// $ANTLR 3.3 Nov 30, 2010 12:50:56 src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g 2011-12-19 14:53:14 package org.simantics.graph.compiler.internal.parsing; import gnu.trove.list.array.*; import org.antlr.runtime.*; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; @SuppressWarnings({"unused", "unchecked", "rawtypes"}) public class GraphLexer extends Lexer { public static final int EOF=-1; public static final int T__65=65; public static final int T__66=66; public static final int T__67=67; public static final int T__68=68; public static final int T__69=69; public static final int T__70=70; public static final int T__71=71; public static final int T__72=72; public static final int T__73=73; public static final int T__74=74; public static final int T__75=75; public static final int T__76=76; public static final int T__77=77; public static final int T__78=78; public static final int T__79=79; public static final int T__80=80; public static final int INDENT=4; public static final int DEDENT=5; public static final int FILE=6; public static final int RESOURCE=7; public static final int PROPERTY=8; public static final int VARIABLE=9; public static final int EMBEDDED_VALUE=10; public static final int EMBEDDED_TYPE=11; public static final int TEMPLATE_INSTANCE=12; public static final int TEMPLATE_DEFINITION=13; public static final int BLANK=14; public static final int REF=15; public static final int EQUALS=16; public static final int INSTANCE_OF=17; public static final int INHERITS=18; public static final int SUBRELATION_OF=19; public static final int HAS_DOMAIN=20; public static final int HAS_RANGE=21; public static final int DOMAIN_OF=22; public static final int REQUIRES_VALUE_TYPE=23; public static final int TYPE_DEFINITIONS=24; public static final int TYPE_DEFINITION=25; public static final int UNION_TYPE=26; public static final int RECORD_TYPE=27; public static final int TUPLE_TYPE=28; public static final int ARRAY_TYPE=29; public static final int TYPE_REFERENCE=30; public static final int TYPE_ANNOTATION=31; public static final int TYPE_COMPONENT=32; public static final int VALUE_DEFINITIONS=33; public static final int VALUE_DEFINITION=34; public static final int NO_VALUE=35; public static final int VARIANT=36; public static final int ARRAY=37; public static final int TUPLE=38; public static final int TAGGED_VALUE=39; public static final int RECORD=40; public static final int MAP=41; public static final int ASSIGNMENT=42; public static final int TRUE=43; public static final int FALSE=44; public static final int ID=45; public static final int COMMENT=46; public static final int WS=47; public static final int LPAREN=48; public static final int RPAREN=49; public static final int LBRACKET=50; public static final int RBRACKET=51; public static final int LCURLY=52; public static final int RCURLY=53; public static final int INT=54; public static final int INT_RANGE=55; public static final int FLOAT=56; public static final int RANGE=57; public static final int NEWLINE=58; public static final int EXPONENT=59; public static final int ESC_SEQ=60; public static final int STRING=61; public static final int URI=62; public static final int HEX_DIGIT=63; public static final int UNICODE_ESC=64; int inParen = 0; TIntArrayList iStack = new TIntArrayList(); { iStack.add(0); } List tokens = new ArrayList(); public void emit(Token token) { state.token = token; tokens.add(token); } public Token nextToken() { if(tokens.isEmpty()) { super.nextToken(); if ( tokens.isEmpty() ) { /* When end-of-file is encountered, we emit balancing number of DEDENT tokens. */ if(iStack.size() <= 1) return Token.EOF_TOKEN; else { while(iStack.size() > 1) { iStack.removeAt(iStack.size()-1); state.type = DEDENT; emit(); } iStack.clear(); } } } return (Token)tokens.remove(0); } // delegates // delegators public GraphLexer() {;} public GraphLexer(CharStream input) { this(input, new RecognizerSharedState()); } public GraphLexer(CharStream input, RecognizerSharedState state) { super(input,state); } public String getGrammarFileName() { return "src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g"; } // $ANTLR start "T__65" public final void mT__65() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = T__65; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:46:7: ( '@' ) // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:46:9: '@' { match('@'); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T__65" // $ANTLR start "T__66" public final void mT__66() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = T__66; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:47:7: ( '.' ) // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:47:9: '.' { match('.'); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T__66" // $ANTLR start "T__67" public final void mT__67() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = T__67; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:48:7: ( '' ) // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:51:9: '-->' { match("-->"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T__70" // $ANTLR start "T__71" public final void mT__71() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = T__71; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:52:7: ( '==>' ) // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:52:9: '==>' { match("==>"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T__71" // $ANTLR start "T__72" public final void mT__72() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = T__72; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:53:7: ( '>--' ) // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:53:9: '>--' { match(">--"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T__72" // $ANTLR start "T__73" public final void mT__73() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = T__73; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:54:7: ( ':' ) // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:54:9: ':' { match(':'); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T__73" // $ANTLR start "T__74" public final void mT__74() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = T__74; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:55:7: ( '=' ) // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:55:9: '=' { match('='); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T__74" // $ANTLR start "T__75" public final void mT__75() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = T__75; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:56:7: ( '%' ) // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:56:9: '%' { match('%'); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T__75" // $ANTLR start "T__76" public final void mT__76() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = T__76; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:57:7: ( '$' ) // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:57:9: '$' { match('$'); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T__76" // $ANTLR start "T__77" public final void mT__77() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = T__77; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:58:7: ( '|' ) // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:58:9: '|' { match('|'); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T__77" // $ANTLR start "T__78" public final void mT__78() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = T__78; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:59:7: ( ',' ) // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:59:9: ',' { match(','); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T__78" // $ANTLR start "T__79" public final void mT__79() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = T__79; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:60:7: ( 'true' ) // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:60:9: 'true' { match("true"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T__79" // $ANTLR start "T__80" public final void mT__80() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = T__80; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:61:7: ( 'false' ) // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:61:9: 'false' { match("false"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "T__80" // $ANTLR start "ID" public final void mID() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = ID; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:108:5: ( ( 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '_' ) ( 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '0' .. '9' | '_' )* ) // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:108:7: ( 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '_' ) ( 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '0' .. '9' | '_' )* { if ( (input.LA(1)>='A' && input.LA(1)<='Z')||input.LA(1)=='_'||(input.LA(1)>='a' && input.LA(1)<='z') ) { input.consume(); } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); recover(mse); throw mse;} // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:108:31: ( 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '0' .. '9' | '_' )* loop1: do { int alt1=2; int LA1_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA1_0>='0' && LA1_0<='9')||(LA1_0>='A' && LA1_0<='Z')||LA1_0=='_'||(LA1_0>='a' && LA1_0<='z')) ) { alt1=1; } switch (alt1) { case 1 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g: { if ( (input.LA(1)>='0' && input.LA(1)<='9')||(input.LA(1)>='A' && input.LA(1)<='Z')||input.LA(1)=='_'||(input.LA(1)>='a' && input.LA(1)<='z') ) { input.consume(); } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); recover(mse); throw mse;} } break; default : break loop1; } } while (true); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "ID" // $ANTLR start "COMMENT" public final void mCOMMENT() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = COMMENT; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:112:5: ( '//' (~ ( '\\n' ) )* | '/*' ( options {greedy=false; } : . )* '*/' ) int alt4=2; int LA4_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA4_0=='/') ) { int LA4_1 = input.LA(2); if ( (LA4_1=='/') ) { alt4=1; } else if ( (LA4_1=='*') ) { alt4=2; } else { NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 4, 1, input); throw nvae; } } else { NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 4, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt4) { case 1 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:112:9: '//' (~ ( '\\n' ) )* { match("//"); // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:112:14: (~ ( '\\n' ) )* loop2: do { int alt2=2; int LA2_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA2_0>='\u0000' && LA2_0<='\t')||(LA2_0>='\u000B' && LA2_0<='\uFFFF')) ) { alt2=1; } switch (alt2) { case 1 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:112:14: ~ ( '\\n' ) { if ( (input.LA(1)>='\u0000' && input.LA(1)<='\t')||(input.LA(1)>='\u000B' && input.LA(1)<='\uFFFF') ) { input.consume(); } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); recover(mse); throw mse;} } break; default : break loop2; } } while (true); _channel=HIDDEN; } break; case 2 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:113:9: '/*' ( options {greedy=false; } : . )* '*/' { match("/*"); // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:113:14: ( options {greedy=false; } : . )* loop3: do { int alt3=2; int LA3_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA3_0=='*') ) { int LA3_1 = input.LA(2); if ( (LA3_1=='/') ) { alt3=2; } else if ( ((LA3_1>='\u0000' && LA3_1<='.')||(LA3_1>='0' && LA3_1<='\uFFFF')) ) { alt3=1; } } else if ( ((LA3_0>='\u0000' && LA3_0<=')')||(LA3_0>='+' && LA3_0<='\uFFFF')) ) { alt3=1; } switch (alt3) { case 1 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:113:42: . { matchAny(); } break; default : break loop3; } } while (true); match("*/"); _channel=HIDDEN; } break; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "COMMENT" // $ANTLR start "WS" public final void mWS() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = WS; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:116:5: ( ( ' ' | '\\t' | '\\r' ) ) // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:116:7: ( ' ' | '\\t' | '\\r' ) { if ( input.LA(1)=='\t'||input.LA(1)=='\r'||input.LA(1)==' ' ) { input.consume(); } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); recover(mse); throw mse;} _channel=HIDDEN; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "WS" // $ANTLR start "LPAREN" public final void mLPAREN() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = LPAREN; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:122:11: ( '(' ) // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:122:13: '(' { match('('); ++ inParen; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "LPAREN" // $ANTLR start "RPAREN" public final void mRPAREN() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = RPAREN; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:123:11: ( ')' ) // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:123:13: ')' { match(')'); -- inParen; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "RPAREN" // $ANTLR start "LBRACKET" public final void mLBRACKET() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = LBRACKET; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:124:11: ( '[' ) // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:124:13: '[' { match('['); ++ inParen; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "LBRACKET" // $ANTLR start "RBRACKET" public final void mRBRACKET() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = RBRACKET; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:125:11: ( ']' ) // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:125:13: ']' { match(']'); -- inParen; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "RBRACKET" // $ANTLR start "LCURLY" public final void mLCURLY() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = LCURLY; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:126:11: ( '{' ) // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:126:13: '{' { match('{'); ++ inParen; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "LCURLY" // $ANTLR start "RCURLY" public final void mRCURLY() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = RCURLY; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:127:11: ( '}' ) // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:127:13: '}' { match('}'); -- inParen; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "RCURLY" // $ANTLR start "INT_RANGE" public final void mINT_RANGE() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = INT_RANGE; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:129:11: ( INT '..' ( INT )? | '..' INT ) int alt6=2; int LA6_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA6_0=='-'||(LA6_0>='0' && LA6_0<='9')) ) { alt6=1; } else if ( (LA6_0=='.') ) { alt6=2; } else { NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 6, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt6) { case 1 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:129:13: INT '..' ( INT )? { mINT(); match(".."); // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:129:22: ( INT )? int alt5=2; int LA5_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA5_0=='-'||(LA5_0>='0' && LA5_0<='9')) ) { alt5=1; } switch (alt5) { case 1 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:129:22: INT { mINT(); } break; } } break; case 2 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:130:13: '..' INT { match(".."); mINT(); } break; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "INT_RANGE" // $ANTLR start "RANGE" public final void mRANGE() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = RANGE; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:132:11: ( FLOAT '..' ( FLOAT | INT )? | '..' FLOAT | INT '..' FLOAT ) int alt8=3; alt8 = dfa8.predict(input); switch (alt8) { case 1 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:132:13: FLOAT '..' ( FLOAT | INT )? { mFLOAT(); match(".."); // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:132:24: ( FLOAT | INT )? int alt7=3; alt7 = dfa7.predict(input); switch (alt7) { case 1 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:132:25: FLOAT { mFLOAT(); } break; case 2 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:132:33: INT { mINT(); } break; } } break; case 2 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:133:13: '..' FLOAT { match(".."); mFLOAT(); } break; case 3 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:134:13: INT '..' FLOAT { mINT(); match(".."); mFLOAT(); } break; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "RANGE" // $ANTLR start "NEWLINE" public final void mNEWLINE() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = NEWLINE; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; int spaces = 0; // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:139:5: ( '\\n' ( ' ' | '//' (~ ( '\\n' ) )* '\\n' | '/*' ( options {greedy=false; } : . )* '*/' | '\\r' | '\\n' )* ) // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:139:7: '\\n' ( ' ' | '//' (~ ( '\\n' ) )* '\\n' | '/*' ( options {greedy=false; } : . )* '*/' | '\\r' | '\\n' )* { match('\n'); // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:140:7: ( ' ' | '//' (~ ( '\\n' ) )* '\\n' | '/*' ( options {greedy=false; } : . )* '*/' | '\\r' | '\\n' )* loop11: do { int alt11=6; switch ( input.LA(1) ) { case ' ': { alt11=1; } break; case '/': { int LA11_3 = input.LA(2); if ( (LA11_3=='/') ) { alt11=2; } else if ( (LA11_3=='*') ) { alt11=3; } } break; case '\r': { alt11=4; } break; case '\n': { alt11=5; } break; } switch (alt11) { case 1 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:140:9: ' ' { match(' '); ++spaces; } break; case 2 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:141:9: '//' (~ ( '\\n' ) )* '\\n' { match("//"); // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:141:14: (~ ( '\\n' ) )* loop9: do { int alt9=2; int LA9_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA9_0>='\u0000' && LA9_0<='\t')||(LA9_0>='\u000B' && LA9_0<='\uFFFF')) ) { alt9=1; } switch (alt9) { case 1 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:141:14: ~ ( '\\n' ) { if ( (input.LA(1)>='\u0000' && input.LA(1)<='\t')||(input.LA(1)>='\u000B' && input.LA(1)<='\uFFFF') ) { input.consume(); } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); recover(mse); throw mse;} } break; default : break loop9; } } while (true); match('\n'); spaces = 0; } break; case 3 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:142:9: '/*' ( options {greedy=false; } : . )* '*/' { match("/*"); // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:142:14: ( options {greedy=false; } : . )* loop10: do { int alt10=2; int LA10_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA10_0=='*') ) { int LA10_1 = input.LA(2); if ( (LA10_1=='/') ) { alt10=2; } else if ( ((LA10_1>='\u0000' && LA10_1<='.')