package org.simantics.graph.db; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.simantics.db.ReadGraph; import org.simantics.db.Resource; import org.simantics.db.common.uri.UnescapedChildMapOfResource; import org.simantics.db.exception.DatabaseException; import org.simantics.db.exception.RuntimeDatabaseException; import org.simantics.db.request.Read; import org.simantics.graph.representation.External; import org.simantics.graph.representation.Identity; import org.simantics.graph.representation.IdentityDefinition; import org.simantics.graph.representation.Internal; import org.simantics.graph.representation.Optional; import org.simantics.graph.representation.Root; import org.simantics.graph.representation.TransferableGraph1; import org.simantics.utils.datastructures.Pair; import; import; import gnu.trove.procedure.TObjectObjectProcedure; import gnu.trove.set.hash.THashSet; /** * Analyses the dependencies between transferable graphs. Usage: *
GraphDependencyAnalyzer analyzer =
    new GraphDependencyAnalyzer();
for(TransferableGraph1 tg : tgs)
    analyzer.addGraph(tg, tg);
if(!analyzer.analyzeDependency()) {
else if(!analyzer.doesSatisfyExternalDependencies(graph)) {
    for(TransferableGraph1 tg : analyzer.getSortedGraphs())
* @author Hannu Niemist� */ public class GraphDependencyAnalyzer> { private ArrayList graphs = new ArrayList(); private IdentityNode root = new IdentityNode(null, null); public static class IUList { IU head; IUList tail; public IUList(IU head, IUList tail) { this.head = head; this.tail = tail; } } public static Collection toCollection(IUList list) { ArrayList result = new ArrayList(); while(list != null) { result.add(list.head); list = list.tail; } return result; } public static class IdentityNode { IdentityNode parent; String name; IUList provides = null; IUList providesOptionally = null; IUList requires = null; THashMap children = null; public IdentityNode(IdentityNode parent, String name) { this.parent = parent; = name; } public IdentityNode get(String name) { if(children == null) { children = new THashMap(4); IdentityNode node = new IdentityNode(this, name); children.put(name, node); return node; } else { IdentityNode node = children.get(name); if(node == null) { node = new IdentityNode(this, name); children.put(name, node); } return node; } } @Override public String toString() { if(parent == null || parent.parent == null) { if(name.equals("")) return "http:/"; else return name; } return parent.toString() + "/" + name; } public IUList getRequires() { return requires; } } public static class IU implements Comparable { final Comparable id; final TransferableGraph1 tg; IdentityNode[] identities; THashMap tgLists = new THashMap(); THashSet dependencies = new THashSet(); public IU(Comparable id, TransferableGraph1 tg) { = id; = tg; } public Object getId() { return id; } public IUList pushThis(IUList node) { IUList result = tgLists.get(node); if(result == null) { result = new IUList(this, node); tgLists.put(node, result); } return result; } public IdentityNode defineIdentity(IdentityNode root, TIntIntHashMap identityIdToIdentityIndex, Identity identity) { IdentityDefinition definition = identity.definition; if(identities[identity.resource] != null) return identities[identity.resource]; if(definition instanceof External) { External def = (External)definition; IdentityNode in = identities[def.parent]; if(in == null) in = defineIdentity(root, identityIdToIdentityIndex, tg.identities[identityIdToIdentityIndex.get(def.parent)]); IdentityNode node = in.get(; node.requires = pushThis(node.requires); identities[identity.resource] = node; return node; } else if(definition instanceof Internal) { Internal def = (Internal)definition; IdentityNode in = identities[def.parent]; if(in == null) in = defineIdentity(root, identityIdToIdentityIndex, tg.identities[identityIdToIdentityIndex.get(def.parent)]); IdentityNode node = in.get(; node.provides = pushThis(node.provides); identities[identity.resource] = node; return node; } else if(definition instanceof Root) { Root def = (Root)definition; IdentityNode node = root.get(; identities[identity.resource] = node; return node; } else if(definition instanceof Optional) { Optional def = (Optional)definition; IdentityNode node = identities[def.parent].get(; node.providesOptionally = pushThis(node.providesOptionally); identities[identity.resource] = node; return node; } throw new IllegalStateException("definition: " + definition); } public void findIdentities(IdentityNode