* This class is a scanner generated by
* <a href="http://www.jflex.de/">JFlex</a> 1.6.1
- * from the specification file <tt>C:/Users/hannu/git/scl/org.simantics.scl.compiler/src/org/simantics/scl/compiler/internal/parsing/parser/SCLLexer.flex</tt>
+ * from the specification file <tt>C:/GamsGui/git/platform/bundles/org.simantics.scl.compiler/src/org/simantics/scl/compiler/internal/parsing/parser/SCLLexer.flex</tt>
public class SCLLexer {
- "\2\2\1\106\11\2\1\107\1\2\1\110\1\2\1\111"+
- "\1\2\1\0\1\112\1\113\1\2\1\114\1\115\2\2"+
+ "\3\2\1\106\11\2\1\107\1\2\1\110\1\2\1\111"+
+ "\1\2\1\0\1\112\1\113\2\2\1\114\1\115\2\2"+
- "\2\2\1\123\2\2\1\124\1\125\1\0\4\2\1\126"+
- "\2\2\2\0\1\2\1\127\2\0\2\2\2\0\1\2"+
- "\2\0\1\130\1\2\2\0\1\131\2\0\1\2\4\0"+
- "\1\2\1\132\2\0\1\133\1\2\2\0\1\134\2\0"+
- "\1\135\1\0\1\136";
+ "\1\123\2\2\1\124\2\2\1\125\1\126\1\0\4\2"+
+ "\1\127\2\2\2\0\1\2\1\130\2\0\2\2\2\0"+
+ "\1\2\2\0\1\131\1\2\2\0\1\132\2\0\1\2"+
+ "\4\0\1\2\1\133\2\0\1\134\1\2\2\0\1\135"+
+ "\2\0\1\136\1\0\1\137";
private static int [] zzUnpackAction() {
- int [] result = new int[293];
+ int [] result = new int[296];
int offset = 0;
offset = zzUnpackAction(ZZ_ACTION_PACKED_0, offset, result);
return result;
- "\0\u1d8c\0\272\0\u1dca\0\u1e08\0\u01b2\0\u1e46\0\u1e84\0\370"+
- "\0\u1ec2\0\u1f00\0\u1f3e\0\u1f7c\0\u1fba\0\u1ff8\0\370\0\370"+
- "\0\u2036\0\u2074\0\370\0\u20b2\0\u20f0\0\u212e\0\370\0\u216c"+
- "\0\370\0\u21aa\0\u21e8\0\370\0\u2226\0\u2264\0\u22a2\0\u22e0"+
- "\0\272\0\u231e\0\u235c\0\u239a\0\u23d8\0\u2416\0\u2454\0\u2492"+
- "\0\u24d0\0\u250e\0\u254c\0\u258a\0\u25c8\0\u2606\0\370\0\u2644"+
- "\0\370\0\u2682\0\370\0\u26c0\0\u26fe\0\272\0\370\0\u273c"+
- "\0\370\0\370\0\u277a\0\u27b8\0\u27f6\0\u2834\0\370\0\370"+
- "\0\u2872\0\u28b0\0\u28ee\0\u292c\0\u296a\0\u29a8\0\272\0\u29e6"+
- "\0\u2a24\0\370\0\u2a62\0\u2aa0\0\370\0\370\0\u2ade\0\u2b1c"+
- "\0\u2b5a\0\u2b98\0\u2bd6\0\370\0\u2c14\0\u2c52\0\u2c90\0\u2cce"+
- "\0\u2d0c\0\370\0\u2d4a\0\u2d88\0\u2dc6\0\u2e04\0\u2e42\0\u2e80"+
- "\0\u2ebe\0\u2efc\0\u2f3a\0\370\0\u2f78\0\u2fb6\0\u2ff4\0\370"+
- "\0\u3032\0\u3070\0\u30ae\0\u30ec\0\u312a\0\u3168\0\u31a6\0\u31e4"+
- "\0\272\0\u3222\0\u3260\0\272\0\u329e\0\u32dc\0\u331a\0\370"+
- "\0\u3358\0\u3396\0\272\0\u33d4\0\272";
+ "\0\u1d8c\0\272\0\u1dca\0\u1e08\0\u01b2\0\u1e46\0\u1e84\0\u1ec2"+
+ "\0\u1f00\0\u1f3e\0\u1f7c\0\u1fba\0\u1ff8\0\u2036\0\370\0\370"+
+ "\0\u2074\0\u20b2\0\370\0\u20f0\0\u212e\0\u216c\0\370\0\u21aa"+
+ "\0\370\0\u21e8\0\u2226\0\370\0\u2264\0\u22a2\0\u22e0\0\u231e"+
+ "\0\272\0\u235c\0\u239a\0\u23d8\0\u2416\0\u2454\0\u2492\0\u24d0"+
+ "\0\u250e\0\u254c\0\u258a\0\u25c8\0\u2606\0\u2644\0\u2682\0\370"+
+ "\0\u26c0\0\370\0\u26fe\0\370\0\u273c\0\u277a\0\272\0\370"+
+ "\0\u27b8\0\u27f6\0\370\0\370\0\u2834\0\u2872\0\u28b0\0\u28ee"+
+ "\0\370\0\370\0\u292c\0\u296a\0\u29a8\0\u29e6\0\u2a24\0\u2a62"+
+ "\0\272\0\370\0\u2aa0\0\u2ade\0\370\0\u2b1c\0\u2b5a\0\370"+
+ "\0\370\0\u2b98\0\u2bd6\0\u2c14\0\u2c52\0\u2c90\0\370\0\u2cce"+
+ "\0\u2d0c\0\u2d4a\0\u2d88\0\u2dc6\0\370\0\u2e04\0\u2e42\0\u2e80"+
+ "\0\u2ebe\0\u2efc\0\u2f3a\0\u2f78\0\u2fb6\0\u2ff4\0\370\0\u3032"+
+ "\0\u3070\0\u30ae\0\370\0\u30ec\0\u312a\0\u3168\0\u31a6\0\u31e4"+
+ "\0\u3222\0\u3260\0\u329e\0\272\0\u32dc\0\u331a\0\272\0\u3358"+
+ "\0\u3396\0\u33d4\0\370\0\u3412\0\u3450\0\272\0\u348e\0\272";
private static int [] zzUnpackRowMap() {
- int [] result = new int[293];
+ int [] result = new int[296];
int offset = 0;
offset = zzUnpackRowMap(ZZ_ROWMAP_PACKED_0, offset, result);
return result;
- "\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6\6\0\2\6\1\314\25\6"+
+ "\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6\6\0\12\6\1\314\15\6"+
- "\6\0\17\6\1\315\10\6\11\0\1\6\4\0\4\6"+
- "\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6\6\0\3\6\1\316\24\6"+
+ "\6\0\2\6\1\315\25\6\11\0\1\6\4\0\4\6"+
+ "\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6\6\0\17\6\1\316\10\6"+
- "\6\0\14\6\1\317\13\6\11\0\1\6\4\0\4\6"+
- "\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6\6\0\2\6\1\320\25\6"+
+ "\6\0\3\6\1\317\24\6\11\0\1\6\4\0\4\6"+
+ "\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6\6\0\14\6\1\320\13\6"+
- "\6\0\12\6\1\321\15\6\11\0\1\6\4\0\4\6"+
- "\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6\6\0\11\6\1\322\16\6"+
+ "\6\0\2\6\1\321\25\6\11\0\1\6\4\0\4\6"+
+ "\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6\6\0\12\6\1\322\15\6"+
- "\6\0\16\6\1\323\11\6\11\0\1\6\4\0\4\6"+
- "\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6\6\0\2\6\1\324\25\6"+
+ "\6\0\11\6\1\323\16\6\11\0\1\6\4\0\4\6"+
+ "\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6\6\0\16\6\1\324\11\6"+
- "\6\0\11\6\1\325\16\6\11\0\1\6\4\0\4\6"+
- "\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6\6\0\16\6\1\326\11\6"+
+ "\6\0\2\6\1\325\25\6\11\0\1\6\4\0\4\6"+
+ "\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6\6\0\11\6\1\326\16\6"+
- "\6\0\10\6\1\327\17\6\11\0\1\6\4\0\4\6"+
