package org.simantics.xml.sax; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import org.simantics.utils.datastructures.BijectionMap; import org.simantics.xml.sax.SchemaElement.ElementType; import org.simantics.xml.sax.SchemaObject.ObjectType; import org.simantics.xml.sax.configuration.AttributeComposition; import org.simantics.xml.sax.configuration.Configuration; import org.simantics.xml.sax.configuration.IDProvider; import org.simantics.xml.sax.configuration.IDReference; import org.simantics.xml.sax.configuration.OrderedChild; import org.simantics.xml.sax.configuration.Rename; import org.simantics.xml.sax.configuration.UnrecognizedChildElement; import org.w3._2001.xmlschema.All; import org.w3._2001.xmlschema.Annotated; import org.w3._2001.xmlschema.Any; import org.w3._2001.xmlschema.Attribute; import org.w3._2001.xmlschema.AttributeGroup; import org.w3._2001.xmlschema.ComplexContent; import org.w3._2001.xmlschema.ComplexType; import org.w3._2001.xmlschema.Element; import org.w3._2001.xmlschema.ExplicitGroup; import org.w3._2001.xmlschema.ExtensionType; import org.w3._2001.xmlschema.GroupRef; import org.w3._2001.xmlschema.LocalElement; import org.w3._2001.xmlschema.NamedAttributeGroup; import org.w3._2001.xmlschema.NamedGroup; import org.w3._2001.xmlschema.OpenAttrs; import org.w3._2001.xmlschema.RealGroup; import org.w3._2001.xmlschema.Restriction; import org.w3._2001.xmlschema.Schema; import org.w3._2001.xmlschema.SimpleContent; import org.w3._2001.xmlschema.SimpleType; import org.w3._2001.xmlschema.TopLevelAttribute; import org.w3._2001.xmlschema.TopLevelComplexType; import org.w3._2001.xmlschema.TopLevelElement; import org.w3._2001.xmlschema.TopLevelSimpleType; import org.w3._2001.xmlschema.Union; public final class SchemaConversionBase { protected Schema schema; protected SchemaConverter converter; protected SchemaConversionComponent component; protected Configuration configuration; public static final String SCHEMA_NS = ""; public static final String CONVERSION_NS = ""; protected Map> typeMap; protected String ontologyURI; protected String className; public SchemaConversionBase(SchemaConverter converter, String ontologyUri, String className) { this.converter = converter; this.configuration = converter.getConfiguration(); this.ontologyURI = ontologyUri; this.className = className; initTypes(); } protected void initTypes() { typeMap = new HashMap>(); Map schemaTypes = new HashMap(); typeMap.put(SCHEMA_NS, schemaTypes); Map l0Types = new HashMap(); typeMap.put(CONVERSION_NS, l0Types); schemaTypes.put("string", new TypeEntry("L0.String", "Bindings.STRING", "java.lang.String", "","","","","")); schemaTypes.put("NMTOKEN", new TypeEntry("L0.String", "Bindings.STRING", "java.lang.String", "","","","","")); schemaTypes.put("token", new TypeEntry("L0.String", "Bindings.STRING", "java.lang.String", "","","","","")); schemaTypes.put("ID", new TypeEntry("L0.String", "Bindings.STRING", "java.lang.String", "","","","","",true)); schemaTypes.put("IDREF", new TypeEntry("L0.String", "Bindings.STRING", "java.lang.String", "","","","","")); schemaTypes.put("Name", new TypeEntry("L0.String", "Bindings.STRING", "java.lang.String", "","","","","")); schemaTypes.put("NCName", new TypeEntry("L0.String", "Bindings.STRING", "java.lang.String", "","","","","")); schemaTypes.put("date", new TypeEntry("XML.Date", "org.simantics.xml.sax.base.datatypes.literal.Date.BINDING", "org.simantics.xml.sax.base.datatypes.literal.Date", "","org.simantics.xml.sax.base.datatypes.literal.Date.parseDate(",")","(",").toString()")); schemaTypes.put("time", new TypeEntry("XML.Time", "org.simantics.xml.sax.base.datatypes.literal.Time.BINDING", "org.simantics.xml.sax.base.datatypes.literal.Time", "","org.simantics.xml.sax.base.datatypes.literal.Time.parseTime(",")","(",").toString()")); schemaTypes.put("dateTime", new TypeEntry("XML.DateTime", "org.simantics.xml.sax.base.datatypes.literal.DateTime.BINDING", "org.simantics.xml.sax.base.datatypes.literal.DateTime", "","org.simantics.xml.sax.base.datatypes.literal.DateTime.parseDateTime(",")","(",").toString()")); schemaTypes.put("gYearMonth", new TypeEntry("L0.String", "Bindings.STRING", "java.lang.String", "","","","","")); schemaTypes.put("gYear", new TypeEntry("L0.String", "Bindings.STRING", "java.lang.String", "","","","","")); schemaTypes.put("gMonth", new TypeEntry("L0.String", "Bindings.STRING", "java.lang.String", "","","","","")); schemaTypes.put("gMonthDay", new TypeEntry("L0.String", "Bindings.STRING", "java.lang.String", "","","","","")); schemaTypes.put("anyURI", new TypeEntry("L0.URI", "Bindings.STRING", "java.lang.String", "","","","","")); schemaTypes.put("double", new TypeEntry("L0.Double", "Bindings.DOUBLE", "double", "java.lang.Double.NaN","java.lang.Double.parseDouble(",")","java.lang.Double.toString(",")")); schemaTypes.put("float", new TypeEntry("L0.Float", "Bindings.FLOAT", "float", "java.lang.Float.NaN","java.lang.Float.parseFloat(",")","java.lang.Float.toString(",")")); schemaTypes.put("decimal", new TypeEntry("L0.Double", "Bindings.DOUBLE", "double", "java.lang.Double.NaN","java.lang.Double.parseDouble(",")","java.lang.Double.toString(",")")); schemaTypes.put("boolean", new TypeEntry("L0.Boolean", "Bindings.BOOLEAN", "boolean", "false","java.lang.Boolean.parseBoolean(",")","java.lang.Boolean.toString(",")")); schemaTypes.put("integer", new TypeEntry("L0.Integer", "Bindings.INTEGER", "int", "0","java.lang.Integer.parseInt(",")","java.lang.Integer.toString(",")")); schemaTypes.put("positiveInteger", new TypeEntry("L0.Integer", "Bindings.INTEGER", "int", "0","java.lang.Integer.parseInt(",")","java.lang.Integer.toString(",")")); schemaTypes.put("nonPositiveInteger", new TypeEntry("L0.Integer", "Bindings.INTEGER", "int", "0","java.lang.Integer.parseInt(",")","java.lang.Integer.toString(",")")); schemaTypes.put("nonNegativeInteger", new TypeEntry("L0.Integer", "Bindings.INTEGER", "int", "0","java.lang.Integer.parseInt(",")","java.lang.Integer.toString(",")")); schemaTypes.put("negativeInteger", new TypeEntry("L0.Integer", "Bindings.INTEGER", "int", "0","java.lang.Integer.parseInt(",")","java.lang.Integer.toString(",")")); schemaTypes.put("unsignedInt", new