package org.rosuda.REngine; /** REXPDouble represents a vector of integer values. */ public class REXPInteger extends REXPVector { public int[] payload; /** NA integer value as defined in R. Unlike its real equivalent this one can be used in comparisons, although {@link #isNA(int) } is provided for consistency. */ public static final int NA = -2147483648; public static boolean isNA(int value) { return (value == NA); } /** create integer vector of the length 1 with the given value as its first (and only) element */ public REXPInteger(int load) { super(); payload=new int[] { load }; } /** create integer vector with the payload specified by load */ public REXPInteger(int[] load) { super(); payload=(load==null)?new int[0]:load; } /** create integer vector with the payload specified by load and attributes attr */ public REXPInteger(int[] load, REXPList attr) { super(attr); payload=(load==null)?new int[0]:load; } public Object asNativeJavaObject() { return payload; } public int length() { return payload.length; } public boolean isInteger() { return true; } public boolean isNumeric() { return true; } public int[] asIntegers() { return payload; } /** returns the contents of this vector as doubles */ public double[] asDoubles() { double[] d = new double[payload.length]; int i = 0; while (i < payload.length) { d[i] = (double) payload[i]; i++; } return d; } /** returns the contents of this vector as strings */ public String[] asStrings() { String[] s = new String[payload.length]; int i = 0; while (i < payload.length) { s[i] = ""+payload[i]; i++; } return s; } public boolean[] isNA() { boolean a[] = new boolean[payload.length]; int i = 0; while (i < a.length) { a[i] = (payload[i]==NA); i++; } return a; } public String toDebugString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(super.toDebugString()+"{"); int i = 0; while (i < payload.length && i < maxDebugItems) { if (i>0) sb.append(","); sb.append(payload[i]); i++; } if (i < payload.length) sb.append(",.."); return sb.toString()+"}"; } }