# tileserver-mapnik Mapnik-based tile server generating raster tiles from tilelive-js sources (MapBox Studio project + custom vector tiles for example). It supports also static maps API. ## How to use ### Docker The easiest way to run tileserver-mapnik is using the precompiled docker container (https://hub.docker.com/r/klokantech/tileserver-mapnik/). Detailed instructions how to use the tileserver-mapnik with docker: http://osm2vectortiles.org/docs/serve-raster-tiles-docker ### Without docker Follow the commands in `Dockerfile` to install the necessary packages, download common fonts and prepare the environment. Usage: `node bin/tessera.js [options]` Options: - `-c CONFIG` - Configuration file - `-p PORT` - HTTP port [8080] - `-C SIZE` - Cache size in MB [10] - `-S SIZE` - Source cache size (in # of sources) [10] #### Example configuration file ```javascript { "/style1": { "source": "tmstyle://./style1.tm2" }, "/style2": { "source": "tmstyle:///home/user/style2.tm2" }, "/vector": { "source": "mbtiles:///home/user/data.mbtiles" } } ``` **Note**: For tm2 styles, you need to make sure the content of style's `project.yml` (its `source` property) points to a valid mbtiles file (e.g. `source: "mbtiles://./data.mbtiles"`). ## Available URLs - If you visit the server on the configured port (default 8080) you should see your maps appearing in the browser. - The tiles itself are served at `/{basename}/{z}/{x}/{y}[@2x].{format}` - The optional `@2x` part can be used to render HiDPI (retina) tiles - Static images are rendered at: - `/{basename}/static/{lon},{lat},{zoom}/{width}x{height}[@2x].{format}` (center-based) - `/{basename}/static/{minx},{miny},{maxx},{maxy}/{zoom}[@2x].{format}` (area-based) - TileJSON at `/{basename}/index.json`