- "\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6\6\0\6\6\1\330\21\6"+
+ "\6\0\16\6\1\327\11\6\11\0\1\6\4\0\4\6"+
+ "\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6\6\0\10\6\1\330\17\6"+
- "\6\0\12\6\1\331\15\6\11\0\1\6\4\0\4\6"+
- "\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6\6\0\25\6\1\332\2\6"+
+ "\6\0\6\6\1\331\21\6\11\0\1\6\4\0\4\6"+
+ "\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6\6\0\12\6\1\332\15\6"+
- "\6\0\7\6\1\333\20\6\11\0\1\6\4\0\4\6"+
- "\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6\6\0\5\6\1\334\22\6"+
- "\11\0\1\6\5\0\2\335\16\0\1\335\6\0\1\335"+
- "\2\0\1\335\4\0\1\335\4\0\2\335\1\0\1\335"+
- "\64\0\1\336\36\0\4\6\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6"+
- "\6\0\4\6\1\337\23\6\11\0\1\6\4\0\4\6"+
- "\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6\6\0\3\6\1\340\24\6"+
+ "\6\0\25\6\1\333\2\6\11\0\1\6\4\0\4\6"+
+ "\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6\6\0\7\6\1\334\20\6"+
- "\6\0\2\6\1\341\1\6\1\342\23\6\11\0\1\6"+
+ "\6\0\5\6\1\335\22\6\11\0\1\6\5\0\2\336"+
+ "\16\0\1\336\6\0\1\336\2\0\1\336\4\0\1\336"+
+ "\4\0\2\336\1\0\1\336\64\0\1\337\36\0\4\6"+
+ "\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6\6\0\4\6\1\340\23\6"+
+ "\11\0\1\6\4\0\4\6\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6"+
+ "\6\0\10\6\1\341\17\6\11\0\1\6\4\0\4\6"+
+ "\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6\6\0\3\6\1\342\24\6"+
+ "\11\0\1\6\4\0\4\6\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6"+
+ "\6\0\2\6\1\343\1\6\1\344\23\6\11\0\1\6"+
- "\1\343\16\6\11\0\1\6\4\0\4\6\2\0\1\76"+
- "\12\0\1\6\6\0\20\6\1\344\7\6\11\0\1\6"+
+ "\1\345\16\6\11\0\1\6\4\0\4\6\2\0\1\76"+
+ "\12\0\1\6\6\0\20\6\1\346\7\6\11\0\1\6"+
- "\1\345\21\6\11\0\1\6\4\0\4\6\2\0\1\76"+
- "\12\0\1\6\6\0\1\346\27\6\11\0\1\6\4\0"+
- "\4\6\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6\6\0\23\6\1\347"+
+ "\1\347\21\6\11\0\1\6\4\0\4\6\2\0\1\76"+
+ "\12\0\1\6\6\0\1\350\27\6\11\0\1\6\4\0"+
+ "\4\6\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6\6\0\23\6\1\351"+
- "\1\6\6\0\6\6\1\350\21\6\11\0\1\6\4\0"+
- "\4\6\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6\6\0\16\6\1\351"+
+ "\1\6\6\0\6\6\1\352\21\6\11\0\1\6\4\0"+
+ "\4\6\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6\6\0\16\6\1\353"+
- "\1\6\6\0\20\6\1\352\7\6\11\0\1\6\4\0"+
- "\4\6\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6\6\0\6\6\1\353"+
+ "\1\6\6\0\20\6\1\354\7\6\11\0\1\6\4\0"+
+ "\4\6\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6\6\0\6\6\1\355"+
- "\1\6\6\0\2\6\1\354\25\6\11\0\1\6\4\0"+
- "\4\6\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6\6\0\5\6\1\355"+
+ "\1\6\6\0\2\6\1\356\25\6\11\0\1\6\4\0"+
+ "\4\6\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6\6\0\5\6\1\357"+
- "\1\6\6\0\11\6\1\356\16\6\11\0\1\6\5\0"+
- "\2\357\16\0\1\357\6\0\1\357\2\0\1\357\4\0"+
- "\1\357\4\0\2\357\1\0\1\357\25\0\4\6\2\0"+
- "\1\76\12\0\1\6\6\0\16\6\1\360\11\6\11\0"+
+ "\1\6\6\0\11\6\1\360\16\6\11\0\1\6\5\0"+
+ "\2\361\16\0\1\361\6\0\1\361\2\0\1\361\4\0"+
+ "\1\361\4\0\2\361\1\0\1\361\25\0\4\6\2\0"+
+ "\1\76\12\0\1\6\6\0\6\6\1\362\21\6\11\0"+
- "\16\6\1\361\11\6\11\0\1\6\4\0\4\6\2\0"+
- "\1\76\12\0\1\6\6\0\10\6\1\362\17\6\11\0"+
+ "\16\6\1\363\11\6\11\0\1\6\4\0\4\6\2\0"+
+ "\1\76\12\0\1\6\6\0\16\6\1\364\11\6\11\0"+
- "\27\6\1\363\11\0\1\6\4\0\4\6\2\0\1\76"+
- "\12\0\1\6\6\0\1\6\1\364\26\6\11\0\1\6"+
- "\4\0\4\6\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6\6\0\10\6"+
- "\1\365\17\6\11\0\1\6\4\0\4\6\2\0\1\76"+
- "\12\0\1\6\6\0\12\6\1\366\15\6\11\0\1\6"+
- "\4\0\4\6\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6\1\0\1\367"+
- "\4\0\30\6\11\0\1\6\4\0\4\6\2\0\1\76"+
- "\12\0\1\6\6\0\3\6\1\370\24\6\11\0\1\6"+
- "\4\0\4\6\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6\6\0\11\6"+
- "\1\371\16\6\11\0\1\6\4\0\4\6\2\0\1\76"+
- "\12\0\1\6\6\0\23\6\1\372\4\6\11\0\1\6"+
- "\4\0\4\6\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6\6\0\6\6"+
- "\1\373\21\6\11\0\1\6\4\0\4\6\2\0\1\76"+
- "\12\0\1\6\6\0\10\6\1\374\17\6\11\0\1\6"+
+ "\10\6\1\365\17\6\11\0\1\6\4\0\4\6\2\0"+
+ "\1\76\12\0\1\6\6\0\27\6\1\366\11\0\1\6"+
+ "\4\0\4\6\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6\6\0\1\6"+
+ "\1\367\26\6\11\0\1\6\4\0\4\6\2\0\1\76"+
+ "\12\0\1\6\6\0\10\6\1\370\17\6\11\0\1\6"+
+ "\4\0\4\6\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6\6\0\12\6"+
+ "\1\371\15\6\11\0\1\6\4\0\4\6\2\0\1\76"+
+ "\12\0\1\6\1\0\1\372\4\0\30\6\11\0\1\6"+
- "\1\375\24\6\11\0\1\6\4\0\4\6\2\0\1\76"+
- "\12\0\1\6\6\0\2\6\1\376\25\6\11\0\1\6"+
- "\27\0\1\367\4\0\1\377\17\0\1\u0100\25\0\4\6"+
- "\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6\6\0\5\6\1\u0101\22\6"+
- "\11\0\1\6\4\0\4\6\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6"+
- "\6\0\23\6\1\u0102\4\6\11\0\1\6\4\0\4\6"+
- "\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6\1\0\1\u0103\4\0\30\6"+