TypeEntry("L0.Integer", "Bindings.INTEGER", "int", "0","java.lang.Integer.parseInt(",")","java.lang.Integer.toString(",")")); schemaTypes.put("int", new TypeEntry("L0.Integer", "Bindings.INTEGER", "int", "0","java.lang.Integer.parseInt(",")","java.lang.Integer.toString(",")")); schemaTypes.put("short", new TypeEntry("L0.Integer", "Bindings.INTEGER", "int", "0","java.lang.Integer.parseInt(",")","java.lang.Integer.toString(",")")); schemaTypes.put("unsignedShort",new TypeEntry("L0.Integer", "Bindings.INTEGER", "int", "0","java.lang.Integer.parseInt(",")","java.lang.Integer.toString(",")")); schemaTypes.put("byte", new TypeEntry("L0.Byte", "Bindings.BYTE", "byte", "0","java.lang.Byte.parseByte(",")","java.lang.Byte.toString(",")")); schemaTypes.put("unsignedByte", new TypeEntry("L0.Byte", "Bindings.BYTE", "byte", "0","java.lang.Byte.parseByte(",")","java.lang.Byte.toString(",")")); schemaTypes.put("long", new TypeEntry("L0.Long", "Bindings.LONG", "long", "0","java.lang.Long.parseLong(",")","java.lang.Long.toString(",")")); schemaTypes.put("unsignedLong", new TypeEntry("L0.Long", "Bindings.LONG", "long", "0","java.lang.Long.parseLong(",")","java.lang.Long.toString(",")")); schemaTypes.put("base64Binary", new TypeEntry("L0.ByteArray", "Bindings.BYTE_ARRAY", "byte[]", "new byte[0]","java.util.Base64.getDecoder().decode(",".replaceAll(\"\\n\", \"\").getBytes(java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8))","java.util.Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(",")")); l0Types.put("doubleArray", new TypeEntry("L0.DoubleArray", "Bindings.DOUBLE_ARRAY", "double[]", null,null,null,"java.lang.Double.toString(",")")); l0Types.put("stringArray", new TypeEntry("L0.StringArray", "Bindings.STRING_ARRAY", "string[]", null,null,null,"","")); } protected TypeEntry getTypeEntry(QName type) { Map types = typeMap.get(type.getNamespaceURI()); if (types == null) return null; TypeEntry entry = types.get(type.getLocalPart()); return entry; } protected TypeEntry getTypeEntry(String type) { for (Map types : typeMap.values()) { TypeEntry entry = types.get(type); if (entry != null) return entry; } return null; } protected String getL0TypeFromPrimitiveType(QName primitiveType) { TypeEntry entry = getTypeEntry(primitiveType); if (entry == null) return null; return entry.l0Type; } protected String getL0Type(QName primitiveType) { String type = getL0TypeFromPrimitiveType(primitiveType); if (type != null) return type; SchemaObject simpleTypeObj = simpleTypeName.get(primitiveType.getLocalPart()); if (simpleTypeObj == null) return null; SimpleType simpleType = simpleTypeObj.getSimpleType(); while (simpleType != null) { QName base = simpleType.getRestriction().getBase(); if (base != null) return getL0Type(base); simpleType = simpleType.getRestriction().getSimpleType(); } return null; } protected String getBindingFromPrimitiveType(QName primitiveType) { TypeEntry entry = getTypeEntry(primitiveType); if (entry == null) return null; return entry.binding; } protected String getJavaTypeFromPrimitiveType(QName primitiveType) { TypeEntry entry = getTypeEntry(primitiveType); if (entry == null) return null; return entry.javaType; } public void init(Schema schema) { this.schema = schema; preload(); } public void handle(SchemaConversionComponent component) { this.component = component; for (OpenAttrs attrs : schema.getSimpleTypeOrComplexTypeOrGroup()) { if (attrs instanceof TopLevelAttribute) { handle((TopLevelAttribute)attrs); } else if (attrs instanceof TopLevelComplexType) { handleComplexType(complexTypes.get(attrs)); } else if (attrs instanceof TopLevelElement) { handleElement(elements.get(attrs)); } else if (attrs instanceof TopLevelSimpleType) { handleSimpleType(simpleTypes.get(attrs)); } else if (attrs instanceof NamedAttributeGroup) { handle((NamedAttributeGroup)attrs); } else if (attrs instanceof NamedGroup) { handle((NamedGroup)attrs); } else { System.out.println(attrs.getClass().getName()); } } } private Map elementName = new HashMap<>(); private Map complexTypeName = new HashMap<>(); private Map simpleTypeName = new HashMap<>(); private Map modelGroupName = new HashMap<>(); private Map elements = new HashMap<>(); private Map complexTypes = new HashMap<>(); private Map simpleTypes = new HashMap<>(); private Map modelGroups = new HashMap<>(); private SchemaObject _getWithName(QName name) { SchemaObject obj = elementName.get(name.getLocalPart()); if (obj == null) obj = complexTypeName.get(name.getLocalPart()); if (obj == null) obj = simpleTypeName.get(name.getLocalPart()); return obj; } protected SchemaObject getWithName(QName name) { SchemaObject obj = _getWithName(name); if (obj != null) return obj; if (name.getNamespaceURI() != null) { for (SchemaConverter sc : converter.getConverter(name.getNamespaceURI())) { if (sc.base != null) { obj = sc.base._getWithName(name); if (obj != null) { return obj; } } } } return null; } private NamedAttributeGroup _getAttributeGroup(QName name) { for (OpenAttrs attrs : schema.getSimpleTypeOrComplexTypeOrGroup()) { if (attrs instanceof NamedAttributeGroup) { NamedAttributeGroup group = (NamedAttributeGroup)attrs; if (group.getName().equals(name.getLocalPart())) return group; } } return null; } public NamedAttributeGroup getAttributeGroup(QName name) { NamedAttributeGroup group = _getAttributeGroup(name); if (group != null) return group; if (name.getNamespaceURI() != null) { for (SchemaConverter sc : converter.getConverter(name.getNamespaceURI())) { if (sc.base != null) { group = sc.base._getAttributeGroup(name); if (group != null) { return group; } } } } return null; } private SchemaObject _getElement(QName name) { return elementName.get(name.getLocalPart()); } protected SchemaObject getElement(QName name) { SchemaObject obj = _getElement(name); if (obj != null) return obj; if (name.getNamespaceURI() != null) { for (SchemaConverter sc : converter.getConverter(name.getNamespaceURI())) { if (sc.base != null) { obj = sc.base._getElement(name); if (obj != null) { return obj; } } } } return null; } protected SchemaObject getElement(Element element) { return elements.get(element); } private SchemaObject _getComplexType(QName name) { return complexTypeName.get(name.getLocalPart()); } protected SchemaObject getComplexType(QName name) { SchemaObject obj = _getComplexType(name); if (obj != null) return obj; if (name.getNamespaceURI() != null) { for (SchemaConverter sc : converter.getConverter(name.getNamespaceURI())) { if (sc.base != null) { obj = sc.base._getComplexType(name); if (obj != null) { return obj; } } } } return null; } protected SchemaObject getComplexType(ComplexType complexType) { return complexTypes.get(complexType); } private SchemaObject _getSimpleType(QName name) { return simpleTypeName.get(name.getLocalPart()); } protected SchemaObject getSimpleType(QName name) { SchemaObject obj = _getSimpleType(name); if (obj != null) return obj; if (name.getNamespaceURI() != null) { for (SchemaConverter sc : converter.getConverter(name.getNamespaceURI())) { if (sc.base != null) { obj = sc.base._getSimpleType(name); if (obj != null) { return obj; } } } } return null; } protected SchemaObject getSimpleType(SimpleType simpleType) { return simpleTypes.get(simpleType); } protected SchemaObject getWithObj(SchemaObject referrer, OpenAttrs attrs) { // FIXME : this method cannot handle references to other schemas. SchemaObject obj = null; if (attrs instanceof Element) obj = elements.get(attrs); else if (attrs instanceof ComplexType) obj = complexTypes.get(attrs); else if (attrs instanceof SimpleType) obj = simpleTypes.get(attrs); if (obj == null){ throw new RuntimeException("Cannot locate referred object " + attrs + " when handling " + referrer.getName()); } return obj; } private void preload() { Deque stack = new ArrayDeque(); //stack.addAll(schema.getSimpleTypeOrComplexTypeOrGroup()); for (OpenAttrs attrs : schema.getSimpleTypeOrComplexTypeOrGroup()) { if (attrs instanceof Element) { Element element = (Element)attrs; SchemaObject obj = new SchemaObject(element); obj.setRename(getRename(element)); stack.push(obj); } else if (attrs instanceof ComplexType) { ComplexType complexType = (ComplexType)attrs; SchemaObject obj = new SchemaObject(complexType); obj.setRename(getRename(complexType)); stack.push(obj); } else if (attrs instanceof SimpleType) { SimpleType simpleType = (SimpleType)attrs; SchemaObject obj = new SchemaObject(simpleType); stack.push(obj); } else if (attrs instanceof Attribute) { // Attributes are not cached } else if (attrs instanceof AttributeGroup) { // Attribute groups are not cached } else if (attrs instanceof NamedGroup) { NamedGroup group = (NamedGroup)attrs; SchemaObject obj = new SchemaObject(group); stack.push(obj); } else { System.out.println(attrs.getClass().getName()); } } while (!stack.isEmpty()) { SchemaObject object = stack.pop(); switch (object.getType()) { case COMPLEX_TYPE:{ ComplexType ct = object.getComplexType(); if (ct.getName() != null && ct.getName().length() > 0 && ct instanceof TopLevelComplexType) complexTypeName.put(ct.getName(), object); complexTypes.put(ct, object); if (ct.getChoice() != null) { preload(object,ct.getChoice(), stack); } if (ct.getSequence() != null) { preload(object,ct.getSequence(), stack); } if (ct.getAll() != null) { preload(object,ct.getAll(), stack); } if (ct.getGroup() != null) throw new RuntimeException("Groups not supported"); if (ct.getComplexContent() != null) { ComplexContent cc = ct.getComplexContent(); ExtensionType extensionType = cc.getExtension(); if (extensionType != null) { if (extensionType.getChoice() != null) { preload(object,extensionType.getChoice(), stack); } if (extensionType.getSequence()!= null) { preload(object,extensionType.getSequence(), stack); } if (extensionType.getAll()!= null) { preload(object,extensionType.getAll(), stack); } if (extensionType.getGroup() != null) { throw new RuntimeException("Groups not supported"); //preload(object,extensionType.getGroup(), stack); } } } if (ct.getSimpleContent() != null) { SimpleContent cc = ct.getSimpleContent(); ExtensionType extensionType = cc.getExtension(); if (extensionType != null) { if (extensionType.getChoice() != null) { preload(object,extensionType.getChoice(), stack); } if (extensionType.getSequence()!= null) { preload(object,extensionType.getSequence(), stack); } if (extensionType.getAll()!= null) { preload(object,extensionType.getAll(), stack); } if (extensionType.getGroup() != null) throw new RuntimeException("Groups not supported"); } } break; } case ELEMENT:{ Element e = object.getElement(); if (e instanceof TopLevelElement) elementName.put(e.getName(), object); elements.put(e, object); if (e.getComplexType() != null) stack.push(new SchemaObject(object,e.getComplexType())); if (e.getSimpleType() != null) stack.push(new SchemaObject(object,e.getSimpleType())); break; } case SIMPLE_TYPE:{ SimpleType e = object.getSimpleType(); if (e instanceof TopLevelSimpleType) simpleTypeName.put(e.getName(), object); simpleTypes.put(e, object); break; } case MODEL_GROUP:{ NamedGroup e = object.getModelGroup(); modelGroupName.put(e.getName(), object); modelGroups.put(e, object); break; } } } // while } private void preload(SchemaObject parent,ExplicitGroup eg, Deque stack) { for (Object o : eg.getParticle()) { if (o instanceof JAXBElement) { JAXBElement element = (JAXBElement)o; Object elemValue = element.getValue(); if (elemValue instanceof Element) { SchemaObject obj = new SchemaObject(parent,(Element)elemValue); obj.setRename(getRename((Element)elemValue)); stack.add(obj); } else if (elemValue instanceof ExplicitGroup) { preload(parent,(ExplicitGroup)elemValue, stack); } else if (elemValue instanceof RealGroup) { preload(parent,(RealGroup)elemValue, stack); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unknown ExplicitGroup element " + elemValue.getClass().getName()); } } else if (o instanceof Any){ } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unknown ExplicitGroup reference " + o.getClass().getName()); } } } private void preload(SchemaObject parent, RealGroup eg, Deque stack) { System.out.println(eg); if (eg instanceof NamedGroup) { SchemaObject obj = new SchemaObject(parent,(NamedGroup)eg); stack.add(obj); } } protected void handle(TopLevelAttribute topLevelAttribute) { handle(null, topLevelAttribute); } protected void handleSimpleType(SchemaObject topLevelSimpleType) { handleSimpleType(null,topLevelSimpleType); } protected void handle(NamedAttributeGroup namedAttributeGroup){ handle(null, namedAttributeGroup); } protected void