package org.simantics.plant3d.scenegraph.controlpoint; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import javax.vecmath.AxisAngle4d; import javax.vecmath.Matrix3d; import javax.vecmath.Point3d; import javax.vecmath.Quat4d; import javax.vecmath.Tuple3d; import javax.vecmath.Vector3d; import org.simantics.g3d.math.MathTools; import; import org.simantics.g3d.scenegraph.G3DNode; import org.simantics.g3d.scenegraph.base.INode; import org.simantics.plant3d.scenegraph.IP3DNode; import org.simantics.plant3d.scenegraph.Nozzle; import org.simantics.plant3d.scenegraph.P3DRootNode; import org.simantics.plant3d.scenegraph.PipeRun; import org.simantics.plant3d.scenegraph.PipelineComponent; import vtk.vtkRenderer; public class PipeControlPoint extends G3DNode implements IP3DNode { private static boolean DEBUG = false; public enum PointType{INLINE,TURN,END}; public enum Direction{NEXT,PREVIOUS}; public enum PositionType {SPLIT,NEXT,PREVIOUS,PORT} private PipelineComponent component; private PointType type; private boolean isFixed = true; // In-line: fixed-length Turn: fixed-angle private boolean isMod = false; // Can user modify fixed value manually private boolean isRotate = false; // rotates around path leg axis. private boolean isReverse = false; // definition direction can be swapped private boolean isDeletable = true; // can be removed by rules private boolean isSizeChange = false; // changes size of the pipe. The next control point / component is on different PipeRun private boolean isSub = false; // child point for offset / size change private boolean disposed = false; public PipeControlPoint(PipelineComponent component) { this.component = component; if (component.getPipeRun() != null) component.getPipeRun().addChild(this); } public PipeControlPoint(PipelineComponent component, PipeRun piperun) { this.component = component; piperun.addChild(this); } @Override public void update(vtkRenderer ren) { try { PipingRules.requestUpdate(this); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public PipeRun getPipeRun() { return (PipeRun)getParent(); } public PipelineComponent getPipelineComponent() { return component; } public PointType getType() { return type; } public void setType(PointType type) { this.type = type; } @GetPropertyValue(name="Fixed",tabId="Debug",value="fixed") public boolean isFixed() { return isFixed; } public void setFixed(boolean fixed) { this.isFixed = fixed; } @GetPropertyValue(name="Mod",tabId="Debug",value="mod") public boolean isMod() { return isMod; } public void setMod(boolean isMod) { this.isMod = isMod; } @GetPropertyValue(name="Rotate",tabId="Debug",value="rotate") public boolean isRotate() { return isRotate; } public void setRotate(boolean rotate) { this.isRotate = rotate; } @GetPropertyValue(name="Reverse",tabId="Debug",value="reverse") public boolean isReverse() { return isReverse; } public void setReverse(boolean reverse) { this.isReverse = reverse; } public void setSub(boolean sub) { this.isSub = sub; } @GetPropertyValue(name="Deletable",tabId="Debug",value="deletable") public boolean isDeletable() { return isDeletable; } public void setDeletable(boolean deletable) { this.isDeletable = deletable; } public boolean isPathLegEnd() { return type != PointType.INLINE; } public boolean isEnd() { return type == PointType.END; } public boolean isTurn() { return type == PointType.TURN; } public boolean isInline() { return type == PointType.INLINE; } public boolean asPathLegEnd() { // Ends and Turns are path leg ends by default, but also unconnected inline are path leg ends. return isPathLegEnd() || getNext() == null || getPrevious() == null; } /** * True for end components, if control point defines absolute position direction, which rules cannot modify. * This is typical for nozzles. * @return */ public boolean isDirected() { return isFixed && isEnd(); } /** * True for end components, if control is opposite to directed, and rules can modify position and orientation. * This is typical for caps, and other end components. * @return */ public boolean isNonDirected() { return !isFixed && isEnd(); } public boolean isVariableLength() { return !isFixed && isInline(); } /** * Fixed length in-line component is such that piping rules cannot modify the length. * @return */ public boolean isFixedLength() { return isFixed && isInline(); } public boolean isVariableAngle() { return !isFixed && isTurn(); } /** * Fixed angle turn component is such that piping rules cannot modify the angle. * @return */ public boolean isFixedAngle() { return isFixed && isTurn(); } /** * Does the turn behave like fixed angle? * For variable angle turns, the turn angle is defined by connected components, and without them, we must handle the component as fixed angle. * @return */ public boolean asFixedAngle() { return isTurn() && (isFixed || next == null || previous == null); } public boolean isBranchEnd() { return isDeletable && isEnd(); } public boolean isOffset() { return offset != null; } public boolean isDualSub() { return parent != null && isSub; } public boolean isDualInline() { return children.size() == 1 && children.get(0).isDualSub(); } public boolean isAxial() { return isInline() && !isDualInline(); } public boolean isSizeChange() { return isSizeChange; // if (children.size() == 0) // return false; // if (!isDualInline()) // return