Extension point for exportable content. The identifier for the content type. Used in, for example, in preference mementos. The ui label for the content type. Use icon attribute for defining a constant image. If the icon must depend on something programmatic use this attribute to define a class for resolving one. If true, the content type is model type. Contains content type related actions. Describes one way how a content_type can be written. The identifier to the content type, that this definition can export. Identifier for the format: "PDF", "TG", "CSV". Code that exports the content into format specific writer. Priority of this exporter in comparison to other exporters for the content. The smaller the number the higher the priority. Defines the identifier for a format_type. Defines the file extension for the format. Format class contains format related code and an action factory for file format actions. Defines the writer class that the exporter extension will use for writing the content of this format. The class the importer will use for reading the associated content type of this format. Set to true, if the format can contain multiple content items of one or more types. Set to true, if the format can contain multiple content items of any types. The default selection for merge the group. This attribute determines if the format is attachable to another format of group type. This property determines - if true - that the content must always be published and cannot be hidden inside container file. If true, this format is can contain links to other files. Extension that imports content from files. Code that imports the content using format_type specific reader. Extension that will discover content from selection, project, and database. Code that discovers content. Extension for publishing exported content in an external location. Action code for publishing data. [Enter the first release in which this extension point appears.] [Enter extension point usage example here.] [Enter API information here.] [Enter information about supplied implementation of this extension point.]