import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
+import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Set;
import org.simantics.databoard.Bindings;
import org.simantics.db.ReadGraph;
return connect(g, symbolConf2, componentConRel1, componentConRel2, false);
protected Collection<Resource> getConnectionRel(ReadGraph g, Symbol symbolConf2, Resource componentConRel1, Resource componentConRel2, Collection<Resource> matching) throws DatabaseException {
return matching;
return null;
+ protected Set<Resource> getConnectionTypes(ReadGraph g, Resource componentConRel1) throws DatabaseException {
+ StructuralResource2 sr = StructuralResource2.getInstance(g);
+ Set<Resource> set = new HashSet<Resource>();
+ set.addAll(g.getObjects(componentConRel1, sr.AllowsConnectionType));
+ return set;
+ }
+ protected Set<Resource> getNonAssertedConnectionTypes(ReadGraph g, Resource componentConRel1) throws DatabaseException {
+ StructuralResource2 sr = StructuralResource2.getInstance(g);
+ Set<Resource> set = new HashSet<Resource>();
+ for (Statement s : g.getStatements(componentConRel1, sr.AllowsConnectionType)) {
+ if (s.isAsserted(componentConRel1))
+ continue;
+ set.add(s.getObject());
+ }
+ return set;
+ }
* Connects two Symbols, chooses connection type automatically.
* @param g
StructuralResource2 sr = StructuralResource2.getInstance(g);
- Collection<Resource> connType1 = g.getObjects(componentConRel1, sr.AllowsConnectionType);
- Collection<Resource> connType2 = g.getObjects(componentConRel2, sr.AllowsConnectionType);
+ Collection<Resource> connType1 = getConnectionTypes(g, componentConRel1);
+ Collection<Resource> connType2 = getConnectionTypes(g, componentConRel2);
Collection<Resource> matching = new HashSet<Resource>();
for (Resource r : connType2) {
if (connType1.contains(r))
+ public SymbolConnectionData connectElement(WriteGraph g, Symbol symbolConf2, Resource elementConRel1, Resource elementConRel2) throws DatabaseException {
+ StructuralResource2 sr = StructuralResource2.getInstance(g);
+ ModelingResources mod = ModelingResources.getInstance(g);
+ Resource componentConRel1 = g.getPossibleObject(elementConRel1, mod.DiagramConnectionRelationToConnectionRelation);
+ Resource componentConRel2 = g.getPossibleObject(elementConRel2, mod.DiagramConnectionRelationToConnectionRelation);
+ if (componentConRel1 != null && componentConRel2 != null) {
+ return connect(g, symbolConf2, componentConRel1, componentConRel2);
+ }
+ Collection<Resource> connType1 = Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
+ Collection<Resource> connType2 = Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
+ if (componentConRel1 != null) {
+ connType1 = getConnectionTypes(g, componentConRel1);
+ if (connType1.size() > 1)
+ connType1 = getNonAssertedConnectionTypes(g,componentConRel1);
+ } else if (componentConRel2 != null) {
+ connType2 = getConnectionTypes(g, componentConRel2);
+ if (connType2.size() > 1)
+ connType2 = getNonAssertedConnectionTypes(g,componentConRel2);
+ }
+ Resource usedConnType = null;
+ if (connType1.size() == 1)
+ usedConnType = connType1.iterator().next();
+ else if (connType2.size() == 1)
+ usedConnType = connType2.iterator().next();
+ else {
+ String err = "Cannot locate connection type for: " + component + " " + NameUtils.getSafeName(g, component) + " terminals: " + g.getPossibleURI(elementConRel1) + " "+ elementConRel1 + " " + g.getPossibleURI(elementConRel2) + " "+ elementConRel2;
+ Logger.defaultLogError(err);
+ return new ConnectionErrorImpl(err);