false; // return getPipeRun() != children.get(0).getPipeRun(); } public void setSizeChange(boolean isSizeChange) { this.isSizeChange = isSizeChange; } private PipeControlPoint next; private PipeControlPoint previous; public PipeControlPoint getNext() { return next; } public PipeControlPoint getPrevious() { return previous; } public void setNext(PipeControlPoint next) { if (isSub) { getParentPoint().setNext(next); return; } if (next != null && next.isDualSub()) next = next.parent; if (_setNext(next)) { for (PipeControlPoint pcp : children) { if (pcp.isSub) pcp._setNext(next); } updateSubPoint(); } } public void setPrevious(PipeControlPoint prev) { if (isSub) { getParentPoint().setPrevious(prev); return; } if (prev != null && prev.isDualInline()) prev = prev.children.get(0); if (_setPrevious(prev)) { for (PipeControlPoint pcp : children) { if (pcp.isSub) pcp._setPrevious(prev); } updateSubPoint(); } } protected boolean _setNext(PipeControlPoint next) { if (isEnd() && previous != null && next != null) throw new RuntimeException("End control points are allowed to have only one connection"); if (next == this) throw new RuntimeException("Cannot connect to self"); if ( == next) return false; if (DEBUG) System.out.println(this + " next " + next); if (next == null && isVariableAngle() && previous != null && !isRemoved()) { convertVariableAngleToFixed(Direction.NEXT); } = next; if (component != null) { if (parent == null || isSub) component.setNext(next != null ? next.component : null); else component.setBranch0(next != null ? next.component : null); } return true; } protected boolean _setPrevious(PipeControlPoint previous) { if (isEnd() && next != null && previous != null) throw new RuntimeException("End control points are allowed to have only one connection"); if (previous == this) throw new RuntimeException("Cannot connect to self"); if (this.previous == previous) return false; if (DEBUG) System.out.println(this + " previous " + previous); if (previous == null && isVariableAngle() && next != null && !isRemoved()) { convertVariableAngleToFixed(Direction.PREVIOUS); } this.previous = previous; if (component != null) { if (parent == null || isSub) component.setPrevious(previous != null ? previous.component : null); else component.setBranch0(previous != null ? previous.component : null); updateSubPoint(); } return true; } private void convertVariableAngleToFixed(Direction direction) { // We are removing reference, which transforms variable angle to fixed angle. // Since fixed angle is defined differently, we need to calculate fixed angle parameters based on current data // We need to calculate turnAngle and rotationAngle Vector3d dirOut = getPathLegDirection(direction == Direction.NEXT ? Direction.NEXT : Direction.PREVIOUS); Vector3d dir = getPathLegDirection(direction == Direction.NEXT ? Direction.PREVIOUS : Direction.NEXT); if (dir == null || dirOut == null) return; dir.negate(); double angle = dir.angle(dirOut); //super._setNext(null); if (direction == Direction.NEXT) next = null; else previous = null; setRotationAngle(0.0); setReversed(direction == Direction.NEXT ? false : true); Vector3d dirOutN = getPathLegDirection(direction == Direction.NEXT ? Direction.NEXT : Direction.PREVIOUS); dirOutN.normalize(); AxisAngle4d aa = new AxisAngle4d(); if (MathTools.createRotation(dirOutN, dirOut, dir, aa)) { setRotationAngle(aa.angle); setTurnAngle(angle); if (DEBUG) System.out.println("convertToFixed " + dir + " " + dirOut + " " +dirOutN + " " +angle + " "+ aa.angle); } } public PipeControlPoint parent; public List children = new ArrayList(); public List getChildPoints() { return children; } public PipeControlPoint getParentPoint() { return parent; } private double length; private Double turnAngle; private Vector3d turnAxis; private Double offset; private Double rotationAngle; private Boolean reversed; @GetPropertyValue(name="Length",tabId="Debug",value="length") public double getLength() { return length; } public void setLength(double l) { if (this.length == l) return; if (Double.isInfinite(l) || Double.isNaN(l)) return; if (Math.abs(this.length-l) < MathTools.NEAR_ZERO) return; this.length = l; firePropertyChanged("length"); if (isDualInline()) getDualSub().setLength(l); } @GetPropertyValue(name="Turn Angle",tabId="Debug",value="turnAngle") public Double getTurnAngle() { return turnAngle; } @GetPropertyValue(name="Turn Axis",tabId="Debug",value="turnAxis") public Vector3d getTurnAxis() { return turnAxis; } @GetPropertyValue(name="Offset",tabId="Debug",value="offset") public Double getOffset() { return offset; } @GetPropertyValue(name="Rotation Angle",tabId="Debug",value="rotationAngle") public Double getRotationAngle() { if (isRotate || asFixedAngle()) return rotationAngle; return null; } @GetPropertyValue(name="Reversed",tabId="Debug",value="reversed") public Boolean getReversed() { return reversed; } public boolean _getReversed() { if (reversed == null) return false; return reversed; } public void setTurnAngle(Double turnAngle) { if (turnAngle == null || Double.isInfinite(turnAngle) || Double.isNaN(turnAngle)) { return; } if (this.turnAngle != null && Math.abs(this.turnAngle-turnAngle) < MathTools.NEAR_ZERO) return; if (Objects.equals(this.turnAngle, turnAngle)) return; this.turnAngle = turnAngle; firePropertyChanged("turnAngle"); } public