root) { identities = new IdentityNode[tg.resourceCount]; TIntIntHashMap identityIdToIdentityIndex = new TIntIntHashMap(); for(int i=0;i conflicts = new THashSet(); private THashSet handled = new THashSet(); private void addConflicts(IUList a) { while(a != null) { IUList b = a.tail; while(b != null) { conflicts.add(new IUPair(a.head, b.head)); b=b.tail; } a = a.tail; } } private void addDependencies(IUList ius, IU dependency) { while(ius != null) { ius.head.dependencies.add(dependency); ius = ius.tail; } } private void analyzeDependency(IdentityNode node) { if(node.provides != null) { if(node.provides.tail != null) { addConflicts(node.provides); } else { if(node.requires != null && handled.add(new IUListPair(node.requires, node.provides.head))) addDependencies(node.requires, node.provides.head); } } else if(node.providesOptionally != null) { if(handled.add(new IUListPair(node.requires, node.providesOptionally.head))) addDependencies(node.requires, node.providesOptionally.head); } if(node.children != null) for(IdentityNode child : node.children.values()) analyzeDependency(child); } /** * Adds a graph to the analyzer * @param id An identifier that is used when reporting the results. * @param tg A tranferable graph. */ public void addGraph(T id, TransferableGraph1 tg) { assert(id != null); IU iu = new IU(id, tg); graphs.add(iu); iu.findIdentities(root); } ArrayList sortedGraphs = new ArrayList(); class Sorter { THashSet alreadyInList = new THashSet(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void add(IU iu) { if(alreadyInList.add(iu)) { /*System.out.println(; for(IU dep : iu.dependencies) System.out.println(" " +; */ ArrayList list = new ArrayList(iu.dependencies); Collections.sort(list); for(IU dep : list) add(dep); sortedGraphs.add((T); } } } private void sortByDependency() { //System.out.println("SortByDependency"); sortedGraphs.clear(); Sorter sorter = new Sorter(); Collections.sort(graphs); for(IU iu : graphs) sorter.add(iu); } /** * Analyzes the dependency between transferable graphs * @return true, if there are no conflicts or cyclic dependencies */ public boolean analyzeDependency() { analyzeDependency(root); sortByDependency(); return conflicts.isEmpty(); } private ArrayList unsatisfiedRequirements = new ArrayList(); private void doesSatisfyExternalDependencies(final ReadGraph g, IdentityNode node, Resource resource) { try { final Map childMap = g.syncRequest(new UnescapedChildMapOfResource(resource)); if(node.children != null) node.children.forEachEntry(new TObjectObjectProcedure() { @Override public boolean execute(String name, IdentityNode child) { Resource childResource = childMap.get(name); if(childResource == null) { if(child.provides == null && child.requires != null) unsatisfiedRequirements.add(child); } else doesSatisfyExternalDependencies(g, child, childResource); return true; } }); } catch(DatabaseException e) { throw new RuntimeDatabaseException(e); } } /** * Returns true if previously analyzed graphs are importable, * i.e. all external dependencies are satisfied. This method can be called * after {@code analyzeDependency} method. */ public boolean doesSatisfyExternalDependencies(ReadGraph g) throws DatabaseException { unsatisfiedRequirements.clear(); IdentityNode rootLibrary = root.get(""); if(rootLibrary != null) try { doesSatisfyExternalDependencies(g, root.get(""), g.getRootLibrary()); } catch(RuntimeDatabaseException e) { Throwable cause = e.getCause(); if(cause instanceof DatabaseException) throw (DatabaseException)cause; else throw e; } return unsatisfiedRequirements.isEmpty(); } public Read queryExternalDependenciesSatisfied = new Read() { @Override public Boolean perform(ReadGraph graph) throws DatabaseException { return doesSatisfyExternalDependencies(graph); } }; /** * Returns a collection URIs of all resources not found in the database. * This method can be called after {@code doesSatisfyExternalDependencies} method. * @return */ public ArrayList getUnsatisfiedDependencies() { return unsatisfiedRequirements; } /** * Returns all conflicting pairs of graphs. This method can be called after * {@code analyzeDependency} method. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Collection> getConflicts() { ArrayList> result = new ArrayList>(); for(IUPair pair : conflicts) result.add(Pair.make((T), (T); return result; } /** * Returns a list sorted by dependency so that if A depends on B * then A is in the list later than B. * @return */ public List getSortedGraphs() { return sortedGraphs; } }