package org.simantics.diagram.flag;\r
-import java.util.ArrayDeque;\r
import java.util.Collection;\r
import java.util.HashSet;\r
import java.util.Set;\r
StructuralResource2 STR;\r
ModelingResources MOD;\r
+ ConnectionUtil cu;\r
public Joiner(ReadGraph graph) {\r
this.L0 = Layer0.getInstance(graph);\r
this.DIA = DiagramResource.getInstance(graph);\r
this.STR = StructuralResource2.getInstance(graph);\r
this.MOD = ModelingResources.getInstance(graph);\r
+ = new ConnectionUtil(graph);\r
public void joinLocal(WriteGraph graph, Collection<Resource> flags) throws DatabaseException {\r
- ConnectionUtil cu = new ConnectionUtil(graph);\r
- Set<Resource> visited = new HashSet<Resource>();\r
- ArrayDeque<Resource> todo = new ArrayDeque<Resource>(flags);\r
- while (!todo.isEmpty()) {\r
- Resource flag1 = todo.poll();\r
- Resource flag2 = FlagUtil.getPossibleCounterpart(graph, flag1);\r
- if (flag2 == null || !visited.add(flag1) || !visited.add(flag2))\r
- continue;\r
- Type type1 = FlagUtil.getFlagType(graph, flag1);\r
- Type type2 = FlagUtil.getFlagType(graph, flag2);\r
- Resource connector1 = null;\r
- Resource connector2 = null;\r
- Resource connection1 = null;\r
- Resource connection2 = null;\r
- // #7781: prevent joining of flags where one of them or both are\r
- // have no connections to them, i.e. are disconnected.\r
- // First ensure that both flags are connected to something,\r
- // even considering joining them.\r
- for (Resource connector : graph.getObjects(flag1, STR.IsConnectedTo)) {\r
- connector1 = graph.getPossibleObject(connector, DIA.AreConnected);\r
- connection1 = ConnectionUtil.getConnection(graph, connector1);\r
+ // Only those flags that are known to be removed during the joining of\r
+ // two flags are added to this set to prevent processing them multiple times.\r
+ Set<Resource> removed = new HashSet<Resource>();\r
+ for (Resource flag1 : flags) {\r
+ Collection<Resource> flag1Counterparts = FlagUtil.getCounterparts(graph, flag1);\r
+ for (Resource flag2 : flag1Counterparts) {\r
+ boolean flag1Removed = FlagUtil.countCounterparts(graph, flag1) <= 1;\r
+ boolean flag2Removed = FlagUtil.countCounterparts(graph, flag2) <= 1;\r
+ if (flag1Removed && !removed.add(flag1))\r
+ continue;\r
+ if (flag2Removed && !removed.add(flag2))\r
+ continue;\r
+ boolean switchFlags = !flag1Removed && flag2Removed;\r
+ Resource f1 = switchFlags ? flag2 : flag1;\r
+ Resource f2 = switchFlags ? flag1 : flag2;\r
+ joinFlagPair(graph, f1, f2);\r
- for (Resource connector : graph.getObjects(flag2, STR.IsConnectedTo)) {\r
- connector2 = graph.getPossibleObject(connector, DIA.AreConnected);\r
- connection2 = ConnectionUtil.getConnection(graph, connector2);\r
- }\r
- if (connection1 == null || connector1 == null || connection2 == null || connector2 == null)\r
- continue;\r
- // Disconnect flags from their respective edges\r
- // This code relies on the fact that flag terminals are\r
- // functional and can only be connected once. This implies\r
- // that their :DIA.Connectors cannot have more than one\r
- // AreConnected relation.\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ private boolean joinFlagPair(WriteGraph graph, Resource flag1, Resource flag2) throws DatabaseException {\r
+ Type type1 = FlagUtil.getFlagType(graph, flag1);\r
+ Type type2 = FlagUtil.getFlagType(graph, flag2);\r
+ Resource connector1 = null;\r
+ Resource connector2 = null;\r
+ Resource connection1 = null;\r
+ Resource connection2 = null;\r
+ // #7781: prevent joining of flags where one of them or both\r
+ // have no connections to them, i.e. are disconnected.\r
+ // First ensure that both flags are connected to something,\r
+ // even considering joining them.\r
+ for (Resource connector : graph.getObjects(flag1, STR.IsConnectedTo)) {\r
+ connector1 = graph.getPossibleObject(connector, DIA.AreConnected);\r
+ connection1 = ConnectionUtil.getConnection(graph, connector1);\r
+ }\r
+ for (Resource connector : graph.getObjects(flag2, STR.IsConnectedTo)) {\r
