package org.simantics.plant3d.scenegraph.controlpoint; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.vecmath.Point3d; import javax.vecmath.Quat4d; import javax.vecmath.Vector3d; import org.simantics.g3d.math.MathTools; import org.simantics.plant3d.scenegraph.InlineComponent; import org.simantics.plant3d.scenegraph.Nozzle; import org.simantics.plant3d.scenegraph.P3DRootNode; import org.simantics.plant3d.scenegraph.PipeRun; import org.simantics.plant3d.scenegraph.PipelineComponent; import org.simantics.plant3d.scenegraph.TurnComponent; import org.simantics.plant3d.scenegraph.controlpoint.PipeControlPoint.Direction; import org.simantics.plant3d.utils.ComponentUtils; import org.simantics.utils.ui.ErrorLogger; public class PipingRules { private static final boolean DEBUG = false; private static final boolean DUMMY = false; private static double MIN_TURN_ANGLE = 0.001; // Threshold for removing turn components. private static double ALLOWED_OFFSET = 0.001; // Allowed offset for directed path legs private static final int REMOVE_NONE = 0; private static final int REMOVE_START = 1; private static final int REMOVE_END = 2; private static final int REMOVE_BOTH = 3; private enum PathLegUpdateType { NONE, PREV, NEXT, PREV_S, NEXT_S }; private static boolean enabled = true; private static boolean updating = false; private static boolean allowInsertRemove = true; private static boolean triedIR = false; private static List updates = new ArrayList(); private static Object mutex = new Object(); public static void requestUpdate(PipeControlPoint pcp) { if (DEBUG) System.out.println("PipingRules request " + pcp); synchronized (mutex) { if (!updates.contains(pcp)) updates.add(pcp); } } public static synchronized boolean update() throws Exception { if (updates.size() == 0) return false; List temp = new ArrayList(updates.size()); synchronized(mutex) { temp.addAll(updates); updates.clear(); } for (PipeControlPoint pcp : temp) positionUpdate(pcp); return true; } public static boolean positionUpdate(PipeControlPoint pcp) throws Exception { return positionUpdate(pcp, true); } public static boolean positionUpdate(PipeControlPoint pcp, boolean allowIR) throws Exception { if (updating || !enabled) return true; if (pcp.getPipeRun() == null) return false; try { if (DEBUG) System.out.println("PipingRules " + pcp); updating = true; allowInsertRemove = allowIR; triedIR = false; validate(pcp.getPipeRun()); if (pcp.isPathLegEnd()) { updatePathLegEndControlPoint(pcp); // FIXME: Rules won't work properly, if they are not run twice. updatePathLegEndControlPoint(pcp); } else { updateInlineControlPoint(pcp); updateInlineControlPoint(pcp); } validate(pcp.getPipeRun()); if (!allowInsertRemove) return !triedIR; return true; } finally { updating = false; // System.out.println("PipingRules done " + pcp); } } public static void setEnabled(boolean enabled) { PipingRules.enabled = enabled; if(!enabled) updates.clear(); } public static boolean isEnabled() { return enabled; } // private void commit() { // root.getNodeMap().commit(); // } public static class ExpandIterInfo { // these two are turn control points private PipeControlPoint start; private PipeControlPoint end; private int type; public ExpandIterInfo() { } public ExpandIterInfo(PipeControlPoint tcp, int type) { if (type == REMOVE_START) start = tcp; else end = tcp; this.type = type; } public ExpandIterInfo(PipeControlPoint start, PipeControlPoint end) { this.start = start; this.end = end; this.type = REMOVE_BOTH; } public PipeControlPoint getEnd() { return end; } public void setEnd(PipeControlPoint end) { this.end = end; } public PipeControlPoint getStart() { return start; } public void setStart(PipeControlPoint start) { this.start = start; } public int getType() { return type; } public void setType(int type) { this.type = type; } } private static void updatePathLegEndControlPoint(PipeControlPoint pcp) throws Exception { if (DEBUG) System.out.println("PipingRules.updatePathLegEndControlPoint() " + pcp); if (pcp.getNext() != null) { updatePathLegNext(pcp, pcp, PathLegUpdateType.NEXT_S); } if (pcp.getPrevious() != null) { updatePathLegPrev(pcp, pcp, PathLegUpdateType.PREV_S); } } private static void updateInlineControlPoint(PipeControlPoint pcp) throws Exception { if (DEBUG) System.out.println("PipingRules.updateInlineControlPoint() " + pcp); PipeControlPoint start = pcp.findPreviousEnd(); updatePathLegNext(start, pcp, PathLegUpdateType.NONE); } private static PipeControlPoint insertElbow(PipeControlPoint pcp1, PipeControlPoint pcp2, Vector3d pos) throws Exception{ if (DEBUG) System.out.println("PipingRules.insertElbow() " + pcp1 + " " + pcp2 + " " + pos); if (pcp1.getNext() == pcp2 && pcp2.getPrevious() == pcp1) { } else if (pcp1.getNext() == pcp2 && pcp1.isDualInline() && pcp2.getPrevious() == pcp1.getSubPoint().get(0)) { pcp1 = pcp1.getSubPoint().get(0); } else if (pcp1.getPrevious() == pcp2 && pcp2.getNext() == pcp1) { PipeControlPoint t = pcp1; pcp1 = pcp2; pcp2 = t; } else if (pcp2.isDualInline() && pcp1.getPrevious() == pcp2.getSubPoint().get(0) && pcp2.getNext() == pcp1) { PipeControlPoint t = pcp1; pcp1 = pcp2.getSubPoint().get(0); pcp2 = t; } else { throw new RuntimeException(); } TurnComponent elbow = ComponentUtils.createTurn((P3DRootNode)pcp1.getRootNode()); PipeControlPoint pcp = elbow.getControlPoint(); if (pcp1.isDualInline()) pcp1 = pcp1.getSubPoint().get(0); String name = pcp1.getPipeRun().getUniqueName("Elbow"); elbow.setName(name); pcp1.getPipeRun().addChild(elbow); pcp.insert(pcp1, pcp2); pcp.setWorldPosition(pos); validate(pcp.getPipeRun()); return pcp; } private static PipeControlPoint insertStraight(PipeControlPoint pcp1, PipeControlPoint pcp2, Vector3d pos, double length) throws Exception { if (DEBUG) System.out.println("PipingRules.insertStraight() " + pcp1 + " " + pcp2 + " " + pos); if (pcp1.getNext() == pcp2 && pcp2.getPrevious() == pcp1) { } else if (pcp1.getNext() == pcp2 && pcp1.isDualInline() && pcp2.getPrevious() == pcp1.getSubPoint().get(0)) { pcp1 = pcp1.getSubPoint().get(0); } else if (pcp1.getPrevious() == pcp2 && pcp2.getNext() == pcp1) { PipeControlPoint t = pcp1; pcp1 = pcp2; pcp2 = t; } else if (pcp2.isDualInline() && pcp1.getPrevious() == pcp2.getSubPoint().get(0) && pcp2.getNext() == pcp1) { PipeControlPoint t = pcp1; pcp1 = pcp2.getSubPoint().get(0); pcp2 = t; } else { throw new RuntimeException(); } InlineComponent component = ComponentUtils.createStraight((P3DRootNode)pcp1.getRootNode()); PipeControlPoint scp = component.getControlPoint(); if (pcp1.isDualInline()) pcp1 = pcp1.getSubPoint().get(0); String name = pcp1.getPipeRun().getUniqueName("Pipe"); component.setName(name); pcp1.getPipeRun().addChild(component); scp.insert(pcp1, pcp2); scp.setWorldPosition(pos); scp.setLength(length); validate(scp.getPipeRun()); return scp; } private static PipeControlPoint insertStraight(PipeControlPoint