- "\11\0\1\6\4\0\4\6\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6"+
- "\1\0\1\u0104\4\0\30\6\11\0\1\6\4\0\4\6"+
- "\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6\6\0\25\6\1\u0105\2\6"+
+ "\1\373\24\6\11\0\1\6\4\0\4\6\2\0\1\76"+
+ "\12\0\1\6\6\0\11\6\1\374\16\6\11\0\1\6"+
+ "\4\0\4\6\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6\6\0\23\6"+
+ "\1\375\4\6\11\0\1\6\4\0\4\6\2\0\1\76"+
+ "\12\0\1\6\6\0\6\6\1\376\21\6\11\0\1\6"+
+ "\4\0\4\6\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6\6\0\10\6"+
+ "\1\377\17\6\11\0\1\6\4\0\4\6\2\0\1\76"+
+ "\12\0\1\6\6\0\3\6\1\u0100\24\6\11\0\1\6"+
+ "\4\0\4\6\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6\6\0\2\6"+
+ "\1\u0101\25\6\11\0\1\6\27\0\1\372\4\0\1\u0102"+
+ "\17\0\1\u0103\25\0\4\6\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6"+
+ "\6\0\5\6\1\u0104\22\6\11\0\1\6\4\0\4\6"+
+ "\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6\6\0\23\6\1\u0105\4\6"+
- "\6\0\21\6\1\u0106\6\6\11\0\1\6\41\0\1\u0107"+
- "\75\0\1\u0108\40\0\4\6\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6"+
- "\6\0\11\6\1\u0109\16\6\11\0\1\6\27\0\1\u0103"+
- "\6\0\1\u010a\66\0\1\u0104\6\0\1\u010b\43\0\4\6"+
- "\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6\6\0\3\6\1\u010c\24\6"+
+ "\1\0\1\u0106\4\0\30\6\11\0\1\6\4\0\4\6"+
+ "\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6\1\0\1\u0107\4\0\30\6"+
- "\6\0\3\6\1\u010d\24\6\11\0\1\6\36\0\1\u010e"+
- "\105\0\1\u010f\33\0\4\6\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6"+
- "\6\0\6\6\1\u0110\21\6\11\0\1\6\44\0\1\u0111"+
- "\101\0\1\u0112\31\0\4\6\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6"+
- "\6\0\6\6\1\u0113\21\6\11\0\1\6\46\0\1\u0114"+
- "\71\0\1\u0115\73\0\1\u0116\75\0\1\u0117\41\0\4\6"+
- "\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6\6\0\5\6\1\u0118\22\6"+
- "\11\0\1\6\42\0\1\u0119\74\0\1\u011a\73\0\1\u011b"+
- "\102\0\1\u011c\35\0\4\6\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6"+
- "\6\0\1\6\1\u011d\26\6\11\0\1\6\45\0\1\u011e"+
- "\72\0\1\u011f\37\0\4\6\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6"+
- "\6\0\11\6\1\u0120\16\6\11\0\1\6\52\0\1\u0121"+
- "\64\0\1\u0122\76\0\1\u0123\70\0\1\u0124\105\0\1\u0125"+
- "\33\0";
+ "\6\0\25\6\1\u0108\2\6\11\0\1\6\4\0\4\6"+
+ "\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6\6\0\21\6\1\u0109\6\6"+
+ "\11\0\1\6\41\0\1\u010a\75\0\1\u010b\40\0\4\6"+
+ "\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6\6\0\11\6\1\u010c\16\6"+
+ "\11\0\1\6\27\0\1\u0106\6\0\1\u010d\66\0\1\u0107"+
+ "\6\0\1\u010e\43\0\4\6\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6"+
+ "\6\0\3\6\1\u010f\24\6\11\0\1\6\4\0\4\6"+
+ "\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6\6\0\3\6\1\u0110\24\6"+
+ "\11\0\1\6\36\0\1\u0111\105\0\1\u0112\33\0\4\6"+
+ "\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6\6\0\6\6\1\u0113\21\6"+
+ "\11\0\1\6\44\0\1\u0114\101\0\1\u0115\31\0\4\6"+
+ "\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6\6\0\6\6\1\u0116\21\6"+
+ "\11\0\1\6\46\0\1\u0117\71\0\1\u0118\73\0\1\u0119"+
+ "\75\0\1\u011a\41\0\4\6\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6"+
+ "\6\0\5\6\1\u011b\22\6\11\0\1\6\42\0\1\u011c"+
+ "\74\0\1\u011d\73\0\1\u011e\102\0\1\u011f\35\0\4\6"+
+ "\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6\6\0\1\6\1\u0120\26\6"+
+ "\11\0\1\6\45\0\1\u0121\72\0\1\u0122\37\0\4\6"+
+ "\2\0\1\76\12\0\1\6\6\0\11\6\1\u0123\16\6"+
+ "\11\0\1\6\52\0\1\u0124\64\0\1\u0125\76\0\1\u0126"+
+ "\70\0\1\u0127\105\0\1\u0128\33\0";
private static int [] zzUnpackTrans() {
- int [] result = new int[13330];
+ int [] result = new int[13516];
int offset = 0;
offset = zzUnpackTrans(ZZ_TRANS_PACKED_0, offset, result);
return result;
- "\2\0\1\1\1\0\31\1\1\0\1\11\1\0\22\1"+
- "\1\0\1\11\20\1\1\11\7\1\1\0\7\1\2\0"+
+ "\2\0\1\1\1\0\31\1\1\0\1\11\1\0\23\1"+
+ "\1\0\1\11\21\1\1\11\10\1\1\0\7\1\2\0"+
private static int [] zzUnpackAttribute() {
- int [] result = new int[293];
+ int [] result = new int[296];
int offset = 0;
offset = zzUnpackAttribute(ZZ_ATTRIBUTE_PACKED_0, offset, result);
return result;
case STRING: {
throw new SCLSyntaxErrorException(Locations.location(stringStart, yychar), "Unclosed string literal.");
- case 294: break;
+ case 297: break;
throw new SCLSyntaxErrorException(Locations.location(stringStart, yychar), "Unclosed string literal.");
- case 295: break;
+ case 298: break;
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.EOF);
case 1:
{ throw new SCLSyntaxErrorException(Locations.location(yychar, yychar+1), "Illegal character '" + yytext() + "'.");
- case 95: break;
+ case 96: break;
case 2:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.ID);
- case 96: break;
+ case 97: break;
case 3:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.INTEGER);
- case 97: break;
+ case 98: break;
case 4:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.SYMBOL, yytext().trim());
- case 98: break;
+ case 99: break;
