gerrit.simantics Code Review - simantics/platform.git/commit
Removed jsonValues since there already is Data/Json
A more generic possibleFromDynamic.
Alternative method modelling.
Combined multiple Antti's commits
Get rid of uses of gnu.trove2
refs #7156
instantiateUnder function property for types
refs #7157
refs #7158
Empty RVI literal in L0
refs #7159
possibleFromDynamic coersion function in Simantics/DB
refs #7160
jsonValues parsing function into Simantics/DB
refs #7161
Generic instantiation action based on instantiateUnder
refs #7162
ModelBrowser.handleDrop action should be run in SWT thread
refs #7163
RVI support in Simantics/Variables
refs #7164
Variables change
Change-Id: If21b623c27b660a9b6bc150c905f0360b15d08a0
20 files changed: