import java.awt.Shape;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.geom.Line2D;
+import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import org.simantics.g2d.element.handler.Outline;
import org.simantics.g2d.element.handler.Pick;
import org.simantics.g2d.element.handler.SceneGraph;
-import org.simantics.g2d.element.handler.SelectionOutline;
import org.simantics.g2d.element.handler.impl.ConnectionSelectionOutline;
import org.simantics.g2d.element.handler.impl.DefaultTransform;
import org.simantics.g2d.element.handler.impl.SimpleElementLayers;
- private Shape getSelectionShape(IElement e) {
- for (SelectionOutline so : e.getElementClass().getItemsByClass(SelectionOutline.class)) {
- Shape shape = so.getSelectionShape(e);
- if (shape != null)
- return shape;
- }
- // Using on-diagram coordinates because neither connections nor
- // edges have a non-identity transform which means that
- // coordinates are always absolute. Therefore branch point
- // shape also needs to be calculated in absolute coordinates.
- Shape shape = ElementUtils.getElementShapeOrBoundsOnDiagram(e);
- return shape;
- }
public boolean pickTest(IElement e, Shape s, PickPolicy policy) {
DistrictNetworkEdge edge = e.getHint(KEY_DN_EDGE);
if (edge != null) {
Rectangle2D bounds = getBounds(s);
switch (policy) {
- Shape selectionShape = getSelectionShape(e);
- return bounds.contains(selectionShape.getBounds2D());
- double tolerance = (bounds.getHeight() + bounds.getHeight()) * 0.25 / MapScalingTransform.getScaleX();
- Line2D line = new Line2D.Double(edge.getStartPoint(), edge.getEndPoint());
- double sx = bounds.getCenterX() / MapScalingTransform.getScaleX();
- double sy = bounds.getCenterY() / MapScalingTransform.getScaleY();
- double ssx = ModelledCRS.xToLongitude(sx);
- double ssy = ModelledCRS.yToLatitude(-sy); // Invert for Simantics diagram coordinate system
- double distSq = line.ptSegDistSq(ssx, ssy);
-// System.out.println("s: " + sx + ", " + sy);
-// System.out.println("ss: " + ssx + ", " + ssy);
-// System.out.println("p1: " + edge.getStartPoint());
-// System.out.println("p2: " + edge.getEndPoint());
-// System.out.println("line: " + "(" + line.getX1() + ", " + line.getY1() + ", " + line.getX2() + ", " + line.getY2() + ")");
-// System.out.println("distance from line is " + Math.sqrt(distSq) + " with tolerance " + tolerance);
- if (distSq <= tolerance * tolerance) {
- return true;
- }
+ case PICK_CONTAINED_OBJECTS: return pickContainedObjects(edge, bounds);
+ case PICK_INTERSECTING_OBJECTS: return pickIntersectingObjects(edge, bounds);
return false;
return false;
+ private boolean pickContainedObjects(DistrictNetworkEdge edge, Rectangle2D bounds) {
+ double bminx = bounds.getMinX() / MapScalingTransform.getScaleX();
+ double bminy = bounds.getMinY() / MapScalingTransform.getScaleY();
+ double bmaxx = bounds.getMaxX() / MapScalingTransform.getScaleX();
+ double bmaxy = bounds.getMaxY() / MapScalingTransform.getScaleY();
+ double bsminx = ModelledCRS.xToLongitude(bminx);
+ double bsminy = ModelledCRS.yToLatitude(-bminy); // Invert for Simantics diagram coordinate system
+ double bsmaxx = ModelledCRS.xToLongitude(bmaxx);
+ double bsmaxy = ModelledCRS.yToLatitude(-bmaxy); // Invert for Simantics diagram coordinate system
+ double boundsMinY = Math.min(bsminy, bsmaxy);
+ double boundsMaxY = Math.max(bsminy, bsmaxy);
+ Point2D start = edge.getStartPoint();
+ Point2D end = edge.getEndPoint();
+ double eminx = Math.min(start.getX(), end.getX());
+ double eminy = Math.min(start.getY(), end.getY());
+ double emaxx = Math.max(start.getX(), end.getX());
+ double emaxy = Math.max(start.getY(), end.getY());
+ return eminx >= bsminx && eminy >= boundsMinY && emaxx <= bsmaxx && emaxy <= boundsMaxY;
+ }
+ private boolean pickIntersectingObjects(DistrictNetworkEdge edge, Rectangle2D bounds) {
+ double tolerance = (bounds.getHeight() + bounds.getHeight()) * 0.25 / MapScalingTransform.getScaleX();
+ Line2D line = new Line2D.Double(edge.getStartPoint(), edge.getEndPoint());
+ double sx = bounds.getCenterX() / MapScalingTransform.getScaleX();