handle(NamedGroup namedAttributeGroup){ handle(null, namedAttributeGroup); } protected QName getComplexTypeBase(ComplexType complexType) { if (complexType == null) return null; ComplexContent complexContent = complexType.getComplexContent(); if (complexContent != null) { ExtensionType extensionType = complexContent.getExtension(); if (extensionType != null) { QName type = extensionType.getBase(); return type; } } return null; } protected QName getSimpleTypeBase(SimpleType simpleType) { // if (simpleType == null) // return null; // return simpleType.getRestriction().getBase(); Restriction restriction = simpleType.getRestriction(); if (restriction != null) { QName base = restriction.getBase(); return base; } else if (simpleType.getId() != null) { throw new RuntimeException(simpleType.getName() + " restriction error"); } else if (simpleType.getUnion() != null) { Union union = simpleType.getUnion(); if (union.getMemberTypes().size() > 0) { QName base = null; for (QName type : union.getMemberTypes()) { QName sType = null; TypeEntry entry = getTypeEntry(type); if (entry == null) { //SchemaObject obj = simpleTypeName.get(type.getLocalPart()); SchemaObject obj = getSimpleType(type); if (obj == null) throw new RuntimeException(simpleType.getName() + " union has unresolved reference " + type.getLocalPart()); sType = getSimpleTypeBase(obj.getSimpleType()); } else { sType = type; } if (base == null) base = sType; else if (!base.equals(sType)) { //FIXME : throw new RuntimeException(simpleType.getName() + " union has incompatible member types"); // fall back to string. base = new QName(SCHEMA_NS, "string"); } } return base; } else { if (union.getSimpleType().size() == 0) throw new RuntimeException(simpleType.getName() + " union error"); for (SimpleType s : union.getSimpleType()) { if (restriction == null) restriction = s.getRestriction(); else { Restriction r = s.getRestriction(); if (!r.getBase().equals(restriction.getBase())) { Inheritance rI = new Inheritance(""); getAtomicTypeInheritance(r.getBase(), rI); Inheritance restI = new Inheritance(""); getAtomicTypeInheritance(restriction.getBase(), restI); if (!rI.atomicType.l0Type.equals(restI.atomicType.l0Type)) throw new RuntimeException(simpleType.getName() + " union has incompatible restriction bases"); } } } QName base = restriction.getBase(); return base; } } else if (simpleType.getList() != null) { // FIXME: callers cannot get the information that we have a list. org.w3._2001.xmlschema.List list = simpleType.getList(); return list.getItemType(); } else { throw new RuntimeException(simpleType.getName() + " restriction error"); } } protected QName getElementBase(Element element) { ComplexType complexType = element.getComplexType(); SimpleType simpleType = element.getSimpleType(); if (complexType != null) return getComplexTypeBase(complexType); if (simpleType != null) { return getSimpleTypeBase(simpleType); } return null; } private void handleAttributes(SchemaObject complexType, List attributeOrAttributeGroup) { //name = getComplexTypePrefix()+complexType.getName() Set handled = handleAttributeCompositions(complexType,attributeOrAttributeGroup); for (Annotated annotated : attributeOrAttributeGroup) { if (handled.contains(annotated)) continue; if (annotated instanceof Attribute) { handle(complexType,(Attribute)annotated); } else if (annotated instanceof AttributeGroup){ handle(complexType,(AttributeGroup)annotated); //comment("AttributeGroup " + ((AttributeGroup)annotated).getRef().getLocalPart()); } else { throw new RuntimeException(); } } } protected void handleAttributes(SchemaObject simpleTypeObj) { component.handleAttributes(simpleTypeObj); } protected void handleExtensionAttributes(SchemaObject complexType) { ComplexContent complexContent = complexType.getComplexType().getComplexContent(); if (complexContent != null) { ExtensionType extensionType = complexContent.getExtension(); if (extensionType != null) { handleAttributes(complexType, extensionType.getAttributeOrAttributeGroup()); } } SimpleContent simpleContent = complexType.getComplexType().getSimpleContent(); if (simpleContent != null) { ExtensionType extensionType = simpleContent.getExtension(); if (extensionType != null) { handleAttributes(complexType, extensionType.getAttributeOrAttributeGroup()); } } } protected void handleComplexTypeAttributes(SchemaObject complexType) { handleAttributes(complexType,complexType.getComplexType().getAttributeOrAttributeGroup()); } protected void handleElementComplexTypeAttributes(SchemaObject complexType) { if (complexType != null) { handleComplexTypeAttributes(complexType); handleExtensionAttributes(complexType); } } protected void handleElementSimpleTypeAttributes(SchemaObject simpleType) { if (simpleType != null) { handleAttributes(simpleType); } } protected Set handleAttributeCompositions(SchemaObject obj, List attributeOrAttributeGroup) { Set handled = new HashSet(); for (JAXBElement e : configuration.getConversionRule()) { if (e.getValue() instanceof AttributeComposition) { AttributeComposition composition = (AttributeComposition)e.getValue(); if (composition.getAttribute().size() < 2) throw new RuntimeException("Attribute Composition is not valid"); BijectionMap map = new BijectionMap(); for (org.simantics.xml.sax.configuration.Attribute a : composition.getAttribute()) { for (Annotated annotated : attributeOrAttributeGroup) { if (annotated instanceof Attribute) { Attribute attribute = (Attribute)annotated; QName type = getBaseType(attribute); if (a.getName().equals(attribute.getName()) && type != null && a.getType().equals(type.getLocalPart())) {, attribute); } } } } if (composition.getAttribute().size() == map.size()) { handled.addAll(map.getRightSet()); handleAttributeComposition(obj, composition, map); } } } return handled; } protected QName getBaseType(Attribute attribute) { if (attribute.getType() != null) return attribute.getType(); if (attribute.getRef() != null) return attribute.getRef(); SimpleType simpleType = attribute.getSimpleType(); if (simpleType != null) { Restriction restriction = simpleType.getRestriction(); if (restriction != null) if (restriction.getBase() != null) return restriction.getBase(); } return null; } protected QName getPrimitiveType(Attribute attribute) { QName