void setTurnAxis(Vector3d turnAxis) { if (this.turnAxis != null && MathTools.equals(turnAxis, this.turnAxis)) return; this.turnAxis = turnAxis; firePropertyChanged("turnAxis"); } public void setOffset(Double offset) { if (Double.isInfinite(offset) || Double.isNaN(offset)) { return; } if (this.offset != null && Math.abs(this.offset-offset) < MathTools.NEAR_ZERO) return; if (Objects.equals(this.offset, offset)) return; this.offset = offset; firePropertyChanged("offset"); } public void setRotationAngle(Double rotationAngle) { if (Double.isInfinite(rotationAngle) || Double.isNaN(rotationAngle)) { return; } if (this.rotationAngle != null && Math.abs(this.rotationAngle-rotationAngle) < MathTools.NEAR_ZERO) return; if (Objects.equals(rotationAngle, rotationAngle)) return; this.rotationAngle = rotationAngle; firePropertyChanged("rotationAngle"); } public void setReversed(Boolean reversed) { if (this.reversed == reversed) return; this.reversed = reversed; firePropertyChanged("reversed"); } public Vector3d getSizeChangeOffsetVector(Vector3d dir) { Quat4d q; if (rotationAngle == null) q = getControlPointOrientationQuat(dir, 0.0); else q = getControlPointOrientationQuat(dir, rotationAngle); Vector3d v = new Vector3d(0.0,offset,0.0); Vector3d offset = new Vector3d(); MathTools.rotate(q, v, offset); return offset; } public Vector3d getSizeChangeOffsetVector() { Quat4d q; if (rotationAngle == null) q = getControlPointOrientationQuat(0.0); else q = getControlPointOrientationQuat(rotationAngle); Vector3d v = new Vector3d(0.0,offset,0.0); Vector3d offset = new Vector3d(); MathTools.rotate(q, v, offset); return offset; } @GetPropertyValue(name="Next",tabId="Debug",value="next") private String getNextString() { if (next == null) return null; return next.toString(); } @GetPropertyValue(name="Previous",tabId="Debug",value="previous") private String getPrevString() { if (previous == null) return null; return previous.toString(); } @GetPropertyValue(name="Sub",tabId="Debug",value="sub") private String getSubString() { if (children.size() == 0) return ""; return Arrays.toString(children.toArray()); } @GetPropertyValue(name="Type",tabId="Debug",value="type") public String getTypeString() { return; } public Vector3d getPathLegEndpointVector() { PipeControlPoint a = findPreviousEnd(); PipeControlPoint b = findNextEnd(); if (a == null || b == null) { return getPathLegDirection(); } Vector3d p1 = a.getWorldPosition(); Vector3d p2 = b.getWorldPosition(); p2.sub(p1); double l = p2.length(); if (l != 0.0) { p2.scale(1.0 / l); return p2; } else { return getPathLegDirection(); } } public Vector3d getPathLegDirection() { if (turnAxis == null) { return getPathLegDirection(Direction.NEXT); } else { Vector3d dir = getPathLegDirection(Direction.PREVIOUS); if (dir != null) dir.negate(); return dir; } } public Quat4d getControlPointOrientationQuat(double angle) { Vector3d dir = getPathLegDirection(); if (turnAxis == null) { return getControlPointOrientationQuat(dir, angle); } else { return getControlPointOrientationQuat(dir, turnAxis, angle); } } public Quat4d getControlPointOrientationQuat(Vector3d dir, double angle, boolean reversed) { if (turnAxis == null) { if (dir.lengthSquared() > MathTools.NEAR_ZERO) dir.normalize(); Quat4d q = getControlPointOrientationQuat(dir, angle); if (reversed) { Quat4d q2 = new Quat4d(); q2.set(new AxisAngle4d(MathTools.Y_AXIS, Math.PI)); q.mulInverse(q2); } return q; } else { if (dir.lengthSquared() > MathTools.NEAR_ZERO) dir.normalize(); return getControlPointOrientationQuat(dir, turnAxis, angle); } } public Quat4d getControlPointOrientationQuat(double angle, boolean reversed) { Vector3d dir = getPathLegDirection(); return getControlPointOrientationQuat(dir, angle, reversed); } public Quat4d getControlPointOrientationQuat(Vector3d dir, double angle) { if (dir == null || dir.lengthSquared() < MathTools.NEAR_ZERO) return MathTools.getIdentityQuat(); final P3DRootNode root = getRoot(); Vector3d up = root != null ? new Vector3d(root.getUpVector()) : new Vector3d(0.0, 1.0, 0.0); final Vector3d legDir = getPathLegEndpointVector(); double a = up.angle(legDir); if (a < 0.1 || (Math.PI - a) < 0.1) { // Rotate components up.set(up.getY(), up.getZ(), up.getX()); } // Project up vector into a normal of the leg direction before applying to 'dir' MathTools.mad(up, legDir,; up.normalize(); return getControlPointOrientationQuat(dir, up, angle); } public P3DRootNode getRoot() { INode n = getParent(); while (n != null && !(n instanceof P3DRootNode)) n = n.getParent(); return (P3DRootNode) n; } public static Quat4d getControlPointOrientationQuat(Vector3d dir, Vector3d up, double angle) { if (dir == null || dir.lengthSquared() < MathTools.NEAR_ZERO) return MathTools.getIdentityQuat(); final Vector3d front = new Vector3d(1.0,0.0,0.0); Quat4d q1 = new Quat4d(); Vector3d right = new Vector3d(); up = new Vector3d(up); right.cross(dir, up); up.cross(right, dir); right.normalize(); up.normalize(); Matrix3d m = new Matrix3d(); m.m00 = dir.x; m.m10 = dir.y; m.m20 = dir.z; m.m01 = up.x; m.m11 = up.y; m.m21 = up.z; m.m02 = right.x; m.m12 = right.y; m.m22 = right.z; //q1.set(m); MathTools contains more stable conversion MathTools.getQuat(m, q1); // if (DEBUG) System.out.println("PipingTools.getPipeComponentOrientationQuat() " + dir+ " " + up + " " + right); Quat4d q2 = new Quat4d(); q2.set(new AxisAngle4d(front, angle)); q1.mul(q2); return q1; } public void insert(PipeControlPoint previous, PipeControlPoint next) { // inserting an offsetpoint is error, if (isDualSub()) throw new RuntimeException("Dual sub points cannot be inserted."); // size change control point cannot be inserted this way, because it ends PipeRun // if (isSizeChange()) // throw new RuntimeException("Size change points cannot be inserted."); PipeRun piperun = previous.getPipeRun(); // and just to make sure that control point structure is not corrupted if (getPipeRun() != null) { if (piperun != getPipeRun() || piperun != next.getPipeRun()) throw new RuntimeException("All controls points must be located on the same pipe run"); } else { piperun.addChild(this); } // insert new BranchControlPoint between straight's control points PipeControlPoint previousNext = previous.getNext(); PipeControlPoint previousPrevious = previous.getPrevious(); PipeControlPoint offsetCP = null; if (isOffset()) { offsetCP = getDualSub(); } if (previousNext != null && previousNext == next) { if (previous.isDualInline()) { throw new RuntimeException(); } if (next.isDualSub()) { throw new RuntimeException(); } previous.setNext(this); this.setPrevious(previous); if (previous.isDualSub()) { previous.getParentPoint().setNext(this); } this.setNext(next); if (offsetCP == null) { next.setPrevious(this); } else { next.setPrevious(offsetCP); offsetCP.setNext(next); offsetCP.setPrevious(previous); } if (next.isDualInline()) { next.getDualSub().setPrevious(this); } } else if (previousPrevious != null && previousPrevious == next) { // control point were given in reverse order if (next.isDualInline()) throw new RuntimeException(); if (previous.isDualSub()) throw new RuntimeException(); this.setNext(previous); if (offsetCP == null) { previous.setNext(this); } else { previous.setPrevious(offsetCP); offsetCP.setNext(previous); offsetCP.setPrevious(next); } if (previous.isDualInline()) { previous.getDualSub().setPrevious(this); } this.setPrevious(next); next.setNext(this); if (next.isDualSub()) { next.getParentPoint().setNext(this); } } else { throw new RuntimeException(); } PipingRules.validate(piperun); } public void insert(PipeControlPoint pcp, Direction direction) { if (isDualSub()) throw new RuntimeException(); if (direction == Direction.NEXT) { // if direction is next, user must have given OffsetPoint if (pcp.isDualInline()) throw new RuntimeException(); // basic next/prev links pcp.setNext(this); this.setPrevious(pcp); // and last take care of sizechange / offset points if (pcp.isDualSub()) { pcp.getParentPoint().setNext(this); } if (isDualInline()) { getDualSub().setPrevious(this); } } else { // if direction is previous, user must have given sizechange if (pcp.isDualSub()) throw new RuntimeException(); // previous direction is more complicated, since if newCP is SizeChangeControlPoint, // we must link pcp to newCP's OffsetPoint PipeControlPoint nocp = null; if (isDualInline()) { nocp = getDualSub(); nocp.setNext(pcp); } if (nocp == null) { pcp.setPrevious(this); } else { pcp.setPrevious(nocp); } this.setNext(pcp); if (pcp.isDualInline()) { PipeControlPoint ocp = pcp.getDualSub(); if (nocp == null) ocp.setPrevious(this); else ocp.setPrevious(nocp); } } PipingRules.validate(getPipeRun()); } public Vector3d getDirectedControlPointDirection() { assert (isDirected()); Vector3d dir = new Vector3d(); MathTools.rotate(getWorldOrientation(), new Vector3d(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), dir); dir.normalize(); return dir; } /** * Returns direction vector. * * For directed control points, always returns outwards pointing vector. * * @param direction * @return normalized vector, or null */ public Vector3d getDirection(Direction direction) { if (isDirected()) return getDirectedControlPointDirection(); if (isTurn() && asFixedAngle()) { if (direction == Direction.NEXT) { if (previous != null) { PipeControlPoint pcp = this; Vector3d dir = new Vector3d(); dir.sub(pcp.getWorldPosition(),previous.getWorldPosition()); if (dir.lengthSquared() > MathTools.NEAR_ZERO) dir.normalize(); else return null; Quat4d q = getControlPointOrientationQuat(dir, pcp.getRotationAngle() != null ? pcp.getRotationAngle() : 0.0); AxisAngle4d aa = new AxisAngle4d(MathTools.Y_AXIS,pcp.getTurnAngle() == null ? 0.0 : pcp.getTurnAngle()); Quat4d q2 = MathTools.getQuat(aa); Vector3d v = new Vector3d(1.,0.,0.); Vector3d offset = new Vector3d(); MathTools.rotate(q2, v, offset); MathTools.rotate(q, offset, dir); dir.normalize(); return dir; } } else { if (next != null) { PipeControlPoint pcp = this; Vector3d dir = new Vector3d(); dir.sub(next.getWorldPosition(),pcp.getWorldPosition()); if (dir.lengthSquared() > MathTools.NEAR_ZERO) dir.normalize(); else return null; Quat4d q = getControlPointOrientationQuat(dir, pcp.getRotationAngle() != null ? pcp.getRotationAngle() : 0.0); AxisAngle4d aa = new AxisAngle4d(MathTools.Y_AXIS,pcp.getTurnAngle() == null ? 