import "Simantics/DB" import "File" importJava "org.simantics.graphfile.util.GraphFileUtil" where "Writes contents of a file to DB, including the timestamp" @JavaName writeDataToGraphSCLhack writeDataToGraph:: File -> Resource -> () "Writes contents of a byte array to DB" @JavaName writeDataToGraph writeDataToGraphBytes:: ByteArray -> Resource -> () "Creates a temp file of a GraphFile resource" @JavaName toTempFileSCLhack toTempFile :: Resource -> File "Writes contents of a GraphFile into a regular File" @JavaName writeDataToFileSCLhack writeDataToFile :: Resource -> File -> () "Writes contents of a file to DB, including the filename and timestamp" @JavaName toGraphSCLhack toGraphWithPath :: String -> Resource -> () "Writes contents of a file to DB, including the filename and timestamp" @JavaName toGraph toGraph :: File -> Resource -> () "Returns contents of a GraphFile as a byte array" @JavaName getData getData :: Resource -> ByteArray "Returns contents of a GraphFile as a String" @JavaName getDataAsString getDataAsString :: Resource -> String