/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2007, 2010 Association for Decentralized Information Management * in Industry THTH ry. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.simantics.db.procore.cluster; import gnu.trove.impl.PrimeFinder; public class LongHash { static final int HeaderSize = 2; static private final int UsedAndRealSize = -2; // Number of allocated slots. static private final int MaxAndFreeSize = -1; // Number of used slots. static private final int MinRealSize = 3; static private final int MinRealSizeMinusOne = MinRealSize - 1; private static final long FREE = 0; private static final long REMOVED = -1; static final boolean isFree(long a) { return FREE == a; } static final boolean isFull(long a) { return a > FREE; } static final boolean isRemoved(long a) { return REMOVED == a; } static final long setFree() { return FREE; } static final long setFull(long a) { return a; } static final long setRemoved() { return REMOVED; } static public int getRealSize(long[] longs, int hashBase) { long desc = longs[hashBase + UsedAndRealSize]; assert(desc < 0); int realSize = (int)desc & 0x7FFFFFFF; assert (realSize > MinRealSizeMinusOne); return realSize; } // private static void setRealSize(long[] longs, int hashBase, int realSize) { // assert (realSize > MinRealSizeMinusOne); // long desc = longs[hashBase + UsedAndRealSize]; // assert(desc < 0); // assert((int)desc < 0); // desc = (desc & 0xFFFFFFFF80000000L) | realSize; // longs[hashBase + UsedAndRealSize] = desc; // } private static void setUsedAndRealSize(long[] longs, int hashBase, int usedSize, int realSize) { assert(usedSize >= 0); assert(realSize > MinRealSizeMinusOne); int index = hashBase + UsedAndRealSize; long desc = longs[index]; assert(desc <= 0); // memory is initialized to zero desc = (long)usedSize << 32 | realSize | 0x8000000080000000L; longs[index] = desc; } public static int getUsedSize(long[] longs, int hashBase) { long desc = longs[hashBase + UsedAndRealSize]; assert(desc < 0); assert((int)desc < 0); return (int)(desc >> 32) & 0x7FFFFFFF; } static void setUsedSize(long[] longs, int hashBase, int usedSize) { assert (usedSize >= 0); int index = hashBase + UsedAndRealSize; long desc = longs[index]; assert(desc < 0); assert((int)desc < 0); desc = (desc & 0x80000000FFFFFFFFL) | (long)usedSize << 32; longs[index] = desc; } // return value after decrement static int decUsedSize(long[] longs, int hashBase) { int index = hashBase + UsedAndRealSize; long desc = longs[index]; assert(desc < 0); int usedSize = ((int)(desc >> 32) & 0x7FFFFFFF) - 1; assert(usedSize >= 0); desc = (desc & 0x80000000FFFFFFFFL) | (long)usedSize << 32; longs[index] = desc; return usedSize; } // return value after increment static int incUsedSize(long[] longs, int hashBase) { int index = hashBase + UsedAndRealSize; long desc = longs[index]; assert(desc < 0); int usedSize = ((int)(desc >> 32) & 0x7FFFFFFF) + 1; assert(usedSize > 0); desc = (desc & 0x80000000FFFFFFFFL) | (long)usedSize << 32; longs[index] = desc; return usedSize; } static int getFreeSize(long[] longs, int hashBase) { long desc = longs[hashBase + MaxAndFreeSize]; assert(desc > 0); int freeSize = (int)desc; assert (freeSize >= 0); return freeSize; } static void setFreeSize(long[] longs, int hashBase, int freeSize) { assert (freeSize >= 0); long desc = longs[hashBase + MaxAndFreeSize]; assert(desc > 0); assert((int)desc >= 0); desc = (desc & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000L) | freeSize; longs[hashBase + MaxAndFreeSize] = desc; } static void decFreeSize(long[] longs, int hashBase) { long desc = longs[hashBase + MaxAndFreeSize]; assert(desc > 0); int freeSize = (int)desc; assert(freeSize > 0); desc = (desc & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000L) | --freeSize; longs[hashBase + MaxAndFreeSize] = desc; } private static void setMaxAndFreeSize(long[] longs, int hashBase, int maxSize, int freeSize) { assert (maxSize > 0); assert (freeSize >= 0); int index = hashBase + MaxAndFreeSize; long desc = longs[index]; assert(desc >= 0); // memory is initialized to zero desc = ((long)maxSize << 32) | freeSize; longs[index] = desc; } static int getMaxSize(long[] longs, int hashBase) { long desc = longs[hashBase + MaxAndFreeSize]; assert(desc > 0); assert((int)desc >= 0); return (int)(desc >> 32); } static void setMaxSize(long[] longs, int hashBase, int maxSize) { assert (maxSize > 0); int index = hashBase + MaxAndFreeSize; long desc = longs[index]; assert(desc > 0); assert((int)desc >= 0); desc = (desc & 0x00000000FFFFFFFFL) | (long)maxSize << 32; longs[index] = desc; } public static boolean add(AllocatorI allocator, long a) { long[] longs = allocator.getLongs(); int hashBase = allocator.getHashBase(); int index = insertionIndex(longs, hashBase, a); if (index < 0) return false; // already present in set, nothing to add long previousState = longs[index]; assert(LongHash.isFull(a)); longs[index] = a; postInsertHook(longs, hashBase, LongHash.isFree(previousState), allocator); return true; // yes, we added something } public static boolean remove(long[] longs, int hashBase, long a) { int index = LongHash.index(longs, hashBase, a); if (index >= 0) { longs[index] = setRemoved(); decUsedSize(longs, hashBase); return true; } return false; } public static boolean contains(long[] longs, int hashBase,long a) { return index(longs, hashBase, a) >= 0; } public static boolean isEmpty(long[] longs, int hashBase) { return 0 == getUsedSize(longs, hashBase); } public static void clear(long[] longs, int hashBase) { long[] set = longs; long free = setFree(); int capacity = getRealSize(longs, hashBase); for (int i = capacity; i-- > 0;) { set[hashBase + i] = free; } setUsedSize(longs, hashBase, 0); setFreeSize(longs, hashBase, capacity); } /** * Ensure that this hashtable has sufficient capacity to hold * desiredCapacity additional elements without * requiring a rehash. This is a tuning method you can call * before doing a large insert. * * @param desiredSize an int value */ public static boolean ensureSize(AllocatorI allocator, int desiredSize) { long[] longs = allocator.getLongs(); int hashBase = allocator.getHashBase(); int size = getUsedSize(longs, hashBase); if (desiredSize > (getMaxSize(longs, hashBase) - size)) { int newCapacity = ((desiredSize + size) << 1) + 1; rehash(longs, hashBase, PrimeFinder.nextPrime(newCapacity), allocator); return true; } return false; } /** * Compresses the hashtable to the minimum prime size (as defined by * PrimeFinder) that will hold all of the elements currently in the table. * If you have done a lot of remove operations and plan to do a * lot of queries or insertions or iteration, it is a good idea to invoke * this method. Doing so will accomplish two things: * *
  1. You'll free memory allocated to the table but no longer needed * because of the remove()s.
  2. * *
  3. You'll get better query/insert/iterator performance because there * won't be any REMOVED slots to skip over when probing for * indices in the table.
  4. *
*/ public static void compact(AllocatorI allocator) { long[] longs = allocator.getLongs(); int hashBase = allocator.getHashBase(); // need at least one free spot for open addressing rehash(longs, hashBase, PrimeFinder.nextPrime((getUsedSize(longs, hashBase) << 1) + 1), allocator); } public static int setUp(AllocatorI allocator, int initialCapacity) { int capacity = PrimeFinder.nextPrime(initialCapacity << 1); int hashBase = allocator.allocate(capacity); assert(hashBase == allocator.getHashBase()); long[] longs = allocator.getLongs(); setUsedAndRealSize(longs, hashBase, 0, capacity); setMaxAndFreeSize(longs, hashBase, capacity >> 1, capacity); return hashBase; } /** * Expands the set to accomodate new values. * * @param newCapacity * an int value */ static final void rehash(long[] oldLongs, int oldHashBase, int newCapacity, AllocatorI allocator) { assert(PrimeFinder.nextPrime(newCapacity) == newCapacity); int oldCapacity = getRealSize(oldLongs, oldHashBase); int oldSize = getUsedSize(oldLongs, oldHashBase); // new hash base is initialized to LongHash.freeSet() int newHashBase = allocator.allocate(newCapacity); long[] newLongs = allocator.getLongs(); setUsedAndRealSize(newLongs, newHashBase, oldSize, newCapacity); setMaxAndFreeSize(newLongs, newHashBase, newCapacity>>1, newCapacity - oldSize); for (int i = oldCapacity + oldHashBase; i-- > oldHashBase;) { long o = oldLongs[i]; if (isFull(o)) { int index = insertionIndex(newLongs, newHashBase, o); newLongs[index] = o; } } } /** * After an insert, this hook is called to adjust the size/free values of * the set and to perform rehashing if necessary. */ protected static final void postInsertHook(long[] longs, int hashBase, boolean usedFreeSlot, AllocatorI allocator) { if (usedFreeSlot) { decFreeSize(longs, hashBase); } // rehash whenever we exhaust the available space in the table if (incUsedSize(longs, hashBase) > getMaxSize(longs, hashBase) || getFreeSize(longs, hashBase) == 0) { // choose a new capacity suited to the new state of the table // if we've grown beyond our maximum size, double capacity; // if we've exhausted the free spots, rehash to the same capacity, // which will free up any stale removed slots for reuse. int newCapacity = getUsedSize(longs, hashBase) > getMaxSize(longs, hashBase) ? PrimeFinder.nextPrime(getRealSize(longs, hashBase) << 1) : getRealSize(longs, hashBase); rehash(longs, hashBase, newCapacity, allocator); } } /** * Locates the index of val. * * @param val * an long value * @return the index of val or -1 if it isn't in the set. */ static int index(long[] longs, int hashBase, long a) { int hash, probe, index, length, hashIndex; long[] set = longs; length = getRealSize(longs, hashBase); hash = computeHashCode(a); index = hash % length; hashIndex = hashBase + index; if (!LongHash.isFree(set[hashIndex]) && (LongHash.isRemoved(set[hashIndex]) || set[hashIndex] != a)) { // see Knuth, p. 529 probe = 1 + (hash % (length - 2)); do { index -= probe; if (index < 0) { index += length; } hashIndex = hashBase + index; } while (!LongHash.isFree(set[hashIndex]) && (LongHash.isRemoved(set[hashIndex]) || set[hashIndex] != a)); } return LongHash.isFree(set[hashIndex]) ? -1 : hashIndex; } /** * Locates the index at which val can be inserted. if there is * already a value equal()ing val in the set, returns that value * as a negative integer. * * @param val * an long value * @return an int value */ static final int insertionIndex(long[] longs, int hashBase, long a) { int hash, probe, index, length, hashIndex; long[] set = longs; length = getRealSize(longs, hashBase); hash = computeHashCode(a); index = hash % length; assert(0 != hashBase); hashIndex = hashBase + index; if (LongHash.isFree(set[hashIndex])) { return hashIndex; // empty, all done } else if (LongHash.isFull(set[hashIndex]) && set[hashIndex] == a) { return -hashIndex; // already stored } else { // already FULL or REMOVED, must probe // compute the double hash probe = 1 + (hash % (length - 2)); // if the slot we landed on is FULL (but not removed), probe // until we find an empty slot, a REMOVED slot, or an element // equal to the one we are trying to insert. // finding an empty slot means that the value is not present // and that we should use that slot as the insertion point; // finding a REMOVED slot means that we need to keep searching, // however we want to remember the offset of that REMOVED slot // so we can reuse it in case a "new" insertion (i.e. not an update) // is possible. // finding a matching value means that we've found that our desired // key is already in the table if (!LongHash.isRemoved(set[hashIndex])) { // starting at the natural offset, probe until we find an // offset that isn't full. do { index -= probe; if (index < 0) { index += length; } hashIndex = hashBase + index; } while (LongHash.isFull(set[hashIndex]) && set[hashIndex] != a); } // if the index we found was removed: continue probing until we // locate a free location or an element which equal()s the // one we have. if (LongHash.isRemoved(set[hashIndex])) { int firstRemoved = hashIndex; while (!LongHash.isFree(set[hashIndex]) && (LongHash.isRemoved(set[hashIndex]) || set[hashIndex] != a)) { index -= probe; if (index < 0) { index += length; } hashIndex = hashBase + index; } return LongHash.isFull(set[hashIndex]) ? -hashIndex : firstRemoved; } // if it's full, the key is already stored return LongHash.isFull(set[hashIndex]) ? -hashIndex : hashIndex; } } static final int computeHashCode(long aKey) { int hash = ((int) (aKey ^ (aKey >> 32))) * 31; return hash & 0x7fffffff; // Top bit reserved. } interface AllocatorI { int allocate(int size); // return base address of hash table, allocates also hash header long[] getLongs(); // return base address of allocator memory int getHashBase(); // return base address of hash table } } class LongIterator { private long[] longs; private int hashBase; private int index; // for reset private int size; // number of elements in the set private final LongHash.AllocatorI allocator; public LongIterator(LongHash.AllocatorI allocator) { this.allocator = allocator; this.reset(); } public int size() { return this.size; } public void reset() { if (longs == null || LongHash.getUsedSize(longs, hashBase) != this.size || longs != allocator.getLongs() || hashBase != allocator.getHashBase()) { this.longs = allocator.getLongs(); this.hashBase = allocator.getHashBase(); this.size = LongHash.getUsedSize(longs, hashBase); } this.index = LongHash.getRealSize(longs, hashBase); } public long next() { if (moveToNextIndex()) return longs[hashBase + index]; return LongHash.setFree(); } protected final boolean moveToNextIndex() { // doing the assignment && < 0 in one line saves 3 opcodes... if ((index = nextIndex()) < 0) { return false; } return true; } protected final int nextIndex() { long[] states = longs; int i = index; while (i-- > 0 && (!LongHash.isFull(states[hashBase + i]))) ; return i; } public boolean hasNext() { return nextIndex() >= 0; } }