package org.rosuda.REngine.Rserve.protocol; // JRclient library - client interface to Rserve, see // Copyright (C) 2004 Simon Urbanek // --- for licensing information see LICENSE file in the original JRclient distribution --- /** small class encapsulating packets from/to Rserv @version $Id$ */ public class RPacket { int cmd; byte[] cont; /** construct new packet @param Rcmd command @param Rcont content */ public RPacket(int Rcmd, byte[] Rcont) { cmd=Rcmd; cont=Rcont; } /** get command @return command */ public int getCmd() { return cmd; } /** check last response for RESP_OK @return true if last response was OK */ public boolean isOk() { return ((cmd&15)==1); } /** check last response for RESP_ERR @return true if last response was ERROR */ public boolean isError() { return ((cmd&15)==2); } /** get status code of last response @return status code returned on last response */ public int getStat() { return ((cmd>>24)&127); } /** get content @return inner package content */ public byte[] getCont() { return cont; } public String toString() { return "RPacket[cmd="+cmd+",len="+((cont==null)?"":(""+cont.length))+"]"; } }