// --- Position -----------------------------------------------------
+ Position xx xy yx yy tx ty
+is a 2D affine transform with a rotation/scale/shear part,
+i.e. `xx xy yx yy` and a translation part `tx ty` which
+represents the matrix
+ [xx yx | tx]
+ [xy yy | ty]
data Position = Position Double Double Double Double Double Double
deriving instance Show Position
+ translation x y
+Returns an affine transform with identity rotation and `x y` for translation.
location :: Double -> Double -> Position
location x y = Position 1 0 0 1 x y
+ move (dx,dy)
+Returns a function that adds `(dx, dy)` to the translation of a specified affine transform.
move :: (Double,Double) -> Position -> Position
move (dx,dy) (Position xx xy yx yy x y) = Position xx xy yx yy (x+dx) (y+dy)
+ rotate n
+Returns a function that rotates the specified affine transform by `n*90` degrees
rotate :: Integer -> Position -> Position
rotate angle (Position xx xy yx yy x y) =
Position (c*xx + s*xy) (c*xy - s*xx)
s = match a with 1 -> 1.0 ; 3 -> -1.0 ; _ -> 0.0
c = match a with 0 -> 1.0 ; 2 -> -1.0 ; _ -> 0.0
+ scale s transform
+Multiplies the rotation part of the specified affine `transform` by `s`
+[xx yx tx] => [s*xx s*yx tx]
+[xy yy ty] [s*xy s*yy ty]
scale :: Double -> Position -> Position
scale s (Position xx xy yx yy x y) = Position (s*xx) (s*xy) (s*yx) (s*yy) x y
+ withScale scale transform
+Sets the rotation part so that the base vectors defined by `u=[xx xy]` and `v=[yx yy]`
+are of length `scale`. This effectively sets the scaling of the elements without
+touching their rotation/shear.
+su = scale / |u|
+sv = scale / |v|
+[xx yx tx] => [su*xx sv*yx tx]
+[xy yy ty] [su*xy sv*yy ty]
+withScale :: Double -> Position -> Position
+withScale scale (Position xx xy yx yy tx ty) = Position xx' xy' yx' yy' tx ty
+ where
+ su = scale / (sqrt (xx*xx + xy*xy))
+ sv = scale / (sqrt (yx*yx + yy*yy))
+ xx' = xx * su
+ xy' = xy * su
+ yx' = yx * sv
+ yy' = yy * sv
+ flipX transform
+Performs a mirror operation for the specified `transform` about the Y-axis.
flipX :: Position -> Position
flipX (Position xx xy yx yy x y) = Position (-xx) xy (-yx) yy x y
+ flipY transform
+Performs a mirror operation for the specified `transform` about the X-axis.
flipY :: Position -> Position
flipY (Position xx xy yx yy x y) = Position xx (-xy) yx (-yy) x y
+Converts a [Position](#Position) into a `Vector Double`.
positionToDoubleArray (Position a b c d e f) = toDoubleArray [a,b,c,d,e,f]
+Converts a [Position](#Position) into a `Vector Double`.
positionToVector :: Position -> Vector Double
positionToVector (Position a b c d e f) = runProc
(do r = createMVector 6
// --- Functions ----------------------------------------------------
+transformOf element = Position (da!0) (da!1) (da!2) (da!3) (da!4) (da!5)
+ where da = fromDoubleArray $ relatedValue element DIA.HasTransform
"""Creates a random GUID L0.identifier property for the specified entity resource."""
hasRandomIdentifier :: Resource -> <ReadGraph,WriteGraph> ()
readRouteLine r = RouteLine
(relatedValue r DIA.IsHorizontal)
(relatedValue r DIA.HasPosition)
- transformOf element = do
- da = fromDoubleArray $
- relatedValue element DIA.HasTransform
- Position (da!0) (da!1) (da!2) (da!3) (da!4) (da!5)
nameOf r = relatedValue r L0.HasName
labelOf r = relatedValue2 r L0.HasLabel
idOf r = match possibleObject r MOD.ElementToComponent with
setTransform :: Resource -> DoubleArray -> <WriteGraph> ()
setTransform element transform = claimRelatedValueWithType element DIA.HasTransform G2D.Transform transform
+ transformElement transformer element
+Performs the affine transformation encapsulated by `transformer` for the specified
+diagram `element`.
+For examples of possible transformer functions, see [scaleTransform](#scaleTransform)
+and [transformWithScale](#transformWithScale).
+transformElement :: (Position -> Position) -> Resource -> <WriteGraph> ()
+transformElement transformer element =
+ claimRelatedValue element DIA.HasTransform (positionToDoubleArray (transformer (transformOf element)))
+ transformElements transformer elements
+Runs [transformElement](#transformElement) using the specified transformer for
+all the specified `elements`.
+Use this function together with e.g. [scaleTransform](#scaleTransform) and
+[transformWithScale](#transformWithScale) or similar functions.
+ import "Simantics/Diagram"
+ // Scale some elements by 1.5:
+ transformElements (scale 1.5) someElements
+ // Set scale of some elements to 10
+ transformElements (withScale 10) someElements
+transformElements :: (Position -> Position) -> [Resource] -> <WriteGraph> ()
+transformElements transformer elements = for elements $ transformElement transformer
importJava "org.simantics.modeling.svg.CreateSVGElement" where
createSVGElement :: Resource -> String -> ByteArray -> Double -> Double -> <WriteGraph> ()