0.0 : pcp.getTurnAngle()); Quat4d q2 = MathTools.getQuat(aa); Vector3d v = new Vector3d(1.,0.,0.); Vector3d offset = new Vector3d(); MathTools.rotate(q2, v, offset); MathTools.rotate(q, offset, dir); dir.normalize(); return dir; } } } return null; } /** * Returns path leg direction of the control point. * * This method differs from getDirection by also returning inward pointing vectors for directed control points. * * @param direction * @return */ public Vector3d getPathLegDirection(Direction direction) { if (direction == Direction.NEXT) { if (next != null) { PipeControlPoint pcp = this; if (pcp.isDualInline()) { pcp = pcp.getDualSub(); } Vector3d v = new Vector3d(); v.sub(next.getWorldPosition(),pcp.getWorldPosition()); if (v.lengthSquared() > MathTools.NEAR_ZERO) v.normalize(); else return null; return v; } else { if (previous == null) { if (!isDirected()) throw new RuntimeException("Cannot calculate path leg direction for unconnected control point " + this); return getDirectedControlPointDirection(); } else { if (isVariableAngle() && !asFixedAngle()) throw new RuntimeException("Cannot calculate path leg direction for unconnected variable angle control point " + this); if (isInline()) { PipeControlPoint pcp = this; if (pcp.isDualSub()) { pcp = pcp.getParentPoint(); } Vector3d v = new Vector3d(); v.sub(pcp.getWorldPosition(),previous.getWorldPosition()); if (v.lengthSquared() > MathTools.NEAR_ZERO) v.normalize(); else return null; return v; } else if (isDirected()) { return getDirectedControlPointDirection(); } else if (isEnd()) { Vector3d v = new Vector3d(); v.sub(getWorldPosition(),previous.getWorldPosition()); if (v.lengthSquared() > MathTools.NEAR_ZERO) v.normalize(); else return null; return v; } else if (isTurn() && asFixedAngle() && !_getReversed()) { return getDirection(Direction.NEXT); } throw new RuntimeException("Missing implementation " + this); } } } else { if (previous != null) { PipeControlPoint pcp = this; if (isDualSub()) pcp = getParentPoint(); Vector3d v = new Vector3d(); v.sub(previous.getWorldPosition(),pcp.getWorldPosition()); if (v.lengthSquared() > MathTools.NEAR_ZERO) v.normalize(); else return null; return v; } else { if (next == null) { if (!isDirected()) throw new RuntimeException("Cannot calculate path leg direction for unconnected control point " + this); Vector3d v = getDirectedControlPointDirection(); v.negate(); return v; } else { if (isVariableAngle() && !asFixedAngle()) throw new RuntimeException("Cannot calculate path leg direction for unconnected variable angle control point " + this); if (isInline()) { PipeControlPoint pcp = this; if (pcp.isDualInline()) { pcp = pcp.getDualSub(); } Vector3d v = new Vector3d(); v.sub(pcp.getWorldPosition(),next.getWorldPosition()); if (v.lengthSquared() > MathTools.NEAR_ZERO) v.normalize(); else return null; return v; } else if (isDirected()) { Vector3d v = getDirectedControlPointDirection(); v.negate(); return v; } else if (isEnd()) { Vector3d v = new Vector3d(); v.sub(getWorldPosition(),next.getWorldPosition()); if (v.lengthSquared() > MathTools.NEAR_ZERO) v.normalize(); else return null; return v; } else if (isTurn() && asFixedAngle() && _getReversed()) { return getDirection(Direction.PREVIOUS); } throw new RuntimeException("Missing implementation " + this); } } } } public void getInlineControlPointEnds(Tuple3d p1, Tuple3d p2) { assert (isInline()); PipeControlPoint sub = isAxial() ? this : getDualSub(); Vector3d pos = getWorldPosition(), pos2 = sub == this ? pos : sub.getWorldPosition(); Vector3d dir = sub.getInlineDir(); dir.scale(length * 0.5); p1.set(pos); p2.set(pos2); p1.sub(dir); p2.add(dir); } public void getControlPointEnds(Tuple3d p1, Tuple3d p2) { PipeControlPoint sub = isAxial() || isDirected() || isTurn() ? this : getChildPoints().get(0); Vector3d pos = getWorldPosition(), pos2 = sub == this ? pos : sub.getWorldPosition(); Vector3d dir1; Vector3d dir2; if (isInline()) { dir2 = getInlineDir(); dir2.scale(length * 0.5); dir1 = new Vector3d(dir2); dir1.negate(); } else { dir1 = getPathLegDirection(Direction.PREVIOUS); dir2 = sub.getPathLegDirection(Direction.NEXT); dir1.scale(length); dir2.scale(length); } p1.set(pos); p2.set(pos2); p1.add(dir1); p2.add(dir2); } /** * Get both path leg directions, with (0,0,0) if no connection exists. The returned vectors are not normalized. * * @param v1 Set to the direction towards the previous control point on output * @param v2 Set to the direction towards the next control point on output */ public void getEndDirections(Tuple3d v1, Tuple3d v2) { PipeControlPoint sub = isAxial() ? this : getDualSub(); Vector3d dir1 = getPathLegDirection(Direction.PREVIOUS); Vector3d dir2 = sub.getPathLegDirection(Direction.NEXT); if (dir1 != null) v1.set(dir1); else v1.set(0,0,0); if (dir2 != null) v2.set(dir2); else v2.set(0,0,0); } public void getInlineControlPointEnds(Tuple3d p1, Tuple3d p2, Vector3d dir) { assert (isInline()); Vector3d pos = getWorldPosition(); dir.set(getInlineDir()); dir.normalize(); dir.scale(length * 0.5); p1.set(pos); p2.set(pos); p1.sub(dir); p2.add(dir); } public void getInlineControlPointEnds(Tuple3d center, Tuple3d p1, Tuple3d p2, Vector3d dir) { assert (isInline()); Vector3d pos = getWorldPosition(); center.set(pos); dir.set(getInlineDir()); dir.normalize(); dir.scale(length * 0.5); p1.set(pos); p2.set(pos); p1.sub(dir); p2.add(dir); } public Vector3d getInlineDir() { Vector3d dir = getPathLegDirection(Direction.NEXT); if (dir == null) { dir = getPathLegDirection(Direction.PREVIOUS); if (dir != null) { // Use reverse direction dir.scale(-1.0); } else { // Control