package vtk.rendering; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import vtk.vtkAxesActor; import vtk.vtkCamera; import vtk.vtkGenericRenderWindowInteractor; import vtk.vtkInteractorStyle; import vtk.vtkInteractorStyleTrackballCamera; import vtk.vtkOrientationMarkerWidget; import vtk.vtkRenderWindow; import vtk.vtkRenderer; /** * Abstract class that bring most of the VTK logic to any rendering component * regardless its origin. (awt, swt, sing, ...) * * @param * The concrete type of the graphical component that will contains * the vtkRenderWindow. * * @authors Sebastien Jourdain -, Kitware Inc 2012 * Joachim Pouderoux -, Kitware SAS 2012 * @copyright This work was supported by CEA/CESTA * Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives, * 15 avenue des Sablieres, CS 60001, 33116 Le Barp, France. */ public abstract class vtkAbstractComponent implements vtkComponent { protected vtkRenderWindow renderWindow; protected vtkRenderer renderer; protected vtkCamera camera; protected vtkGenericRenderWindowInteractor windowInteractor; protected vtkInteractorForwarder eventForwarder; protected ReentrantLock lock; protected boolean inRenderCall; public vtkAbstractComponent() { this(new vtkRenderWindow()); } public vtkAbstractComponent(vtkRenderWindow renderWindowToUse) { this.inRenderCall = false; this.renderWindow = renderWindowToUse; this.renderer = new vtkRenderer(); this.windowInteractor = new vtkGenericRenderWindowInteractor(); this.lock = new ReentrantLock(); // Init interactor this.windowInteractor.SetRenderWindow(this.renderWindow); this.windowInteractor.TimerEventResetsTimerOff(); this.windowInteractor.SetSize(200, 200); this.windowInteractor.ConfigureEvent(); // Update style vtkInteractorStyleTrackballCamera style = new vtkInteractorStyleTrackballCamera(); this.windowInteractor.SetInteractorStyle(style); // Setup event forwarder this.eventForwarder = new vtkInteractorForwarder(this); this.windowInteractor.AddObserver("CreateTimerEvent", this.eventForwarder, "StartTimer"); this.windowInteractor.AddObserver("DestroyTimerEvent", this.eventForwarder, "DestroyTimer"); // Link renderWindow with renderer this.renderWindow.AddRenderer(this.renderer); // Keep camera around to prevent its creation/deletion in Java world = this.renderer.GetActiveCamera(); } public ReentrantLock getVTKLock() { return this.lock; } public void resetCamera() { if (renderer == null) { return; // Nothing to do we are deleted... } try { lock.lockInterruptibly(); renderer.ResetCamera(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // Nothing that we can do } finally { this.lock.unlock(); } } public void resetCameraClippingRange() { if (renderWindow == null) { return; // Nothing to do we are deleted... } try { this.lock.lockInterruptibly(); renderer.ResetCameraClippingRange(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // Nothing that we can do } finally { this.lock.unlock(); } } public vtkCamera getActiveCamera() { return; } public vtkRenderer getRenderer() { return this.renderer; } public vtkRenderWindow getRenderWindow() { return this.renderWindow; } public vtkGenericRenderWindowInteractor getRenderWindowInteractor() { return this.windowInteractor; } public void setInteractorStyle(vtkInteractorStyle style) { if (this.windowInteractor != null) { this.lock.lock(); this.windowInteractor.SetInteractorStyle(style); this.lock.unlock(); } } public void setSize(int w, int h) { if (renderWindow == null || windowInteractor == null) { return; // Nothing to do we are deleted... } try { lock.lockInterruptibly(); renderWindow.SetSize(w, h); windowInteractor.SetSize(w, h); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // Nothing that we can do } finally { this.lock.unlock(); } } public void Delete() { this.lock.lock(); this.renderer.DrawOff(); this.renderer.Delete(); this.renderer = null;; = null; this.windowInteractor.Delete(); this.windowInteractor = null; // removing the renderWindow is let to the superclass // because in the very special case of an AWT component // under Linux, destroying renderWindow crashes. this.lock.unlock(); } public vtkInteractorForwarder getInteractorForwarder() { return this.eventForwarder; } public abstract T getComponent(); /** * Generic helper method used to attach orientation axes to a vtkComponent * * @param vtkComponent */ public static void attachOrientationAxes(vtkComponent component) { // only build this once, because it creates its own renderer. // Extra renderers causes issues with resetting. vtkAxesActor axes = new vtkAxesActor(); vtkOrientationMarkerWidget axesWidget = new vtkOrientationMarkerWidget(); axesWidget.SetOutlineColor(0.9300, 0.5700, 0.1300); axesWidget.SetOrientationMarker(axes); axesWidget.SetInteractor(component.getRenderWindowInteractor()); axesWidget.SetDefaultRenderer(component.getRenderer()); axesWidget.SetViewport(0.0, 0.0, .2, .2); axesWidget.EnabledOn(); axesWidget.InteractiveOff(); } }