package org.simantics.scl.compiler.internal.codegen.analysis; import org.simantics.scl.compiler.common.exceptions.InternalCompilerError; import org.simantics.scl.compiler.common.names.Name; import org.simantics.scl.compiler.constants.SCLConstant; import org.simantics.scl.compiler.internal.codegen.continuations.ContRef; import org.simantics.scl.compiler.internal.codegen.references.BoundVar; import org.simantics.scl.compiler.internal.codegen.references.Val; import org.simantics.scl.compiler.internal.codegen.references.ValRef; import org.simantics.scl.compiler.internal.codegen.ssa.SSABlock; import org.simantics.scl.compiler.internal.codegen.ssa.SSAFunction; import org.simantics.scl.compiler.internal.codegen.ssa.SSAStatement; import org.simantics.scl.compiler.internal.codegen.ssa.binders.ValRefBinder; import org.simantics.scl.compiler.internal.codegen.ssa.statements.LetApply; import; import gnu.trove.set.hash.THashSet; public abstract class StatementBrowser { THashSet visited; THashMap loopPos; SSAStatement fromStatement; SSABlock fromBlock; boolean stopBrowse = false; protected void stopBrowse() { stopBrowse = true; } public boolean isStopped() { return stopBrowse; } /** * Browses all statements that are potentially executed * between from and to. */ public void browseBetween(SSAStatement from, SSAStatement to) { SSABlock toBlock = to.getParent(); if(from.getParent() == toBlock) { for(SSAStatement cur = from.getNext(); cur != to; cur = cur.getNext()) { if(cur == null) dominationError(); visitStatement(cur); if(stopBrowse) return; } } else { for(SSAStatement cur = to.getPrev(); cur != null; cur = cur.getPrev()) { visitStatement(cur); if(stopBrowse) return; } visited = new THashSet(); fromStatement = from; fromBlock = from.getParent(); loopPos = new THashMap(); loopPos.put(toBlock, to); browsePredecessors(toBlock); } } private void browseBetweenRec(SSAStatement to) { SSABlock toBlock = to.getParent(); if(fromBlock == toBlock) { for(SSAStatement cur = fromStatement.getNext(); cur != to; cur = cur.getNext()) { if(cur == null) dominationError(); visitStatement(cur); if(stopBrowse) return; } } else { for(SSAStatement cur = to.getPrev(); cur != null; cur = cur.getPrev()) { visitStatement(cur); if(stopBrowse) return; } loopPos.put(toBlock, to); browsePredecessors(to.getParent()); } } private void browsePredecessors(SSABlock block) { for(ContRef contRef = block.getOccurrence(); contRef != null; contRef = contRef.getNext()) { browse(contRef.getParent().getParent()); if(stopBrowse) return; } } private void browse(SSABlock block) { if(!visited.add(block)) return; if(block == fromBlock) { for(SSAStatement cur = fromStatement.getNext(); cur != null; cur = cur.getNext()) { visitStatement(cur); if(stopBrowse) return; } return; } if(loopPos.contains(block)) { handleLoop(block, loopPos.get(block)); return; } for(SSAStatement cur = block.getFirstStatement(); cur != null; cur = cur.getNext()) { visitStatement(cur); if(stopBrowse) return; } browsePredecessors(block); if(stopBrowse) return; if(block.getPrev() == null) { SSAFunction function = block.getParent(); if(function == fromBlock.getParent()) dominationError(); Val functionTarget = function.getTarget(); if(functionTarget instanceof BoundVar) browseFunction((BoundVar)functionTarget, function.getArity()); else dominationError(); } } private static void dominationError() { throw new InternalCompilerError("Statement 'from' does not dominate the statement 'to'."); } protected void browseFunction(BoundVar function, int arity) { for(ValRef cur = function.getOccurrence(); cur != null; cur = cur.getNext()) { ValRefBinder binder = cur.getParent(); if(binder instanceof LetApply) browseApply((LetApply)binder, cur, arity); else unanalyzedBrowse(); if(stopBrowse) return; } } private static final Name BUILD = Name.create("Prelude", "build"); private static boolean callsOnlyOnce(Name name, int arity) { if(name == BUILD) return arity == 1; else return false; } protected void browseApply(LetApply apply, ValRef functionRef, int arity) { ValRef applyFunctionRef = apply.getFunction(); if(applyFunctionRef == functionRef) { if(apply.getParameters().length == arity) browseBetweenRec(apply); else unanalyzedBrowse(); } else { Val applyFunction = applyFunctionRef.getBinding(); if(!(applyFunction instanceof SCLConstant)) { unanalyzedBrowse(); return; } Name name = ((SCLConstant)applyFunction).getName(); if(callsOnlyOnce(name, arity)) browseBetweenRec(apply); else unanalyzedBrowse(); } } protected void unanalyzedBrowse() { } protected void visitStatement(SSAStatement statement) { } protected void handleLoop(SSABlock block, SSAStatement recursiveStatement) { for(SSAStatement cur = recursiveStatement; cur != null; cur = cur.getNext()) { visitStatement(cur); if(stopBrowse) return; } } public boolean doesAlwaysReach() { for(SSABlock block : visited) for(SSABlock successor : block.getExit().getSuccessors()) if(!visited.contains(successor)) return false; return true; } }