case 5:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.ATTACHED_HASH, "#");
- case 99: break;
+ case 100: break;
case 6:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.ATTACHED_DOT, ".");
- case 100: break;
+ case 101: break;
case 7:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.AT);
- case 101: break;
+ case 102: break;
case 8:
{ ++parenCount; return sym(SCLTerminals.LPAREN);
- case 102: break;
+ case 103: break;
case 9:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.COMMA);
- case 103: break;
+ case 104: break;
case 10:
{ --parenCount;
if(parenCount == 0 && !parenCountStack.isEmpty()) {
return sym(SCLTerminals.RPAREN);
- case 104: break;
+ case 105: break;
case 11:
{ return new Token(SCLTerminals.EOL, yychar, yychar+yylength(), "");
- case 105: break;
+ case 106: break;
case 12:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.LESS, "<");
- case 106: break;
+ case 107: break;
case 13:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.GREATER, ">");
- case 107: break;
+ case 108: break;
case 14:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.MINUS, "-");
- case 108: break;
+ case 109: break;
case 15:
- case 109: break;
+ case 110: break;
case 16:
{ throw new SCLSyntaxErrorException(Locations.location(yychar, yychar+1), "Character does not conform to UTF-8 encoding.");
- case 110: break;
+ case 111: break;
case 17:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.LAMBDA);
- case 111: break;
+ case 112: break;
case 18:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.LBRACE);
- case 112: break;
+ case 113: break;
case 19:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.RBRACE);
- case 113: break;
+ case 114: break;
case 20:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.LBRACKET);
- case 114: break;
+ case 115: break;
case 21:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.RBRACKET);
- case 115: break;
+ case 116: break;
case 22:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.EQUALS);
- case 116: break;
+ case 117: break;
case 23:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.COLON);
- case 117: break;
+ case 118: break;
case 24:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.SEMICOLON);
- case 118: break;
+ case 119: break;
case 25:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.BAR);
- case 119: break;
+ case 120: break;
case 26:
{ string.setLength(0); stringStart=yychar; yybegin(STRING); return sym(SCLTerminals.BEGIN_STRING);
- case 120: break;
+ case 121: break;
case 27:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.BLANK);
- case 121: break;
+ case 122: break;
case 28:
{ throw new SCLSyntaxErrorException(Locations.location(yychar, yychar+1), "Tabulator is not allowed except inside string literals.");
- case 122: break;
+ case 123: break;
case 29:
{ string.append( yytext() );
- case 123: break;
+ case 124: break;
case 30:
{ throw new SCLSyntaxErrorException(Locations.location(stringStart, yychar), "Unclosed string literal.");
- case 124: break;
+ case 125: break;
case 31:
{ yybegin(YYINITIAL);
return new Token(SCLTerminals.END_STRING, stringStart, yychar+1, string.toString());
- case 125: break;
+ case 126: break;
case 32:
{ string.append('\n');
- case 126: break;
+ case 127: break;
case 33:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.DOTDOT, ".");
- case 127: break;
+ case 128: break;
case 34:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.SEPARATED_DOT, ".");
- case 128: break;
+ case 129: break;
case 35:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.ANNOTATION_ID);
- case 129: break;
+ case 130: break;
case 36:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.BINDS);
- case 130: break;
+ case 131: break;
case 37:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.ARROW);
- case 131: break;
+ case 132: break;
case 38:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.COMMENT);
- case 132: break;
+ case 133: break;
case 39:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.AS);
- case 133: break;
+ case 134: break;
case 40:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.IF);
- case 134: break;
+ case 135: break;
case 41:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.IN);
- case 135: break;
+ case 136: break;
case 42:
{ return sym(options.supportEq ? SCLTerminals.EQ : SCLTerminals.ID);
- case 136: break;
+ case 137: break;
case 43:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.BY);
- case 137: break;
+ case 138: break;
case 44:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.DO);
- case 138: break;
+ case 139: break;
case 45:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.IMPLIES);
- case 139: break;
+ case 140: break;
case 46:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.FOLLOWS);
- case 140: break;
+ case 141: break;
case 47:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.HASTYPE);
- case 141: break;
+ case 142: break;
case 48:
