L0 = SEL = G2D = : L0.Ontology @L0.new L0.HasResourceClass "org.simantics.diagram.stubs.G2DResource" G2D.Point2D G2D.Point2D // FIXME: use proper datatypes G2D.Point2DArray G2D.Point2DArray // FIXME: use proper datatypes G2D.Transform G2D.Transform L0.InverseOf G2D.IsTransformOf G2D.HasBounds G2D.Rectangle2D G2D.Shape L0.Double G2D.HasLineSegmentTypes L0.Integer G2D.Style G2D.Style G2D.Stroke G2D.Stroke G2D.HasStrokeType G2D.StrokeType G2D.StrokeType L0.Double G2D.LineEnd G2D.LineEnd G2D.HasMidArrow G2D.LineEnd G2D.HasBeginArrow G2D.LineEnd G2D.LineEndStyle G2D.LineEndStyle G2D.Font G2D.Font G2D.FontStyle G2D.FontStyle G2D.LineJoin G2D.LineJoin G2D.LineCap G2D.LineCap G2D.HasPaint L0.String G2D.HasOpacity L0.Float G2D.HasStrokeWidth L0.Float G2D.HasMiterLimit L0.Float G2D.HasDashArray L0.FloatArray L0.HasDescription "The array represents the lengths of the dash segments. Alternate entries in the array represent the user space lengths of the opaque and transparent segments of the dashes." G2D.HasDashOffset L0.Float L0.HasDescription "The dash phase is a distance specified in user coordinates that represents an offset into the dashing pattern." G2D.HasRadii G2D.Point2D G2D.HasPathData L0.String G2D.HasText L0.String G2D.HasSize L0.Double G2D.HasWidthRatio L0.Double G2D.HasSpace L0.Double G2D.HasFontFamily L0.String G2D.HasFontSize L0.Integer G2D.Alignment G2D.Alignment G2D.HasVerticalAlignment G2D.Alignment G2D.Color G2D.Color G2D.HasFillColor G2D.Color G2D.HasBorderColor G2D.Color G2D.ColorProfile G2D.ColorPlacement G2D.HasColorGradient G2D.ColorGradient G2D.HasGradientPosition L0.Double G2D.DefaultStroke : G2D.Stroke L0.HasDescription "Default Stroke with width = 1" G2D.HasStrokeWidth 1.0 : L0.Float G2D.HasDashArray [1.0] : L0.FloatArray G2D.HasDashOffset 0.0 : L0.Float G2D.HasMiterLimit 1.0 : L0.Float G2D.HasLineCap G2D.LineCap.SquareCap G2D.HasLineJoin G2D.LineJoin.RoundJoin G2D.HasRasterImage L0.ByteArray G2D.HasSVGDocument L0.String G2D.HasSVGScript L0.String G2D.IsVisible L0.Boolean