type = getBaseType(attribute); String b = getBindingFromPrimitiveType(type); while (b==null && type != null) { SchemaObject baseType = simpleTypeName.get(type.getLocalPart()); if (baseType != null) { Restriction restriction = baseType.getSimpleType().getRestriction(); if (restriction != null) if (restriction.getBase() != null) { type = restriction.getBase(); b = getBindingFromPrimitiveType(type); } } } return type; } protected Attribute getRefAttribute(QName ref) { for (OpenAttrs attrs : schema.getSimpleTypeOrComplexTypeOrGroup()) { if (attrs instanceof TopLevelAttribute) { TopLevelAttribute attribute = (TopLevelAttribute)attrs; if (attribute.getName().equals(ref.getLocalPart())) return attribute; } } return null; } //protected abstract void handleAttributeComposition(SchemaObject obj, AttributeComposition composition, BijectionMap attributes); protected void handleAttributeComposition(SchemaObject obj, AttributeComposition composition, BijectionMap attributes) { component.handleAttributeComposition(obj, composition, attributes); } protected void handleComplexType(SchemaObject complexType) { // handleComplexTypeAttributes(complexType); // handleComplexTypeExtension(complexType); // handleExtensionAttributes(complexType); component.handleComplexType(complexType); } protected void handleElement(SchemaObject topLevelElement) { // LocalComplexType complexType = topLevelElement.getElement().getComplexType(); // // if (complexType != null) { // SchemaObject complextTypeObj = complexTypes.get(complexType); // handleElementComplexTypeAttributes(complextTypeObj); // handleComplexTypeExtension(complextTypeObj); // } component.handleElement(topLevelElement); } protected enum RefType{Element,Reference,Type}; protected void handleIndicator(SchemaObject parent, SchemaElement indicator, SchemaElement element, String refName, RefType refType, String baseRelationName) { component.handleIndicator(parent, indicator, element, refName, refType, baseRelationName); } protected void handleIndicator(SchemaObject parent, SchemaElement indicator, SchemaElement any) { component.handleIndicator(parent, indicator, any); } protected void handle(SchemaObject parent, SchemaElement indicator, List elements) { //component.handle(parent, indicator, elements); // Generate combined relation String baseRelationName = null; if (indicator.getType() == SchemaElement.ElementType.CHOICE) { String name = getChoiceName(elements); if (name != null) baseRelationName = component.handleChoice(parent, indicator, elements, name); } if (indicator.getType() == SchemaElement.ElementType.SEQUENCE || indicator.getType() == SchemaElement.ElementType.CHOICE) { for (SchemaElement e : elements) { handle(parent, indicator, e, baseRelationName); } } } protected void handle(SchemaObject parent, ExplicitGroup eg, SchemaElement.ElementType indicator) { handle(parent, new SchemaElement(eg, indicator)); } protected void handle(SchemaObject parent, GroupRef eg, SchemaElement.ElementType indicator) { handle(parent, new SchemaElement(eg, indicator)); } protected void handle(SchemaObject parent, SchemaElement indicator) { List elements = new ArrayList(); List choices = new ArrayList(); List sequences = new ArrayList(); List alls = new ArrayList(); List anys = new ArrayList(); List groups = new ArrayList(); for (Object o : indicator.getGroup().getParticle()) { if (o instanceof JAXBElement) { JAXBElement element = (JAXBElement)o; Object elemValue = element.getValue(); if (elemValue instanceof LocalElement) { LocalElement localElement = (LocalElement)elemValue; elements.add(new SchemaElement(indicator,localElement, ElementType.ELEMENT)); } else if (elemValue instanceof All) { alls.add(new SchemaElement(indicator,(All)elemValue, ElementType.ALL)); } else if (elemValue instanceof ExplicitGroup) { QName qname = element.getName(); if ("choice".equals(qname.getLocalPart())) { choices.add(new SchemaElement(indicator,(ExplicitGroup)elemValue, ElementType.CHOICE)); } else if ("sequence".equals(qname.getLocalPart())) { sequences.add(new SchemaElement(indicator,(ExplicitGroup)elemValue, ElementType.SEQUENCE)); } } else if (elemValue instanceof RealGroup) { if (elemValue instanceof GroupRef) { groups.add(new SchemaElement(indicator,(GroupRef)elemValue, ElementType.GROUP_REF)); } else if (elemValue instanceof NamedGroup) { groups.add(new SchemaElement(indicator,(NamedGroup)elemValue, ElementType.NAMED_GROUP)); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unknown ExplicitGroup element " + elemValue.getClass().getName()); } } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unknown ExplicitGroup element " + elemValue.getClass().getName()); } } else if (o instanceof Any){ anys.add(new SchemaElement(indicator,(Any)o, ElementType.ANY)); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unknown ExplicitGroup reference " + o.getClass().getName()); } } if (elements.size() == 0 && choices.size() == 0 && sequences.size() == 0 && alls.size() == 0 && anys.size() == 0 && groups.size() == 0) { return; } if (indicator.getType() == SchemaElement.ElementType.SEQUENCE) { if (indicator.getRestriction().single()) { if (elements.size() > 0) { for (SchemaElement e : sequences) { handle(parent, e); } for (SchemaElement c : choices) { handle(parent, c); } for (SchemaElement c : alls) { handle(parent, c); } for (SchemaElement c : groups) { handle(parent, c); } handle(parent, indicator, elements); for (SchemaElement a : anys) { handleIndicator(parent, indicator, a); } } else { if (sequences.size() > 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot handle Sequence with inner Sequences"); } for (SchemaElement c : choices) { handle(parent, c); } for (SchemaElement a : anys) { handleIndicator(parent, indicator, a); } for (SchemaElement c : groups) { handle(parent, c); } } } else { if (choices.size() == 1 && sequences.size() == 0 && alls.size() == 0 && groups.size() == 0) { // special case: handle lone choice inside sequence with maxOccurs > 1 SchemaElement choice = choices.get(0); // move multiplicity restrictions to choice if (indicator.getRestriction().max == -1 || (choice.getRestriction().max > 0 && indicator.getRestriction().max > choice.getRestriction().max)) choice.getRestriction().max = indicator.getRestriction().max; if (indicator.getRestriction().min == 0 || choice.getRestriction().min > indicator.getRestriction().min) choice.getRestriction().min = indicator.getRestriction().min; handle(parent, choice, elements); return; } if (sequences.size() > 0 || choices.size() > 0 || alls.size() > 0 || groups.size() > 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot handle Sequence with inner ExplicitGroups"); } handle(parent, indicator, elements); for (SchemaElement a : anys) { handleIndicator(parent, indicator, a); } } } else if (indicator.getType() == SchemaElement.ElementType.CHOICE){ if (indicator.getRestriction().single()) { if (sequences.size()> 0 || choices.size() > 0 || alls.size() > 0 || anys.size() > 0 || groups.size() > 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot handle Choice that contains something else than Elements"); //System.out.println("Cannot handle Choice that contains something else than Elements"); //return; } handle(parent, indicator, elements); } else { if (sequences.size() > 0 || choices.size() > 0 || alls.size() > 0 || groups.size() > 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot handle Choice with inner ExplicitGroups"); //System.out.println("Cannot handle Choice with inner ExplicitGroups"); //return; } handle(parent, indicator, elements); for (SchemaElement a : anys) { handleIndicator(parent, indicator, a); } } } else if (indicator.getType() == ElementType.ALL) { if (sequences.size()> 0 || choices.size() > 0 || alls.size() > 0 || anys.size() > 0 || groups.size() > 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot handle All that contains something else than Elements"); } if (!indicator.getRestriction().single()) { throw new RuntimeException("All indicator must have maxOccurs=1"); } handle(parent, indicator, elements); } } protected void handle(SchemaObject parent, SchemaElement indicator, SchemaElement element, String baseRelationName) { Element localElement = element.getElement(); if (localElement.getName() != null) { SchemaObject eObj = elements.get(localElement); QName refType = localElement.getType(); if (refType != null) handleIndicator(parent, indicator, element, null, RefType.Type, baseRelationName); else { handleElement(eObj); handleIndicator(parent, indicator, element, null, RefType.Element, baseRelationName); } } else if (localElement.getRef() != null) { handleIndicator(parent, indicator,element, null, RefType.Reference, baseRelationName); } } protected String getElementName(Element localElement) { if (localElement.getName() != null) { String refName = localElement.getName(); QName refType = localElement.getType(); if (refType != null) return refName; } else if (localElement.getRef() != null) { QName refType = localElement.getRef(); if (refType != null) return refType.getLocalPart(); } return null; } protected String getChoiceName(List elements) { if (elements.size() == 1) { return null; } else if (elements.size() > 0 && elements.size() <= 3) { List names = new ArrayList(); for (SchemaElement e : elements) { String name = getElementName(e.getElement()); if (name != null) names.add(name); } String name = ""; for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) { if (i == 0) name = names.get(i); else name += "Or"+names.get(i); } return name; } else { return "SubElement"; } } protected void handle(SchemaObject parent, Attribute attribute) { component.handle(parent, attribute); } protected void handle(SchemaObject parent, AttributeGroup attribute) { component.handle(parent, attribute); } protected void handle(SchemaObject parent, NamedGroup attribute){ component.handle(parent, attribute); }; protected void handleSimpleType(SchemaObject parent, SchemaObject simpleType) { component.handleSimpleType(parent, simpleType); } protected void handleComplexTypeExtension(SchemaObject complexTypeObj) { ComplexType complexType = complexTypeObj.getComplexType(); if (complexType != null) { if (complexType.getChoice() != null) handle(complexTypeObj, complexType.getChoice(), SchemaElement.ElementType.CHOICE); if (complexType.getSequence() != null) handle(complexTypeObj, complexType.getSequence(), SchemaElement.ElementType.SEQUENCE); if (complexType.getAll() != null) handle(complexTypeObj, complexType.getAll(), SchemaElement.ElementType.ALL); if (complexType.getGroup() != null) throw new RuntimeException("Groups not supported"); ComplexContent complexContent = complexType.getComplexContent(); if (complexContent != null) { ExtensionType extensionType = complexContent.getExtension(); if (extensionType != null) { if (extensionType.getChoice() != null) { handle(complexTypeObj, extensionType.getChoice(), SchemaElement.ElementType.CHOICE); } if (extensionType.getSequence()!= null) { handle(complexTypeObj, extensionType.getSequence(), SchemaElement.ElementType.SEQUENCE); } if (extensionType.getAll()!= null) { handle(complexTypeObj, extensionType.getAll(), SchemaElement.ElementType.ALL); } if (extensionType.getGroup() != null) { throw new RuntimeException("Groups not supported"); //handle(complexTypeObj, extensionType.getGroup(), SchemaElement.ElementType.GROUP_REF); } } } // SimpleContent simpleContent = complexType.getSimpleContent(); // if (simpleContent != null) { // ExtensionType extensionType = simpleContent.getExtension(); // } } } public boolean isElementRef(String ref) { return elementName.containsKey(ref); } public boolean isComplexTypeRef(String ref) { return complexTypeName.containsKey(ref); } public boolean isSimpleTypeRef(String ref) { return simpleTypeName.containsKey(ref); } public IDProvider getIDProvider(Element element) { List idProviders = new ArrayList(2); for (JAXBElement e : configuration.getConversionRule()) { if (e.getValue() instanceof IDProvider) { IDProvider ref = (IDProvider)e.getValue(); org.simantics.xml.sax.configuration.Element element2 = ref.getElement(); if (element2 != null) { if (element.getName().equals(element2.getName())) idProviders.add(ref); } } } if (idProviders.size() == 0) return null; if (idProviders.size() > 1) throw new RuntimeException("Element " + element.getName() + " contains " + idProviders.size() + " id provider rules, only one is allowed."); return idProviders.get(0); } public IDProvider getIDProvider(ComplexType complexType) { List