{ throw new SCLSyntaxErrorException(Locations.location(stringStart, yychar), "Illegal string escape character.");
- case 142: break;
+ case 143: break;
case 49:
{ string.append(yytext().substring(1));
- case 143: break;
+ case 144: break;
case 50:
{ parenCountStack.add(parenCount);
parenCount = 1;
return new Token(SCLTerminals.SUSPEND_STRING, stringStart, yychar+1, string.toString());
- case 144: break;
+ case 145: break;
case 51:
{ string.append('\r');
- case 145: break;
+ case 146: break;
case 52:
{ string.append('\t');
- case 146: break;
+ case 147: break;
case 53:
{ parenCountStack.add(parenCount);
parenCount = 1;
return new Token(SCLTerminals.SUSPEND_STRING, stringStart, yychar+1, string.toString());
- case 147: break;
+ case 148: break;
case 54:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.FLOAT);
- case 148: break;
+ case 149: break;
case 55:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.CHAR);
- case 149: break;
+ case 150: break;
case 56:
{ String text = yytext();
return sym(SCLTerminals.ID, text.substring(1, text.length()-1));
- case 150: break;
+ case 151: break;
case 57:
{ String text = yytext();
return sym(SCLTerminals.SYMBOL, text.substring(1, text.length()-1));
- case 151: break;
+ case 152: break;
case 58:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.QUERY_OP);
- case 152: break;
+ case 153: break;
case 59:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.LET);
- case 153: break;
+ case 154: break;
case 60:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.MDO);
- case 154: break;
+ case 155: break;
case 61:
{ string.setLength(0); stringStart=yychar; yybegin(LONG_STRING); return sym(SCLTerminals.BEGIN_STRING);
- case 155: break;
+ case 156: break;
case 62:
{ yybegin(YYINITIAL);
return new Token(SCLTerminals.END_STRING, stringStart, yychar+3, string.toString());
- case 156: break;
+ case 157: break;
case 63:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.RULE);
- case 157: break;
+ case 158: break;
case 64:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.THEN);
- case 158: break;
+ case 159: break;
case 65:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.TYPE);
- case 159: break;
+ case 160: break;
case 66:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.ELSE);
- case 160: break;
+ case 161: break;
case 67:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.WITH);
- case 161: break;
+ case 162: break;
case 68:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.WHEN);
- case 162: break;
+ case 163: break;
case 69:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.DATA);
- case 163: break;
+ case 164: break;
case 70:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.INFIX);
- case 164: break;
+ case 165: break;
case 71:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.WHERE);
- case 165: break;
+ case 166: break;
case 72:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.CLASS);
- case 166: break;
+ case 167: break;
case 73:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.MATCH);
- case 167: break;
+ case 168: break;
case 74:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.LAMBDA_MATCH);
- case 168: break;
+ case 169: break;
case 75:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.FORALL);
- case 169: break;
+ case 170: break;
case 76:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.INFIXR);
- case 170: break;
+ case 171: break;
case 77:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.INFIXL);
- case 171: break;
+ case 172: break;
case 78:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.IMPORT);
- case 172: break;
+ case 173: break;
case 79:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.HIDING);
- case 173: break;
+ case 174: break;
case 80:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.EFFECT);
- case 174: break;
+ case 175: break;
case 81:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.SELECT);
- case 175: break;
+ case 176: break;
case 82:
{ string.append((char)Integer.parseInt(yytext().substring(2), 16));
- case 176: break;
+ case 177: break;
case 83:
- { return sym(SCLTerminals.INCLUDE);
+ { return sym(SCLTerminals.RULESET);
- case 177: break;
+ case 178: break;
case 84:
- { return sym(SCLTerminals.ENFORCE);
+ { return sym(SCLTerminals.INCLUDE);
- case 178: break;
+ case 179: break;
case 85:
- { return sym(SCLTerminals.EXTENDS);
+ { return sym(SCLTerminals.ENFORCE);
- case 179: break;
+ case 180: break;
case 86:
- { return sym(SCLTerminals.INSTANCE);
+ { return sym(SCLTerminals.EXTENDS);
- case 180: break;
+ case 181: break;
case 87:
- { return sym(SCLTerminals.DERIVING);
+ { return sym(SCLTerminals.INSTANCE);
- case 181: break;
+ case 182: break;
case 88:
- { return sym(SCLTerminals.IMPORTJAVA);
+ { return sym(SCLTerminals.DERIVING);
- case 182: break;
+ case 183: break;
case 89:
- { return sym(SCLTerminals.CONSTRAINT);
+ { return sym(SCLTerminals.IMPORTJAVA);
- case 183: break;
+ case 184: break;
case 90:
- { return sym(SCLTerminals.SELECT_FIRST);
+ { return sym(SCLTerminals.CONSTRAINT);
