/* Copyright (C) 2012 Modelon AB This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the BSD style license. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the FMILIB_License.txt file for more details. You should have received a copy of the FMILIB_License.txt file along with this program. If not, contact Modelon AB . */ /** \file fmi1_import_variable_list.h * \brief Public interface to the FMI XML C-library. Handling of variable lists. */ #ifndef FMI1_IMPORT_VARIABLELIST_H_ #define FMI1_IMPORT_VARIABLELIST_H_ #include "fmi1_import_variable.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /** \addtogroup fmi1_import @{ \defgroup fmi1_import_varlist Handling of variable lists @} */ /** \addtogroup fmi1_import_varlist * \brief Variable lists are provided to handle sets of variables. * * Note that variable lists are allocated dynamically and must be freed when not needed any longer. @{ */ /* Allocate an empty list */ fmi1_import_variable_list_t* fmi1_import_alloc_variable_list(fmi1_import_t* fmu, size_t size); /** \brief Free a variable list. Note that variable lists are allocated dynamically and must be freed when not needed any longer \param vl A variable list. */ FMILIB_EXPORT void fmi1_import_free_variable_list(fmi1_import_variable_list_t* vl); /** \brief Make a copy of the list. \param vl A variable list. */ FMILIB_EXPORT fmi1_import_variable_list_t* fmi1_import_clone_variable_list(fmi1_import_variable_list_t* vl); /** \brief Get number of variables in a list */ FMILIB_EXPORT size_t fmi1_import_get_variable_list_size(fmi1_import_variable_list_t* vl); /** \brief Get a pointer to the list of the value references for all the variables */ FMILIB_EXPORT const fmi1_value_reference_t* fmi1_import_get_value_referece_list(fmi1_import_variable_list_t* vl); /** \brief Get a single variable from the list*/ FMILIB_EXPORT fmi1_import_variable_t* fmi1_import_get_variable(fmi1_import_variable_list_t* vl, unsigned int index); /** \name Operations on variable lists. Every operation creates a new list. @{ */ /** \brief Select sub-lists. \param vl A variable list. \param fromIndex Zero based start index, inclusive. \param toIndex Zero based end index, inclusive. \return A sublist. NULL is returned if toIndex is less than fromIndex or is larger than the list size or if memory allocation failed. */ FMILIB_EXPORT fmi1_import_variable_list_t* fmi1_import_get_sublist(fmi1_import_variable_list_t* vl, unsigned int fromIndex, unsigned int toIndex); /** \brief Callback function typedef for the fmiFilterVariables. The function should return 0 to prevent a variable from coming to the output list. */ typedef int (*fmi1_import_variable_filter_function_ft)(fmi1_import_variable_t*vl, void * data); /** \brief Call the provided 'filter' function on every variable in the list and create a new list. \param vl A variable list. \param filter A filter function according to ::fmi1_import_variable_filter_function_ft. \param context A parameter to be forwarded to the filter function. @return A sub-list with the variables for which filter returned non-zero value. */ FMILIB_EXPORT fmi1_import_variable_list_t* fmi1_import_filter_variables(fmi1_import_variable_list_t* vl, fmi1_import_variable_filter_function_ft filter, void* context); /** \brief Create a new variable list by concatenating two lists. \param a A variable list. \param b A variable list. */ FMILIB_EXPORT fmi1_import_variable_list_t* fmi1_import_join_var_list(fmi1_import_variable_list_t* a, fmi1_import_variable_list_t* b); /** \brief Append a variable to the variable list. \param vl A variable list. \param v A variable. */ FMILIB_EXPORT fmi1_import_variable_list_t* fmi1_import_append_to_var_list(fmi1_import_variable_list_t* vl, fmi1_import_variable_t* v); /** \brief Prepend a variable to the variable list. \param vl A variable list. \param v A variable. */ FMILIB_EXPORT fmi1_import_variable_list_t* fmi1_import_prepend_to_var_list(fmi1_import_variable_list_t* vl, fmi1_import_variable_t* v); /** \brief Add a variable to a variable list. \param vl A variable list. \param v A variable. */ FMILIB_EXPORT jm_status_enu_t fmi1_import_var_list_push_back(fmi1_import_variable_list_t* vl, fmi1_import_variable_t* v); /** @} */ /** @} */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif