package org.simantics.db.common.recursive; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import org.simantics.db.Resource; import org.simantics.db.exception.DatabaseException; import gnu.trove.impl.Constants; import; import; /** *

A utility class that calculates the combination of all source values * given by {@link getSourceValue} * reachable from a given resource by {@link #children} function and caches the results. * *

The function {@link #combineNotNull} is assumed to be a semilattice * operation, i.e., the following laws must hold: *

 *   Commutativity: combineNotNull(a, b) = combineNotNull(b, a)
 *   Associativity: combineNotNull(a, combineNotNull(b, c)) = combineNotNull(combineNotNull(a, b), c)
 *   Idempotency:   combineNotNull(a, a) = a
* *

If the graph of the function {link children} is acyclic, * the function {@link get} works equally to the following * simpler implementation: *

 *  public T get(Resource resource) throws DatabaseException {
 *      if(resultMap.contains(resource))
 *          return resultMap.get(resource);
 *      T result = getSourceValue(resource);
 *      if(result == null)
 *          for(Resource child : children(resource))
 *              result = combine(result, get(child));
 *      resultMap.put(resource, result);
 *      return result;
 *  }
*/ public abstract class CachedRecursiveSearch { /** * Returns the source value associated with the given resource or {@code null}, * if the resource does not have a source value. */ protected abstract T getSourceValue(Resource resource) throws DatabaseException; /** * Returns the children of the given resource. */ protected abstract Collection children(Resource parent) throws DatabaseException; /** * Combines the given source values. The function may assume that the values * are not {@code null}. The function must satisfy the following laws: *
     *   Commutativity: combineNotNull(a, b) = combineNotNull(b, a)
     *   Associativity: combineNotNull(a, combineNotNull(b, c)) = combineNotNull(combineNotNull(a, b), c)
     *   Idempotency:   combineNotNull(a, a) = a
*/ protected abstract T combineNotNull(T a, T b) throws DatabaseException; /** * Combines the values and also checks if either of them is null or * if the values are equal. */ protected T combine(T a, T b) throws DatabaseException { if(a == null) return b; else if(b == null || a == b) return a; else return combineNotNull(a, b); } /** * Contains the cached results */ private final THashMap resultMap = new THashMap(); /** *

Returns the combination of all source values reachable from the given resource. * Returns {@code null}, if no source value is reachable. * *

The method is not thread safe. */ public T get(Resource resource) throws DatabaseException { if(resultMap.contains(resource)) return resultMap.get(resource); else { curIndex = 0; calc(resource); return previousResult; } } private static final int NO_VALUE = -1; private final TObjectIntHashMap indexMap = new TObjectIntHashMap(Constants.DEFAULT_CAPACITY, Constants.DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR, NO_VALUE); private int curIndex; private final ArrayList stack = new ArrayList(); /** * This field is used to return the result from the {@code calc} */ private T previousResult; /** *

Calculates the result for the given resource and stores it into {@code resultMap}. * *

The function is implemented by depth-first search where each node gets increasing * index number. During the calculation of the result for the resource, the index * is stored into {@code indexMap}. This information is used to detect, if the recursive * search has encountered a resource whose calculation has not yet been finished. In this case, * the resource must be a part of a strongly connected component of the graph of * {@code children}. The function returns the lowest index of unfinished calculation * it encountered. */ private int calc(Resource resource) throws DatabaseException { // Check first if the resource has a source value T result = getSourceValue(resource); if(result != null) { resultMap.put(resource, result); previousResult = result; return NO_VALUE; } // Choose an index and put it into indexMpa int index = curIndex++; indexMap.put(resource, index); stack.add(resource); // Variable lowindex maintains the lowest index // reachable from this resource. If it is smaller than // index, the resource is part of a bigger strongly connected // component. int lowindex = index; for(Resource child : children(resource)) { if(resultMap.contains(child)) { // The result for the child has already been calculated result = combine(result, resultMap.get(child)); } else { int childIndex = indexMap.get(child); if(childIndex == NO_VALUE) { childIndex = calc(child); result = combine(result, previousResult); if(childIndex == NO_VALUE) continue; } lowindex = Math.min(lowindex, childIndex); } } if(lowindex == index) { // Remove the resources of the strongly connected component from the stack and assign // the result to all these resources. Resource r; do { r = stack.remove(stack.size()-1); indexMap.remove(r); resultMap.put(r, result); } while(r != resource); previousResult = result; return NO_VALUE; } else { // This resource is a part of a bigger strongly connected component. // Therefore the current result is still partial and will be // combined with the other results in this component. previousResult = result; return lowindex; } } }