- case 184: break;
+ case 185: break;
case 91:
- { return sym(SCLTerminals.ABSTRACT_RULE);
+ { return sym(SCLTerminals.SELECT_FIRST);
- case 185: break;
+ case 186: break;
case 92:
- { return sym(SCLTerminals.TRANSFORMATION);
+ { return sym(SCLTerminals.ABSTRACT_RULE);
- case 186: break;
+ case 187: break;
case 93:
- { return sym(SCLTerminals.SELECT_DISTINCT);
+ { return sym(SCLTerminals.TRANSFORMATION);
- case 187: break;
+ case 188: break;
case 94:
+ { return sym(SCLTerminals.SELECT_DISTINCT);
+ }
+ case 189: break;
+ case 95:
{ return sym(SCLTerminals.MAPPING_RELATION);
- case 188: break;
+ case 190: break;
public static final boolean TRACE = false;
private static final int INITIAL_CAPACITY = 16;
- private static final int STATE_COUNT = 345;
- private static final int TERMINAL_COUNT = 83;
+ private static final int STATE_COUNT = 353;
+ private static final int TERMINAL_COUNT = 84;
private static final int NONTERMINAL_COUNT = 51;
- private static final int PRODUCT_COUNT = 132;
+ private static final int PRODUCT_COUNT = 134;
private static final int[] ACTION_ROW_ID = new int[STATE_COUNT];
private static final int[] ACTION_COLUMN_ID = new int[TERMINAL_COUNT];
- private static final short[] ACTION_TABLE = new short[6360];
- private static final int[] ERROR_TABLE = new int[895];
+ private static final short[] ACTION_TABLE = new short[6588];
+ private static final int[] ERROR_TABLE = new int[927];
private static final int[] GOTO_ROW_ID = new int[STATE_COUNT];
private static final int[] GOTO_COLUMN_ID = new int[NONTERMINAL_COUNT];
- private static final short[] GOTO_TABLE = new short[1711];
+ private static final short[] GOTO_TABLE = new short[1620];
private static final int[] PRODUCT_LHS = new int[PRODUCT_COUNT];
private static final short STATE_MASK = (short)0x0fff;
+ "statements",
- "statements",
return parse(0);
public Object parseCommands() {
- return parse(330);
+ return parse(337);
public Object parseImport() {
- return parse(337);
+ return parse(345);
public Object parseType() {
- return parse(339);
+ return parse(347);
public Object parseExp() {
- return parse(341);
+ return parse(349);
public Object parseEquationBlock() {
- return parse(343);
+ return parse(351);
case 23:
return reduceRelationDefinition();
case 24:
- return reduceStatementCommand();
+ return reduceRulesetDefinition();
case 25:
- return reduceImportCommand();
+ return reduceStatementCommand();
case 26:
- return reduceGuardStatement();
+ return reduceImportCommand();
case 27:
- return reduceLetStatement();
+ return reduceGuardStatement();
case 28:
- return reduceBindStatement();
+ return reduceLetStatement();
case 29:
- return reduceRuleStatement();
+ return reduceBindStatement();
case 30:
- return reduceCHRStatement();
+ return reduceRuleStatement();
case 31:
- return reduceVerboseCHRStatement();
+ return reduceCHRStatement();
case 32:
- return reduceConstraintStatement();
+ return reduceVerboseCHRStatement();
case 33:
- return reduceDeclarations();
+ return reduceConstraintStatement();
case 34:
- return reduceField();
+ return reduceLocalInclude();
case 35:
- return reduceFieldShorthand();
+ return reduceDeclarations();
case 36:
- return reduceVarId();
+ return reduceField();
case 37:
- return reduceEscapedSymbol();
+ return reduceFieldShorthand();
case 38:
- return reduceTupleConstructor();
+ return reduceVarId();
case 39:
- return reduceBinary();
+ return reduceEscapedSymbol();
case 40:
- return reduceSimpleRhs();
+ return reduceTupleConstructor();
case 41:
- return reduceGuardedRhs();
+ return reduceBinary();
case 42:
- return reduceConstructor();
+ return reduceSimpleRhs();
case 43:
- return reduceRecordConstructor();
+ return reduceGuardedRhs();
case 44:
- return reduceContext();
+ return reduceConstructor();
case 45:
- return reduceFundeps();
+ return reduceRecordConstructor();
case 46:
- return reduceTypeVar();
+ return reduceContext();
case 47:
- return reduceTupleType();
+ return reduceFundeps();
case 48:
- return reduceListType();
+ return reduceTypeVar();
case 49:
- return reduceListTypeConstructor();
+ return reduceTupleType();
case 50:
- return reduceTupleTypeConstructor();
+ return reduceListType();
case 51:
- return reduceLambda();
+ return reduceListTypeConstructor();
case 52:
- return reduceLambdaMatch();
+ return reduceTupleTypeConstructor();
case 53:
- return reduceLet();
+ return reduceLambda();
case 54:
- return reduceIf();
+ return reduceLambdaMatch();
case 55:
- return reduceMatch();
+ return reduceLet();
case 56:
- return reduceDo();
+ return reduceIf();
case 57:
- return reduceSelect();
+ return reduceMatch();
case 58:
- return reduceEnforce();
+ return reduceDo();
case 59:
- return reduceVar();
+ return reduceSelect();
case 60:
- return reduceHashedId();
+ return reduceEnforce();
case 61:
- return reduceBlank();
+ return reduceVar();
case 62:
- return reduceInteger();
+ return reduceHashedId();
case 63:
- return reduceFloat();