||(LA10_1>='0' && LA10_1<='\uFFFF')) ) { alt10=1; } } else if ( ((LA10_0>='\u0000' && LA10_0<=')')||(LA10_0>='+' && LA10_0<='\uFFFF')) ) { alt10=1; } switch (alt10) { case 1 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:142:42: . { matchAny(); } break; default : break loop10; } } while (true); match("*/"); } break; case 4 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:143:9: '\\r' { match('\r'); } break; case 5 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:144:9: '\\n' { match('\n'); spaces = 0; } break; default : break loop11; } } while (true); int c = input.LA(1); if(inParen > 0) { _channel = HIDDEN; } else if(c == EOF) { while(iStack.size() > 1) { iStack.removeAt(iStack.size()-1); state.type = DEDENT; emit(); } _channel = HIDDEN; iStack.clear(); } else { int stackTop = iStack.get(iStack.size()-1); if(spaces > stackTop) { iStack.add(spaces); _type = INDENT; } else if(spaces < stackTop) { while(spaces < iStack.get(iStack.size()-1)) { iStack.removeAt(iStack.size()-1); state.type = DEDENT; emit(); } state.type = NEWLINE; emit(); // TODO check that spaces == iStack.get(iStack.size()-1) } } } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "NEWLINE" // $ANTLR start "INDENT" public final void mINDENT() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = INDENT; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:181:7: ({...}? => 'INDENT' ) // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:181:9: {...}? => 'INDENT' { if ( !(( false )) ) { throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "INDENT", " false "); } match("INDENT"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "INDENT" // $ANTLR start "DEDENT" public final void mDEDENT() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = DEDENT; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:182:7: ({...}? => 'DEDENT' ) // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:182:9: {...}? => 'DEDENT' { if ( !(( false )) ) { throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "DEDENT", " false "); } match("DEDENT"); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "DEDENT" // $ANTLR start "INT" public final void mINT() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = INT; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:184:5: ( ( '-' )? ( '0' .. '9' )+ ) // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:184:7: ( '-' )? ( '0' .. '9' )+ { // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:184:7: ( '-' )? int alt12=2; int LA12_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA12_0=='-') ) { alt12=1; } switch (alt12) { case 1 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:184:7: '-' { match('-'); } break; } // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:184:12: ( '0' .. '9' )+ int cnt13=0; loop13: do { int alt13=2; int LA13_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA13_0>='0' && LA13_0<='9')) ) { alt13=1; } switch (alt13) { case 1 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:184:12: '0' .. '9' { matchRange('0','9'); } break; default : if ( cnt13 >= 1 ) break loop13; EarlyExitException eee = new EarlyExitException(13, input); throw eee; } cnt13++; } while (true); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "INT" // $ANTLR start "FLOAT" public final void mFLOAT() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = FLOAT; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:188:5: ( ( '-' )? ( ( '0' .. '9' )+ '.' ( '0' .. '9' )* ( EXPONENT )? | ( '0' .. '9' )+ EXPONENT ) ) // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:188:7: ( '-' )? ( ( '0' .. '9' )+ '.' ( '0' .. '9' )* ( EXPONENT )? | ( '0' .. '9' )+ EXPONENT ) { // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:188:7: ( '-' )? int alt14=2; int LA14_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA14_0=='-') ) { alt14=1; } switch (alt14) { case 1 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:188:7: '-' { match('-'); } break; } // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:189:5: ( ( '0' .. '9' )+ '.' ( '0' .. '9' )* ( EXPONENT )? | ( '0' .. '9' )+ EXPONENT ) int alt19=2; alt19 = dfa19.predict(input); switch (alt19) { case 1 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:189:7: ( '0' .. '9' )+ '.' ( '0' .. '9' )* ( EXPONENT )? { // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:189:7: ( '0' .. '9' )+ int cnt15=0; loop15: do { int alt15=2; int LA15_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA15_0>='0' && LA15_0<='9')) ) { alt15=1; } switch (alt15) { case 1 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:189:8: '0' .. '9' { matchRange('0','9'); } break; default : if ( cnt15 >= 1 ) break loop15; EarlyExitException eee = new EarlyExitException(15, input); throw eee; } cnt15++; } while (true); match('.'); // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:189:23: ( '0' .. '9' )* loop16: do { int alt16=2; int LA16_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA16_0>='0' && LA16_0<='9')) ) { alt16=1; } switch (alt16) { case 1 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:189:24: '0' .. '9' { matchRange('0','9'); } break; default : break loop16; } } while (true); // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:189:35: ( EXPONENT )? int alt17=2; int LA17_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA17_0=='E'||LA17_0=='e') ) { alt17=1; } switch (alt17) { case 1 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:189:35: EXPONENT { mEXPONENT(); } break; } } break; case 2 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:190:7: ( '0' .. '9' )+ EXPONENT { // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:190:7: ( '0' .. '9' )+ int cnt18=0; loop18: do { int alt18=2; int LA18_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA18_0>='0' && LA18_0<='9')) ) { alt18=1; } switch (alt18) { case 1 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:190:8: '0' .. '9' { matchRange('0','9'); } break; default : if ( cnt18 >= 1 ) break loop18; EarlyExitException eee = new EarlyExitException(18, input); throw eee; } cnt18++; } while (true); mEXPONENT(); } break; } } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "FLOAT" // $ANTLR start "STRING" public final void mSTRING() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = STRING; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:195:5: ( '\"' ( ESC_SEQ | ~ ( '\\\\' | '\"' ) )* '\"' | '\"\"\"' (~ ( '\"' ) | '\"' ~ ( '\"' ) | '\"\"' ~ ( '\"' ) )* '\"\"\"' ) int alt22=2; int LA22_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA22_0=='\"') ) { int LA22_1 = input.LA(2); if ( (LA22_1=='\"') ) { int LA22_2 = input.LA(3); if ( (LA22_2=='\"') ) { alt22=2; } else { alt22=1;} } else if ( ((LA22_1>='\u0000' && LA22_1<='!')||(LA22_1>='#' && LA22_1<='\uFFFF')) ) { alt22=1; } else { NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 22, 1, input); throw nvae; } } else { NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 22, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt22) { case 1 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:195:8: '\"' ( ESC_SEQ | ~ ( '\\\\' | '\"' ) )* '\"' { match('\"'); // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:195:12: ( ESC_SEQ | ~ ( '\\\\' | '\"' ) )* loop20: do { int alt20=3; int LA20_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA20_0=='\\') ) { alt20=1; } else if ( ((LA20_0>='\u0000' && LA20_0<='!')||(LA20_0>='#' && LA20_0<='[')||(LA20_0>=']' && LA20_0<='\uFFFF')) ) { alt20=2; } switch (alt20) { case 1 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:195:14: ESC_SEQ { mESC_SEQ(); } break; case 2 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:195:24: ~ ( '\\\\' | '\"' ) { if ( (input.LA(1)>='\u0000' && input.LA(1)<='!')||(input.LA(1)>='#' && input.LA(1)<='[')||(input.LA(1)>=']' && input.LA(1)<='\uFFFF') ) { input.consume(); } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); recover(mse); throw mse;} } break; default : break loop20; } } while (true); match('\"'); } break; case 2 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:196:8: '\"\"\"' (~ ( '\"' ) | '\"' ~ ( '\"' ) | '\"\"' ~ ( '\"' ) )* '\"\"\"' { match("\"\"\""); // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:196:14: (~ ( '\"' ) | '\"' ~ ( '\"' ) | '\"\"' ~ ( '\"' ) )* loop21: do { int alt21=4; int LA21_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA21_0=='\"') ) { int LA21_1 = input.LA(2); if ( (LA21_1=='\"') ) { int LA21_3 = input.LA(3); if ( ((LA21_3>='\u0000' && LA21_3<='!')||(LA21_3>='#' && LA21_3<='\uFFFF')) ) { alt21=3; } } else if ( ((LA21_1>='\u0000' && LA21_1<='!')||(LA21_1>='#' && LA21_1<='\uFFFF')) ) { alt21=2; } } else if ( ((LA21_0>='\u0000' && LA21_0<='!')||(LA21_0>='#' && LA21_0<='\uFFFF')) ) { alt21=1; } switch (alt21) { case 1 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:196:16: ~ ( '\"' ) { if ( (input.LA(1)>='\u0000' && input.LA(1)<='!')||(input.LA(1)>='#' && input.LA(1)<='\uFFFF') ) { input.consume(); } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); recover(mse); throw mse;} } break; case 2 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:196:25: '\"' ~ ( '\"' ) { match('\"'); if ( (input.LA(1)>='\u0000' && input.LA(1)<='!')||(input.LA(1)>='#' && input.LA(1)<='\uFFFF') ) { input.consume(); } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); recover(mse); throw mse;} } break; case 3 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:196:38: '\"\"' ~ ( '\"' ) { match("\"\""); if ( (input.LA(1)>='\u0000' && input.LA(1)<='!')||(input.LA(1)>='#' && input.LA(1)<='\uFFFF') ) { input.consume(); } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); recover(mse); throw mse;} } break; default : break loop21; } } while (true); match("\"\"\""); } break; } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "STRING" // $ANTLR start "URI" public final void mURI() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = URI; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:200:5: ( '' ) )* '>' ) // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:200:8: '' ) )* '>' { match("' ) )* loop23: do { int alt23=2; int LA23_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA23_0>='\u0000' && LA23_0<='=')||(LA23_0>='?' && LA23_0<='\uFFFF')) ) { alt23=1; } switch (alt23) { case 1 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:200:19: ~ ( '>' ) { if ( (input.LA(1)>='\u0000' && input.LA(1)<='=')||(input.LA(1)>='?' && input.LA(1)<='\uFFFF') ) { input.consume(); } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); recover(mse); throw