+ }
+ if (!diagram.equals(symbolConf2.diagram)) {
+ String err = "Element connections must be done on the same diagram: " + component + " " + NameUtils.getSafeName(g, component) + " terminals: " + g.getPossibleURI(elementConRel1) + " "+ elementConRel1 + " " + g.getPossibleURI(elementConRel2) + " "+ elementConRel2;
+ Logger.defaultLogError(err);
+ return new ConnectionErrorImpl(err);
+ }
+ return connectElement(g, symbolConf2, elementConRel1, elementConRel2, usedConnType);
+ }
+ public SymbolConnectionData connectElement(WriteGraph g, Symbol symbolConf2, Resource elementConRel1, Resource elementConRel2, Resource usedConnType) throws DatabaseException {
+ if (this.equals(symbolConf2)) {
+ String err = "Preventing connection to self: " + component + " " + NameUtils.getSafeName(g, component) + " terminals: " + g.getPossibleURI(elementConRel1) + " "+ elementConRel1 + " " + g.getPossibleURI(elementConRel2) + " "+ elementConRel2;
+ Logger.defaultLogError(err);
+ return new ConnectionErrorImpl(err);
+ }
+ if (elementConRel1.equals(elementConRel2)) {
+ String err = "Preventing connection to self: " + component + " " + NameUtils.getSafeName(g, component) + " terminals: " + g.getPossibleURI(elementConRel1) + " "+ elementConRel1 + " " + g.getPossibleURI(elementConRel2) + " "+ elementConRel2;
+ Logger.defaultLogError(err);
+ return new ConnectionErrorImpl(err);
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO : should we have separate customConnect method for element level connections?
+ SymbolConnectionData data = customConnect(g, symbolConf2, elementConRel1, elementConRel2, usedConnType);
+ if (data == null) {
+ return _connectElement(g, symbolConf2, elementConRel1, elementConRel2,usedConnType);
+ } else {
+ return data;
+ }
+ }
* Connects two symbols with chosen connection type. Does not work with signal connections.
* @param g
g.claim(diagramConnection, s.HasConnectionType, connectorType);
// Relation from element1 to connector1
- Resource isConnected1 = getDiagramConnectionRelation(g, element, componentConRel1);
+ Resource elementConRel1 = getDiagramConnectionRelation(g, element, componentConRel1);
Resource connectorRel1 = g.getPossibleObject(componentConRel1, s.HasAttachmentRelation);
if (connectorRel1 == null)
connectorRel1 = d.HasPlainConnector;
// connector1
Resource connector1 = g.newResource();
g.claim(connector1, b.InstanceOf, d.Connector);
- g.claim(element, isConnected1, connector1);
+ g.claim(element, elementConRel1, connector1);
g.claim(diagramConnection, connectorRel1, connector1);
// Relation from element2 to connector2
- Resource isConnected2 = getDiagramConnectionRelation(g, symbolConf2.element, componentConRel2);
+ Resource elementConRel2 = getDiagramConnectionRelation(g, symbolConf2.element, componentConRel2);
Resource connectorRel2 = g.getPossibleObject(componentConRel2, s.HasAttachmentRelation);
if (connectorRel2 == null)
connectorRel2 = d.HasArrowConnector;
// connector2
Resource connector2 = g.newResource();
g.claim(connector2, b.InstanceOf, d.Connector);
- g.claim(symbolConf2.element, isConnected2, connector2);
+ g.claim(symbolConf2.element, elementConRel2, connector2);
g.claim(diagramConnection, connectorRel2, connector2);
// connect connectors
return new ConnectorDataImpl(diagramConnection);
+ private SymbolConnectionData _connectElement(WriteGraph g, Symbol symbolConf2, Resource elementConRel1, Resource elementConRel2, Resource connectorType) throws DatabaseException {
+ Layer0 b = Layer0.getInstance(g);