+ return reduceBlank();
case 64:
- return reduceString();
+ return reduceInteger();
case 65:
- return reduceChar();
+ return reduceFloat();
case 66:
- return reduceTuple();
+ return reduceString();
case 67:
- return reduceViewPattern();
+ return reduceChar();
case 68:
- return reduceRightSection();
+ return reduceTuple();
case 69:
- return reduceLeftSection();
+ return reduceViewPattern();
case 70:
- return reduceListLiteral();
+ return reduceRightSection();
case 71:
- return reduceRange();
+ return reduceLeftSection();
case 72:
- return reduceListComprehension();
+ return reduceListLiteral();
case 73:
- return reduceAs();
+ return reduceRange();
case 74:
- return reduceRecord();
+ return reduceListComprehension();
case 75:
- return reduceTransformation();
+ return reduceAs();
case 76:
- return reduceEq();
+ return reduceRecord();
case 77:
- return reduceRuleDeclarations();
+ return reduceTransformation();
case 78:
- return reduceImportShowing();
+ return reduceEq();
case 79:
- return reduceImportHiding();
+ return reduceRuleDeclarations();
case 80:
- return reduceImportValueItem();
+ return reduceStatements();
case 81:
- return reduceFieldDescription();
+ return reduceImportShowing();
case 82:
- return reduceStatements();
+ return reduceImportHiding();
case 83:
- return reduceGuardedExpEq();
+ return reduceImportValueItem();
case 84:
- return reduceFundep();
+ return reduceFieldDescription();
case 85:
- return reduceQueryRuleDeclaration();
+ return reduceGuardedExpEq();
case 86:
- return reduceAnnotation();
+ return reduceFundep();
case 87:
- return reduceGuardQuery();
+ return reduceQueryRuleDeclaration();
case 88:
- return reduceEqualsQuery();
+ return reduceAnnotation();
case 89:
- return reduceBindQuery();
+ return reduceGuardQuery();
case 90:
- return reduceCompositeQuery();
+ return reduceEqualsQuery();
case 91:
- return reduceApply();
+ return reduceBindQuery();
case 92:
- return reduceSymbol();
+ return reduceCompositeQuery();
case 93:
- return reduceEscapedId();
+ return reduceApply();
case 94:
- return reduceMinus();
+ return reduceSymbol();
case 95:
- return reduceLess();
+ return reduceEscapedId();
case 96:
- return reduceGreater();
+ return reduceMinus();
case 97:
- return reduceDot();
+ return reduceLess();
case 98:
- return reduceFieldAccess();
+ return reduceGreater();
case 99:
- return reduceIdAccessor();
+ return reduceDot();
case 100:
- return reduceStringAccessor();
+ return reduceFieldAccess();
case 101:
- return reduceExpAccessor();
+ return reduceIdAccessor();
case 102:
- return reduceCase();
+ return reduceStringAccessor();
case 103:
- return reduceQueryBlock();
+ return reduceExpAccessor();
case 104:
- return reduceStringLiteral();
+ return reduceCase();
case 105:
- return reduceSymbol();
+ return reduceQueryBlock();
case 106:
- return reduceEscapedId();
+ return reduceStringLiteral();
case 107:
- return reduceLess();
+ return reduceSymbol();
case 108:
- return reduceGreater();
+ return reduceEscapedId();
case 109:
- return reduceDot();
+ return reduceLess();
case 110:
- return reduceGuardQualifier();
+ return reduceGreater();
case 111:
- return reduceLetQualifier();
+ return reduceDot();
case 112:
- return reduceBindQualifier();
+ return reduceGuardQualifier();
case 113:
- return reduceThenQualifier();
+ return reduceLetQualifier();
case 114:
- return reduceCHRQuery();
+ return reduceBindQualifier();
case 115:
- return reduceVerboseCHRQuery();
+ return reduceThenQualifier();
case 116:
- return reduceSimpleCaseRhs();
+ return reduceCHRQuery();
case 117:
- return reduceGuardedCaseRhs();
+ return reduceVerboseCHRQuery();
case 118:
- return reduceGuardedExpArrow();
+ return reduceSimpleCaseRhs();
case 119:
- return reduceGuardEquation();
+ return reduceGuardedCaseRhs();
case 120:
- return reduceBasicEquation();
+ return reduceGuardedExpArrow();
case 121:
- return reduceEffect();
+ return reduceGuardEquation();
case 122:
- return reduceJustEtype();
+ return reduceBasicEquation();
case 123:
- return reduceForAll();
+ return reduceEffect();
case 124:
- return reduceApplyType();
+ return reduceJustEtype();
case 125:
+ return reduceForAll();
+ case 126:
+ return reduceApplyType();
+ case 127:
return reduceDummy();
* declaration ::= bexp FOLLOWS ruleDeclarations
protected abstract Object reduceRelationDefinition();
+ /**
+ * declaration ::= RULESET ID WHERE statements
+ */
+ protected abstract Object reduceRulesetDefinition();
* command ::= statement
* statement ::= CONSTRAINT ID atype*
protected abstract Object reduceConstraintStatement();
+ /**
+ * statement ::= INCLUDE ID aexp
+ */
+ protected abstract Object reduceLocalInclude();
* declarations ::= LBRACE (declaration (SEMICOLON (declaration SEMICOLON)* declaration)?)? RBRACE
* ruleDeclarations ::= LBRACE (ruleDeclaration (SEMICOLON (ruleDeclaration SEMICOLON)* ruleDeclaration)?)? RBRACE
protected abstract Object reduceRuleDeclarations();
+ /**