pcp, Direction direction , Vector3d pos, double length) throws Exception { if (DEBUG) System.out.println("PipingRules.insertStraight() " + pcp + " " + direction + " " + pos); InlineComponent component = ComponentUtils.createStraight((P3DRootNode)pcp.getRootNode()); PipeControlPoint scp = component.getControlPoint(); if (pcp.isDualInline() && direction == Direction.NEXT) pcp = pcp.getSubPoint().get(0); String name = pcp.getPipeRun().getUniqueName("Pipe"); component.setName(name); pcp.getPipeRun().addChild(component); scp.insert(pcp,direction); scp.setWorldPosition(pos); scp.setLength(length); validate(scp.getPipeRun()); return scp; } private static void updatePathLegNext(PipeControlPoint start, PipeControlPoint updated, PathLegUpdateType lengthChange) throws Exception { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); PipeControlPoint end = start.findNextEnd(list); // this is for inline cp that is also path leg end if (lengthChange == PathLegUpdateType.NONE) { if (start.equals(updated)) lengthChange = PathLegUpdateType.NEXT; else if (end.equals(updated)) lengthChange = PathLegUpdateType.PREV; } updatePathLegNext(start, list, end, updated, lengthChange); } private static void updatePathLegNext(PipeControlPoint start, ArrayList list, PipeControlPoint end, PipeControlPoint updated, PathLegUpdateType lengthChange) throws Exception { updatePathLeg(start, list, end, false, 0, new ArrayList(), updated, lengthChange); } private static void updatePathLegPrev(PipeControlPoint start, PipeControlPoint updated, PathLegUpdateType lengthChange) throws Exception { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); PipeControlPoint end = start.findPreviousEnd(list); // TODO: this method is not symmetric with updatePathLegNext, which may alter lengthChange parameter? updatePathLegPrev(start, list, end, updated, lengthChange); } private static void updatePathLegPrev(PipeControlPoint start, ArrayList list, PipeControlPoint end, PipeControlPoint updated, PathLegUpdateType lengthChange) throws Exception { // reverses the list ArrayList nextList = new ArrayList(); for (PipeControlPoint icp : list) { if (icp.isDualSub()) { nextList.add(0, icp.getParentPoint()); } else { nextList.add(0, icp); } } updatePathLeg(end, nextList, start, true, 0, new ArrayList(), updated, lengthChange); } private static class UpdateStruct2 { public PipeControlPoint start; public Vector3d startPoint; public ArrayList list; public PipeControlPoint end; public Vector3d endPoint; public Vector3d dir; public Vector3d offset; public boolean hasOffsets; public int iter; public boolean reversed; public ArrayList toRemove; public PipeControlPoint updated; public UpdateStruct2(PipeControlPoint start, Vector3d startPoint, ArrayList list, PipeControlPoint end, Vector3d endPoint, Vector3d dir, Vector3d offset, boolean hasOffsets, int iter, boolean reversed, ArrayList toRemove, PipeControlPoint updated) { if (start == null || end == null) throw new NullPointerException(); this.start = start; this.startPoint = startPoint; this.list = list; this.end = end; this.endPoint = endPoint; this.dir = dir; this.offset = offset; this.hasOffsets = hasOffsets; this.iter = iter; this.reversed = reversed; this.toRemove = toRemove; this.updated = updated; if (!MathTools.isValid(startPoint) || !MathTools.isValid(endPoint) || !MathTools.isValid(dir)) { throw new RuntimeException(); } } public String toString() { return start + " " + end+ " " + dir + " " + hasOffsets + " " + offset + " " + iter + " " + toRemove.size(); } } private static boolean calculateOffset(Vector3d startPoint, Vector3d endPoint, ArrayList list, Vector3d dir, Vector3d offset) { boolean hasOffsets = false; List offsets = new ArrayList(list.size()); for (PipeControlPoint icp : list) { if (icp.isOffset()) { offsets.add(icp); } else if (icp.isDualSub()) ErrorLogger.defaultLogError("Updating pipe run, found offset controlpoint " + icp, new Exception("ASSERT!")); } if (offsets.size() == 0) { dir.set(endPoint); dir.sub(startPoint); double l = dir.lengthSquared(); if (l > MathTools.NEAR_ZERO) dir.scale(1.0/Math.sqrt(l)); offset.set(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); return false; } else { Vector3d sp = new Vector3d(startPoint); Point3d ep = new Point3d(endPoint); dir.set(ep); dir.sub(sp); double l = dir.lengthSquared(); if (l > MathTools.NEAR_ZERO) dir.scale(1.0/Math.sqrt(l)); int iter = 100; while (iter >= 0) { iter--; offset.set(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); for (PipeControlPoint icp : offsets) { Vector3d v = icp.getSizeChangeOffsetVector(dir); offset.add(v); } Point3d nep = new Point3d(endPoint); nep.sub(offset); if (nep.distance(ep) < 0.0000000001) { break; } ep = nep; dir.set(ep); dir.sub(sp); l = dir.lengthSquared(); if (l > MathTools.NEAR_ZERO) dir.scale(1.0/Math.sqrt(l)); } hasOffsets = true; } // for (PipeControlPoint icp : list) { // if (icp.isOffset()) { // icp.setOffset(((InlineComponent)icp.getPipelineComponent()).getOffset()); // hasOffsets = true; // Vector3d v = icp.getSizeChangeOffsetVector(dir); // offset.add(v); // } else if (icp.isDualSub()) // ErrorLogger.defaultLogError("Updating pipe run, found offset controlpoint " + icp, new Exception("ASSERT!")); // } if (DEBUG && hasOffsets) System.out.println("calcOffset s:"+ startPoint + " e:" + endPoint + " d:" + dir + " o:"+offset) ; return hasOffsets; } /** * @param start * starting point of the pipe run * @param list * list of inline control points in the pipe run * @param end * ending point of the pipe run * @param reversed * boolean flag indicating wether start or end control point was * modified (if true then end point was modified) * @throws TransactionException */ private static void updatePathLeg(PipeControlPoint start, ArrayList list, PipeControlPoint end, boolean reversed, int iter, ArrayList toRemove, PipeControlPoint updated, PathLegUpdateType lengthChange) throws Exception { if (start == end) return; // FIXME: direction is calculated wrong way! boolean hasOffsets = false; Vector3d offset = new Vector3d(); Vector3d startPoint = start.getWorldPosition(); Vector3d endPoint = end.getWorldPosition(); Vector3d dir = new Vector3d(); hasOffsets = calculateOffset(startPoint, endPoint, list, dir, offset); updatePathLeg(new UpdateStruct2(start, startPoint, list, end, endPoint, dir, offset, hasOffsets, iter, reversed, toRemove, updated), lengthChange); } private static void updatePathLeg(UpdateStruct2 u, PathLegUpdateType lengthChange) throws Exception { int directed = 0; if (u.start.isDirected()) directed++; if (u.end.isDirected()) directed++; switch (directed) { case 0: updateFreePathLeg(u, lengthChange); break; case 1: updateDirectedPathLeg(u, lengthChange); break; case 2: updateDualDirectedPathLeg(u, lengthChange); break; } } private static void updateFreePathLeg(UpdateStruct2 u, PathLegUpdateType lengthChange) throws Exception { if (DEBUG) System.out.println("PipingRules.updateFreePipeRun " + u + " " + lengthChange); checkExpandPathLeg(u, lengthChange); if (u.start.isInline() || u.end.isInline()) processPathLeg(u, true, false); } private static void updateInlineControlPoints(UpdateStruct2 u, boolean checkSizes) throws Exception{ if (DEBUG) System.out.println("PipingRules.updateInlineControlPoints() " + u); Vector3d start = new Vector3d(u.startPoint); Vector3d end = new Vector3d(u.endPoint); if (checkSizes) { // create offsets for leg ends. MathTools.mad(start, u.dir, u.start.getInlineLength()); MathTools.mad(end, u.dir, -u.end.getInlineLength()); } boolean recalcline = false; if (!u.hasOffsets) { for (PipeControlPoint icp : u.list) { updateInlineControlPoint(icp, start, end, u.dir); if (icp.isOffset()) { // TODO : offset vector is already calculated and should be cached Vector3d off = icp.getSizeChangeOffsetVector(u.dir); updateOffsetPoint(icp, off); } } if (!checkSizes) return; ArrayList pathLegPoints = new ArrayList(); pathLegPoints.add(u.start); for (PipeControlPoint icp : u.list) { // updateInlineControlPoint(icp, u.startPoint, // u.endPoint,u.dir); updateBranchControlPointBranches(icp); pathLegPoints.add(icp); } pathLegPoints.add(u.end); // TODO : values can be cached in the loop for (int i = 1; i < pathLegPoints.size(); i++) { PipeControlPoint icp = pathLegPoints.get(i); PipeControlPoint prev = pathLegPoints.get(i - 1); if (icp.isVariableLength()) { if (i != pathLegPoints.size() - 1) { PipeControlPoint next = pathLegPoints.get(i + 1); recalcline = recalcline | updateVariableLength(icp, prev, next); } else { // this is variable length component at the end of the // piperun. // the problem is that we want to keep unconnected end // of the component in the same // place, but center of the component must be moved. updateVariableLengthEnd(icp, prev); } } else if (!prev.isVariableLength()) { // If this and previous control point are not variable // length pcps, we'll have to check if there is no empty // space between them. // I there is, we'll have to create new variable length // component between them. recalcline = recalcline | possibleVaribleLengthInsert(icp, prev); } } } else { // with offset Vector3d sp = new Vector3d(start); Vector3d ep = new Vector3d(end); ep.sub(u.offset); ArrayList pathLegPoints = new ArrayList(); pathLegPoints.add(u.start); for (PipeControlPoint icp : u.list) { updateInlineControlPoint(icp, sp, ep, u.dir); updateBranchControlPointBranches(icp); pathLegPoints.add(icp); if (icp.isOffset()) { // TODO : offset vector is already calculated and should be // cached Vector3d offset = icp.getSizeChangeOffsetVector(u.dir); updateOffsetPoint(icp, offset); sp.add(offset); ep.add(offset); } } pathLegPoints.add(u.end); if (!checkSizes) return; sp = new Vector3d(u.startPoint); ep = new Vector3d(u.endPoint); ep.sub(u.offset); for (int i = 1; i < pathLegPoints.size(); i++) { PipeControlPoint icp = pathLegPoints.get(i); PipeControlPoint prev = pathLegPoints.get(i - 1); if (prev.isDualInline()) prev = prev.getSubPoint().get(0); if (icp.isVariableLength()) { if (i != pathLegPoints.size() - 1) { PipeControlPoint next; next = pathLegPoints.get(i + 1); recalcline = recalcline | updateVariableLength(icp, prev, next); } else { // this is variable length component at the end of the // piperun. // the problem is that we want to keep unconnected end // of the component in the same // place, but center of the component must be moved. updateVariableLengthEnd(icp, prev); } } else if (!prev.isVariableLength()) { // If this and previous control point are not variable // length pcps, we'll have to check if there is no empty // space between them. // I there is, we'll have to create new variable length // component between them. recalcline = recalcline | possibleVaribleLengthInsert(icp, prev); } if (icp.isOffset()) { // TODO : offset vector is already calculated and should be // cached Vector3d offset = icp.getSizeChangeOffsetVector(u.dir); sp.add(offset); ep.add(offset); } } } if (recalcline) { u.list.clear(); u.start.findNextEnd(u.list); } } private static boolean updateVariableLength(PipeControlPoint icp, PipeControlPoint prev, PipeControlPoint next) { Vector3d prevPos = prev.getWorldPosition(); Vector3d nextPos = next.getWorldPosition(); Vector3d dir = new Vector3d(nextPos); dir.sub(prevPos); double l = dir.lengthSquared(); // distance between // control points // (square) double l2prev = prev.getInlineLength(); // distance // taken // by // components double l2next = next.getInlineLength(); double l2 = l2prev + l2next; double l2s = MathTools.square(l2); if (l2s < l) { // check if there is enough space for // variable length component. // components fit dir.normalize(); double length = Math.sqrt(l) - l2; // true length of // the variable // length // component dir.scale(length * 0.5 + l2prev); // calculate // center // position of // the component dir.add(prevPos); icp.setWorldPosition(dir); icp.setLength(length); return false; } else { // components leave no space to the component and it // must be removed if (icp.isDeletable()) { if (DEBUG) System.out.println("PipingRules.updateVariableLength removing " + icp); icp._remove(); return true; } return false; } } private static boolean possibleVaribleLengthInsert(PipeControlPoint icp, PipeControlPoint prev) throws Exception{ Vector3d currentPos = icp.getWorldPosition(); Vector3d prevPos = prev.getWorldPosition(); Vector3d dir = new Vector3d(currentPos); dir.sub(prevPos); double l = dir.lengthSquared(); double l2prev = prev.getInlineLength(); double l2next = icp.getInlineLength(); double l2 = l2prev + l2next; double l2s = l2 * l2; if (l > l2s) { if (allowInsertRemove) { dir.normalize(); double length = Math.sqrt(l) - l2; // true length of the // variable length // component dir.scale(length * 0.5 + l2prev); // calculate center // position of the // component dir.add(prevPos); PipeControlPoint scp = insertStraight(prev, icp, dir, length); return true; } else { triedIR = true; } } return false; } private static void updateVariableLengthEnd(PipeControlPoint icp, PipeControlPoint prev) { double currentLength = icp.getLength(); Vector3d currentPos = icp.getWorldPosition(); Vector3d prevPos = prev.getWorldPosition(); Vector3d dir = new Vector3d(); dir.sub(currentPos, prevPos); if (currentLength < MathTools.NEAR_ZERO) { currentLength = (dir.length() - prev.getInlineLength()) * 2.0; } if (dir.lengthSquared() > MathTools.NEAR_ZERO) dir.normalize(); Point3d endPos = new Point3d(dir); endPos.scale(currentLength * 0.5); endPos.add(currentPos); // this is the free end of the // component double offset = prev.getInlineLength(); Point3d beginPos = new Point3d(dir); beginPos.scale(offset); beginPos.add(prevPos); // this is the connected end of // the component double l = beginPos.distance(endPos); if (Double.isNaN(l)) System.out.println("Length for " + icp + " is NaN"); dir.scale(l * 0.5); beginPos.add(dir); // center position if (DEBUG) System.out.println("PipingRules.updateInlineControlPoints() setting variable length to " + l); icp.setLength(l); icp.setWorldPosition(new Vector3d(beginPos)); } private static void ppNoOffset(UpdateStruct2 u) throws Exception { if (DEBUG) System.out.println("PipingRules.ppNoOffset() " + u); Vector3d offset = new Vector3d(); if (u.hasOffsets) { u.dir.normalize(); for (PipeControlPoint icp : u.list) { if (icp.isOffset()) { offset.add(icp.getSizeChangeOffsetVector(u.dir)); } else if (icp.isDualSub()) ErrorLogger.defaultLogError("Updating pipe run, found offset controlpoint " + icp, new Exception("ASSERT!")); } } u.offset = offset; checkExpandPathLeg(u, PathLegUpdateType.NONE); } private static void ppNoDir(PipeControlPoint start, Vector3d startPoint, ArrayList list, PipeControlPoint end, Vector3d endPoint, boolean hasOffsets, int iter, boolean reversed, ArrayList toRemove, PipeControlPoint updated) throws Exception { if (DEBUG) System.out.println("PipingRules.ppNoDir() " + start + " " + end + " " + iter + " " + toRemove.size()); // FIXME : extra loop (dir should be calculated here) Vector3d dir = new Vector3d(); Vector3d offset = new Vector3d(); hasOffsets = calculateOffset(startPoint, endPoint, list, dir, offset); ppNoOffset(new UpdateStruct2(start, startPoint, list, end, endPoint, dir, null, hasOffsets, iter, reversed, toRemove, updated)); } private static void checkExpandPathLeg(UpdateStruct2 u, PathLegUpdateType lengthChange) throws Exception { checkExpandPathLeg(u, lengthChange, u.updated.isInline() && u.updated.isOffset()); } private static void checkExpandPathLeg(UpdateStruct2 u, PathLegUpdateType lengthChange, boolean updateEnds) throws Exception { if (DEBUG) System.out.println("PipingRules.checkExpandPathLeg() " + u + " " + lengthChange); if (lengthChange != PathLegUpdateType.NONE) { // FIXME : turns cannot be checked before inline cps are updated, // since their position affects calculation of turns processPathLeg(u, updateEnds, false); int type = checkTurns(u, lengthChange); if (type == REMOVE_NONE) { processPathLeg(u, updateEnds, true); } else { expandPathLeg(u, type); } } else { processPathLeg(u, updateEnds, true); } } private static void updateDirectedPathLeg(UpdateStruct2 u, PathLegUpdateType lengthChange) throws Exception { if (DEBUG) System.out.println("PipingRules.updateDirectedPipeRun() " + u + " " + lengthChange); PipeControlPoint dcp; PipeControlPoint other; boolean canMoveOther = false; boolean dcpStart = false; boolean inlineEnd = false; Vector3d position; if (u.start.isDirected()) { dcp = u.start; other = u.end; position = u.startPoint; dcpStart = true; if (!u.reversed) canMoveOther = true; inlineEnd = u.end.isInline(); } else { dcp = u.end; other = u.start; position = u.endPoint; if (u.reversed) canMoveOther = true; inlineEnd = u.start.isInline(); } Vector3d directedDirection = dcp.getDirection(); Point3d directedEndPoint = new Point3d(u.endPoint); if (u.hasOffsets) directedEndPoint.add(u.offset); double mu[] = new double[2]; Vector3d closest; Vector3d t = new Vector3d(); if (dcpStart) { closest = MathTools.closestPointOnStraight(directedEndPoint, u.startPoint, directedDirection, mu); t.sub(closest, directedEndPoint); } else { closest = MathTools.closestPointOnStraight(u.startPoint, directedEndPoint, directedDirection, mu); t.sub(closest, u.startPoint); } double distance = t.length(); boolean aligned = (distance < ALLOWED_OFFSET); if (aligned) { checkExpandPathLeg(u, lengthChange, inlineEnd); } else { if (u.iter > 0) { backIter(u); } else { PipeControlPoint nextToMoved; if (u.list.size() > 0) if (dcpStart) nextToMoved = u.list.get(0); else nextToMoved = u.list.get(u.list.size() - 1); else if (dcpStart) nextToMoved = u.end; else nextToMoved = u.start; if (other.isVariableAngle()) { // TODO calculate needed space from next run end. if (mu[0] < 1.0) { if (dcpStart) { closest.set(u.startPoint); } else { closest.set(u.endPoint); } Vector3d v = new Vector3d(directedDirection); v.scale(spaceForTurn(other)); closest.add(v); } if (canMoveOther) { if (DEBUG) System.out.println("PipingRules.updateDirectedPipeRun() moved end " + other + " to " + closest); other.setWorldPosition(closest); if (dcpStart) { ppNoOffset(new UpdateStruct2(u.start, u.startPoint, u.list, u.end, new Vector3d(closest), directedDirection, null, u.hasOffsets, u.iter, u.reversed, u.toRemove, u.updated)); if (u.end.getNext() != null) updatePathLegNext(u.end, u.updated, PathLegUpdateType.NEXT); } else { ppNoOffset(new UpdateStruct2(u.start, new Vector3d(closest), u.list, u.end, u.endPoint, directedDirection, null, u.hasOffsets, u.iter, u.reversed, u.toRemove, u.updated)); if (u.start.getPrevious() != null) updatePathLegPrev(u.start, u.updated, PathLegUpdateType.PREV); } } else { // TODO : calculate needed space from next run end. if (allowInsertRemove) insertElbowUpdate(u, dcp, nextToMoved, dcpStart, position, directedDirection); else triedIR = true; } } else if (other.isNonDirected() && other.getParentPoint() != null) { // FIXME : this code was for updating branches Vector3d bintersect = new Vector3d(); PipeControlPoint bcp = other.getParentPoint(); if (bcp != null && canMoveOther) { Point3d bstart = new Point3d(); Point3d bend = new Point3d(); Vector3d bdir = new Vector3d(); bcp.getInlineControlPointEnds(bstart, bend, bdir); Vector3d nintersect = new Vector3d(); MathTools.intersectStraightStraight(position, directedDirection, bend, bdir, nintersect, bintersect, mu); Vector3d dist = new Vector3d(nintersect); dist.sub(bintersect); canMoveOther = mu[1] > 0.0 && mu[1] < 1.0 && dist.lengthSquared() < 0.01; } else { // TODO : endControlPoints are undirected: calculcate // correct position for it throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not implemented"); } if (canMoveOther) { if (DEBUG) System.out.println("PipingRules.updateDirectedPipeRun() moved end " + other + " to " + bintersect); // is required branch position is in possible range bcp.setWorldPosition(bintersect); if (dcpStart) { checkExpandPathLeg(new UpdateStruct2(u.start, u.startPoint, u.list, u.end, new Vector3d(bintersect), directedDirection, u.offset, u.hasOffsets, u.iter, u.reversed, u.toRemove, u.updated), lengthChange); } else { checkExpandPathLeg(new UpdateStruct2(u.start, new Vector3d(bintersect), u.list, u.end, u.endPoint, directedDirection, u.offset, u.hasOffsets, u.iter, u.reversed, u.toRemove, u.updated), lengthChange); } } else { // branch cannot be moved into right position, new turn // / elbow must be inserted if (allowInsertRemove) insertElbowUpdate(u, dcp, nextToMoved, dcpStart, position, directedDirection); else triedIR = true; } } else { // assume that control point cannot be moved, but can // be rotated if (allowInsertRemove) insertElbowUpdate(u, dcp, nextToMoved, dcpStart, position, directedDirection); else