package org.simantics.db; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.Properties; import org.simantics.db.exception.DatabaseException; import org.simantics.db.exception.SDBException; import org.simantics.db.service.ClusterUID; public interface Database { static public enum Status { NoDatabase { @Override public String getString() { return "NoDatabase"; }}, NotRunning { @Override public String getString() { return "NotRunning"; }}, Standalone { @Override public String getString() { return "Standalone"; }}, Local { @Override public String getString() { return "Local"; }}, Remote { @Override public String getString() { return "Remote";}}; public abstract String getString(); @Override public String toString() { return message; } public String message = ""; } public DatabaseUserAgent getUserAgent(); public void setUserAgent(DatabaseUserAgent dbUserAgent); public Status getStatus(); public File getFolder(); public boolean isFolderOk(); public boolean isFolderOk(File aFolder); public boolean isFolderEmpty(); public boolean isFolderEmpty(File aFolder); public void initFolder(Properties properties) throws SDBException; public void deleteFiles() throws SDBException; public void start() throws SDBException; public boolean isRunning() throws SDBException; public boolean tryToStop() throws SDBException; public void connect() throws SDBException; public boolean isConnected() throws SDBException; public String execute(String command) throws SDBException; public void disconnect() throws SDBException; public void clone(File to, int revision, boolean saveHistory) throws SDBException; public Path createFromChangeSets(int revision) throws SDBException; public void deleteGuard() throws SDBException; public Path dumpChangeSets() throws SDBException; public void purgeDatabase() throws SDBException; public long serverGetTailChangeSetId() throws SDBException; public interface Session { public Database getDatabase(); // Convenience method. public void close() throws SDBException; public void open() throws SDBException; public boolean isClosed() throws SDBException; public interface ChangeSetData { public boolean isOk(); } public interface ChangeSetIds { public long getFirstChangeSetId(); public int getCount(); } public interface Cluster { public int getInflateSize(); public ByteBuffer getDeflated(); } public interface ClusterChanges { public long getHeadChangeSetId(); public int[] getResourceIndex(); public int[] getPredicateIndex(); public long[] getPredicateFirst(); public long[] getPredicateSecond(); public int[] getValueIndex(); } public interface ClusterIds { public int getStatus(); public long[] getFirst(); public long[] getSecond(); } public interface Information { public String getServerId(); public String getProtocolId(); public String getDatabaseId(); public long getFirstChangeSetId(); } public interface Refresh { public long getHeadChangeSetId(); public long[] getFirst(); public long[] getSecond(); } public interface ResourceSegment { public byte[] getClusterId(); public int getResourceIndex(); public long getValueSize(); // Size of whole value. public byte[] getSegment(); // Bytes of asked segment. public long getOffset(); // Segment offset. } public interface Transaction { public long getHeadChangeSetId(); public long getTransactionId(); } interface OnChangeSetUpdate { public void onChangeSetUpdate(ChangeSetUpdate changeSetUpdate) throws SDBException; } public void acceptCommit(long transactionId, long changeSetId, byte[] metadata) throws SDBException; public long cancelCommit(long transactionId, long changeSetId, byte[] metadata, OnChangeSetUpdate onChangeSetUpdate) throws SDBException; public Transaction askReadTransaction() throws SDBException; public Transaction askWriteTransaction(long transactionId) throws SDBException; public long endTransaction(long transactionId) throws SDBException; // Return head change set id. public String execute(String command) throws SDBException; public byte[] getChangeSetMetadata(long changeSetId) throws SDBException; public ChangeSetData getChangeSetData(long minChangeSetId, long maxChangeSetId, OnChangeSetUpdate onChangeSetupate) throws SDBException; public ChangeSetIds getChangeSetIds() throws SDBException; public Cluster getCluster(byte[] clusterId) throws SDBException; public ClusterChanges getClusterChanges(long changeSetId, byte[] clusterId) throws SDBException; public ClusterIds getClusterIds() throws SDBException; public Information getInformation() throws SDBException; public Refresh getRefresh(long changeSetId) throws SDBException; public ResourceSegment getResourceSegment(byte[] clusterUID, int resourceIndex, long offset, short size) throws SDBException; public long reserveIds(int count) throws SDBException; public void updateCluster(byte[] operations) throws SDBException; public interface ChangeSetUpdate { public long getChangeSetId(); public int getChangeSetIndex(); public int getNumberOfClusterChangeSets(); public int getIndexOfClusterChangeSet(); public byte[] getClusterId(); public boolean getNewCluster(); public byte[] getData(); } public boolean undo(long[] changeSetIds, OnChangeSetUpdate onChangeSetUpdate) throws SDBException; public T clone(ClusterUID clusterUID, ClusterCreator clusterCreator) throws DatabaseException; public boolean refreshEnabled(); } public Session newSession(ServiceLocator locator) throws SDBException; interface Journal { public class Line { public boolean status; public String request; public String comment; } public boolean canRead(); public int count(); public int read(int index, Line line) throws SDBException; } public Journal getJournal() throws SDBException; public String getCompression(); }