package vtk; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; /** * Provide a Java thread safe implementation of vtkJavaMemoryManager. This does * not make VTK thread safe. This only insure that the change of reference count * will never happen in two concurrent thread in the Java world. * * @see vtkJavaMemoryManager * @author sebastien jourdain - */ public class vtkJavaMemoryManagerImpl implements vtkJavaMemoryManager { private vtkJavaGarbageCollector garbageCollector; private ReentrantLock lock; private vtkReferenceInformation lastGcResult; private HashMap> objectMap; private HashMap objectMapClassName; public vtkJavaMemoryManagerImpl() { this.lock = new ReentrantLock(); this.objectMap = new HashMap>(); this.objectMapClassName = new HashMap(); this.garbageCollector = new vtkJavaGarbageCollector(); } // Thread safe public vtkObjectBase getJavaObject(Long vtkId) { // Check pre-condition if (vtkId == null || vtkId.longValue() == 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Invalid ID, can not be null or equal to 0."); } // Check inside the map if the object is already there WeakReference value = objectMap.get(vtkId); vtkObjectBase resultObject = (value == null) ? null : value.get(); // If not, we have to do something if (value == null || resultObject == null) { try { // Make sure no concurrency could happen inside that this.lock.lock(); // Now that we have the lock make sure someone else didn't // create the object in between, if so just return the created // instance value = objectMap.get(vtkId); resultObject = (value == null) ? null : value.get(); if (resultObject != null) { return resultObject; } // We need to do the work of the gc if (value != null && resultObject == null) { this.unRegisterJavaObject(vtkId); } // No-one did create it, so let's do it if (resultObject == null) { try { String className = vtkObjectBase.VTKGetClassNameFromReference(vtkId.longValue()); Class c = Class.forName("vtk." + className); Constructor cons = c.getConstructor(new Class[] { long.class }); resultObject = (vtkObjectBase) cons.newInstance(new Object[] { vtkId }); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } finally { this.lock.unlock(); } } return resultObject; } // Thread safe public void registerJavaObject(Long id, vtkObjectBase obj) { try { this.lock.lock(); this.objectMap.put(id, new WeakReference(obj)); this.objectMapClassName.put(id, obj.GetClassName()); } finally { this.lock.unlock(); } } // Thread safe public void unRegisterJavaObject(Long id) { try { this.lock.lock(); this.objectMapClassName.remove(id); WeakReference value = this.objectMap.remove(id); // Prevent double deletion... if (value != null) { vtkObjectBase.VTKDeleteReference(id.longValue()); } else { throw new RuntimeException("You try to delete a vtkObject that is not referenced in the Java object Map. You may have call Delete() twice."); } } finally { this.lock.unlock(); } } // Thread safe public vtkReferenceInformation gc(boolean debug) { System.gc(); try { this.lock.lock(); final vtkReferenceInformation infos = new vtkReferenceInformation(debug); for (Long id : new TreeSet(this.objectMap.keySet())) { vtkObjectBase obj = this.objectMap.get(id).get(); if (obj == null) { infos.addFreeObject(this.objectMapClassName.get(id)); this.unRegisterJavaObject(id); } else { infos.addKeptObject(this.objectMapClassName.get(id)); } } this.lastGcResult = infos; return infos; } finally { this.lock.unlock(); } } public vtkJavaGarbageCollector getAutoGarbageCollector() { return this.garbageCollector; } // Thread safe public int deleteAll() { int size = this.objectMap.size(); try { this.lock.lock(); for (Long id : new TreeSet(this.objectMap.keySet())) { this.unRegisterJavaObject(id); } } finally { this.lock.unlock(); } return size; } public int getSize() { return objectMap.size(); } public vtkReferenceInformation getLastReferenceInformation() { return this.lastGcResult; } }