+ double sy = bounds.getCenterY() / MapScalingTransform.getScaleY();
+ double ssx = ModelledCRS.xToLongitude(sx);
+ double ssy = ModelledCRS.yToLatitude(-sy); // Invert for Simantics diagram coordinate system
+ double distSq = line.ptSegDistSq(ssx, ssy);
+// System.out.println("s: " + sx + ", " + sy);
+// System.out.println("ss: " + ssx + ", " + ssy);
+// System.out.println("p1: " + edge.getStartPoint());
+// System.out.println("p2: " + edge.getEndPoint());
+// System.out.println("line: " + "(" + line.getX1() + ", " + line.getY1() + ", " + line.getX2() + ", " + line.getY2() + ")");
+// System.out.println("distance from line is " + Math.sqrt(distSq) + " with tolerance " + tolerance);
+ return distSq <= tolerance * tolerance;
+ }
private Rectangle2D getBounds(Shape shape) {
if (shape instanceof Rectangle2D)
return (Rectangle2D) shape;
private transient Color dynamicColor;
private Rectangle2D bounds;
+ private transient Point2D point;
+ private transient Rectangle2D rect;
private double nodeSize = 1;
Color oldColor = g2d.getColor();
+ Color newColor = dynamicColor != null ? dynamicColor : color;
+ boolean changeColor = !oldColor.equals(newColor);
- double scaleRecip = 1;
+ double viewScaleRecip = 1;
if (scaleStroke) {
double scale = GeometryUtils.getScale(g2d.getTransform());
scale = Math.max(10000, Math.min(scale, 50000));
- scaleRecip = 1.0 / scale;
+ viewScaleRecip = 1.0 / scale;
- scaleRecip = scaleRecip * nodeSize;
+ double scaleRecip = viewScaleRecip * nodeSize;
// Translate lat and lon to X and Y
- Point2D res = calculatePoint2D(vertex);
- Rectangle2D toDraw;
- if (hover) {
- toDraw = new Rectangle2D.Double(res.getX() - (HOVERED.getWidth() / 2 * scaleRecip), res.getY() - (HOVERED.getHeight() / 2 * scaleRecip), HOVERED.getWidth() * scaleRecip, HOVERED.getHeight() * scaleRecip);
- } else {
- toDraw = new Rectangle2D.Double(res.getX() - (NORMAL.getWidth() / 2 * scaleRecip), res.getY() - (NORMAL.getHeight() / 2 * scaleRecip), NORMAL.getWidth() * scaleRecip, NORMAL.getHeight() * scaleRecip);
- }
+ Point2D p = point = calculatePoint2D(vertex, point);
+ Rectangle2D toDraw = calculateDrawnGeometry(p, hover ? HOVERED : NORMAL, rect, scaleRecip);
if (NodeUtil.isSelected(this, 1)) {
+ changeColor = true;
- BasicStroke ss = GeometryUtils.scaleStroke(STROKE, (float) scaleRecip*2);
+ BasicStroke ss = GeometryUtils.scaleStroke(STROKE, (float) viewScaleRecip*5);
// render
- g2d.setColor(dynamicColor != null ? dynamicColor : color);
+ if (changeColor)
+ g2d.setColor(newColor);
// Reset settings
- g2d.setColor(oldColor);
+ if (changeColor)
+ g2d.setColor(oldColor);
if (oaaHint != null)
g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, aaHint);
if (ot != null)
+ private Rectangle2D calculateDrawnGeometry(Point2D p, Rectangle2D margin, Rectangle2D result, double scaleRecip) {
+ if (result == null)
+ result = new Rectangle2D.Double();
+ double mw = margin.getWidth();
+ double mh = margin.getHeight();
+ result.setFrame(p.getX() - (mw / 2 * scaleRecip), p.getY() - (mh / 2 * scaleRecip), mw * scaleRecip, mh * scaleRecip);
+ return result;
+ }
public Rectangle2D getBounds() {
return super.getBounds();
private Rectangle2D calculateBounds(Rectangle2D rect) {
- Point2D calcPoint = calculatePoint2D(vertex);
+ Point2D calcPoint = calculatePoint2D(vertex, point);
AffineTransform at = getTransform();
return new Rectangle2D.Double(calcPoint.getX(), calcPoint.getY(), width / at.getScaleX(), height / at.getScaleY()).getBounds2D();
- private static Point2D calculatePoint2D(DistrictNetworkVertex vertex) {
- Point2D point= vertex.getPoint();
+ private static Point2D calculatePoint2D(DistrictNetworkVertex vertex, Point2D result) {
+ Point2D point = vertex.getPoint();
double x = ModelledCRS.longitudeToX(point.getX());
double y = ModelledCRS.latitudeToY(-point.getY()); // Inverse because Simantics Diagram is inverted
- // Apply the scaling
- Point2D res = new Point2D.Double(x, y);
- return res;
+ if (result == null)
+ result = new Point2D.Double(x, y);
+ else
+ result.setLocation(x, y);
+ return result;
public void setVertex(DistrictNetworkVertex vertex) {