package org.rosuda.REngine; /** REXPUnknown is a stand-in for an object that cannot be represented in the REngine hierarchy. Usually this class can be encountered when new types are introduced in R or if a given engine doesn't support all data types. Usually REXPUnknown can only be retrieved from the engine but never assigned. */ public class REXPUnknown extends REXP { /** type of the unterlying obejct */ int type; /** creates a new unknown object of the given type * @param type internal R type code of this object */ public REXPUnknown(int type) { super(); this.type=type; } /** creates a new unknown object of the given type * @param type internal R type code of this object * @param attr attributes */ public REXPUnknown(int type, REXPList attr) { super(attr); this.type=type; } /** returns the internal R type of this unknown obejct * @return type code */ public int getType() { return type; } public String toString() { return super.toString()+"["+type+"]"; } }