point is not connected at all, use current orientation dir = new Vector3d(1,0,0); MathTools.rotate(getWorldOrientation(), dir, dir); } } return dir; } public double getInlineLength() { if (type == PointType.TURN) return length; else if (type == PointType.INLINE) return length * 0.5; return 0; } /** * Return the position indicated by the argument. If the indicated direction is not connected, the * control point's wolrd position is returned instead. * * @param type A selector for the position to be returned * @return The selected position */ public Vector3d getRealPosition(PositionType type) { Vector3d pos = getWorldPosition(); switch (type) { case NEXT: { double length = getInlineLength(); Vector3d dir; if (isInline()) { dir = getInlineDir(); } else { dir = getPathLegDirection(Direction.NEXT); } dir.scale(length); pos.add(dir); break; } case PREVIOUS: { double length = getInlineLength(); Vector3d dir; if (isInline()) { dir = getInlineDir(); dir.negate(); } else { dir = getPathLegDirection(Direction.PREVIOUS); } dir.scale(length); pos.add(dir); break; } case PORT: // IEntity portDir = pcp.getSingleRelatedObject(ProcessResource.plant3Dresource.HasDirection); // TODO : how we calculated needed space for a port; does it has an offset from control point's position or not? break; case SPLIT: // do nothing break; } return pos; } public void getInlineMovement(Tuple3d start, Tuple3d end) { // FIXME : check type of neighbor components and allow movement on top of variable length components, // find proper range for movement (pcp's position is not) PipeControlPoint p = previous.getPrevious(); PipeControlPoint n = next.getNext(); start.set(p.getWorldPosition()); end.set(n.getWorldPosition()); } public PipeControlPoint findNextEnd() { ArrayList t = new ArrayList(); return findNextEnd( t); } public PipeControlPoint findPreviousEnd() { ArrayList t = new ArrayList(); return findPreviousEnd(t); } public PipeControlPoint findNextEnd(List nextList) { while (true) { PipeControlPoint pcp = null; PipeControlPoint p = null; if (nextList.size() == 0) p = this; else p = nextList.get(nextList.size() - 1); pcp = p.getNext(); if (pcp == null) { pcp = p; if (nextList.size() > 0) nextList.remove(nextList.size() - 1); // if (DEBUG) System.out.println(" " + pcp.getResource() + " not full"); return pcp; //break; } if (pcp.isPathLegEnd()) { //if (DEBUG) System.out.println(" " + pcp.getResource()); return pcp; } else { nextList.add(pcp); // if (DEBUG) System.out.print(" " + pcp.getResource()); } } } public PipeControlPoint findPreviousEnd(List prevList) { while (true) { PipeControlPoint pcp = null; PipeControlPoint p = null; if (prevList.size() == 0) p = this; else p = prevList.get(prevList.size() - 1); pcp = p.getPrevious(); if (pcp == null) { pcp = p; if (prevList.size() > 0) prevList.remove(prevList.size() - 1); // if (DEBUG) System.out.println(" " + pcp.getResource() + " not full"); return pcp; } if (pcp.isPathLegEnd()) { // if (DEBUG) System.out.println(" " + pcp.getResource()); return pcp; } else { prevList.add(pcp); // if (DEBUG)System.out.print(" " + pcp.getResource()); } } } public void _remove() { _remove(true); } public PipeControlPoint getDualSub() { if (isDualInline()) return getChildPoints().get(0); else throw new IllegalStateException("Current control point is not dual inline"); } public void _remove(boolean renconnect) { if (disposed) return; if (DEBUG) System.out.println(this + " Remove " + renconnect); if (getParentPoint() != null) { getParentPoint()._remove(renconnect); return; } PipeRun pipeRun = getPipeRun(); // PipeRUn removal has been changed, so pipeRun may be null. // if (pipeRun == null) // return; PipeControlPoint additionalRemove = null; if (!PipingRules.isEnabled()) { component = null; setPrevious(null); setNext(null); } else { PipeControlPoint currentPrev = previous; PipeControlPoint currentNext = next; if (currentNext == null && currentPrev == null) { removeComponent(); if (pipeRun != null) { pipeRun.remChild(this); checkRemove(pipeRun); } return; } if (currentNext != null && currentPrev != null) { boolean link = renconnect; if (currentNext.isBranchEnd()) { link = false; currentNext.remove(); currentNext = null; setNext(null); } if (currentPrev.isBranchEnd()) { link = false; currentPrev.remove(); currentPrev = null; setPrevious(null); } if (link) { if (currentPrev.isDirected() && currentNext.isDirected()) link = false; else if (this.isDualSub()) { throw new RuntimeException("_remove() is called for parent point, somehow got to child point. " + this); } } if (currentNext == null) { // Nothing to do } else if (currentNext.isDualInline()) { PipeControlPoint sccp = currentNext; PipeControlPoint ocp = currentNext.getDualSub(); if (ocp == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Removing PipeControlPoint " + this+ " structure damaged, no offset control point"); } if (link) { sccp.setPrevious(currentPrev); //ocp.setPrevious(currentPrev); assert(ocp.getPrevious() == currentPrev); } else { sccp.setPrevious(null); //ocp.setPrevious(null); assert(ocp.getPrevious() == null); } setNext(null); } else if (currentNext.isDualSub()) { throw new RuntimeException("Removing PipeControlPoint " + this + " structure damaged, next control point is offset control point"); } else if (currentNext.previous == this) { if (link) { currentNext.setPrevious(currentPrev); } else { currentNext.setPrevious(null); } setNext(null); } else if (isDualInline()) { if (currentNext.previous != getDualSub()) { throw new RuntimeException("Removing PipeControlPoint "+ this+ " structure damaged"); } if (link) { currentNext.setPrevious(currentPrev); } else { currentNext.setPrevious(null); } setNext(null); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Removing PipeControlPoint "+ this+ " structure damaged"); } if (currentPrev == null) { // Nothing to do } else if (currentPrev.isDualInline()) { throw new RuntimeException("Removing PipeControlPoint " + this + " structure damaged, previous control point is size change control point"); } else if (currentPrev.isDualSub()) { PipeControlPoint ocp = currentPrev; PipeControlPoint sccp = currentPrev.getParentPoint(); if (sccp == null) throw new RuntimeException("Removing PipeControlPoint " + this + " structure damaged, no size change control point"); if (link) { //ocp.setNext(currentNext); sccp.setNext(currentNext); assert(ocp.getNext() == currentNext); } else { //ocp.setNext(null); sccp.setNext(null); assert(ocp.getNext() == null); } setPrevious(null); } else if ( == this) { if (link) currentPrev.setNext(currentNext); else currentPrev.setNext(null); setPrevious(null); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Removing PipeControlPoint " + this + " structure damaged"); } if (link) { if (currentNext.isVariableLength() && currentPrev.isVariableLength()) { // we have to join them into single variable length component. additionalRemove = currentPrev; // combine lengths and set the location of remaining control point to the center. Point3d ps = new Point3d(); Point3d pe = new Point3d(); Point3d ns = new Point3d(); Point3d ne = new Point3d(); currentPrev.getInlineControlPointEnds(ps, pe); currentNext.getInlineControlPointEnds(ns, ne); double l = currentPrev.getLength() + currentNext.getLength(); Vector3d cp = new Vector3d(); cp.add(ps, ne); cp.scale(0.5); currentNext.setLength(l); currentNext.setWorldPosition(cp); } } else { // FIXME : pipe run must be split into two parts, since the control point structure is no more continuous. } } else if (currentNext != null) { if (currentNext.isDualInline()) { PipeControlPoint sccp = currentNext; PipeControlPoint ocp = currentNext.getDualSub(); if (ocp == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Removing PipeControlPoint " + this+ " structure damaged, no offset control point"); } sccp.setPrevious(null); assert(ocp.getPrevious() == null); //ocp.setPrevious(null); } else if (currentNext.isDualSub()) { throw new RuntimeException("Removing PipeControlPoint " + this + " structure damaged, next control point is offset control point"); } else if (currentNext.previous == this) { currentNext.setPrevious(null); } else if (isDualInline()) { if (currentNext.previous != getDualSub()) { throw new RuntimeException("Removing PipeControlPoint "+ this+ " structure damaged"); } currentNext.setPrevious(null); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Removing PipeControlPoint "+ this+ " structure damaged"); } setNext(null); } else { //(previous != null) if(currentPrev.isDualInline()) { throw new RuntimeException("Removing PipeControlPoint " + this + " structure damaged, previous control point is size change control point"); } else if (currentPrev.isDualSub()) { PipeControlPoint ocp = currentPrev; PipeControlPoint sccp = currentPrev.getParentPoint(); if (sccp == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Removing PipeControlPoint " + this + " structure damaged, no size change control point"); } sccp.setNext(null); assert(ocp.getNext() == null); } else if ( == this) { currentPrev.setNext(null); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Removing PipeControlPoint "+ this+ " structure damaged"); } setPrevious(null); } if (children.size() > 0 ) { removeSubPoints(); } else if (parent!= null) { removeParentPoint(); } } removeComponent(); if (pipeRun != null) { pipeRun.remChild(this); checkRemove(pipeRun); if (PipingRules.isEnabled() && pipeRun.getParent() != null && pipeRun.getControlPoints().size() > 0) PipingRules.validate(pipeRun); } if (additionalRemove != null) additionalRemove.remove(); disposed = true; } /** * Removes control point and attempts to reconnect next/prev * * If this point is size change (PipeRuns are different on both sides), then reconnection cannot be made. */ public void remove() { PipeControlPoint currentPrev = previous; PipeControlPoint currentNext = next; _remove(); try { if (currentNext != null) if (!currentNext.checkRemove()) PipingRules.requestUpdate(currentNext); if (currentPrev != null) if (!currentPrev.checkRemove()) PipingRules.requestUpdate(currentPrev); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Removes control point without attempting to reconnect next/prev. * This usually leads to creation of another PipeRun for the control points after this point. */ public void removeAndSplit() { PipeControlPoint currentPrev = previous; PipeControlPoint currentNext = next; if (next != null && previous != null) { P3DRootNode root = (P3DRootNode)getPipelineComponent().getRootNode(); PipeRun nextPipeRun = new PipeRun(); nextPipeRun.setName(root.getUniqueName("PipeRun")); root.addChild(nextPipeRun); PipeRun previousRun = previous.getPipeRun(); nextPipeRun.setPipeDiameter(previousRun.getPipeDiameter()); nextPipeRun.setPipeThickness(previousRun.getPipeThickness()); nextPipeRun.setTurnRadiusArray(previousRun.getTurnRadiusArray()); PipelineComponent n = next.getPipelineComponent(); while (n != null) { if (n.getPipeRun() != previousRun) break; if (! (n instanceof Nozzle)) { n.deattach(); nextPipeRun.addChild(n); } else n.setPipeRun(nextPipeRun); n = n.getNext(); } } _remove(false); try { if (currentNext != null) if (!currentNext.checkRemove()) PipingRules.requestUpdate(currentNext); if (currentPrev != null) if (!currentPrev.checkRemove()) PipingRules.requestUpdate(currentPrev); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * This is called when adjacent control point is removed. * * This call should remove the give point, if the point cannot exist alone. * At the moment there is one such case: branch. * * @return */ protected boolean checkRemove() { if (getParentPoint() != null) { return getParentPoint().checkRemove(); } else { if (getPipelineComponent() == null) return true; // already removed if (getPipelineComponent().getType().equals("Plant3D.URIs.Builtin_BranchSplitComponent")) { if (getChildPoints().get(0).getNext() == null && getChildPoints().get(0).getPrevious() == null) { remove(); return true; } } return checkRemove(getPipeRun()); } } private boolean checkRemove(PipeRun pipeRun) { if (pipeRun == null) return false; Collection points = pipeRun.getControlPoints(); if (points.size() == 0) { pipeRun.remove(); return true; } else if (points.size() == 1) { PipeControlPoint pcp = points.iterator().next(); if (pcp.isDeletable() && pcp.getNext() == null && pcp.getPrevious() == null) { pcp._remove(); // This call will recursively call also this method... return true; } } else if (points.size() == 2) { } return false; } private void removeSubPoints() { for (PipeControlPoint p : children) { p.parent = null; p.component = null; //p._remove(); PipeControlPoint currentNext = p.getNext(); PipeControlPoint currentPrev = p.getPrevious(); p._setNext(null); p._setPrevious(null); PipeRun run = p.getPipeRun(); if (run != null) { run.remChild(p); checkRemove(run); } if (currentNext != null) if (!currentNext.checkRemove()) PipingRules.requestUpdate(currentNext); if (currentPrev != null) if (!currentPrev.checkRemove()) PipingRules.requestUpdate(currentPrev); } children.clear(); } private void removeParentPoint() { throw new RuntimeException("Child points cannot be removed directly"); } public boolean isRemoved() { return component == null; } private void removeComponent() { if (component == null) return; PipelineComponent next = component.getNext(); PipelineComponent prev = component.getPrevious(); PipelineComponent br0 = component.getBranch0(); component.setNext(null); component.setPrevious(null); component.setBranch0(null); if (next != null) { if (next.getNext() == component) next.setNext(null); else if (next.getPrevious() == component) next.setPrevious(null); else if (next.getBranch0() == component) next.setBranch0(null); } if (prev != null) { if (prev.getNext() == component) prev.setNext(null); else if (prev.getPrevious() == component) prev.setPrevious(null); else if (prev.getBranch0() == component) prev.setBranch0(null); } if (br0 != null) { if (br0.getNext() == component) br0.setNext(null); else if (br0.getPrevious() == component) br0.setPrevious(null); else if (br0.getBranch0() == component) br0.setBranch0(null); } PipelineComponent comp = component; component = null; comp.remove(); } @Override public void setOrientation(Quat4d orientation) { if (MathTools.equals(orientation, getOrientation())) return; if (getPipelineComponent() != null && (getPipelineComponent() instanceof Nozzle)) System.out.println(); super.setOrientation(orientation); if (getParentPoint() == null && component != null) component._setWorldOrientation(getWorldOrientation()); updateSubPoint(); } @Override public void setPosition(Vector3d position) { if (MathTools.equals(position, getPosition())) return; if (Double.isNaN(position.x) || Double.isNaN(position.y) || Double.isNaN(position.z)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("NaN is not supported"); super.setPosition(position); if (getParentPoint() == null && component != null) component._setWorldPosition(getWorldPosition()); updateSubPoint(); } private void updateSubPoint() { if (isOffset()) { if (next == null && previous == null) { for (PipeControlPoint sub : getChildPoints()) { sub.setWorldPosition(getWorldPosition()); sub.setWorldOrientation(getWorldOrientation()); } return; } for (PipeControlPoint sub : getChildPoints()) { Vector3d wp = getWorldPosition(); wp.add(getSizeChangeOffsetVector()); sub.setWorldPosition(wp); sub.setWorldOrientation(getWorldOrientation()); } } else { for (PipeControlPoint sub : getChildPoints()) { sub.setWorldPosition(getWorldPosition()); sub.setWorldOrientation(getWorldOrientation()); } } } public void _setWorldPosition(Vector3d position) { Vector3d localPos = getLocalPosition(position); super.setPosition(localPos); updateSubPoint(); } public void _setWorldOrientation(Quat4d orientation) { Quat4d localOr = getLocalOrientation(orientation); super.setOrientation(localOr); updateSubPoint(); } @Override public String toString() { return getClass().getName() + "@" + Integer.toHexString(hashCode()); } }