]> gerrit.simantics Code Review - simantics/sysdyn.git/shortlog
2010-06-07 villbergMore support for Variable handling.
2010-06-07 lempinenSimulation run to GE and better toggle simulation handling
2010-06-03 lempinenExperiment control for basic simulation and simulate...
2010-05-31 lempinenLookup Popup
2010-05-31 lehtonenorg.simantics.sysdyn, not org.simantics.sysdyn.feature.
2010-05-31 villbergFirst blood for g2d to h2d transition.
2010-05-28 lempinenMissing files compiled by javacc
2010-05-27 lempinenBasic functions of Lookup Popup. Users can create a...
2010-05-27 lempinengit-svn-id: https://www.simantics.org/svn/simantics...
2010-05-27 lempinengit-svn-id: https://www.simantics.org/svn/simantics...
2010-05-27 lempinengit-svn-id: https://www.simantics.org/svn/simantics...
2010-05-25 lehtonenMade SysdynProjcet require WORKBENCH.SymbolManager...
2010-05-25 lempinenbuggy symbol viewer
2010-05-20 lempinenYet another fix for focus problems
2010-05-20 lempinenModified fix for focus problems
2010-05-20 lempinenfixed focus problems caused by unsuccessful focus commands
2010-05-20 lempinenGave models labels and modified editor to use the label...
2010-05-19 lempinenDependency -view for showing backward and forward depen...
2010-05-18 lempinenBetter structure, context menus and icons to model...
2010-05-17 lempinenSwitch to new Model Browser apros-i4-rc3
2010-05-04 lehtonenChanged to sysdyn ontology. apros-i4-rc2
2010-04-29 lehtonenFixed typo on sysdyn.graph.
2010-04-28 niemistoadded modules to sysdyn ontology
2010-04-13 lehtonenDeprecated GraphUtils.remove in favor of RemoverUtil...
2010-04-12 lehtonenChanged invalid 0.7.1 DB bundle requirements to refer...
2010-04-06 lempinenFixed null pointer exceptions when opening the view...
2010-03-30 lempinenDeleting an item from model browser closes its editor...
2010-03-30 lempinenAdded mapping listener for updating the contents of...
2010-03-30 lehtonenMoved utilities to org.simantics.browsing.ui.graph...
2010-03-29 lehtonenReworking the modeling.ui model browser base, trying...
2010-03-26 lempinenElement label is updated when changed in equation view
2010-03-25 lehtonenStop using org.simantics.db.common.uri.URIToResource...
2010-03-25 lehtonenFixes for recent browsing component changes.
2010-03-24 lehtonenNew Set
2010-03-24 lempinentext wrap
2010-03-24 lempinenRemoved contradicting transactions by changing construc...
2010-03-18 lehtonenOnly have Remove menu action active when the diagram...
2010-03-17 niemistogit-svn-id: https://www.simantics.org/svn/simantics... simantics-1.0
2010-03-17 niemistobug fixes
2010-03-17 lehtonenOnly perform TrendView UI update if there's still a...
2010-03-17 lehtonenMissing cheatsheet from build.
2010-03-17 niemistofixes
2010-03-17 niemistoconcurrency bug fixes
2010-03-17 lehtonenRemoved unnecessary field.
2010-03-17 niemistorenamed modelica code viewer
2010-03-17 lehtonenRemoved warnings.
2010-03-17 lehtonenAdded a "first-time cheat sheet view opening" feature...
2010-03-17 lehtonengit-svn-id: https://www.simantics.org/svn/simantics...
2010-03-16 lehtonenHopeful objmap/h2d fixes:
2010-03-16 lehtonenChanged remaining places where InstanceOf statements...
2010-03-16 lehtonenAdded rename to sysdyn browser context menu.
2010-03-16 lehtonenCheck in ToggleSimulation that the editor is actually...
2010-03-16 lehtonenPerspective icon for sysdyn.
2010-03-16 lehtonenRemoved TestConfiguration from sysdyn.graph.
2010-03-16 lehtonenAdded Delete handler for model configurations in Sysdyn.
2010-03-16 lempinenFix to the exception flood when removing elements
2010-03-16 lempinenRemoved unnecessary imports and other warnings
2010-03-16 lempinenupdated expression parser .javas
2010-03-16 lehtonenGave SysdynBrowser its own context menu ID: #SysdynBrow...
2010-03-15 lehtonenGive proper labels and descriptions for Sysdyn project...
2010-03-15 lehtonenFixing build.properties to include adapters.xml files...
2010-03-15 lehtonenRemoved garbage from ontologies, db.build win32.x86...
2010-03-15 lempinenChecks for isdisposed in asyncexecs
2010-03-15 lempinenPanning from alt+middle to shift+ any mouse button
2010-03-15 lehtonenRemoved old sysdyn ontology.
2010-03-15 lempinenMouse release event to h2d. Context menu uses that...
2010-03-13 lehtonenFixing brakage caused by changed Layer0 URI's
2010-03-13 lehtonenRemoved deprecated stuff from sysdyn.graph
2010-03-11 lehtonenTHTH copyrights for sysdyn components.
2010-03-11 lehtonenIgnore unnecessary generated stuff to let it into SVN...
2010-03-11 lehtonenRemove stuff to be ignored.
2010-03-11 lehtonenWARNING: modified org.simantics.db.ServiceLocator API...
2010-03-11 lehtonenFixed wrong URI.
2010-03-11 lehtonenFixed objmap, h2d, sysdyn and sysdyn.ui to use the...
2010-03-10 lempinenempty shortcut tabs when cloud or dependency selected
2010-03-10 lempinenShow empty equation view when cloud or dependency selected
2010-03-10 lempinenInitial simulation data is gathered and added to datasets
2010-03-10 lempinenNot allowing duplicate names
2010-03-10 lempinenfixed parenthesis bug
2010-03-10 lempinenNew name after renameAction is validated (duplicate...
2010-03-10 lempinenText elements don't allow to change a name to a name...
2010-03-10 lempinenremoved function names from highlighted words
2010-03-10 lempinenDelay-expression removed from Stock variables
2010-03-10 lempinenTables in shortcut tabs have data field. The content...
2010-03-10 lempinenswitched x and y axis
2010-03-09 lehtonenFixed h2d EditorCanvas VolatileImage handling. Previous...
2010-03-08 lehtonenOrganized imports in SysdynBrowser to make it compile.
2010-03-04 lempinenCreate valve for context menu
2010-03-04 lempinenMinor ui fixes (create valve handler for context menu...
2010-03-04 lempinenParser supports { } in parameters (for example min...
2010-03-04 lempinenConfiguration rename from Configuration View
2010-03-04 lempinenGraphExplorerViewBase2 -> GraphExplorerView
2010-03-03 jplaineInitial implementation of ISceneGraphProvider for Sysdy...
2010-03-02 lempinenConfiguration View
2010-03-01 lempinenNew configurations have name "Configuration" as default
2010-03-01 lempinenExpression field no such variable -annotations and...
2010-02-24 lempinenNo spaces allowed when renaming variables in equation...
2010-02-24 lempinenRenaming in sysdyn model browser
2010-02-24 niemistogit-svn-id: https://www.simantics.org/svn/simantics...
2010-02-23 lempinenIf simulation turned back on, simulate to apply any...