idProviders = new ArrayList(2); for (JAXBElement e : configuration.getConversionRule()) { if (e.getValue() instanceof IDProvider) { IDProvider ref = (IDProvider)e.getValue(); org.simantics.xml.sax.configuration.ComplexType complexType2 = ref.getComplexType(); if (complexType2 != null) { if (complexType.getName().equals(complexType2.getName())) idProviders.add(ref); } } } if (idProviders.size() == 0) return null; if (idProviders.size() > 1) throw new RuntimeException("Element " + complexType.getName() + " contains " + idProviders.size() + " id provider rules, only one is allowed."); return idProviders.get(0); } public List getIDReferences(Element element) { List idReferences = new ArrayList(2); for (JAXBElement e : configuration.getConversionRule()) { if (e.getValue() instanceof IDReference) { IDReference ref = (IDReference)e.getValue(); org.simantics.xml.sax.configuration.Element element2 = ref.getElement(); if (element2 != null) { if (element.getName().equals(element2.getName())) idReferences.add(ref); } } } return idReferences; } public List getIDReferences(ComplexType complexType) { List idReferences = new ArrayList(2); for (JAXBElement e : configuration.getConversionRule()) { if (e.getValue() instanceof IDReference) { IDReference ref = (IDReference)e.getValue(); org.simantics.xml.sax.configuration.ComplexType complexType2 = ref.getComplexType(); if (complexType2 != null) { if (complexType.getName().equals(complexType2.getName())) idReferences.add(ref); } } } return idReferences; } public UnrecognizedChildElement getUnknown(ComplexType complexType) { for (JAXBElement e : configuration.getConversionRule()) { if (e.getValue() instanceof UnrecognizedChildElement) { UnrecognizedChildElement rule = (UnrecognizedChildElement)e.getValue(); org.simantics.xml.sax.configuration.ComplexType complexType2 = rule.getComplexType(); if (complexType2 != null) { if (complexType.getName().equals(complexType2.getName())) return rule; } } } return null; } public UnrecognizedChildElement getUnknown(Element element) { for (JAXBElement e : configuration.getConversionRule()) { if (e.getValue() instanceof UnrecognizedChildElement) { UnrecognizedChildElement rule = (UnrecognizedChildElement)e.getValue(); org.simantics.xml.sax.configuration.Element element2 = rule.getElement(); if (element2 != null) { if (element.getName().equals(element2.getName())) return rule; } } } return null; } public Rename getRename(Attribute element) { for (JAXBElement e : configuration.getConversionRule()) { if (e.getValue() instanceof Rename) { Rename rule = (Rename)e.getValue(); Object ref = rule.getElementOrComplexTypeOrAttribute().get(0); if (!(ref instanceof org.simantics.xml.sax.configuration.Attribute)) continue; org.simantics.xml.sax.configuration.Attribute element2 = (org.simantics.xml.sax.configuration.Attribute)ref; if (element2.getName().equals(element.getName())) { return rule; } } } return null; } public Rename getRename(ComplexType element) { for (JAXBElement e : configuration.getConversionRule()) { if (e.getValue() instanceof Rename) { Rename rule = (Rename)e.getValue(); Object ref = rule.getElementOrComplexTypeOrAttribute().get(0); if (!(ref instanceof org.simantics.xml.sax.configuration.ComplexType)) continue; org.simantics.xml.sax.configuration.ComplexType element2 = (org.simantics.xml.sax.configuration.ComplexType)ref; if (element2.getName().equals(element.getName())) { return rule; } } } return null; } public Rename getRename(Element element) { for (JAXBElement e : configuration.getConversionRule()) { if (e.getValue() instanceof Rename) { Rename rule = (Rename)e.getValue(); Object ref = rule.getElementOrComplexTypeOrAttribute().get(0); if (!(ref instanceof org.simantics.xml.sax.configuration.Element)) continue; org.simantics.xml.sax.configuration.Element element2 = (org.simantics.xml.sax.configuration.Element)ref; if (element2.getName().equals(element.getName())) { return rule; } } } return null; } public boolean useOriginalList(SchemaObject parent, SchemaElement indicator, SchemaElement element, boolean reference, String ref, QName refType) { if (parent.getName() == null) parent = parent.getParent(); if (parent.getName().contains("PipingNetworkSegment")) System.out.println(); for (JAXBElement e : configuration.getConversionRule()) { if (e.getValue() instanceof OrderedChild) { OrderedChild oc = (OrderedChild)e.getValue(); org.simantics.xml.sax.configuration.Element element2 = oc.getElement(); org.simantics.xml.sax.configuration.ComplexType complexType = oc.getComplexType(); org.simantics.xml.sax.configuration.Element child = oc.getChild(); if (!oc.getType().equals("original")) continue; boolean match = false; if (element2 != null) { if (parent.getType() == ObjectType.ELEMENT && parent.getName().equals(element2.getName())) { match = true; } } else if (complexType != null) { if (parent.getType() == ObjectType.COMPLEX_TYPE && parent.getName() != null && parent.getName().equals(complexType.getName())) { match = true; } } if (match) { if (child != null) { if (matchChild(child, ref, refType)) { if (oc.getValue().equals("disable")) return false; else return true; } } else { if (oc.getValue().equals("disable")) return false; return true; } } } } return indicator.order(); } public boolean useElementList(SchemaObject parent, SchemaElement indicator, SchemaElement element, boolean reference, String refName, QName refType) { if (parent.getName() == null) parent = parent.getParent(); if (parent.getName() == "PipingNetworkSegment") System.out.println(); for (JAXBElement e : configuration.getConversionRule()) { if (e.getValue() instanceof OrderedChild) { OrderedChild oc = (OrderedChild)e.getValue(); org.simantics.xml.sax.configuration.Element element2 = oc.getElement(); org.simantics.xml.sax.configuration.ComplexType complexType = oc.getComplexType(); org.simantics.xml.sax.configuration.Element child = oc.getChild(); if (!oc.getType().equals("child")) continue; boolean match = false; if (element2 != null) { if (parent.getType() == ObjectType.ELEMENT && parent.getName().equals(element2.getName())) { match = true; } } else if (complexType != null) { if (parent.getType() == ObjectType.COMPLEX_TYPE && parent.getName() != null && parent.getName().equals(complexType.getName())) { match = true; } } if (match) { if (child != null) { if (matchChild(child, refName, refType)) { if (oc.getValue().equals("disable")) return false; else return true; } } else { if (oc.getValue().equals("disable")) return false; return true; } } } } return element.many() && element.order(); } private boolean matchChild(org.simantics.xml.sax.configuration.Element child, String refName, QName refType) { if (refType != null && refType.getLocalPart().equals(child.getName())) return true; if (refName != null && refName.equals(child.getName())) return true; return false; } public static class TypeEntry { String l0Type; String binding; String javaType; String defaultValue; boolean id; String getterPrefix; String getterPostfix; String stringPrefix; String stringPostfix; public TypeEntry(String l0Type, String binding, String javaType, String defaultValue, String getterPrefix, String getterPostfix, String stringPrefix, String stringPostfix) { super(); this.l0Type = l0Type; this.binding = binding; this.javaType = javaType; this.defaultValue = defaultValue; = false; this.getterPrefix = getterPrefix; this.getterPostfix = getterPostfix; this.stringPrefix = stringPrefix; this.stringPostfix = stringPostfix; } public TypeEntry(String l0Type, String binding, String javaType, String defaultValue, String getterPrefix, String getterPostfix, String stringPrefix, String stringPostfix, boolean id) { super(); this.l0Type = l0Type; this.binding = binding; this.javaType = javaType; this.defaultValue = defaultValue; = id; this.getterPrefix = getterPrefix; this.getterPostfix = getterPostfix; this.stringPrefix = stringPrefix; this.stringPostfix = stringPostfix; } public String getValueGetterMethod(String name) { return getterPrefix + name + ".getValue()"+getterPostfix; } public String getValueGetter(String name) { return getterPrefix + name+getterPostfix; } public String getValueGetter() { return getValueGetter("value"); } public String getToString(String name) { return stringPrefix +"("+javaType+")"+name+stringPostfix; } public String getElementToString(String name) { return stringPrefix + name+stringPostfix; } } public enum InheritanceType{ComplexType,AtomicType,None}; public static class Inheritance { public String baseClass; public String additionalClass; public InheritanceType type; public TypeEntry atomicType; public Inheritance(String baseClass) { this.baseClass = baseClass; this.type = InheritanceType.None; } } public String getComplexTypePrefix() { return component.getComplexTypePrefix(); } public String getAttributeGroupPrefix() { return component.getAttributeGroupPrefix(); } public String getName(SchemaObject obj) { return component.getName(obj); } public String getBaseClass(ObjectType type) { return component.getBaseClass(type); } public Inheritance getInheritance(SchemaObject topLevelObj) { Inheritance inheritance = null; if (topLevelObj.getType() == ObjectType.ELEMENT) { Element topLevelElement = topLevelObj.getElement(); inheritance = new Inheritance(getBaseClass(ObjectType.ELEMENT)); if (topLevelElement.getType() != null) { QName type = topLevelElement.getType(); if (!type.getNamespaceURI().equals(SCHEMA_NS)) { SchemaObject obj = complexTypeName.get(type.getLocalPart()); // if (obj == null) // obj = simpleTypeName.get(type.getLocalPart()); if (obj != null) { inheritance.baseClass = getName(obj); inheritance.type = InheritanceType.ComplexType; } } else { TypeEntry entry = getTypeEntry(type); if (entry != null) { inheritance.type = InheritanceType.AtomicType; inheritance.atomicType = entry; } } } if (inheritance.type == InheritanceType.None) { QName type = getElementBase(topLevelElement); if (type != null) { if (!type.getNamespaceURI().equals(SCHEMA_NS)) { SchemaObject obj = getWithName(type); inheritance.baseClass = getName(obj); inheritance.type = InheritanceType.ComplexType; } else { TypeEntry entry = getTypeEntry(type); if (entry != null) { inheritance.type = InheritanceType.AtomicType; inheritance.atomicType = entry; } } } } if (inheritance.type == InheritanceType.None) { QName type = topLevelElement.getSubstitutionGroup(); if (type != null) { if (!type.getNamespaceURI().equals(SCHEMA_NS)) { SchemaObject obj = getWithName(type); inheritance.baseClass = getName(obj); inheritance.type = InheritanceType.ComplexType; } else { TypeEntry entry = getTypeEntry(type); if (entry != null) { inheritance.type = InheritanceType.AtomicType; inheritance.atomicType = entry; } } } } } else if (topLevelObj.getType() == ObjectType.COMPLEX_TYPE) { ComplexType complexType = topLevelObj.getComplexType(); QName type = getComplexTypeBase(complexType); inheritance = new Inheritance(getBaseClass(ObjectType.COMPLEX_TYPE)); if (type != null && !type.getNamespaceURI().equals("")) { SchemaObject obj = complexTypeName.get(type.getLocalPart()); if (obj != null) { inheritance.baseClass = getName(obj); inheritance.type = InheritanceType.ComplexType; } } SimpleContent simpleContent = complexType.getSimpleContent(); if (simpleContent != null) { ExtensionType extensionType = simpleContent.getExtension(); if (extensionType != null) { type = extensionType.getBase(); SchemaObject simpleType = getSimpleType(type); if (simpleType != null) inheritance.additionalClass = getName(simpleType); getAtomicTypeInheritance(type, inheritance); } } } return inheritance; } /** * Goes through chain of SimpleTypes until locates Atomic Type (type defined in XML schema). * @param type * @param topLevelObj * @param inheritance */ public void getAtomicTypeInheritance(QName type, Inheritance inheritance) { if (!type.getNamespaceURI().equals(SCHEMA_NS)) { SchemaObject obj = getSimpleType(type); if (obj == null) throw new RuntimeException("Cannot locate SimpleType " + type.getLocalPart()); SimpleType simpleType = obj.getSimpleType(); type = getSimpleTypeBase(simpleType); getAtomicTypeInheritance(type, inheritance); } else { TypeEntry entry = getTypeEntry(type); if (entry != null) { inheritance.type = InheritanceType.AtomicType; inheritance.atomicType = entry; } } } public String getDefaultValue(QName atype) { Map types = typeMap.get(atype.getNamespaceURI()); if (types == null) return null; TypeEntry entry = types.get(atype.getLocalPart()); if (entry == null) return null; return entry.defaultValue; } }