triedIR = true; } } } } private static void updateDualDirectedPathLeg(UpdateStruct2 u, PathLegUpdateType lengthChange) throws Exception { if (DEBUG) System.out.println("PipingRules.updateDualDirectedPipeRun() " + u + " " + lengthChange); PipeControlPoint dcp1 = u.start; PipeControlPoint dcp2 = u.end; Point3d position1 = new Point3d(u.startPoint); Point3d position2 = new Point3d(u.endPoint); Point3d position1offset = new Point3d(position1); position1offset.sub(u.offset); Point3d position2offset = new Point3d(position2); position2offset.add(u.offset); Vector3d dir1 = dcp1.getDirection(); Vector3d dir2 = dcp2.getDirection(); Vector3d p1 = MathTools.closestPointOnStraight(position1offset, position2, dir2); Vector3d p2 = MathTools.closestPointOnStraight(position2offset, position1, dir1); double d1 = position1.distance(new Point3d(p1)); double d2 = position2.distance(new Point3d(p2)); boolean aligned = (d1 < ALLOWED_OFFSET && d2 < ALLOWED_OFFSET); if (aligned) { processPathLeg(u); } else { if (u.iter > 0) { backIter(u); } else if (allowInsertRemove){ PipeControlPoint dcp; PipeControlPoint next; if (!u.reversed) { dcp = dcp1; if (u.list.size() > 0) next = u.list.get(0); else next = dcp2; } else { dcp = dcp2; if (u.list.size() > 0) next = u.list.get(u.list.size() - 1); else next = dcp1; } p1 = dcp.getWorldPosition(); // FIXME: calculate position of the elbows properly. if (!u.reversed) p1.add(dir1); else p1.add(dir2); if (!u.reversed) p2 = MathTools.closestPointOnStraight(new Point3d(p1), position2, dir2); else p2 = MathTools.closestPointOnStraight(new Point3d(p1), position1, dir1); PipeControlPoint tcp1 = insertElbow(dcp, next, p1); PipeControlPoint tcp2 = insertElbow(tcp1, next, p2); if (DEBUG) System.out.println("PipingRules.updateDualDirectedPipeRun() created two turns " + tcp1 + " " + tcp2); if (!u.reversed) { Vector3d dd = new Vector3d(p2); dd.sub(p1); dir2.negate(); updatePathLegNext(u.start, u.updated, PathLegUpdateType.NONE); updatePathLegNext(tcp1, u.updated, PathLegUpdateType.NONE); if (!u.reversed) updatePathLegNext(tcp2, u.updated, PathLegUpdateType.NONE); else updatePathLegPrev(tcp2, u.updated, PathLegUpdateType.NONE); } else { Vector3d dd = new Vector3d(p1); dd.sub(p2); dir2.negate(); updatePathLegNext(tcp1, u.updated, PathLegUpdateType.NONE); updatePathLegNext(tcp2, u.updated, PathLegUpdateType.NONE); if (!u.reversed) updatePathLegNext(u.start, u.updated, PathLegUpdateType.NONE); else updatePathLegPrev(u.start, u.updated, PathLegUpdateType.NONE); } } else { triedIR = true; } } } private static double spaceForTurn(PipeControlPoint tcp) { // TODO : this returns now space for 90 deg turn. // The challenge: position of tcp affects the turn angle, which then affects the required space. Perhaps we need to iterate... // Additionally, if the path legs contain offset, using just positions of opposite path leg ends is not enough, return tcp.getPipeRun().getTurnRadius(); } private static void insertElbowUpdate(UpdateStruct2 u, PipeControlPoint dcp, PipeControlPoint next, boolean dcpStart, Vector3d position, Vector3d directedDirection) throws Exception{ // Vector3d closest = new Vector3d(position); // closest.add(directedDirection); PipeControlPoint tcp = null; Vector3d closest; if (dcpStart) { closest = MathTools.closestPointOnStraight(next.getWorldPosition(), position, directedDirection); tcp = insertElbow(dcp, next, closest); } else { closest = MathTools.closestPointOnStraight(dcp.getWorldPosition(), position, directedDirection); tcp = insertElbow(next, dcp, closest); } // TODO properly calculate required distance between start and inserted elbow. double d = MathTools.distance(position, closest); double s = spaceForTurn(tcp); if (d < s) { d = s - d; Vector3d p = new Vector3d(directedDirection); p.scale(d); p.add(closest); tcp.setPosition(p); closest = p; } if (DEBUG) System.out.println("PipingRules.updateDirectedPipeRun() inserted " + tcp); if (dcpStart) { // update pipe run from new turn to other end ppNoDir(tcp, new Vector3d(closest), u.list, u.end, u.endPoint, u.hasOffsets, u.iter, u.reversed, u.toRemove, u.updated); // update pipe run from directed to new turn processPathLeg(new UpdateStruct2(u.start, u.startPoint, new ArrayList(), tcp, new Vector3d(closest), directedDirection, new Vector3d(), false, 0, false, new ArrayList(), u.updated)); } else { // update pipe run from other end to new turn ppNoDir(u.start, u.startPoint, u.list, tcp, new Vector3d(closest), u.hasOffsets, u.iter, u.reversed, u.toRemove, u.updated); // update pipe run from new turn to directed processPathLeg(new UpdateStruct2(tcp, new Vector3d(closest), new ArrayList(), u.end, u.endPoint, directedDirection, new Vector3d(), false, 0, false, new ArrayList(), u.updated)); } } /** * Checks if turns can be removed (turn angle near zero) */ private static int checkTurns(UpdateStruct2 u, PathLegUpdateType lengthChange) throws Exception { if (DEBUG) System.out.println("PipingRules.checkTurns() " + u.start + " " + u.end); boolean startRemoved = false; boolean endRemoved = false; if (u.start.isVariableAngle()) { // this won't work properly if inline control points are not updated PipeControlPoint startPrev = u.start.getPrevious(); if (startPrev != null) { double a; if (!u.hasOffsets) { a = updateTurnControlPointTurn(u.start, startPrev, u.end); } else { Vector3d ep = new Vector3d(u.endPoint); ep.sub(u.offset); a = updateTurnControlPointTurn(u.start, u.startPoint, startPrev.getPosition(), ep); } if (a < MIN_TURN_ANGLE && u.start.isDeletable()) startRemoved = true; else if (lengthChange == PathLegUpdateType.PREV || lengthChange == PathLegUpdateType.PREV_S) { PathLegUpdateType type; if (lengthChange == PathLegUpdateType.PREV_S) type = PathLegUpdateType.PREV; else type = PathLegUpdateType.NONE; updatePathLegPrev(u.start, u.start, type); } } } if (u.end.isVariableAngle()) { PipeControlPoint endNext = u.end.getNext(); if (endNext != null) { double a; if (!u.hasOffsets) { a = updateTurnControlPointTurn(u.end, u.start, endNext); } else { Vector3d sp = new Vector3d(u.startPoint); sp.add(u.offset); a = updateTurnControlPointTurn(u.end, u.endPoint, sp, endNext.getPosition()); } if (a < MIN_TURN_ANGLE && u.end.isDeletable()) endRemoved = true; else if (lengthChange == PathLegUpdateType.NEXT || lengthChange == PathLegUpdateType.NEXT_S) { PathLegUpdateType type; if (lengthChange == PathLegUpdateType.NEXT_S) type = PathLegUpdateType.NEXT; else type = PathLegUpdateType.NONE; updatePathLegNext(u.end, u.end, type); } } } if (DEBUG) System.out.println("PipingRules.checkTurns() res " + startRemoved + " " + endRemoved); if (!startRemoved && !endRemoved) return REMOVE_NONE; if (startRemoved && endRemoved) return REMOVE_BOTH; if (startRemoved) return REMOVE_START; return REMOVE_END; } /** * Expands piperun search over turns that are going to be removed * */ private static void expandPathLeg(UpdateStruct2 u, int type) throws Exception { if (DEBUG) System.out.println("PipingRules.expandPipeline " + u.start + " " + u.end); ArrayList newList = new ArrayList(); switch (type) { case REMOVE_NONE: throw new RuntimeException("Error in piping rules"); case REMOVE_START: u.toRemove.add(new ExpandIterInfo(u.start, REMOVE_START)); u.start = u.start.findPreviousEnd(); u.startPoint = u.start.getPosition(); u.start.findNextEnd(newList); newList.addAll(u.list); u.list = newList; break; case REMOVE_END: u.toRemove.add(new ExpandIterInfo(u.end, REMOVE_END)); u.end = u.end.findNextEnd(newList); u.endPoint = u.end.getPosition(); u.list.addAll(newList); break; case REMOVE_BOTH: u.toRemove.add(new ExpandIterInfo(u.start, u.end)); u.start = u.start.findPreviousEnd(); u.startPoint = u.start.getPosition(); u.start.findNextEnd(newList); newList.addAll(u.list); u.list = newList; newList = new ArrayList(); u.end = u.end.findNextEnd(newList); u.endPoint = u.end.getPosition(); u.list.addAll(newList); break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Error in piping rules"); } u.offset = new Vector3d(); if (u.hasOffsets) { u.dir.normalize(); for (PipeControlPoint icp : u.list) { if (icp.isOffset()) { u.offset.add(icp.getSizeChangeOffsetVector(u.dir)); } else if (icp.isDualSub()) ErrorLogger.defaultLogError("Updating pipe run, found offset controlpoint " + icp, new Exception("ASSERT!")); } } if (DEBUG) System.out.println("PipingRules.expandPipeline expanded " + u.start + " " + u.end); u.iter++; updatePathLeg(u, PathLegUpdateType.NONE); } /** * reverts one iteration of turn removing back) */ private static void backIter(UpdateStruct2 u) throws Exception { if (DEBUG) System.out.println("PipingRules.backIter" + u.start + " " + u.end); if (u.iter == 0) throw new RuntimeException("Error in piping rules"); ExpandIterInfo info = u.toRemove.get(u.toRemove.size() - 1); u.toRemove.remove(u.toRemove.size() - 1); if (info.getType() == REMOVE_START || info.getType() == REMOVE_BOTH) { while (u.list.size() > 0) { PipeControlPoint icp = u.list.get(0); if (icp.getPrevious().equals(info.getStart())) break; u.list.remove(icp); } u.start = info.getStart(); } if (info.getType() == REMOVE_END || info.getType() == REMOVE_BOTH) { while (u.list.size() > 0) { PipeControlPoint icp = u.list.get(u.list.size() - 1); if (icp.getNext().equals(info.getEnd())) break; u.list.remove(icp); } u.end = info.getEnd(); } u.offset = new Vector3d(); if (u.hasOffsets) { u.dir.normalize(); for (PipeControlPoint icp : u.list) { if (icp.isOffset()) { u.offset.add(icp.getSizeChangeOffsetVector(u.dir)); } else if (icp.isDualSub()) ErrorLogger.defaultLogError("Updating pipe run, found offset controlpoint " + icp, new Exception("ASSERT!")); } } processPathLeg(u); } /** * Processes pipe run (removes necessary turns and updates run ends) */ // private static void processPathLeg(PipeControlPoint start, Point3d // startPoint,ArrayList list, PipeControlPoint // end,Point3d endPoint, Vector3d dir,Vector3d offset, boolean // hasOffsets,int iter, boolean reversed, ArrayList // toRemove) throws TransactionException { private static void processPathLeg(UpdateStruct2 u) throws Exception { if (DEBUG) System.out.println("PipingRules.processPathLeg " + u.start + " " + u.end); processPathLeg(u, true, true); } private static void processPathLeg(UpdateStruct2 u, boolean updateEnds, boolean updateInline) throws Exception { if (DEBUG) System.out.println("PipingRules.processPathLeg " + (updateEnds ? "ends " : "") + (updateInline ? "inline " : "") + u.start + " " + u.end); if (u.toRemove.size() > 0) { for (ExpandIterInfo info : u.toRemove) { if (info.getStart() != null) { if (DEBUG) System.out.println("PipingRules.processPathLeg removing start " + info.getStart()); info.getStart()._remove(); } if (info.getEnd() != null) { if (DEBUG) System.out.println("PipingRules.processPathLeg removing end " + info.getEnd()); info.getEnd()._remove(); } } // ControlPointTools.removeControlPoint may remove mo0re than one // CP; // we must populate inline CP list again. u.list.clear(); u.start.findNextEnd( u.list); } // FIXME : inline CPs are update twice because their positions must be // updated before and after ends. updateInlineControlPoints(u, false); if (updateEnds) { if (u.start.isTurn()) { updateTurnControlPointTurn(u.start, u.start.getPrevious(), u.start.getNext()); // updatePathLegPrev(u.start, u.start, PathLegUpdateType.NONE); } else if (u.start.isEnd()) { updateEndComponentControlPoint(u.start, u.startPoint, u.endPoint); } else if (u.start.isInline()) { updateControlPointOrientation(u.start); } if (u.end.isTurn()) { updateTurnControlPointTurn(u.end, u.end.getPrevious(), u.end.getNext()); // updatePathLegNext(u.end, u.end, PathLegUpdateType.NONE); } else if (u.end.isEnd()) { updateEndComponentControlPoint(u.end, u.startPoint, u.endPoint); } else if (u.end.isInline()) { updateControlPointOrientation(u.end); } } else { if (u.start.isEnd()) { updateEndComponentControlPoint(u.start, u.startPoint, u.endPoint); } if (u.end.isEnd()) { updateEndComponentControlPoint(u.end, u.startPoint, u.endPoint); } } if (updateInline) updateInlineControlPoints(u, true); } /** * Processes pipe run and recalculates offset */ // private static void processPathLeg(PipeControlPoint start, Point3d // startPoint,ArrayList list, PipeControlPoint // end,Point3d endPoint, Vector3d dir, boolean hasOffsets,int iter, boolean // reversed, ArrayList toRemove) throws TransactionException // { private static void processPathLegNoOffset(UpdateStruct2 u) throws Exception { if (DEBUG) System.out.println("PipingRules.processPathLeg " + u.start + " " + u.end); Vector3d offset = new Vector3d(); if (u.hasOffsets) { u.dir.normalize(); for (PipeControlPoint icp : u.list) { if (icp.isOffset()) { offset.add(icp.getSizeChangeOffsetVector(u.dir)); } else if (icp.isDualSub()) { ErrorLogger.defaultLogError("Updating pipe run, found offset controlpoint " + icp, new Exception("ASSERT!")); } } } processPathLeg(u); } private static void updateOffsetPoint(PipeControlPoint sccp, Vector3d offset) { Vector3d world = sccp.getWorldPosition(); world.add(offset); PipeControlPoint ocp = sccp.getSubPoint().iterator().next(); ocp.setWorldPosition(world); } /** * Updates InlineControlPoints position when straight pipe's end(s) have * been changed) * * @param pipeline * @param icp * @param nextPoint * @param prevPoint */ private static void updateInlineControlPoint(PipeControlPoint icp, Vector3d prev, Vector3d next, Vector3d dir) { if (DEBUG) System.out.println("PipingRules.updateInlineControlPoint() " + icp); Vector3d inlinePoint = icp.getWorldPosition(); Vector3d prevPoint = new Vector3d(prev); Vector3d nextPoint = new Vector3d(next); if (!icp.isVariableLength()) { // Reserve space for fixed length components. MathTools.mad(prevPoint, dir, icp.getInlineLength()); MathTools.mad(nextPoint, dir, -icp.getInlineLength()); if (MathTools.distance(prevPoint, nextPoint) < ALLOWED_OFFSET) { prevPoint = prev; nextPoint = next; } } boolean canCalc = MathTools.distance(prevPoint, nextPoint) > ALLOWED_OFFSET; if (DEBUG) System.out.print("InlineControlPoint update " + icp + " " + inlinePoint + " " + prevPoint + " " + nextPoint); Vector3d newInlinePoint = null; if (canCalc) { boolean branchUpdate = false; PipeControlPoint becp = null; for (PipeControlPoint pcp : icp.getSubPoint()) if (pcp.isNonDirected()) { branchUpdate = true; becp = pcp; break; } if (DUMMY || !branchUpdate) { newInlinePoint = MathTools.closestPointOnEdge(new Vector3d(inlinePoint), prevPoint, nextPoint); } else { // FIXME : can only handle one branch PipeControlPoint p = null; if (becp.getNext() != null) { p = becp.findNextEnd(); } else if (becp.getPrevious() != null) { p = becp.findPreviousEnd(); } if (p == null) { newInlinePoint = MathTools.closestPointOnEdge(new Vector3d(inlinePoint), prevPoint, nextPoint); } else if (canCalc){ Vector3d branchLegEnd = p.getWorldPosition(); Vector3d dir2 = new Vector3d(inlinePoint); dir2.sub(branchLegEnd); Vector3d dir1 = new Vector3d(nextPoint); dir1.sub(prevPoint); newInlinePoint = new Vector3d(); double mu[] = new double[2]; MathTools.intersectStraightStraight(new Vector3d(prevPoint), dir1, new Vector3d(branchLegEnd), dir2, newInlinePoint, new Vector3d(), mu); if (DEBUG) System.out.println(mu[0]); // FIXME : reserve space if (mu[0] < 0.0) { newInlinePoint = new Vector3d(prevPoint); } else if (mu[0] > 1.0) { newInlinePoint = new Vector3d(nextPoint); } } } } else { // prevPoint == nextPoint newInlinePoint = new Vector3d(prevPoint); } if (DEBUG) System.out.println(" " + newInlinePoint); icp.setWorldPosition(newInlinePoint); updateControlPointOrientation(icp); } /** * Updates InlineControlPoints position when straight pipe's end(s) have * been changed) * * @param pipeline * @param icp * @param nextPoint * @param prevPoint */ private static void updateEndComponentControlPoint(PipeControlPoint ecp, Vector3d start, Vector3d end) throws Exception { if (DEBUG) System.out.println("PipingRules.updateEndComponentControlPoint() " + ecp); // PipeControlPoint next = ecp.getNext(); // PipeControlPoint prev = ecp.getPrevious(); // if (next != null) { // end = G3DTools.getPoint(next.getLocalPosition()); // start = G3DTools.getPoint(ecp.getLocalPosition()); // } else if (prev != null) { // end = G3DTools.getPoint(ecp.getLocalPosition()); // start = G3DTools.getPoint(prev.getLocalPosition()); // } else { // // TODO : warning? // return; // } // Vector3d dir = new Vector3d (end); // dir.sub(start); // dir.normalize(); // G3DTools.setTuple(ecp.getDirection(), dir); if (!ecp.isFixed()) updateControlPointOrientation(ecp); for (PipeControlPoint pcp : ecp.getSubPoint()) { // TODO update position updatePathLegEndControlPoint(pcp); } } private static void updateControlPointOrientation(PipeControlPoint pcp) { // FIXME : hack to bypass variable length components orientation // if (pcp.getAtMostOneRelatedObject(ProcessResource.g3dResource.HasWorldOrientation) == null) // return; // if (pcp.rotationAngle == null) // return; Double angleO = pcp.getRotationAngle(); double angle = 0.0; if (angleO != null) angle = angleO; Boolean reversedO = pcp.getReversed(); boolean reversed = false; if (reversedO != null) reversed = reversedO; Quat4d q = pcp.getControlPointOrientationQuat(angle, reversed); pcp.setWorldOrientation(q); } /** * Updates all branches when branch's position has been changed * * @param bcp */ private static void updateBranchControlPointBranches(PipeControlPoint bcp) throws Exception { if (DEBUG) System.out.println("PipingRules.updateBranchControlPointBranches() " + bcp); if (bcp.isDualInline()) return; Collection branches = bcp.getSubPoint(); if (branches.size() == 0) { if (DEBUG) System.out.println("No Branches found"); return; } for (PipeControlPoint pcp : branches) { updatePathLegEndControlPoint(pcp); } } /** * Recalculates turn control point's internal data (turn angle and offset) * * @param tcp * @param prev * @param next */ private static double updateTurnControlPointTurn(PipeControlPoint tcp, PipeControlPoint prev, PipeControlPoint next) { if (DEBUG) System.out.println("PipingTools.updateTurnControlPointTurn()" + tcp); if (next == null || prev == null) return Math.PI; // FIXME : argh Vector3d middlePoint = tcp.getWorldPosition(); Vector3d nextPoint = next.getWorldPosition(); Vector3d prevPoint = prev.getWorldPosition(); return updateTurnControlPointTurn(tcp, middlePoint, prevPoint, nextPoint); } /** * Recalculates turn control point's internal data (turn angle and offset) * * @param tcp * @param middlePoint * @param nextPoint * @param prevPoint */ private static double updateTurnControlPointTurn(PipeControlPoint tcp, Vector3d middlePoint, Vector3d prevPoint, Vector3d nextPoint) { Vector3d dir1 = new Vector3d(middlePoint); dir1.sub(prevPoint); Vector3d dir2 = new Vector3d(nextPoint); dir2.sub(middlePoint); if (DEBUG) System.out.println("PipingTools.updateTurnControlPointTurn " + tcp + " " + prevPoint + " " + middlePoint + " " + nextPoint); return updateTurnControlPointTurn(tcp, dir1, dir2); } private static double updateTurnControlPointTurn(PipeControlPoint tcp, Vector3d dir1, Vector3d dir2) { double turnAngle = dir1.angle(dir2); double angle = Math.PI - turnAngle; Vector3d turnAxis = new Vector3d(); turnAxis.cross(dir1, dir2); if (turnAxis.lengthSquared() > MathTools.NEAR_ZERO) { double elbowRadius = tcp.getPipelineComponent().getPipeRun().getTurnRadius(); double R = elbowRadius / Math.tan(angle * 0.5); turnAxis.normalize(); tcp.setTurnAngle(turnAngle); tcp.setLength(R);// setComponentOffsetValue(R); tcp.setTurnAxis(turnAxis); // tcp.setPosition(tcp.getPosition()); } else { turnAngle = 0.0; tcp.setTurnAngle(0.0); tcp.setLength(0.0); tcp.setTurnAxis(MathTools.Y_AXIS); } updateControlPointOrientation(tcp); if (DEBUG) System.out.println("PipingTools.updateTurnControlPointTurn " + dir1 + " " + dir2 + " " + turnAngle + " " + turnAxis); return turnAngle; } public static List getControlPoints(PipeRun pipeRun) { List list = new ArrayList(); if (pipeRun.getControlPoints().size() == 0) return list; PipeControlPoint pcp = pipeRun.getControlPoints().iterator().next(); while (pcp.getPrevious() != null) { PipeControlPoint prev = pcp.getPrevious(); if (prev.getPipeRun() != pipeRun) break; pcp = prev; } if (pcp.isDualSub()) { pcp = pcp.getParentPoint(); } list.add(pcp); while (pcp.getNext() != null) { pcp = pcp.getNext(); if (pcp.getPipeRun() != pipeRun) break; list.add(pcp); } return list; } public static void reverse(PipeRun pipeRun) { List list = getControlPoints(pipeRun); if (list.size() <= 1) return; // nothing to do. for (int i = 0 ; i < list.size(); i++) { boolean first = i == 0; boolean last = i == list.size() - 1; PipeControlPoint current = list.get(i); PipeControlPoint currentSub = null; if (current.isDualInline()) currentSub = current.getSubPoint().get(0); if (first) { PipeControlPoint next = list.get(i+1); if (next.isDualInline()) next = next.getSubPoint().get(0); current.setNext(null); current.setPrevious(next); if (currentSub != null) { currentSub.setNext(null); currentSub.setPrevious(next); } } else if (last) { PipeControlPoint prev = list.get(i-1); current.setPrevious(null); current.setNext(prev); if (currentSub != null) { currentSub.setPrevious(null); currentSub.setNext(prev); } } else { PipeControlPoint prev = list.get(i-1); PipeControlPoint next = list.get(i+1); if (next.isDualInline()) next = next.getSubPoint().get(0); current.setPrevious(next); current.setNext(prev); if (currentSub != null) { currentSub.setPrevious(next); currentSub.setNext(prev); } } } } public static void merge(PipeRun run1, PipeRun r2) { Map positions = new HashMap(); Map orientations = new HashMap(); for (PipeControlPoint pcp : r2.getControlPoints()) { positions.put(pcp, pcp.getWorldPosition()); orientations.put(pcp, pcp.getWorldOrientation()); } for (PipeControlPoint pcp : r2.getControlPoints()) { r2.deattachChild(pcp); run1.addChild(pcp); PipelineComponent component = pcp.getPipelineComponent(); if (component != null) { if (!(component instanceof Nozzle)) { component.deattach(); run1.addChild(component); } else { Nozzle n = (Nozzle)component; n.setPipeRun(run1); } } } r2.remove(); } public static void validate(PipeRun pipeRun) { if (pipeRun == null) return; Collection pcps = pipeRun.getControlPoints(); int count = 0; for (PipeControlPoint pcp : pcps) { if (pcp.getParentPoint() == null || pcp.getParentPoint().getPipeRun() != pipeRun) count++; } List runPcps = getControlPoints(pipeRun); if (runPcps.size() != count) { System.out.println("Run is not connected"); } for (PipeControlPoint pcp : pcps) { if (!pcp.isDirected() && pcp.getNext() == null && pcp.getPrevious() == null) System.out.println("Orphan undirected " + pcp); } for (PipeControlPoint pcp : pcps) { if (pcp.getParentPoint() == null) { PipeControlPoint sub = null; if (pcp.isDualInline()) sub = pcp.getSubPoint().get(0); PipeControlPoint next = pcp.getNext(); PipeControlPoint prev = pcp.getPrevious(); if (next != null) { if (!(next.getPrevious() == pcp || next.getPrevious() == sub)) { System.out.println("Inconsistency between " + pcp + " -> " +next ); } } if (prev != null) { PipeControlPoint prevParent = null; if (prev.isDualSub()) { prevParent = prev.getParentPoint(); } else if (prev.isDualInline()) { System.out.println("Inconsistency between " + pcp + " <-- " +prev ); } if (!(prev.getNext() == pcp && (prevParent == null || prevParent.getNext() == pcp))) { System.out.println("Inconsistency between " + pcp + " <-- " +prev ); } } } } } public static void splitVariableLengthComponent(PipelineComponent newComponent, InlineComponent splittingComponent, boolean assignPos) throws Exception{ assert(!splittingComponent.getControlPoint().isFixed()); assert(!(newComponent instanceof InlineComponent && !newComponent.getControlPoint().isFixed())); PipeControlPoint newCP = newComponent.getControlPoint(); PipeControlPoint splittingCP = splittingComponent.getControlPoint(); PipeControlPoint nextCP = splittingCP.getNext(); PipeControlPoint prevCP = splittingCP.getPrevious(); /* there are many different cases to insert new component when it splits existing VariableLengthinlineComponent. 1. VariableLengthComponet is connected from both sides: - insert new component between VariableLength component and component connected to it - insert new VariableLengthComponent between inserted component and component selected in previous step 2. VariableLengthComponent is connected from one side - Use previous case or: - Insert new component to empty end - Insert new VariableLength component to inserted components empty end 3. VariableLength is not connected to any component. - Should not be possible, at least in current implementation. - Could be done using second case */ if (nextCP == null && prevCP == null) { // this should not be possible throw new RuntimeException("VariableLengthComponent " + splittingComponent + " is not connected to anything."); } double reservedLength = splittingComponent.getControlPoint().getLength(); double newLength = newComponent.getControlPoint().getLength(); Point3d next = new Point3d(); Point3d prev = new Point3d(); splittingCP.getInlineControlPointEnds(prev, next); Vector3d newPos = null; if (assignPos) { newPos = new Vector3d(prev); Vector3d dir = new Vector3d(next); dir.sub(prev); dir.scale(0.5); newPos.add(dir); newComponent.setWorldPosition(newPos); } else { newPos = newComponent.getWorldPosition(); } Vector3d dir = new Vector3d(next); dir.sub(prev); dir.normalize(); dir.scale(newLength * 0.5); Point3d vn = new Point3d(newPos); Point3d vp = new Point3d(newPos); vn.add(dir); vp.sub(dir); double ln = vn.distance(next); double lp = vp.distance(prev); vp.interpolate(prev, 0.5); vn.interpolate(next, 0.5); PipeControlPoint newVariableLengthCP = null;//insertStraight(pcp1, pcp2, pos, length); if (nextCP == null) { newCP.insert(splittingCP, Direction.NEXT); newVariableLengthCP = insertStraight(newCP, Direction.NEXT, new Vector3d(vn), ln); splittingCP.setWorldPosition(new Vector3d(vp)); // ControlPointTools.setWorldPosition(splittingCP, vp); // splittingCP.setRelatedScalarDouble(ProcessResource.plant3Dresource.HasLength, lp); } else if (prevCP == null) { newCP.insert(splittingCP, Direction.PREVIOUS); newVariableLengthCP = insertStraight(newCP, Direction.PREVIOUS, new Vector3d(vp), lp); splittingCP.setWorldPosition(new Vector3d(vn)); // splittingCP.setRelatedScalarDouble(ProcessResource.plant3Dresource.HasLength, ln); } else { newCP.insert(splittingCP, nextCP); newVariableLengthCP = insertStraight(newCP, nextCP, new Vector3d(vn), ln); splittingCP.setWorldPosition(new Vector3d(vp)); // splittingCP.setRelatedScalarDouble(ProcessResource.plant3Dresource.HasLength, lp); } positionUpdate(newCP); } public static void addSizeChange(boolean reversed, PipeRun pipeRun, PipeRun other, InlineComponent reducer, PipeControlPoint previous, PipeControlPoint next) { PipeControlPoint pcp = reducer.getControlPoint(); PipeControlPoint ocp = pcp.getSubPoint().get(0); if (!reversed) { String name = pipeRun.getUniqueName("Reducer"); reducer.setName(name); pipeRun.addChild(reducer); other.addChild(ocp); reducer.setAlternativePipeRun(other); previous.setNext(pcp); pcp.setPrevious(previous); ocp.setPrevious(previous); if (next != null) { pcp.setNext(next); ocp.setNext(next); next.setPrevious(ocp); } } else { String name = other.getUniqueName("Reducer"); reducer.setName(name); other.addChild(reducer); pipeRun.addChild(ocp); reducer.setAlternativePipeRun(pipeRun); if (next != null) { next.setNext(pcp); pcp.setPrevious(next); ocp.setPrevious(next); } pcp.setNext(previous); ocp.setNext(previous); previous.setPrevious(ocp); } } }