+ StructuralResource2 s = StructuralResource2.getInstance(g);
+ DiagramResource d = DiagramResource.getInstance(g);
+ ModelingResources m = ModelingResources.getInstance(g);
+ if (g.isInstanceOf(elementConRel1, b.FunctionalRelation) && getDiagramSingleConnected(g, elementConRel1) != null) {
+ Symbol current = getDiagramSingleConnected(g, elementConRel1);
+ if (current.component.equals(symbolConf2.component))
+ return new SymbolExistsImpl();
+ String err = "Cannot connect, terminal 1 is reserved: " + component + " " + NameUtils.getSafeName(g, component) + " terminals: " + g.getPossibleURI(elementConRel1) + " "+ elementConRel1 + " " + g.getPossibleURI(elementConRel2) + " "+ elementConRel2;
+ Logger.defaultLogError(err);
+ return new ConnectionErrorImpl(err);
+ }
+ if (g.isInstanceOf(elementConRel2, b.FunctionalRelation) && symbolConf2.getDiagramSingleConnected(g, elementConRel2) != null) {
+ Symbol current = symbolConf2.getDiagramSingleConnected(g, elementConRel2);
+ if (current.component.equals(component))
+ return new SymbolExistsImpl();
+ String err = "Cannot connect, terminal 2 is reserved: " + component + " " + NameUtils.getSafeName(g, component) + " terminals: " + g.getPossibleURI(elementConRel1) + " "+ elementConRel1 + " " + g.getPossibleURI(elementConRel2) + " "+ elementConRel2;
+ Logger.defaultLogError(err);
+ return new ConnectionErrorImpl(err);
+ }
+// // connection object in module level
+// Resource moduleConnection = g.newResource();
+// g.claim(moduleConnection, b.InstanceOf, s.Connection);
+// // connect the modules
+// g.claim(component, componentConRel1, moduleConnection);
+// g.claim(symbolConf2.component, componentConRel2, moduleConnection);
+ // connection object in diagram level
+ Resource diagramConnection = g.newResource();
+ g.claim(diagramConnection, b.InstanceOf, d.RouteGraphConnection);
+ DiagramUtils.addElementFirst(g, diagram, diagramConnection);
+ g.claim(diagramConnection, s.HasConnectionType, connectorType);
+ // Relation from element1 to connector1
+// Resource elementConRel1 = getDiagramConnectionRelation(g, element, componentConRel1);
+// Resource connectorRel1 = g.getPossibleObject(componentConRel1, s.HasAttachmentRelation);
+// if (connectorRel1 == null)
+// connectorRel1 = d.HasPlainConnector;
+ Resource connectorRel1 = d.HasPlainConnector;
+ // connector1
+ Resource connector1 = g.newResource();
+ g.claim(connector1, b.InstanceOf, d.Connector);
+ g.claim(element, elementConRel1, connector1);
+ g.claim(diagramConnection, connectorRel1, connector1);
+ // Relation from element2 to connector2
+// Resource elementConRel2 = getDiagramConnectionRelation(g, symbolConf2.element, componentConRel2);
+// Resource connectorRel2 = g.getPossibleObject(componentConRel2, s.HasAttachmentRelation);
+// if (connectorRel2 == null)
+// connectorRel2 = d.HasArrowConnector;
+ Resource connectorRel2 = d.HasArrowConnector;
+ // connector2
+ Resource connector2 = g.newResource();
+ g.claim(connector2, b.InstanceOf, d.Connector);
+ g.claim(symbolConf2.element, elementConRel2, connector2);
+ g.claim(diagramConnection, connectorRel2, connector2);
+ // connect connectors
+ g.claim(connector1, d.AreConnected, connector2);
+// g.claim(moduleConnection, m.ConnectionToDiagramConnection, diagramConnection);
+ return new ConnectorDataImpl(diagramConnection);
+ }
private SymbolConnectionData connectWithFlag(WriteGraph g, Symbol symbolConf2, Resource componentConRel1, Resource componentConRel2, Resource connectionType) throws DatabaseException {