+ connector2 = graph.getPossibleObject(connector, DIA.AreConnected);\r
+ connection2 = ConnectionUtil.getConnection(graph, connector2);\r
+ }\r
+ if (connection1 == null || connector1 == null || connection2 == null || connector2 == null)\r
+ return false;\r
+ // If a flag has more than 1 counterpart it must not be\r
+ // removed because it is a merged flag that has multiple\r
+ // connection joins attached to it.\r
+ boolean removeFlag1 = FlagUtil.countCounterparts(graph, flag1) <= 1;\r
+ boolean removeFlag2 = FlagUtil.countCounterparts(graph, flag2) <= 1;\r
+ // Disconnect flags from their respective edges\r
+ // This code relies on the fact that flag terminals are\r
+ // functional and can only be connected once. This implies\r
+ // that their :DIA.Connectors cannot have more than one\r
+ // AreConnected relation.\r
+ if (removeFlag1) {\r
for (Resource connector : graph.getObjects(flag1, STR.IsConnectedTo)) {\r
- connector1 = graph.getPossibleObject(connector, DIA.AreConnected);\r
+ connector1 = graph.getSingleObject(connector, DIA.AreConnected);\r
connection1 = ConnectionUtil.getConnection(graph, connector1);\r
+ }\r
+ if (removeFlag2) {\r
for (Resource connector : graph.getObjects(flag2, STR.IsConnectedTo)) {\r
- connector2 = graph.getPossibleObject(connector, DIA.AreConnected);\r
+ connector2 = graph.getSingleObject(connector, DIA.AreConnected);\r
connection2 = ConnectionUtil.getConnection(graph, connector2);\r
+ }\r
- // Decide which connection to remove. The strategy is:\r
- // * always keep the connection that has an ElementToComponent relation.\r
- // * if there are no ElementToComponent relations, keep the connection on the OutputFlag side.\r
- // * if flag type information is not available, keep connection1.\r
- Resource connectionToKeep = connection1;\r
- Resource connectionToRemove = connection2;\r
- Resource hasElementToComponent1 = graph.getPossibleObject(connection1, MOD.ElementToComponent);\r
- Resource hasElementToComponent2 = graph.getPossibleObject(connection2, MOD.ElementToComponent);\r
- if (hasElementToComponent1 != null && hasElementToComponent2 != null)\r
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Both flag are connected with connections that have mapped components, can't decide which connection to remove in join operation");\r
- if (hasElementToComponent2 != null\r
- || (type1 != Type.Out && type2 == Type.Out)) {\r
- connectionToKeep = connection2;\r
- connectionToRemove = connection1;\r
- }\r
+ // Decide which connection to remove. The strategy is:\r
+ // * always keep the connection that has an ElementToComponent relation.\r
+ // * if there are no ElementToComponent relations, keep the connection on the OutputFlag side.\r
+ // * if flag type information is not available, keep connection1.\r
+ Resource connectionToKeep = connection1;\r
+ Resource connectionToRemove = connection2;\r
+ Resource hasElementToComponent1 = graph.getPossibleObject(connection1, MOD.ElementToComponent);\r
+ Resource hasElementToComponent2 = graph.getPossibleObject(connection2, MOD.ElementToComponent);\r
+ if (hasElementToComponent1 != null && hasElementToComponent2 != null)\r
+ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Both flag are connected with connections that have mapped components, can't decide which connection to remove in join operation");\r
+ if (hasElementToComponent2 != null\r
+ || (type1 != Type.Out && type2 == Type.Out)) {\r
+ connectionToKeep = connection2;\r
+ connectionToRemove = connection1;\r
+ }\r
- // Remove connection join and flags\r
+ // Remove connection join and flags when necessary\r
+ if (removeFlag1)\r
for (Resource diagram : OrderedSetUtils.getOwnerLists(graph, flag1, DIA.Diagram))\r
OrderedSetUtils.remove(graph, diagram, flag1);\r
+ if (removeFlag2)\r
for (Resource diagram : OrderedSetUtils.getOwnerLists(graph, flag2, DIA.Diagram))\r
OrderedSetUtils.remove(graph, diagram, flag2);\r
- FlagUtil.disconnectFlag(graph, flag1); \r
- double[] transform1 = graph.getRelatedValue(flag1, DIA.HasTransform, Bindings.DOUBLE_ARRAY);\r