mse;} } break; default : break loop23; } } while (true); match('>'); } state.type = _type; state.channel = _channel; } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "URI" // $ANTLR start "EXPONENT" public final void mEXPONENT() throws RecognitionException { try { // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:204:10: ( ( 'e' | 'E' ) ( '+' | '-' )? ( '0' .. '9' )+ ) // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:204:12: ( 'e' | 'E' ) ( '+' | '-' )? ( '0' .. '9' )+ { if ( input.LA(1)=='E'||input.LA(1)=='e' ) { input.consume(); } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); recover(mse); throw mse;} // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:204:22: ( '+' | '-' )? int alt24=2; int LA24_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA24_0=='+'||LA24_0=='-') ) { alt24=1; } switch (alt24) { case 1 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g: { if ( input.LA(1)=='+'||input.LA(1)=='-' ) { input.consume(); } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); recover(mse); throw mse;} } break; } // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:204:33: ( '0' .. '9' )+ int cnt25=0; loop25: do { int alt25=2; int LA25_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA25_0>='0' && LA25_0<='9')) ) { alt25=1; } switch (alt25) { case 1 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:204:34: '0' .. '9' { matchRange('0','9'); } break; default : if ( cnt25 >= 1 ) break loop25; EarlyExitException eee = new EarlyExitException(25, input); throw eee; } cnt25++; } while (true); } } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "EXPONENT" // $ANTLR start "HEX_DIGIT" public final void mHEX_DIGIT() throws RecognitionException { try { // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:207:11: ( ( '0' .. '9' | 'a' .. 'f' | 'A' .. 'F' ) ) // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:207:13: ( '0' .. '9' | 'a' .. 'f' | 'A' .. 'F' ) { if ( (input.LA(1)>='0' && input.LA(1)<='9')||(input.LA(1)>='A' && input.LA(1)<='F')||(input.LA(1)>='a' && input.LA(1)<='f') ) { input.consume(); } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); recover(mse); throw mse;} } } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "HEX_DIGIT" // $ANTLR start "ESC_SEQ" public final void mESC_SEQ() throws RecognitionException { try { // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:211:5: ( '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | '\\\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' ) | UNICODE_ESC ) int alt26=2; int LA26_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA26_0=='\\') ) { int LA26_1 = input.LA(2); if ( (LA26_1=='\"'||LA26_1=='\''||LA26_1=='\\'||LA26_1=='b'||LA26_1=='f'||LA26_1=='n'||LA26_1=='r'||LA26_1=='t') ) { alt26=1; } else if ( (LA26_1=='u') ) { alt26=2; } else { NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 26, 1, input); throw nvae; } } else { NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 26, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt26) { case 1 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:211:9: '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | '\\\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' ) { match('\\'); if ( input.LA(1)=='\"'||input.LA(1)=='\''||input.LA(1)=='\\'||input.LA(1)=='b'||input.LA(1)=='f'||input.LA(1)=='n'||input.LA(1)=='r'||input.LA(1)=='t' ) { input.consume(); } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); recover(mse); throw mse;} } break; case 2 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:212:9: UNICODE_ESC { mUNICODE_ESC(); } break; } } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "ESC_SEQ" // $ANTLR start "UNICODE_ESC" public final void mUNICODE_ESC() throws RecognitionException { try { // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:217:5: ( '\\\\' 'u' HEX_DIGIT HEX_DIGIT HEX_DIGIT HEX_DIGIT ) // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:217:9: '\\\\' 'u' HEX_DIGIT HEX_DIGIT HEX_DIGIT HEX_DIGIT { match('\\'); match('u'); mHEX_DIGIT(); mHEX_DIGIT(); mHEX_DIGIT(); mHEX_DIGIT(); } } finally { } } // $ANTLR end "UNICODE_ESC" public void mTokens() throws RecognitionException { // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:1:8: ( T__65 | T__66 | T__67 | T__68 | T__69 | T__70 | T__71 | T__72 | T__73 | T__74 | T__75 | T__76 | T__77 | T__78 | T__79 | T__80 | ID | COMMENT | WS | LPAREN | RPAREN | LBRACKET | RBRACKET | LCURLY | RCURLY | INT_RANGE | RANGE | NEWLINE | INDENT | DEDENT | INT | FLOAT | STRING | URI ) int alt27=34; alt27 = dfa27.predict(input); switch (alt27) { case 1 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:1:10: T__65 { mT__65(); } break; case 2 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:1:16: T__66 { mT__66(); } break; case 3 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:1:22: T__67 { mT__67(); } break; case 4 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:1:28: T__68 { mT__68(); } break; case 5 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:1:34: T__69 { mT__69(); } break; case 6 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:1:40: T__70 { mT__70(); } break; case 7 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:1:46: T__71 { mT__71(); } break; case 8 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:1:52: T__72 { mT__72(); } break; case 9 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:1:58: T__73 { mT__73(); } break; case 10 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:1:64: T__74 { mT__74(); } break; case 11 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:1:70: T__75 { mT__75(); } break; case 12 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:1:76: T__76 { mT__76(); } break; case 13 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:1:82: T__77 { mT__77(); } break; case 14 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:1:88: T__78 { mT__78(); } break; case 15 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:1:94: T__79 { mT__79(); } break; case 16 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:1:100: T__80 { mT__80(); } break; case 17 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:1:106: ID { mID(); } break; case 18 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:1:109: COMMENT { mCOMMENT(); } break; case 19 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:1:117: WS { mWS(); } break; case 20 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:1:120: LPAREN { mLPAREN(); } break; case 21 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:1:127: RPAREN { mRPAREN(); } break; case 22 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:1:134: LBRACKET { mLBRACKET(); } break; case 23 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:1:143: RBRACKET { mRBRACKET(); } break; case 24 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:1:152: LCURLY { mLCURLY(); } break; case 25 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:1:159: RCURLY { mRCURLY(); } break; case 26 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:1:166: INT_RANGE { mINT_RANGE(); } break; case 27 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:1:176: RANGE { mRANGE(); } break; case 28 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:1:182: NEWLINE { mNEWLINE(); } break; case 29 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:1:190: INDENT { mINDENT(); } break; case 30 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:1:197: DEDENT { mDEDENT(); } break; case 31 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:1:204: INT { mINT(); } break; case 32 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:1:208: FLOAT { mFLOAT(); } break; case 33 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:1:214: STRING { mSTRING(); } break; case 34 : // src\\org\\simantics\\graph\\compiler\\internal\\parsing\\Graph.g:1:221: URI { mURI(); } break; } } protected DFA8 dfa8 = new DFA8(this); protected DFA7 dfa7 = new DFA7(this); protected DFA19 dfa19 = new DFA19(this); protected DFA27 dfa27 = new DFA27(this); static final String DFA8_eotS = "\10\uffff"; static final String DFA8_eofS = "\10\uffff"; static final String DFA8_minS = "\1\55\1\60\1\56\1\uffff\1\56\1\uffff\1\55\1\uffff"; static final String DFA8_maxS = "\2\71\1\145\1\uffff\1\145\1\uffff\1\71\1\uffff"; static final String DFA8_acceptS = "\3\uffff\1\2\1\uffff\1\1\1\uffff\1\3"; static final String DFA8_specialS = "\10\uffff}>"; static final String[] DFA8_transitionS = { "\1\1\1\3\1\uffff\12\2", "\12\2", "\1\4\1\uffff\12\2\13\uffff\1\5\37\uffff\1\5", "", "\1\6\1\uffff\12\5\13\uffff\1\5\37\uffff\1\5", "", "\1\7\1\5\1\uffff\12\7", "" }; static final short[] DFA8_eot = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA8_eotS); static final short[] DFA8_eof = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA8_eofS); static final char[] DFA8_min = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA8_minS); static final char[] DFA8_max = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA8_maxS); static final short[] DFA8_accept = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA8_acceptS); static final short[] DFA8_special = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA8_specialS); static final short[][] DFA8_transition; static { int numStates = DFA8_transitionS.length; DFA8_transition = new short[numStates][]; for (int i=0; i=0 ) return s; break; case 1 : int LA27_73 = input.LA(1); int index27_73 = input.index(); input.rewind(); s = -1; if ( (!((( false )))) ) {s = 26;} else if ( (( false )) ) {s = 75;} input.seek(index27_73); if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; } NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException(getDescription(), 27, _s, input); error(nvae); throw nvae; } } }