# Changes ## v0.8.0 - 2/16/16 * Use shared loader from `tilelive-modules` * Upgrade to `tilelive-cache@0.6.1` w/ improved source closing * Upgrade to `handlebars@^4.0.5` ## v0.7.1 - 2/5/16 * Add missing `LICENSE` * Re-publish (`server.js` was missing in v0.7.0) ## v0.7.0 - 2/3/16 * `conf.d` style configuration when `--config` points to a directory ## v0.6.1 - 2/3/16 * Don't return upstream headers with 404s ## v0.6.0 - 12/9/15 * Support for @3x tiles * Don't treat `getInfo` errors as fatal on startup * Upgrade dependencies * Disable `tilelive-mapnik`'s internal cache * Static map endpoint ## v0.5.3 - 5/4/15 * Resolved missing `debug` dependency ## v0.5.2 - 5/4/15 * PBF sources that don't provide headers default to reporting `gzip` encoding to match current `tilelive-bridge`, etc. behavior * Relax expectations for empty tiles * Improve error logging when loading tilelive modules * Use `debug` for warning messages about invalid requests ## v0.5.1 - 11/23/14 * Update dependencies * Drop `bower` as a runtime dependency * Use `cachecache` to avoid requiring unnecessary rendering / fetching * Update `tilelive-cache` with support for cache-skipping and fixes to `tilelive-mapnik` drain errors * `options` is now optional in `modules.js` * Remove verification of `Content-MD5` headers--that responsibility falls to individual providers. ## v0.5.0 - unpublished ## v0.4.4 - 7/16/14 * Run bower non-interactively ## v0.4.3 - 7/11/14 * Don't coerce non-string tilelive URIs to strings, as `url.format` is lossy ## v0.4.2 - 7/11/14 * Don't assume that tilelive URIs will always be strings * Add `--source-cache-size` option ## v0.4.1 - 7/10/14 * Fix relative links for nested files * Use `?retina=true` in the preview to force retina tiles ## v0.4.0 - 7/7/14 * Use Nominatim for geocoding * Use bower for client deps vs. bundling them * Verify and return `Content-MD5` headers * Pass `tileSize` query option for sources like `tilelive-mapnik` * Optional dependencies dropped in favor of detecting / explicitly requiring installed modules. To add auto-detected modules, check out [tilelive-modules](https://github.com/mojodna/tilelive-modules). * Added support for the `TESSERA_OPTS` environment variable * Added (repeatable) `--require` option ## v0.3.0 - 5/27/14 * Use the xray view by default for PBF sources specified on the command line * Updated `tilelive-tmstyle` to 0.1.2 with scale-dependent output * Misc. dependency updates * Updated `tilelive-cache` to 0.1.1 ## v0.2.1 - 5/15/14 * Updated dependencies to help with installation problems ## v0.2.0 - 4/28/14 * Added support for configuration files * Added command-line options * Default headers are provided for PBFs (@hallahan) * Simplify format handling: `.vector.pbf` is now `.pbf` * Upgraded Express to 4.0 * Export `lib/app.js` as `require("tessera")` * Support Carto (TileMill 1) styles via [tilelive-carto](https://github.com/mojodna/tilelive-carto) ## v0.1.2 - 4/1/14 * Add minimal-ui for Mobile Safari ## v0.1.1 - 4/1/14 * Retina tile content matches non-retina tiles * Match tilelive expectations for missing tiles (real errors will now be treated as 500s, not 404s) ## v0.1.0 - 3/13/14 * Initial public version