- double[] transform2 = graph.getRelatedValue(flag2, DIA.HasTransform, Bindings.DOUBLE_ARRAY);\r
+ FlagUtil.disconnectFlag(graph, flag1);\r
+ double[] transform1 = graph.getRelatedValue(flag1, DIA.HasTransform, Bindings.DOUBLE_ARRAY);\r
+ double[] transform2 = graph.getRelatedValue(flag2, DIA.HasTransform, Bindings.DOUBLE_ARRAY);\r
+ if (removeFlag1)\r
RemoverUtil.remove(graph, flag1);\r
+ if (removeFlag2)\r
RemoverUtil.remove(graph, flag2);\r
- // Move connector from connection to remove to other connection\r
- for(Statement connectorStat : graph.getStatements(connectionToRemove, DIA.HasConnector)) {\r
- graph.deny(connectorStat);\r
- graph.claim(connectionToKeep, connectorStat.getPredicate(), connectorStat.getObject());\r
- }\r
- for(Resource node : graph.getObjects(connectionToRemove, DIA.HasInteriorRouteNode)) {\r
- graph.deny(node, DIA.HasInteriorRouteNode_Inverse, connectionToRemove);\r
- graph.claim(node, DIA.HasInteriorRouteNode_Inverse, connectionToKeep);\r
- }\r
+ // Move connector from connection to remove to other connection\r
+ for(Statement connectorStat : graph.getStatements(connectionToRemove, DIA.HasConnector)) {\r
+ graph.deny(connectorStat);\r
+ graph.claim(connectionToKeep, connectorStat.getPredicate(), connectorStat.getObject());\r
+ }\r
+ for(Resource node : graph.getObjects(connectionToRemove, DIA.HasInteriorRouteNode)) {\r
+ graph.deny(node, DIA.HasInteriorRouteNode_Inverse, connectionToRemove);\r
+ graph.claim(node, DIA.HasInteriorRouteNode_Inverse, connectionToKeep);\r
+ }\r
- // Remove obsolete connection\r
- cu.removeConnection(connectionToRemove);\r
- // Reconnect respective edges\r
- if(graph.isInstanceOf(connector1, DIA.RouteLine) && graph.isInstanceOf(connector2, DIA.RouteLine)\r
- && graph.getRelatedValue(connector1, DIA.IsHorizontal) == graph.getRelatedValue(connector2, DIA.IsHorizontal)) {\r
- boolean horizontal = graph.getRelatedValue(connector1, DIA.IsHorizontal);\r
- \r
- double position;\r
- if(horizontal)\r
- position = 0.5 * (transform1[4] + transform2[4]);\r
- else\r
- position = 0.5 * (transform1[5] + transform2[5]);\r
- \r
- Resource intermediateRouteLine = graph.newResource();\r
- graph.claim(intermediateRouteLine, L0.InstanceOf, DIA.RouteLine);\r
- graph.claimLiteral(intermediateRouteLine, DIA.IsHorizontal, !horizontal);\r
- graph.claimLiteral(intermediateRouteLine, DIA.HasPosition, position);\r
- graph.claim(connectionToKeep, DIA.HasInteriorRouteNode, intermediateRouteLine);\r
- graph.claim(connector1, DIA.AreConnected, intermediateRouteLine);\r
- graph.claim(connector2, DIA.AreConnected, intermediateRouteLine);\r
- }\r
+ // Remove obsolete connection\r
+ cu.removeConnection(connectionToRemove);\r
+ // Reconnect respective edges\r
+ if(graph.isInstanceOf(connector1, DIA.RouteLine) && graph.isInstanceOf(connector2, DIA.RouteLine)\r
+ && graph.getRelatedValue(connector1, DIA.IsHorizontal) == graph.getRelatedValue(connector2, DIA.IsHorizontal)) {\r
+ boolean horizontal = graph.getRelatedValue(connector1, DIA.IsHorizontal);\r
+ double position;\r
+ if(horizontal)\r
+ position = 0.5 * (transform1[4] + transform2[4]);\r
- graph.claim(connector1, DIA.AreConnected, connector2);\r
+ position = 0.5 * (transform1[5] + transform2[5]);\r
+ Resource intermediateRouteLine = graph.newResource();\r
+ graph.claim(intermediateRouteLine, L0.InstanceOf, DIA.RouteLine);\r
+ graph.claimLiteral(intermediateRouteLine, DIA.IsHorizontal, !horizontal);\r
+ graph.claimLiteral(intermediateRouteLine, DIA.HasPosition, position);\r
+ graph.claim(connectionToKeep, DIA.HasInteriorRouteNode, intermediateRouteLine);\r
+ graph.claim(connector1, DIA.AreConnected, intermediateRouteLine);\r
+ graph.claim(connector2, DIA.AreConnected, intermediateRouteLine);\r
+ else\r
+ graph.claim(connector1, DIA.AreConnected, connector2);\r
+ return true;\r
- \r
public static void joinFlagsLocal(WriteGraph graph, Collection<Resource> flags) throws DatabaseException {\r
new Joiner(graph).joinLocal(graph, flags);\r