--- /dev/null
+type Subgraph = [([Resource], [Resource])]
+data Subgraphs = Subgraphs Resource Subgraph
+floodFill :: Resource -> <ReadGraph, Proc> Subgraph
+floodFill fromVertex = do
+ processVertex fromVertex
+ (MSet.toList vertices, MSet.toList edges)
+ where
+ edgesOf vertex = (vertex # DN.HasStartVertex_Inverse, vertex # DN.HasEndVertex_Inverse)
+ vertices = MSet.create ()
+ edges = MSet.create ()
+ processVertex vertex = if MSet.add vertices vertex then do
+ (starts, ends) = edgesOf vertex
+ for starts processEdgeStart
+ for ends processEdgeEnd
+ else ()
+ processEdgeStart edge = if MSet.add edges edge then for (edge # DN.HasEndVertex) processVertex else ()
+ processEdgeEnd edge = if MSet.add edges edge then for (edge # DN.HasStartVertex) processVertex else ()
+findDisconnectedSubnetworksFromDiagram :: Resource -> <ReadGraph, Proc> Subgraphs
+findDisconnectedSubnetworksFromDiagram networkDiagram = let
+ all = networkDiagram # L0.ConsistsOf
+ vertices = filter (flip isInstanceOf DN.Vertex) all
+ edges = filter (flip isInstanceOf DN.Edge) all
+ vertexSet = MSet.fromList vertices
+ edgeSet = MSet.fromList edges
+ result = MList.create ()
+ take1 set = MSet.mapFirst Just vertexSet
+ loop Nothing = ()
+ loop (Just vertex) = do
+ subgraph = floodFill vertex
+ MList.add result subgraph
+ (vs, es) = subgraph
+ MSet.removeAll vertexSet vs
+ MSet.removeAll edgeSet es
+ if not (MSet.isEmpty vertexSet) then
+ loop (take1 vertexSet)
+ else ()
+ in do
+ print "Total number of vertices: \(length vertices)"
+ print "Total number of edges: \(length edges)"
+ loop (take1 vertexSet)
+ if MSet.size edgeSet > 0 then
+ MList.add result ([], MSet.toList edgeSet)
+ else ()
+ print "Found \(MList.size result) disconnected sub-networks"
+ Subgraphs networkDiagram (MList.freeze result)
+Finds disconnected district subnetworks from the provided district network diagram.
+The input can be either the network diagram resource or the configuration composite
+resource of the network diagram.
+See [reportDisconnectedSubnetworks](#reportDisconnectedSubnetworks) for reporting
+findDisconnectedSubnetworks :: Resource -> <ReadGraph, Proc> Subgraphs
+findDisconnectedSubnetworks networkDiagramOrComposite = findDisconnectedSubnetworksFromDiagram (toDiagram networkDiagramOrComposite)
+ where
+ toDiagram d = if isInstanceOf d DN.Diagram then d
+ else match (possibleObject d MOD.CompositeToDiagram) with
+ Just dia -> toDiagram dia
+ Nothing -> fail "Provided diagram is not a district network diagram or configuration composite: \(possibleUriOf d)"
+import "Comparator"
+importJava "org.simantics.utils.strings.AlphanumComparator" where
+ alphanumericComparator :: Comparator String
+reportDisconnectedSubnetworks :: Integer -> Subgraphs -> <ReadGraph, Proc> ()
+reportDisconnectedSubnetworks vertexThreshold (Subgraphs diagram subgraphs) = do
+ print "## Disconnected sub-network analysis of district network \(relativeUri diagram)"
+ print "* Detailed reporting vertex count threshold is <= \(vertexThreshold)"
+ for subgraphs reportGraph
+ where
+ rootUri = match possibleIndexRoot diagram with
+ Nothing -> ""
+ Just root -> uriOf (parent root)
+ relativeUri r = drop (length rootUri) (uriOf r)
+ showVertex v = nameOf v
+ edgeEnds e = (possibleObject e DN.HasStartVertex, possibleObject e DN.HasEndVertex)
+ showEdgeEnds (Nothing, Nothing) = "(null, null)"
+ showEdgeEnds (Just s, Nothing) = "(\(nameOf s), null)"
+ showEdgeEnds (Nothing, Just e) = "(null, \(nameOf e))"
+ showEdgeEnds (Just s, Just e) = "(\(nameOf s), \(nameOf e))"
+ showEdge e = (nameOf e) + " - " + (showEdgeEnds (edgeEnds e))
+ sortStrings l = sortWithComparator alphanumericComparator l
+ reportGraph (vs, es) | length vs > vertexThreshold = reportShort vs es
+ | otherwise = reportFull vs es
+ reportSubgraphTitle vs es = print "\n### Disconnected sub-network of \(length vs) vertices and \(length es) edges"
+ reportShort vs es = do
+ reportSubgraphTitle vs es
+ print "* Details not reported because vertex count exceeds threshold"
+ reportFull vs es = do
+ reportSubgraphTitle vs es
+ forI (sortStrings (map showVertex vs)) (\i s -> print "* v\(i): \(s)")
+ print ""
+ forI (sortStrings (map showEdge es)) (\i s -> print "* e\(i): \(s)")