// Next solve algebraic equations\r
for(int i=0;i<assignments.length;i++) {\r
- newValues[i] = assignments[i].expression.evaluate(env);\r
- }\r
- for(int i=0;i<model.assignments.size();i++) {\r
- assignments[i].target.assign(env, assignments[i].subscripts, newValues[i]);\r
+ Object value = assignments[i].expression.evaluate(env);\r
+ assignments[i].target.assign(env, assignments[i].subscripts, value);\r
>exp = fromJust $ possibleResourceChild m "Experiment"\r
>id = activateExperiment exp\r
>run id\r
->withinEpsilon (lastValue exp id "/Carbon In Biosphere") 2710.705 0.001\r
+>withinEpsilon (lastValue exp id "/Carbon In Biosphere") 2710.604 0.001\r
\ No newline at end of file
>exp = fromJust $ possibleResourceChild m "Experiment"\r
>id = activateExperiment exp\r
>run id\r
->withinEpsilon (lastValue exp id "/prey") 0.998 0.001\r
+>withinEpsilon (lastValue exp id "/prey") 0.996 0.001\r
\ No newline at end of file
>exp = fromJust $ possibleResourceChild m "Experiment"\r
>id = activateExperiment exp\r
>run id\r
->withinEpsilon (lastValue exp id "/Tourists") 2674.532 0.001\r
+>withinEpsilon (lastValue exp id "/Tourists") 2642.086 0.001\r
\ No newline at end of file