+ * statements ::= LBRACE (statement (SEMICOLON (statement SEMICOLON)* statement)?)? RBRACE
+ */
+ protected abstract Object reduceStatements();
* importSpec ::= LPAREN (importItem (COMMA (importItem COMMA)* importItem)?)? RPAREN
* fieldDeclaration ::= ID HASTYPE type
protected abstract Object reduceFieldDescription();
- /**
- * statements ::= LBRACE (statement (SEMICOLON (statement SEMICOLON)* statement)?)? RBRACE
- */
- protected abstract Object reduceStatements();
* guardedExpEq ::= BAR exp (COMMA exp)* EQUALS exp
public static final int EXTENDS = 26;
public static final int MAPPING_RELATION = 27;
public static final int FOLLOWS = 28;
- public static final int IMPORT = 29;
- public static final int INCLUDE = 30;
- public static final int AS = 31;
- public static final int LPAREN = 32;
- public static final int RPAREN = 33;
- public static final int HIDING = 34;
- public static final int ARROW = 35;
- public static final int COLON = 36;
- public static final int MINUS = 37;
- public static final int SYMBOL = 38;
- public static final int LESS = 39;
- public static final int GREATER = 40;
- public static final int SEPARATED_DOT = 41;
- public static final int ESCAPED_ID = 42;
- public static final int LAMBDA = 43;
- public static final int LAMBDA_MATCH = 44;
- public static final int LET = 45;
- public static final int IF = 46;
- public static final int MATCH = 47;
- public static final int DO = 48;
- public static final int MDO = 49;
- public static final int ENFORCE = 50;
- public static final int BLANK = 51;
- public static final int FLOAT = 52;
- public static final int LBRACKET = 53;
- public static final int ESCAPED_SYMBOL = 54;
- public static final int CHAR = 55;
- public static final int WHEN = 56;
- public static final int ATTACHED_HASH = 57;
- public static final int SELECT = 58;
- public static final int SELECT_FIRST = 59;
- public static final int SELECT_DISTINCT = 60;
- public static final int TRANSFORMATION = 61;
- public static final int EQ = 62;
- public static final int ATTACHED_DOT = 63;
- public static final int IN = 64;
- public static final int THEN = 65;
- public static final int ELSE = 66;
- public static final int WITH = 67;
- public static final int RBRACKET = 68;
- public static final int DOTDOT = 69;
- public static final int AT = 70;
- public static final int SUSPEND_STRING = 71;
- public static final int CONTINUE_STRING = 72;
- public static final int BINDS = 73;
- public static final int IMPLIES = 74;
- public static final int THEN_AFTER_WHEN = 75;
- public static final int CONSTRAINT = 76;
- public static final int BY = 77;
- public static final int QUERY_OP = 78;
- public static final int FORALL = 79;
- public static final int COMMENT = 80;
- public static final int EOL = 81;
- public static final int EOF = 82;
+ public static final int RULESET = 29;
+ public static final int IMPORT = 30;
+ public static final int INCLUDE = 31;
+ public static final int AS = 32;
+ public static final int LPAREN = 33;
+ public static final int RPAREN = 34;
+ public static final int HIDING = 35;
+ public static final int ARROW = 36;
+ public static final int COLON = 37;
+ public static final int MINUS = 38;
+ public static final int SYMBOL = 39;
+ public static final int LESS = 40;
+ public static final int GREATER = 41;
+ public static final int SEPARATED_DOT = 42;
+ public static final int ESCAPED_ID = 43;
+ public static final int LAMBDA = 44;
+ public static final int LAMBDA_MATCH = 45;
+ public static final int LET = 46;
+ public static final int IF = 47;
+ public static final int MATCH = 48;
+ public static final int DO = 49;
+ public static final int MDO = 50;
+ public static final int ENFORCE = 51;
+ public static final int BLANK = 52;
+ public static final int FLOAT = 53;
+ public static final int LBRACKET = 54;
+ public static final int ESCAPED_SYMBOL = 55;
+ public static final int CHAR = 56;
+ public static final int WHEN = 57;
+ public static final int ATTACHED_HASH = 58;
+ public static final int SELECT = 59;
+ public static final int SELECT_FIRST = 60;
+ public static final int SELECT_DISTINCT = 61;
+ public static final int TRANSFORMATION = 62;
+ public static final int EQ = 63;
+ public static final int ATTACHED_DOT = 64;
+ public static final int IN = 65;
+ public static final int THEN = 66;
+ public static final int ELSE = 67;
+ public static final int WITH = 68;
+ public static final int RBRACKET = 69;
+ public static final int DOTDOT = 70;
+ public static final int AT = 71;
+ public static final int SUSPEND_STRING = 72;
+ public static final int CONTINUE_STRING = 73;
+ public static final int BINDS = 74;
+ public static final int IMPLIES = 75;
+ public static final int THEN_AFTER_WHEN = 76;
+ public static final int CONSTRAINT = 77;
+ public static final int BY = 78;
+ public static final int QUERY_OP = 79;
+ public static final int FORALL = 80;
+ public static final int COMMENT = 81;
+ public static final int EOL = 82;
+ public static final int EOF = 83;