public class AxisDropAction implements DropActionFactory {\r
- public Runnable create(ReadGraph g, Object target, Object source) throws DatabaseException {\r
+ public Runnable create(ReadGraph g, Object target, Object source, int operation) throws DatabaseException {\r
// Make sure that both target and source are resources\r
Resource t = AdaptionUtils.adaptToSingle(target, Resource.class);\r
Resource s = AdaptionUtils.adaptToSingle(source, Resource.class);\r
public class SeriesDropAction implements DropActionFactory {\r
- public Runnable create(ReadGraph g, Object target, Object source) throws DatabaseException {\r
+ public Runnable create(ReadGraph g, Object target, Object source, int operation) throws DatabaseException {\r
// Make sure that both target and source are resources\r
Resource t = AdaptionUtils.adaptToSingle(target, Resource.class);\r
Resource s = AdaptionUtils.adaptToSingle(source, Resource.class);\r
public class ChartDropAction implements DropActionFactory {\r
- public Runnable create(ReadGraph g, Object target, Object source) throws DatabaseException {\r
+ public Runnable create(ReadGraph g, Object target, Object source, int operation) throws DatabaseException {\r
final Resource targetChart = AdaptionUtils.adaptToSingle(target, Resource.class);\r
if(targetChart == null || source == null || !(source instanceof IStructuredSelection))\r
public class FunctionDropAction implements DropActionFactory {\r
- public Runnable create(ReadGraph g, Object target, Object source) throws DatabaseException {\r
+ public Runnable create(ReadGraph g, Object target, Object source, int operation) throws DatabaseException {\r
Resource t = AdaptionUtils.adaptToSingle(target, Resource.class);\r
Resource s = AdaptionUtils.adaptToSingle(source, Resource.class);\r
AffineTransform transform = DiagramGraphUtil.getAffineTransform(graph, element);\r
Resource component = graph.getPossibleObject(element, MOD.ElementToComponent);\r
+ \r
+ if (component == null)\r
+ return new ShadowResult(Style.NONE, transform);\r
Resource original = graph.getPossibleObject(component, SR.Shadow_original);\r
Collection<Resource> shadows = graph.getObjects(component, SR.Shadow_original_Inverse);\r