buffer, time); fprintf(file, "%s", buffer); } } // print all other columns for (k=0; vars[k]; k++) { ScalarVariable* sv = vars[k]; if (getAlias(sv)!=enu_noAlias) continue; if (header) { // output names only if (separator==',') { // treat array element, e.g. print a[1, 2] as a[1.2] char* s = getName(sv); fprintf(file, "%c", separator); while (*s) { if (*s!=' ') fprintf(file, "%c", *s==',' ? '.' : *s); s++; } } else fprintf(file, "%c%s", separator, getName(sv)); } else { // output values vr = getValueReference(sv); switch (sv->typeSpec->type){ case elm_Real: fmu->getReal(c, &vr, 1, &r); if (separator==',') fprintf(file, ",%.16g", r); else { // separator is e.g. ';' or '\t' doubleToCommaString(buffer, r); fprintf(file, "%c%s", separator, buffer); } break; case elm_Integer: case elm_Enumeration: fmu->getInteger(c, &vr, 1, &i); fprintf(file, "%c%d", separator, i); break; case elm_Boolean: fmu->getBoolean(c, &vr, 1, &b); fprintf(file, "%c%d", separator, b); break; case elm_String: fmu->getString(c, &vr, 1, &s); fprintf(file, "%c%s", separator, s); break; default: fprintf(file, "%cNoValueForType=%d", separator,sv->typeSpec->type); } } } // for // terminate this row fprintf(file, "\n"); } */ static const char* fmiStatusToString(fmiStatus status){ switch (status){ case fmiOK: return "ok"; case fmiWarning: return "warning"; case fmiDiscard: return "discard"; case fmiError: return "error"; case fmiFatal: return "fatal"; #ifdef FMI_COSIMULATION case fmiPending: return "fmiPending"; #endif default: return "?"; } } // search a fmu for the given variable // return NULL if not found or vr = fmiUndefinedValueReference static ScalarVariable* getSV(FMU* fmu, char type, fmiValueReference vr) { int i; Elm tp; ScalarVariable** vars = fmu->modelDescription->modelVariables; if (vr==fmiUndefinedValueReference) return NULL; switch (type) { case 'r': tp = elm_Real; break; case 'i': tp = elm_Integer; break; case 'b': tp = elm_Boolean; break; case 's': tp = elm_String; break; } for (i=0; vars[i]; i++) { ScalarVariable* sv = vars[i]; if (vr==getValueReference(sv) && tp==sv->typeSpec->type) return sv; } return NULL; } // replace e.g. #r1365# by variable name and ## by # in message // copies the result to buffer static void replaceRefsInMessage(const char* msg, char* buffer, int nBuffer, FMU* fmu){ int i=0; // position in msg int k=0; // position in buffer int n; char c = msg[i]; while (c!='\0' && k < nBuffer) { if (c!='#') { buffer[k++]=c; i++; c = msg[i]; } else { char* end = strchr(msg+i+1, '#'); if (!end) { printf("unmatched '#' in '%s'\n", msg); buffer[k++]='#'; break; } n = end - (msg+i); if (n==1) { // ## detected, output # buffer[k++]='#'; i += 2; c = msg[i]; } else { char type = msg[i+1]; // one of ribs fmiValueReference vr; int nvr = sscanf(msg+i+2, "%u", &vr); if (nvr==1) { // vr of type detected, e.g. #r12# ScalarVariable* sv = getSV(fmu, type, vr); const char* name = sv ? getName(sv) : "?"; sprintf(buffer+k, "%s", name); k += strlen(name); i += (n+1); c = msg[i]; } else { // could not parse the number printf("illegal value reference at position %d in '%s'\n", i+2, msg); buffer[k++]='#'; break; } } } } // while buffer[k] = '\0'; } #define MAX_MSG_SIZE 1000 void fmuLogger(FMU *fmu, fmiComponent c, fmiString instanceName, fmiStatus status, fmiString category, fmiString message, ...) { char msg[MAX_MSG_SIZE]; char* copy; va_list argp; // replace C format strings va_start(argp, message); vsprintf(msg, message, argp); // replace e.g. ## and #r12# // copy = strdup(msg); // replaceRefsInMessage(copy, msg, MAX_MSG_SIZE, fmu); // free(copy); // print the final message if (!instanceName) instanceName = "?"; if (!category) category = "?"; //printf("%s %s (%s): %s\n", fmiStatusToString(status), instanceName, category, msg); printf("%s\n", message); } int error(const char* message){ printf("%s\n", message); return 0; } void parseArguments(int argc, char *argv[], char** fmuFileName, double* tEnd, double* h, int* loggingOn, char* csv_separator) { // parse command line arguments if (argc>1) { *fmuFileName = argv[1]; } else { printf("error: no fmu file\n"); printHelp(argv[0]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (argc>2) { if (sscanf(argv[2],"%lf", tEnd) != 1) { printf("error: The given end time (%s) is not a number\n", argv[2]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } if (argc>3) { if (sscanf(argv[3],"%lf", h) != 1) { printf("error: The given stepsize (%s) is not a number\n", argv[3]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } if (argc>4) { if (sscanf(argv[4],"%d", loggingOn) != 1 || *loggingOn<0 || *loggingOn>1) { printf("error: The given logging flag (%s) is not boolean\n", argv[4]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } if (argc>5) { if (strlen(argv[5]) != 1) { printf("error: The given CSV separator char (%s) is not valid\n", argv[5]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } switch (argv[5][0]) { case 'c': *csv_separator = ','; break; // comma case 's': *csv_separator = ';'; break; // semicolon default: *csv_separator = argv[5][0]; break; // any other char } } if (argc>6) { printf("warning: Ignoring %d additional arguments: %s ...\n", argc-6, argv[6]); printHelp(argv[0]); } } void printHelp(const char* fmusim) { printf("command syntax: %s \n", fmusim); printf(" .... path to FMU, relative to current dir or absolute, required\n"); printf(" ......... end time of simulation, optional, defaults to 1.0 sec\n"); printf(" ............ step size of simulation, optional, defaults to 0.1 sec\n"); printf(" .... 1 to activate logging, optional, defaults to 0\n"); printf(" . separator in csv file, optional, c for ';', s for';', defaults to c\n"); }