+## Linked List
## Transactions
::value[syncRead, asyncRead]
elementsOfOrderedSet :: Resource -> <ReadGraph> [Resource]
importJava "org.simantics.db.common.utils.ListUtils" where
+ "`elementsOfList l` returns elements of list `l`"
@JavaName toList
elementsOfList :: Resource -> <ReadGraph> [Resource]
+ "`createList [e]` creates a new list containing elements `[e]`"
@JavaName create
createList :: [Resource] -> <WriteGraph> Resource
+ "`createListWithType t [e]` creates a new list with type `t` containing elements `[e]`"
@JavaName create
createListWithType :: Resource -> [Resource] -> <WriteGraph> Resource
- @javaName insertBack
- insertBack :: Resource -> [Resource] -> <WriteGraph> ()
+ "`insertListBack l [e]` inserts elements `[e]` back to the list `l`"
+ @JavaName insertBack
+ insertListBack :: Resource -> [Resource] -> <WriteGraph> ()
- @javaName removeElement
- removeElement :: Resource -> Resource -> <WriteGraph> Boolean
+ "`insertListFront l [e]` inserts elements `[e]` front of the list `l`"
+ @JavaName insertFront
+ insertListFront :: Resource -> [Resource] -> <WriteGraph> ()
- @javaName swapWithPrevious
- swapWithPrevious :: Resource -> Resource -> <WriteGraph> Boolean
+ "`removeListElement l e` removes a element `e` from the list `l`"
+ @JavaName removeElement
+ removeListElement :: Resource -> Resource -> <WriteGraph> Boolean
+ @JavaName swapWithPrevious
+ swapListElementWithPrevious :: Resource -> Resource -> <WriteGraph> Boolean
- @javaName swapWithNext
- swapWithNext :: Resource -> Resource -> <WriteGraph> Boolean
+ @JavaName swapWithNext
+ swapListElementWithNext :: Resource -> Resource -> <WriteGraph> Boolean
importJava "org.simantics.db.common.utils.CommonDBUtils" where